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Show 8, 1958 TheJOURNAL-Ap- nl For Sale page 6 Real Estate For Sale iOP SOIL, fill dirt, band and el, will haul or load. Tall vin Mcl-- i 'I A Jiiqui-s- tf 2501 UL WOOL, lumber, lurt ami small boxes, strap lumber and Kindling. Small utility buildings built to order, new location. 0,d Navy Hae Yard, 1 mile east of highway 91. on Navy Syra-- ' (U'H road. SKI) 67-- BUSINESS DIRECTORY M.FALK ban, Phone 3 tf -1- 2-12 hay and straw, in the1 in John K! Farmington, s. Kaysvil'e.' -- 13t COMPLETE coverage yeur field . . FOR RICH INN See World Book WILSON'S BOOK -- STEAKS -- CHICKEN Encyclopedia Before You Buy Phone TA STORE TECHNICAL and Business Hooks. PHONE EM - SANDWICHES tf HAMBURGERS, Etc. I tf. MONUMENTS . Stones of All Kind Engraved RE-WEAVI- . Expert Craftsmanship REWEAVING SERVICE Reweaving Rehnitting, Mending, Alterations on All Fabric' Mail orders given special I.et us do your Cemetery Woik All Work Guaranteed MAGIC attention. Bountiful Memorial Art Shop 203 Ness Building Salt Lake City, Utah Phone EM Bountiful, Utah Phone AX 2010 South Main 1S1G CAROLS REWEAVING SERVICE BEAUTIFUL repair on worn and damaged clothing. QUICK and Satisfactory servCLEARFIELD . . . 30 South Main CLEARFIELD, UTAH PHONE TA . - STUDIO OLSEN CHEVROLET CO. I.il East 500 North, Kaysville 646 N. Main, Layton Phone 797-for Appointments Portraits, Weddings, Phone Commercial Kays. 690; Clearfield Sam Young and Ed Stromberg Special Genealogical Prices 638!) Fire - Auto - Liability 3s Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Radio and Television Repair NO parts put in that arent jlVERY job guaranteed LOANERS to use for Non-Drinke- rs AUTO INSURANCE STEPHENS & 0 SET T (00 tough to fix Call FLANDRO AGENCY Bountiful AX Lava and Cement Blocks, All Types 8izes and Colors, Ineluding Split Blocks, and Ratio, Clothes Line Boles. $16.50, Light $12,750.00. Real Estate For Sale 35-5- Davis County Realty and Construction CONTRACTOR - - -4- -3 For Rent For Rent II -4-- e, . 3 IMHOFF REALTY 10-2- 4 newly-decorate- Small J. 3 FALKNER -- 3-- J. LOYD UNDERWOOD GENERAL CONTRACTOR 39 Villa Drive Clearfield Phone TAylor 7286 SERVICES OFFERED 27 PHONE 1040 LAYTON, UTAH -4-- It 3 56 CUSTOM HOUSE BUILDING -3-- 27 -3-- 27 BASEMENTS POURED 3 Auto Insurance A better insurance plan for careful drivers! Ask-Va- lley A 3- radio-phon- North Main Kasille, I'tah 7252 tf. 4-- 3 SPECIALTY e -2-- 27 9XK-.- Insurance GARAGES 7 1 YES, WE HAVE A FEW REMAINING "RANCHO SUBURBAN -3 Lost sis Dioosn 0707-R3- BROWN leather wallet, initials 7291 It on outride, identification and an AC chauffeurs license. Please reCUSTOM WORK, plowing, manure turn to 250 No 1st W., Kaysville GLUTS an export at housework Contact loading, landscaping. She uses Glaxo plastic type linoIVter-o- n Apartments No. 4. ReStan Adams, Lavton, Ctah leum coating. Ends ward offered. Phone n000-Rwaxing. - It. 7290 Lumber, Layton, Utah. 71683-14t 3 deWhen land productivity creases, the city resident is the first to tighten his belt. Netting The Scientists Bookshelf. - It -3 OR SPLIT STONE IF YOU DESIRE ONLY 3 VACUUM CLEANERS - repaired, reconditioned, replaced, new or accepted. Ihone ued, trade-in- s tre. Stays clean longer. HUnter TAylor Lumber. Layton. Utah. 698-Kaysville Kays. 0902-R.7296 It -- 4t 72023-1- NO FOREIGN substance remains in a rug cleaned with Blue Lus- Total Tri-Stat- 3 3 When the signals sound For Sale, Trade Total FOR SALE OR TRADE Harry Volte Model Electric Guitar would trade for good childrens Ihone to act as horse lists at $175.00. I!) Herb Smart liv- Appliance bet-Ite- slOJSOoo Price WITH ONLY Kaysville Civil Defense 0 and at n-o- Kaysville Every person and Sturdy, in a possible target area ( ar Top Luggage Carriers $14.95, ing should be trained to act instantH Open Evenings and Saturday the public warning when ly Carlson Hrickcrete Co. ounds. Tins applies especially 1200 So. State o the family at home as well CLEARFIELD, UTAH as people at work and chilPHONE TA li en at school. M Every person 7100 -- tf hnuld know the official civil lefen-- e instructions for action PLENTY of test equipment to L. V. in tin7 event of an attack. any job The members of yur family SERVICE in Clearfield, Local Pick have only a limited time and may Up Delivery Kaysville to take pioterlive measures if Washer Repair 4 years in the same lo OVER m attack should come. That is Small Appliances why it is important to plan EVER a grouchy attitude Lawnmower Sharpening viiat to do ahead of time and jj to practice doing it. If your city and Repair has an evacuation plan and CALL TA 57 Villa Drive here is sufficient warning time IF NO ANSWER to get people out of town, your Utah Clearfield, KAYSVILLE 314-hance.s of survival will be r NELSON THOMPSON TV Phone TA if your family knows what M4.00 ue 59 fn?nnL l. Clearfield PHONE TA See Us for All Your Insurance JNAPPY Needs! 183 No. Main, Clearfield ONLY name brand tubes used service -3-- 27 Tri-Stat- Reduced Rates For Information GOLDEN ACRES LAYTON We have listed 2 very nice 4Gj room brick, att.' garage homes in Golden Acres. Both have large lots and are well landscaped. Drop in our office and let us give you the details and show you these homes. Wanted 7295-4- At . . . $11,500.(10, 28 -4-- Photos by A. I1AMMON to 30 and the price is only 4 BEDROOMS 3 year old 4 CLEARFIELD bedroom home with 1260 sq. ft. of liveable area. Carpeting and drapes remain in the living room. Located on Birch St. LAYTON LOVELY 3 EXCELLENT bedroom frame, extra large garage with enough room for car and plenty of work space. Fireplace in the delightful living room. An excellent val- -3-- 27 Portraits by 5s CRESTWOOD 5 $14,050. IN WEST POINT 3 BEDROOM frame on 00 x 150 ft. lot. Only 2 years old 16-- Phone AX 6-- Life 50x172 7 Subsoiling, Land Leveling Grading Around Homes a Specialty R. F. I). No. 1, Kaysville, Utah Phone 0793-R- 1 ARTIFICIAL to Breeding DRINKING PROBLEM? Proven Sires from Cache Val2ALL Alcoholics Anonymous Phone ley Breeding Assn. or Kays. 311 (Bountiful Group). No dues Boun. AX or fees. The only requirement or Clearfield is the sincere desire to Stop 50 tf. Drinking. (It works.) Phone AX Group meetings held at the Court House in NOTICE Farmington every Wednesday night at 8 p. m. Open meetings held the last Wed- OPEN UNTIL !) P. M. FOR nesday of each month. AuxYOUR CONVENIENCE iliary also meets same night Olsen Insurance Agency dou- ft. lot. Close to shopping district. An excellent home for a retired couple or a young couple just starting out. Priced at only $5250. garage, & Insurance Co. Layton Realtor 378 N. Main Ph. Kays. 735 or TA Clearfield Office, 30 S. Main TA Rob. Mitchell 50-Joe Neville 259 Geo. Mitchell EX Tri-lev- 3 DO YOU HAVE A Insurance Counseling n. South Kays- ville. FINE manure and top soil for lawns nad gardens, delivered, HERE IS A bedroom Brick with drive under garage that ... Phone EX ad-be. for. occupancy in 2 weeks. Spacious kitchen with 7155 tf. natural Knotty pine cabinets, colored Bath fixtures with ceramic tile around tub Ceramic tile window sills thruout. Wardrobe 1955 FORI), 4 door, heater and 't !k hnen closet in bath. All improvements over drive and low mileage, in and paid including chain link fence across rear lot line Total $1,050.00 will arrange financing aa a down000'00 Wkh KUA terms Which can phone 7229 2t. OTHER P'ans available including a 3 bedroom brick for 2 SHARES watei home is now under construction. Come out and RELIABLE WOMAN New Survey genercompare price and quality. All name brand materials and No 1 al work nursing home from 10 rigation Go. Kaysville lumber. 437-.to 7, $150.00 per month, Address Larger plans available $14,400.00 and $14,700.00. 67 E. Center, Kaysville. Phone 721- 2tf. NEED more room for living and 13. W have a storage. new 3 bedroom BEDROOM brick in Cre&twood, Brick with brick 7224 2t. and full basement nearly completed Krage TRADE. SALT LAKE $15,500 includes L shaped living room and Carpeting, dinette, kitchen with eating space 2 bedroom home. Carpet, ga' electric drapes, range, refrigerahized a11 Wlth 0t fonr n 'on"11' improvements CLEARFIELD tor, disposal. Call Kays. 430. I HA terms. girl for household rage, covered patio. Large chain 7214 2t. work, 7:15 A. M. to 8:15 approxi- link fenced yard. Trade for this TA Phone mately; sell with small down DAVID BRADLEY garden tractor 7240-- 4-3 - 2t area, or payment. with the following attachments, wheel weights, plow, harrow, cuWANTED Will pay eash for lot NO DOWN PAYMENT 175 South Main, ltivator, snow blade, in good conLayton ill Kaysville, Layton or ClearFor with good credit dition. Phone Kaysville 432, 400 Phone Kaysville 700-No ; If field. Minimum of 75 feet front- and can buyer Answer Phone I00-Crestwood Road, Kaysville. pay larger monthly payC. C. TICE, Realtor on improved street. Call Bill age 7249 2t Sanders at Kavsville 1138 or ment for awhile, excellent 2- SANDERS REALTY, Phone TA bedroom home, Clearfield. Bet- BEDROOM home at 86 Ronald 7285 3 tf. ter hurry this is a good one. avenue, Layton, completely redecorated and nearly furnished. FOR RENT Has new Ref rig. and Washer, and bath, nicely furR N IS II E D 3 room house, auto- 3 quiet neighborhood, large fenced MARVELOUS Innovation Air ROOM COU-PA FOR APT., yard, attached garage. Immediate Power Brush, fits all tank or nished for couples who want the matic washer, garage space, 59 stove and Frige., utilities, best. occupancy, lease preferred. See Church Street. Layton, Utah. canister type vacuum clean296 So. I.akeview Drive, Clearthis lovely home and make me Phone Kaysville 602-R- . ers, no motor, patented, guarTA field, Will also consider your offer. anteed. Write for literature, 7254 It. 6468 tf selling furnishings (terms), for man or woman wanted to 3 1045 Phone ROOMS and bath, unfurnished appointment. Kays. demonstrate. Preco Products ALMOST new Phone TA after 4:00 p. 111. or inquire at apt. range and refrig., Apt. Fur Distributor, 265 South Main, nished, 855 Valeria Drive, Wasatch Hts., utilities include bath, hardwood floors, call 75 N. Main, Clearfield Utah. Sunset, Phone 686-Jim and Kays Mo -Mrs. Stevens at 82-Layton, Utah. 7248 Farming-ton- , It. tel. 7288 2t. 163 So. 2nd E. FarmUtah, 7068 t' ington, Utah. 7241 2t. 6 ROOM home with an acre of ground, drapes, venitian blinds, Apartments, 1 mostly 3 ROOM duplex apt., for rent on Located in drapes, gas heat. Hill Field Road, linoleum on furnished, other unfurnished. Syracuse, good terms, over a Both on main floor with bathroom, kitchen and utility, private long period of time if necessary. entrance and baths. S. B. Stuc-k- i, others hardwood, recently rePhone TA 309 East 1st North, Kaysville, decorated, $53.00 per month. S -7233 2t. Phone 63-R. Corbridge, RFI) No. 1, Lay-to7255-- 4-3 Utah. It ONE palomino mare for sale, 7228-3- -27 -- 2t and very good for children, call 726-furnished Apt., with bath7210 2t. room and screened porch, utiliMY EQUITY in a 57 model 2 bedties furnished, laundry room with mobile home, built room, washer and 111 Kavsville tubs, LAWN MOWER Grinding, comNo. 2nd W. Phone 2ii-in automatic washer, air conretractor overhaul and plete ditioner, phone TA 7222 2t pair service. Stott and Sandall 7244 tf 01 Gross St., Layton. Phone 372 3 LARGE room apt. utilities furn4933 10 ACRES tf ished except Irrigated Land, 1G lights, completely miles north of Layton. Phone furnished washer available, EuWE SHARPEN all 1297-tools, Kays. cutting gene Reed. 719 E. Gentile, Lay-to- It. home, garden shop. Bosch Saw 7284 Phone 916-home aftei Shop, Church St. and Gordon 4:00 pan. 7212 2t. WHEEL utility trailer, dining Phone 1047-Ave., Layton; room table and buffet to match 5578-1-- 31 tf. 2 BEDROOM hutne on Hiway 89, Phone Farmington 120-J- . between Kaysville and Layton 7215 It. WILL SUPPLY and haul fill dirt Call Kays. ltd). also haul cement, sand and grav11 END IX ECONOMAT. auto wash7283-- 4-3 el, road gravel and top soil. IRA er $75 01), $15.00, EGBERT. Phone J. Kavsvilb B.iby Scales $5.00; phone Kays0802-J1- . 7136 tf 104 Idaho St., Layton, ville Utah. GARDEN PLOWING ami custom 7209 3 It. work done with Rototiller. Gall JUNIOR MISS will rate a kissj Virgil Hohman at 269 South 700 Utah. from I) id for avinjj iloujrh by East, Clearfield, TA 72003-17t wa.shijitf sweaters in Knit Lure, HOMES THAT ABSOLUTELY CANT BE BEAT FOR VALUE Latn Dept. Store, Layton. Utah. ORCHARD Airblat Spraying. - It sprayer operator licensed 7293 State Board of Agricul KKU used anything like it, turn. For information Call or users of Blue Lustre foi Contact George L. Talbot, Kays. ville (loaning carpet. Young Furni7169-3- -13 ture. Sunset, Utah - 5t 7 0- ble owner of this lovely 2 bedroom frame, 3 rooms finished in the Full Basement, home located on Aircraft Ave., Lay-toTotal price only $10,750. 3 BEDROOMS 2 CAR GARAGE .NEW listing on this 3 bedroom brick, double garage, landscaped lot. Jarmarl Acres, Clearfield. Spic and Span throughout. Buy out the present owners equity and take over the existing GI loan. NO at LOAN COST. Priced 77 720-- J 280 Barbara Ave. LAYTON, UTAH IN FARMINGTON OLDER :iu, room shake, $450.00 DOWN $450. down plus closing cost and you can be the proud 3-- lk SHOP Excavations Large or Bulldozing Work TA 0-- You Can Park Your Car or Your Camus FREE! Trees Removed Electrical Contracting and Repairs Kays. No Meiers ITS A BEAUTY CLEARFIELD One year-ol- d 3 bedroom brick, full lot. basement, landscaped Beautiful drapes to remain in the living room. Chain link fence. Drop in our office anytime to see this home youll love it. Barlow Realty 410-- J - Gravel Pit Open to Public 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. T & N ELECTRIC Leads the way by using only of PROVEN the upper 2 SIRES of each breed for cows that LOOK BETTER SELL HIGHER, and MILK MORE. Call Sam Taylor TA if no answer call EXport tf. 5043 REALTY - Saturday YOU WANT THE BEST, FORGET THE REST CALL SANDERS St. 1235 South State. 5s TOP SOIL, Clearfield, Phone TA sandy or heavy, also SandersParkin Kays. fill and road gravel, peat hj StarkeyJackson Ogden EX sack or yard, will load, also deliver. Pettit. Phone TA at MORRYS! 7161-- 3-6 tf. THE FOLLOWING homes are located at 50 West 250 in Sewer - Water Septic Tanks Gravel, Sand, Fill and Topsoil Delivered IF Artificial Breeding American Breeders Service 7177 200-- ONLY $S2.0.00 for this 2 B. R. frame, large L. II. with nice fireplace, detached garage, in Kaysville. You can buy this home for as little as $500.00 down and monthly payments of $t;i.oo includes taxes and Ins. $10,750.00 and you can own this lovely 2 B. R. brick in Golden! Acres, Layton. Very convenient for Hill Field. Large lot and it is beautifully landscaped. Low down payment FHA. OU beat this? Lovely 3 B. R. brick with yAN large L shaped1 L. R., carport and utility room all for only $14,500.00. You can assume GI loan with reasonable down payment or can be refinanced. located on Crestwood Road, Kaysville. $10,800.00 for this brick home, in excellent condition and already appraised FHA for the selling price with only $450.00 down plus loan cost. Garage has been converted to family room, nice storage shed in the lovely fenced back HERE is one of the nicest 2 BR. homes in Kaysville. yard. L. R. carpeted, drapes, large nicely landscaped lot 78x150 feet., attached gaiage, back yard fenced with patio that you can enjoy these summer (we Hope) evenings . . . Priced at $13,400.00 and can financed with minimum down payment F1IA. B frame home on a large lot on Angel Street, lull basement with 14 bath and attached garage, plenty of space for the garden with enough lawn left to mow. L. R. carpeted and the home is in perfect condition. SEE this Luxurious 3 B.R. home L.R. and all B.R. carpeted, large kitchen with built in refrigerator, range, dishwasher, bronz colored cabinets, large dining space, room, bath and half on main floor, utility7 rm, basementfamily that can be as rental unit, double garage and barn lot 150 x 157 feet. used Call for details on this wonderful buy. MAKE US an offer as to down payment on this nice 5 room name home in Iyton, back yard completely fenced and out-,- e covered patio. Excellent location and the full price is only $!),i.i0.00. 4 Excavation Basements Rain Gutters Metal Awnings 2-- KAYSVILLE DEON W. STUART Furnace Installations . Service . . . Cleaning AND LOAN CO. Catering Service for Your Convenience South Main BOUNTIFUL Phone Kaysville 410 Layton Contracts. SERVICE MORTGAGE RANGING, PLANTING, AND PRUNING of EVERGREENS, 724 and SHRUBS. TREES, EAST 2nd NO., KAYSVILLE, UTAH, Ill ONE 554-- 4R 12 Bill's Sheet Metal Equipment, Auto Loans. . BARBER Liability . . 458 Furniture Estate Auto Rhone Clearfield TA Loan on Equities in Home We Buy Real . . Deliciously Diffeient Ice Cream Punch and Pastries MORRYS . . . Bonds! LOANS FOR ALL NEEDS Estate SMITH BLDG. CLEARFIELD, UTAH Fire . . . The natives or the poorest Tourist are at home We need Meter Maids to Manicure the Men at VERN M. SMITH 202-20- 3 tf. 4-- tf. 6 INSURANCE ice. 1!)!) Ross Drive, Clearfield, Utah. Rea) the one stop for all your eating pleasure . . . . UK. V CHIPS KISH 7905 IP! East Second South Salt Oike Citv 1, Utah Plant Stark Worlds Record Rearing Trees, True to name. Rear 2 to 3 years sooner, live longer, Bear Finer Fruit, ami Grow The Finest Dwarf Trees in the U. S. A. Starks since 115. R. FAI.KNER 10 So. 2nd West Kaysville, Ptah Phone 168-- J or 1040 Layton, Ptah. - It 71il Real Estate For Sale Real Estate tor Sale grav- to do and is trained -25-7250 It i unit. Let us suppose that your family is at home when you neighborhood warden who is a hear the signal. The following member of the Civil Defense things should lie done. Decide organization. In Kaysville, call now who is to do them so that Charles A. Rietz, 50.5 East First each can practice his part in South for utilities or the utility the job in advance. incompany for emergency 1. Make one member of the structions regarding utilities. I. Turn off or disconnect all family responsible for giving nders for rounding the other heating including appliances, members of the family and get- toasters, irons, gas or electing them started on their emer- tin' stoves or hot plates which might cause fires if upset. gency task without delay. -- . Turn on your radio, tune Close all doors on your coal rito station 6 in or 12 In KC burning furnace or wood burnthese dial settings are your ing stove if in use, shut off hannels for official Civil De- feed line valves from oil tanks, fense information and instruc- turn off the blower motor of oil tion. If you are not sure what burner, smother open fires in the signa means, this is the fire place with sand and close fastest way to find out. the chimney damper. 3. ( heck now with your b.ialj (Continued next week) $45Qoo Down INCLUDING ALL LOAN COSTS Yes, indeed, if jou have been waiting for good weather or have hesitated because of Recession talk, you had better forget both or risk being left out on an opportunity to own a home your own lovely home. .... Its early to say hut our week-en- d sales program MAY feature lower down payments. MUCH LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS to aid you, the Home buyer, in obtaining a home. Stop out and see us for more details at our Model Home, l'2 miles north of Downtown Layton on Hiway 91. Were Open From 1 P. M. Every I)av v Simmons & Wiherg Construction 81 NORTH MAIN PHONE 181 LAYTON |