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Show 2A lokeiide lek Audit 'Ply in inf me rtf' Reviow North, Wednesday, July 6, 1983 District supplied requested financial figures. Barney said the ly SHIILIY KANCITIS Review Cerretpendent WENDY STARK TRACY ATKINSON information was not in the form of an audit. Kay Bowen, an auditor hired A dispute between ROY Hooper Water District and Roy City over Roys annexation plans may go one more round despite what appeared to be a final decision by the Weber County Boundary Commission. Hooper Water District filed a protest with the commission over Roys plans to annex property within the Hooper Water District. Hooper Water District officials claimed that if Roy were allowed to annex the area and provide water service, the water district might be forced to default on its bond. On May 20, the Weber County Hooper Water District, stated he prepared some fcy Boundary Commission gave Roy two options which some commissioners believe will pro- tect the integrity of Hoopers bond and allow annexation by Roy. Both Hooper and Roy may challenge the decision in court. At a meeting of the Roy City Council, which was attended by Weber County Commissioner Roger Rawson, Robert Hunter, chairman of the commission, and Commissioner Boyd Storey, Councilman Lavar Smith said Hooper did not furnish a requested special audit to the boundary commission. He said Roy had furnished all requested JOLET OLSEN MICHELE WAITE Four Enter Competition For South Weber title SOUTH WEBER -F- our local ;young women will display their talents for the title of Miss South .Weber on July 9 at 7:30 at the .South Weber LDS chapel. ; They are: Tracy Atkinson, 17, daughter of Beverly and Frank ;White, 810 Cottonwood Dr., South Weber; Michele Waite, 17, daughter of Larry and Tekla .Waite, 7459 S. 850 E., South Weber; Wendy Stark, 17, daughter of Wayne and Linda Stark, 1675 !E. 7650 S., South Weber; and ;Jolet Olsen, 16, daughter of Joe and Norma Olsen, 1805 E. 7600 'S., South Weber. ; e The winner will go on to for the Miss Utah title. The Miss Ruffles and Blue ; com-pet- Jeans contest will be combined with the Miss South Weber pageant. There will be 12 conThe winners testants ages of both contests will reign over Country Fair Days August The Miss South Weber pageant will include a group 13-1- 5. 3. production followed by individual talent and gown competition. There will be swimsuit and per- sonal interview competition prior to the evening contest. The girls in the Miss Ruffles and Blue Jeans contest will have individual talent and shorts competition. Spillway Alleviates Danger at Hobbs Pond engineers inspecion and even in the remote case of a dam spill-wa- y An LAYTON breakage, the water would pipe recently installed at spread out before it hit the resiHobbs Dam in northeast Layton dential area. The repairs that are planned ;has alleviated any danger of the dam collapsing, reports Kays by the company are to build up ICreek Irrigation Company Pre- the earth dam wall and repair sident Woodrow E. Green. drains that normally prevent The company, which owns the the water filling to capacity 1,100 acre-foo- t reservoir, start- levels. Hobbs Dam, which was ed draining operations earlier built in 1919 and supplies irrigathis month after Green observ- tion water to local farmers, is ed some parts of the earth filled on the states list of high dam had slumped about five hazard dams. ,feet. Green blamed the heavy This list is composed of all tun-of- f and slow drains for dams located above residential the reservoir up to its areas and they are inspected capacity. for possible problems. 7 State Engineer Dee C. Hansen yearly should be reconsidered if ? " ; v V . s jNk 4 rfv-- Roy maintains the commissions decision is critical in determining whether orderly urban development occurs on its western border. Various Roy officials repeatedly asked who would develop the land if Roy is priced out of the area due to prohibitively high costs of development resulting from the commissions decision. ; Roy City Attorney Roger Dut-so-n emphasized that Roy is committed to protecting the integrity of Hoopers bonded indebtedness. He said the problem is , sion and suspicion which have characterized the proceedings. Hooper Water District Chairman Claude Dahl, Lloyd Barney, Weber County auditor and adviser to the boundary commission, and Ron Stephens, chairman of the boundary commission, said that Hooper Water 47775 - Rawson offered his own analysis. "You and I both know the issue is that you (Roy) want to make money off the water. As soon as I see there will be no default on Hoopers bond, then there is no problem. Smiths allegations have validiThis puts a fly in the ointment if it is true that Hooper Water District did not respond to the audit request. Hoopers insistence on receivUpon contacting officials in- ing more than its fair financial volved in the dispute, responses share for letting Roy provide were consistent with the confu- water to the area. ty. """ ceremony for Roy constructed at 1900 West be to Marketplace Plaza, Riverdale Road in Roy are Roy Mayor Jack Pierce and Irene dollar Harmon. The cake, a scale model of the Ron created Shorter, bakery by shopping complex, was manager of Harmon's North Ogden store. The plaza will encompass nearly 18 acres, with 225,000 square feet of retail space for 39 separate businesses, of which Harmon's will be the largest. It is expected to be completed by early 1984. SAMPLING cake at groundbreaking multi-milli- on Apparently reassured by the commissioners position, the Lakeside ffllevf ew more money on engineering studies related to construction of sewer trunk lines and pumping stations in the disputed Pubjished weekly and distributed FREE by carrier every Wednesday morning from Roy through North Salt Lake. Roy City Council voted to spend area. A Subsidiary of the Standard Corporation MARILYN L. KARRAS EDITOR G. LAMAR BOTT ADVERTISING DIRECTOR MEMBER Two Locations To Servo You 2146 N. MAIN, LAYTON, UTAH Thit is the Program that everyone is talking about! Many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for this. inch fabric swatches Complete color analysis including 800-fo- ot g ' charge. Within 15 days, if no contrary figures are presented, I think a decision should be made using Roys figures. We need to get this issue off dead center, concluded Smith. Rawson, who is also a member of the boundary commis-- . sion, agreed the May 20 decision Review Staff fil-liii- Dis- pers position. Rawson denied the financial data. By BARRY KAWA ) for Hooper Water work trict to present to the boundary commission, but refused to elaborate on the contents. Roy City Manager Richard Kirkwood said he has never seen the special audit Hooper says it presented. Lynn Wood, an auditor hired to prepare Roys special audit, also said he has never seen a special audit prepared for Hooper which details facts related to the annexation issue. I have seen a copy of Hoopers annual routine audit, said Wood. Roy officials also alleged the boundary commission appeared to show bias in favor of Hoo- PHONE or 3 ( f & & o s!mSp sj? p PHONE BOUNTIFUL, UTAH 298-11- 03 each in groups of three Gift Certificates Available Call Angie for Information and an Appointment . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ADVERTISING PUBLISHERS N. MAIN, 51 ,15 00 This and more in a single session for 4 145 in your color pallette Wardrobe planning including handouts Body analysis including handouts to help in selecting styles to compliment your figure. Face shape analysis to help in choosing hairstyles, glasses and necklines Cosmetic makeover with eyebrows tweezed, base makeup, eye makeup and lipstick in proper color and application. 776-49- 298-89- 16 0" y 292-659- 9 4? 0 '4? 0? 4? 4? 5? cj? 4? -- 4 4? 5 said the dams slumping created a very critical situa He said an evacuation alert had been issued to res! dents living below the dam located off highway 89 around ;tion. DO YOU HAVE A NEWS TIP 2500 N. Green said he hadnt slept well for two weeks until his company had lowered the water level of the reservoir. As of last .Friday, he estimates the water' d ;level of the dam has been 7 feet by releasing down o !the North Fork stream and will ;continue until it is completely it drained by September, i; As for the potential danger that was reported, Green down- ., low-ere- IS3vCin Q33G CALL YCIIQ All 4S3S)itF:H3D I r.;i Fresh Regular Stock Merchandise! No closeout Junk! asssfs&tSK- - (Mountains of Wicker Baskets, 50 w,. OFF) itnfl TTrlfy. SOLID BRASS CANDLESTICKS PLANTERS & LOG HOLDERS BALDWIN BRASS played Hansens extreme danger assessment. He said his Company was working to reduce the level even before the state Effective Date June 28-JuI- y 4 Todays Honey Rate 6 Months 1 A 1)170 1UbO0 $1,000 to $5,000 6 Months $5,000 to $10,000 10.62 SOLID BRASS COAT TREE 1 I BRASS WINE G03LET Reg. 12.00 Passbook AU me NOT SHOWN Ml mmenie BRASS Errin''' Brail Animals Brass Towsl Bara Brass Cants VWUliJJ cusRsons Brass Hooks Brass Vasss Brass Flrsplacs Tools too many omens TOMCMIWN. THRIFT ft LOAN MEW HOURS: MO-Si- Dan, )oiM mtaftd FOR NSW 107 Rsrth Filin, Ccuntiful MMlWWWIaO to Mm 50 wrmm OFF SAVIKS ACCOUNTS : m A tAlX GIFTS ALL AT LEA8T 2933353 OPEN 10 a.Ki. to 6 p.ms r.'.3n. thru Sat. MA i:Kii: 244.1141 ILaHiesMe Elevfiery |