Show MINIS TUTORs OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N NOTICE in in pursuance of an order of the probate court of the county of salt lake utah territory made on the day of may A t 1 1887 in the matter of the estate of williams deceased the under signed the administrator of the said estate will sell a at private sale to the highest bidder for cash and subject to confirmation by the said probate court on or after friday il iy ay the 1 th day of june A D 1887 all the light T h title t il e interest it ert er t and estate of the said the 0 h I 1 u williams vill 1 al deceased at the timo time oe hi his death and all the right title and interest that the said estate has haa by the 0 ope elation of law or otherwise acquired otter other tian than or in addition to that of the said in intestate at the time of his death in and to all that certain lot gie piece e or parcel of land situ situate ite lying and na being ng i in n salt lake city county or of salt lake territory of utah and particularly described as follows to wita portion of lot five 5 in block sixty three 63 described and bounded as fol 01 ol lows commencing at the northwest corner of said lot thence east twelve 13 12 rods thence south ten 10 rods thence west twelve 12 rods thence north ten 10 rods 10 0 the place of beginning containing in all one hundred and twenty square rods of ground as plotted in plot A salt bait lake city survey terms of sale cash bids bide or offers brust be in writing and left at the residence of john P isaac west wes first north street salt lake city and may be made at any time before the day of sale dated june 1887 JOHN P ISAAC administrator of said estate wat |