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Show T I 88 lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 6, 1983 'Mrt'ti u& ' si ;h ' io W T SjJFrap o a 3v 4' 4 ' LaCio , 77 ' ' s v 'WSX ,fSk Lvyt 7vi f l 'V i$ S"V"'v s . v':.':,. fcn ? v - 7 Tv AV ' 'A f. , 1 j :; i 41 &&&&$ f?, ' . Jtr iA v i. - y V' ; , ) , .7 V:aAi .. , f:54i . k Mill . il -- - . - By BARRY KAWA " M Review Staff plllll' ,f t Jg v .r 1 if From 1952 to 1965, the Syracuse road extending out over the Great Salt Lake was the p in place to harvest the country. These shrimp, which are used as feed in the tropical fish, mariculture and aquiculture industries, were harvested and sent worldwide by the Sanders Brine Shrimp Company of Riverdale. Due to the expense of freezing the shrimp and the increasing marketability of brine shrimp eggs, the company abandoned the Antelope Island operation in 1965. Now, 18 years later, the Sanders Company is back in the frozen brine shrimp business and currently harvesting on the yww- brine-shrim- iV island shores. It hasnt been good so far, said and manager Kenneth Allan. But July is the best month for gathering and quite a few are appearing. We used to get 80,000 pounds in 1965 and wed like to gather about the same this year. Allen said the reason for his company going back to Antelope Island is the demand that has built for the frozen product. The Sanders Company is planning to ship it to stores back east and several local pet shops have contacted Allen about carrying the product. .The San Francisco Bay area and a few lakes in Canada are the only other viable sources for brine shrimp in North America. Allen said the frozen and egg brine shrimp industry is particularly popular among home n aquarium owners. Its a food for fish, said Allen. The shrimp come from salt water so theres hot much chance of contaminating the fish tank. The small quarter inch size of the shrimp makes it the right size for fish. According to a report from part-own- Photos by Rodney Wright months from May to October. The tiny half-inc- h pinkish shrimp are a schooling species that can be seen in swarms of thousands drifting with the currents. In the early 1950s, the Sanders Company harvested along the Syracuse Road which now has been extended to Antelope Island. As the lake receded over the years, access to the lake from this road was no longer available. Airboats, which were used then, were launched from the Farmington Bay Bird Refuge. the current operation, ; In shrimp boats which Allen describes as a combination raft and seining net are being er I - - ?r"' a. 3i ' ,aH v I . Fup launched from the Antelope land Marina. Bring Your Birthday Party tor Mr. Steak jme in to Mr. Steak Restaurant after 4:00 p.m. on uur birthday, and we'll treat you to a FREE steak dmne. Your Happy Birthday Steak Dinner includes: On USDA Choice Cut Sirloin, crisp salad or soup, choice jt potato, bread ond beverage. There is absolutely no cost to you except the price of the gasoline it takes to get our restaurant. 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Dance Studio 393-504- ALL MAJORS WILL RECEIVE EXTENSIVE COMPUTER AND WORD PROCESSOR TRAINING EVEN DURING DIFFICULTTIMES. THE ALWAYS COMPUTER TRAINING 393-2SS- 3 indwonl M (xocewnaeiKwgiie 1 d IiJ aH ' I ' 'LJ I V 2478ft .Yashinston Without advertising, a terrible thing Clvd. 0n, UtcSi ( VS , "Uonodoy uomMoJauanoM wefid. TouT pracart tor oweoMOMcoraacin haUOllmt. accounting md oocupahons with bnQM andprohtabithAm. ;l r .f. X UU TWO CAMPUSES TO ftEMVf YOU Clcvcna ilzrzzr Cz.'.zz NOW REGISTERING PROVO SDsiGc3?Sod SECRETARIAL SlavwntHGnagsrtMN tram you with th Write for free informotion kit or coll our 24 hour. Toll free number: anddlpkxnM Road ho FMOWORKI ACCOUNTING & CoffvxXMf 393-255- T'C iwmww - WttlN6TCN OCDfN Ar w . fv ..XzmmtS:. (CoaCiftt fl TDLOiicgOiia a ii , r" Expires July 9, 1903 Ipresaat coupon whan i ordering. Not goad with D lony athw discauats. 1941 X fc.ss. ' SPECIAL OFFER a a n small tropical fish hatchery which he supplied the local pet shops and his friends with, recalls Sanders. He went out to- - , 'W a With this coupon huy any hmch and gaf tb D second lunch of equal at lass valua at half prf. 4. No other promotional offers or disc aunts may be used with this offer 1941 Washington Blvd. 3 Ogden COUPON D n u a 1983-8- 4 r and Gail Sanders, son of the founder of the company, the late C.C., Sanders, says the company started as a tropical fish hatchery in Roy in the late 1940s. My father had a WXW& ' u tion to your hast or hostess upon Is- Dan Andriano, fisheries manager of the Utah Wildlife Resources Division, points out that the proclamation allows anyone to go out to the lake and harvest the shrimp for noncommercial purposes. Section A. 5 of the proclamation states that, a weekly total of ten pounds of unwashed brine shrimp andor brine shrimp eggs may be taken by an individual for pur- poses. No fishing license is required to take the shrimp. w.i,q a o the warmer, calmer waters of Antelope Island is the reason for the heavy concentration of shrimp there. The water is shallow there, so it warms faster which causes a greater hatching rate, he said. The wind carries them into the backwater there and away from the - inflow of the lake. ", .. 07GAH rtf, i If '" i. '' , , Paul Sturm of the Utah State Geological Mineral Survey, said I Ty.' ii trr.Y-- v" . JbTh v' il poor shrimp egg production this year. . . Southern Pacific Causeway, thus equalizing the levels of the lake. Since this would also equalize the salinity of the lake, making the south end saltier, Sanders says this would benefit the brine shrimp egg industry which is dependent on a high salinity rate. He blames the high water " level of the lake and unseasonal weather causing cooler water temperatures as the reason for . high-protei- ip . most numerous during the , eiseppisJr the Great Salt Lake, collected some brine shrimp and tried them out as fish food. I think he was the first one to use shrimp out of the lake. When C.C. Sanders moved to Ogden in the early 50s, he took the fish hatchery business with him. The company ceased their tropical fish operation in 1967. Sanders is an avid supporter of the proposal to breach the Edwin Rawley of the Utah Department of Natural Resources, brine shrimp can be found in the lake at all seasons of the year. The report stated that they were 250 Wool Cantor 44001 5 Tl. (001) OQDEN 2381 additional information OrontAvo.-MO- 1101)34-77(- Call or write today for 1 |