Show FARRAR FAR KAit the funeral services over the remains of father roger boger farrar who died on tuesday morning last june ath was held in the provo meetinghouse appropriate ay iy cate remarks were made by elders 0 H berg r g president H H cluff and bishops J W loveless and J P R johnson in bearing the remains from the residence to the meetinghouse six of the grandsons of deceased acted as the pall bearers roger farrer was born near ken dale count county i of I 1 anding I 1 and ath 1795 9 at the a age ie e of 25 years he was married to 0 catharine at hn hadwin adwin by whom he had two sons william and james in ira 1826 his wife died and about three years afterwards he married mary stubbs who bore him two sons and three daughters in 1841 he was baptized into the clerch of jesus christ ol 01 latter day saints by elder parkinson and in the fall fal I 1 of 1842 with his family embarked at liverpool on bourd the ship Rin emerald erald for america Americal parley Parley P pratt being the president of the e company on december 26 they arrived in new orleans orle ans and proceeded to nauvoo the gathering place of the saints where he remained about three years and until the saints were expelled he moved to the town of garden grove iowa from there lie he crossed the plains and arrived in salt lake city in september ML 1851 after living there one year ear he removed to provo where he resided t till ill th the e ti time of his dhati brother farrar has for many years held the office of high priest and ever been truo true and faithful to the gospel shortly before tie he died he bore testimony to the divinity of the mission of joseph smith exhorting those around him to be faithful he leaves four sons and many grand and great grandchildren provo enquirer HALL at ashley uintah county utah on mayroth may ath IM 1887 of inflammation of the bowels elder mark moroni hall deceased was the son of joshua C and sally A hall and was born at little pigeon pottawatomie county iowa on august ad 1851 in company with his parents he moved to weber county utah in 1852 and lived in Huntsy We in that county for many years Inthe in the fall of 1878 he removed with bis family to ashley valley and was among the first settlers in that vicinity and endured the hardships and privations incident to establishing now new settlements in 1879 he assisted assip ted in forming a sunday sunda scho school 1 in the ward in which he be resided aa and wase hosen to be its first superintendent which position he occupied until his bis death on the ath of may 1887 he was ordained a high H gh priest and set apart as a counselor to bishop merrill of the mountain dell ward the funeral occurred on wednesday june 1887 the stake presidency and other leading brethren of the uintah take cdake were present and testified of the usefulness fessand and honorable character of the he de ceased he leaves a wife three children and an aged mother and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his early departure thus he be has gone to his rest leavin leaving behind him the reeo reco rd of a good man ali a land nd father and loving husband a faithful and exemplary latter day saint OOM COX ogden herald |