Show WHAT MAKES THE difference ENCE THE st louis industrial gazette publishes an article is in regard to what frequently constitutes toe the difference in the situation of one workman and another the views expressed are so correct and sensible and susceptible ib le to a considerable degree of local application that we here present a copious extract one workman will work at the same thing as another will receive the same pay and his conditions so far as health and family are concerned may be eual but theone the one has the confidence of those with whom be deals while the other does not one can get credit when lie he asks tor for it and it is extended to him willingly while the other is either refused outright or the conditions are made so particular that be feels as though it was a favor grudgingly given the one is as able to pay as the other and the one on may be as willing to pay as the other when he has the money but there is a difference the one gets a helping hand band whenever he be needs it the oher ot her must muse we might say go begging for credit aach each in his way may be a good enough mao man 1 is not the man that makes the difference out his bis methods the one is industrious works at whatever he can find to d do 0 at whatever wages he can caa get if low he works along until an opportunity 0 opens p eus to do better if good he be tries to earn eard the money so that he may be able to retain his bis place knowing that his employer cannot aard afford to give him work unless he be can realize a fair per cent of profit by su so doing and he tries so far as he be is able to make each days work profitable to his employer he pays his bis debts when he has the money and does not spend more than he mabeb bakeis only in emergencies which when pass passed edhe be makes up lor for as soon as possible os by industry and economy ab the other is industrious and will an and Is able to work but will not work unless he can get what he considers a fair price if work in his bis particular line is scarce he will lost loaf around and grumble at the hard times rather than accept chances to work at something else at less wages yet he must live and so must his family they must have a sufficient supply of food every day whether he works or loafs it if ahe he cambot secure work at wages that will support his bis family as he torild like doing half as well is fa better than doing nothing and ruining raining his bis credit besides it maybe may be all well enough to say 11 will pay when I 1 get work so long as you refuse to work at what other men equally as good accept any man knows that your chances oi of being able to pay are diminished that much it is not good policy for any man to under bid another workingman no honest man objects to a workingman accepting all he can get in return for his labor but bat we all have the right to trust arnst a man farther who shows a willingness to work at whatever he can get rather than remain in idleness because he be is not able to secure work at we might say his own price it is not only necessary if you maintain your credit t to 0 be willing to pay your debts debts e when yott yon can but in addition be b willing to earn the money to pay them wherever an opportunity is offered even at what may seem low prices better to work at low prices and and make at least part of your living irving then than to be in idleness and be b obliged to go in debt for the support of yourself land and family |