Show Hon honoring oringa a veteran 0 A correspondent writes from washington utah june as f follows yesterday june ath being president henry heary herrimans herremans Herri mans natal day the people of washington turned out en masse to give him a surprise they assembled at bishop marcus bunks funks and marched from there to the house of our worthy veteran then bishop funk called the assembly to so or derand the sunday school choir sang a very appropriate piece the bishop spoke a short time principally on father her crimans past life he has spent over 62 years laboring in the church and has filled many important missions elders francis boggs and samuel hardy each spoke a short time the latter is a cousin to president herriman hernman both spoke of the batters faithfulness to the church then the good sisters spread a bountiful picnic and when all had bad eaten their fill president herriman addressed the company thanking all for their kindness although he is eighty three years of age be still has health and strength and is as firm in the f faith aith as ever |