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Show '4D Laktiida Rtview North, Wed Mar. 16, 1983 ILafeesMe V: LIVOLOI WINDOW HINDS GuaronteedLoweet Prices Ask about hritty Custom Line, levolor'i new lowest cost 20 30 60 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 .labor Jobs of Interest Sales 85 Jobs of Interest ' Secretarial 86' Jobs of Interest .Technical Skills 90 Situations Wanted 1 00 Child Core 6 Instruction 84 540 550 560 FINANCIAL 570 20 Business Opportunities 580 590 13Q Money to Loon 80 Peal Estate Contracts 600 610 BUSINESS SERVICES 620 630 70 80 lfl5 90 200 1 1 2 10 2V5 220 25 2 30 2$0 250 260 Acreage KAY SERVICE lable - honest tax pr- your 9 Tractor for Hire home, McKay. INCOME TAX PREPARATION 7 Custom tractor work rote state Service Tree-Shru- b covered. Computer processed and printed. Audit service included. Call Grant 546-055- 4 for appointment. GARDEN 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 Complete Tree Service Free Estimates 8 Call Tax returns prepared in your homo by CPA. Fast service,, for 9 reasonable. Cgll Typing appointment. Accurate, fast, tax returns, for families and &repared 0 Data Scribe processing, Typing, ward-dat- a 5 letters and forms" Sunset. Professional Typing, forme, tables, and computer sorts , Lots Recreation Property Mobile Homes LOCKSMITH All ttrvicM availably 7 4 pm. .Call aftr Water Proofing Manicurist Nail Tipe end wraps dona by Shellie. Call for appointment, 5 $20. comolete. smBBaBBBi Odd Jobs d Rentals 900 Autos for Rent 910 Heavy Equipment Unfurnished Apts & Duplexes 920 Auto Services Parts 4 Accessories Furnished Apts 3(jQ & Duplexes 940 Vons 950 Trucks 3 hO Houses 960 4 Wheel Drives 3 20 Sleeping Rooms 970 Sports Cars 330 Nursing Homes 340 Mobile Home for Rent 980 Imports 990 All Makes Mobile Home Parks Painting-Texturiiin- WANTED HOUSE PAINTING 30 Jab with Fortune 500 Cam in sales. Excellent For IntarierExterior, neat, fast, quality work dona at a reason3 . able price. Call Dan 30 -L- OST 8 FOUND Roto oppor-nif- y for self motivated parson to be independent. No experience necessary. Excellent monaybonuses. For appointment or interview 0 NEED MONEY? Sell Avan full Can earn 56 or or part-timmore an hour. Call 825-766Opportunity For Positive People! W are an of the fastest growing companies in America. We, have 100's of qualified loads in Ogden and S.L.C. and receive an average of 80 per ana Part-tim- e day. W Need People to service these loads, Experience in sales would be on advantage, but I will hilly train any person with the desire to sucoed. High earnings and a solid career opportunity is available with us. Call me today 621-74Georg May, Herbalifa 90 -S- ITUATIONS WANTED For Sal or Lease Reetaurant Complete turnkey operation Prim location. Inquire between noon and 10 p.m. 5 100 -- CHILD CARE in my ham rush. offer 6. or from $15., power tilling from lawn $25., raking results at prices. 3 Clearfield! near HAFB in any ote, Babysitting Layton area, toddlers and up. Early morning all Experienced Vochild care, Elemen-torages, near View Layton. 9 and teacher I'd lave te tend your children, all ages accepted, Clinton area, tall Licensed family day care, Mom would love children Layton to care for 3 weeks and older, home, Clearfield. General Professional Clean-u- p and Landscape-Weedinleveling, edging, trimming, prunning. raxing leaves, power raking, shrubs, flowerbeds, tap soil, retaining walls, haul trash, new sod or repairs, anything want for maintenance. Free Lsflmat. required. My 73-679- 1 Would lev to tend children ages infant to 4 years in my Clearfield home. OF INTEREST GENERAL sheltie. Lost in vicinity of 4000 Heme machine knitter! Are W., West Point. Answers to you interested in earning Casey, call anytime 544-488- 2 LAKESIDE REVIEW LOST-- 2146 No. Main 80-JO- or 2 -P- supervisors necesneeded. No experience sary. Paint crafts by Great fun. Make extra money. but were afraid to ask. Immediate openings men's Chorus. 392-- 779, Call Kathy Wo- 1 or refrigerator, thermopan 5 Large and fast growing Marketing Firm searching for full or part time candidates. Top part timer made $40,066 last year, pleas send resume to: rO box 3302, Ogden, UT 84409 Attem M. Baldwin. LOVED ONE SICK? R.N.'s l.P. N.'s Nursa Aides Companions Homo Care from 1 -- 24 hours. Medicare Reimbursed Call collect 484-616- 1 4 (1 2thHorri-son- ) fixed $49,900. No qualifying, closing costs or commissions. 2 pools, 2 bedrooms, fireplace, 1100 sq.ft, covered parking, air, laundry state area HfeVf: In volume,. .Juet completed SELECTION NOW Coma In today. ..(over 1 rat. o By Owner-1- . Layton Townhouse condominium, 3 bednew room, carpets, paint, intresfl Rents $35,500. 8- with positive cash flow. 773-62- assumable loan. B7g 3 $59,500 Commercial Potential list the features in Farmington home, new roof, 2 furnaces, attic fans, levolorr 1 00x141 yard and more. Call Myrna o featuring beauti- ful decor, creature terms and priced in 50's. Call Glerma 298-25- 1 tury 21 180 -- WEBER COUNTY in By Owner, Y,3 bedrooms, dining room, iV in Syracuse. 4 only firep- homo This fine bedroom home has had some remodeling, large lot, out buildings, animals, Coll Jackie 5 21 Smoot 0 workshop. Csntufy Extra ordinary 4 year rancher in E. Layton. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, largo family roam. Lots of extras. VA 12 assumable, 7 $110,000. Phone owner interest State Money avail- able. 5 down. Lots in Layton and Ogden. Stan Manning and 9 Hornet etarting Hurry te tee 4 plus bedrooms, at $49,900, large lot, new floor coverings, trees and low interest FHA you must look at our various 3 or plans. Call loan. Call Stan tury 21 Smoot New 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sunIV 825-8- 1 6 Cen- or 776-031- 4 Now In B. Layton, 1978 Ford F3S0 CrQwcab Stock 35S0 1978 Chv.' 8 300 ea. 1 . Chvtt rampler on fantastic view Tot. Homo Nearing comnow end pick Phone pletion. 544-339- 3 your colors. $78,900 Stock 160 7 RIDUCID $4400 to $45,300, 3 bedrooms, 2 bothrooms and largo family room with fireplace. Secluded yard .Low interest assumption. Call MARTIN 1970OMC 4x4 Pickup Stock 9 or J.D.S. Homesat tead Realtors. SACRIFICE, fully brick, 2 firep-lace- 6 bedrooms, den, mam floor family room and laundry, large fenced yord, shed, many xtrai. $85,000. VA Atsunv 266 N 1250 able at 5 W, Clearfield FARM HOME W have Lots and Will Build Glauser Construction 1007 T7 . or 8 1973 Chev. V2 1 With Here is a large family home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, other features clude: 1245 B'. or in- Stock sq. ft., carpets & drapes, 6" walls, kitchen appliances, cooler & skirting, delivery and set up within 50 $ miles, all for only... 1907 1979 Olds. Delta 88 24,900 Stock with less than 3307 4,000 down payments are less than 305 per month Weber FREEWAY Valley Cldsmfello Mobile Homes 1039 W. Riverdale Rd. "Onr Mazda 1 25 years of service, interity, CedIac end dependability!" 943 W. Riverdale 621-110- 546-256- 2 CGUITDEy The car of your choice better buy local dealer BIO Colorado "SPECIAL PURCHASE" ft First Security Timeway Auto Financing (Largest Selection Evarl) 00 New Xuberus to choose from) TREMENDOUS SAVINGS NOW! ssb NEW f PICK YOUR DISCOUNTS 1903 MO MONIY DOWN - SUBARU 44 QUESTION! UP TO 1 1 300 GO member me. financing, iuxt odd PICK YOUR PAYMENT A ETtat OsCTMtftty Timmeway Ofinmiplls Mtteireoil 1983 SUBARUS Why.. .can yaw laasa a new 1983 Subaru tor only 1600 Beautiful well equipped ty, wme with low mile, other off pw month ILsasn oGamcIaffd eqnnipimieiaG Amitt with full new cor warranare brond new! olhuDimlldl PICK YOUR PAYMENT LIASE 48 MONTHS t:3 fim 83 SUBARU ONLY Pd 4 DOM $140 mentis 60 month Anoncmo F E C U plan Normol down 346 ennvoi percentage rate. Add "ode equity of I 000-tea, Hcenie 4 preporotion or 1983 SUBARU WAGON SEDAN f C U finance pion on approved credit Amenco t No wogon Only SH down or equity, con be f moneed for 60 mot poymeni botod on 3 onnuol percentofe rote 60 poyment of 8157 include to let ton. 4 le i B0 fOBD loo N j!895 '?l!!. Ss'sfSKSBfi 2 ferr Full HO'" Bnce 1472 2995 8 ( mw CONVENIENCE ... make payments by mail or in person at any First Security office or HandiBank location. RATES:... competitive market interest rates. f.I.C.U. ctn Mtf. .. . SIMPLE INTEREST means you pay only for the time you use the money. with no penalty for early payment. LOW 6895 no. 2 T1BC320 SO!? TIMEWAY FEATURES: 0 A AC " 695 W Pr yom? merit p!3E,dliiaC3., month -- reduction or trade equity CAP coir 15904 include ouignment tee Add toa. T0T0TAf .157 ANBWIRt Bubarsis hold their valimlll leasing a Subaru It a "Whale now Ball game." Kiev BETTER SAVINGS ... means you may pay less for your new or used car. ( V i-- . 904798 1979 Datsun B210 tilts '3:1 US' ft A Ton camper, Stock 895 COMET DOUBLE WIDE 394-944- 0 NO DOWN New homes for sal 2 and 3 bedroom models ken living room, finished family rom with fireplace, 2 car gar-f 1 acre lot. 569,900 age, j or by owner Experienced Help Build Your Own Ham Son Const. For sal Energy efficient home,1 3 bed- Vj acre rooms, 3 baths, 1 share water. Good ground, lace, family room with wet bar, deck. 2 car garage, Vi unfinished basement. Targe fenced yard with automatic sprinkling system, zoned for animals. Assumable low interest loon 7 priced in 80's. Call after 5 or weekends, or ext. 207 or 267 during the week Low 1 Country living at the right on erice. 4 bedroom lot, 6' cedar fenced d backyard, lots of Cen- 2 9 financing. Call ARTIN at or J.D.S. Homostood 6 Realtors NEW HOMES Storting at 49,800 on lots. Monthly payments starting os low as $42f. Coll Lynn Glausor Construction , OWNER: 2 bedroom all brick with walkout basement apt. far extra income plus storage and laundry. Large corner lot with automatic sprinkling system, in Clearfield. Close to schools, shopping center, HAFB. $68,500' Call for ap1 3 or pointment. By Owner: Immaculate 3 bed- room rambler in Clearfield, unfinished basement, carport, Realty. Bee 0 BY Briarwood Condominium LOWER PRICES AT SUBARU buy over cash V.A. or P.H.A. $687900. Want Ads Sail Autos CTGV CTAO'D? W By owner. 2 bedreem elder bom wen kept, low energy, acre. Excellent location. S. Davis County. Clear title, furnished etc. Available terms port, storage. Near park and court. Everything in beautiful clean condition. Where can you beat all this for only $39,500? Low down payment and low Interest. Call right now before this jewel is soldi Mr. Parks 250-591- 8 200 8 0 ... fireplaces, large family room end custom draperies, walk out potio. Only 3 16, No Agents. 546-2- 3 tennis 3 bedrooms Lay- - io.ndscaped,., in. 562,0007544-095- windows, luxurious carpets and drapes, swimming pobl, car- OalaxU Stock 0 Interest, Beauty abound, 4 bedreem, 1 baths, 2 fireplaces, colonial style home, by owner, $86,500. 546-lll- 2 BY OWNIR: 5 bedreem. Lay-te- n near HAFB 2000rt.finlshed 0 $59,900 evenings Iroent, all By Owner: 4 brick rambler, garage, finished with large family basement, room, wood stove, large room, storog. 1 V baths, will pay FHA Points. Ideal Layton location $58,700. built-in- s, Far- sec- - xlJ3re.rco,ii Century Lorain Smoot aid, 559,900.' Call T'jeor, 546. Aseumabl hem In Layten, 3 bedroom, fireplace, double t, fruit trees, welDond-- I, easy to gualify, 10 BUV: in-t- end 1971 Ford i 0 Main Floor laundry ftl mington homo olio nos SUDDflDD JQODPCJECIl Crystal 8 0 tlni m Ogden 0 393-444- each week. !!! a? 170 -- CONDOMINIUMS FdITSC money with your machine? Call 4J Century 21 Smoot Attuma REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Planned Townhouse. Move VIS BS ERSONALS call 7 Find out what you've olwayt Instructors, wonted to know about iRcad Tho Classified : For Dost Results COUNTY AsrsTflersp Hama newer 4 tearoom tar m ocn Wholesale aute parte, 11 USED SPECIALS 1 Century 21 Smoot 1W-DA- 8 1346 Millcreek 169.90a HOMESTEAD REALTORS. 120 -- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Auto Start Automotive Parts and Installation Center e S Vdraeme.finisfwd walkout boiemont, 2'J boths, loan, close to HAFB, U down, assume contract balance at 10 Intereet. FlexiU. Cali Martin 773-619- 9 or JDS Flute lessens by teacher who has studied with some of the 7 oreos best flutist, 's Openings available In singing group in Roy area, qges 3 years thru 6th grade. Coll New-Lif- - N To AVISCOU NTY Uvton, or of BEST CONDOMINIUM Two spacious bedrooms, 90 setting for Bool trMB. 0CM MQ on ft. of Coil Jo72?5-4l- s Smoot 292-- 2 100 ferorasi stairs 1 year eld mala 6 40 Layton, Utah 84041 Rerformance. Teachers of Singing. bath, living room with 8 ter. Power raking Call Chris 451-51- Freedom-beaut- In your singing, RICHNESS larjiara Jenkins 044-2T4il Rich background in technique and musical Affiliated with West-gat- Mature responsible babysit References Trey built tilling Find 9 tend children in my Bountiful home. Get Yeure dene 9 g INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, free estimate call 8 8 mother 1 7 custom finish work, cabinets, plumbing,-painting- , storage space, wall-neor dry patching, very reasonable Call. small. rotes, no jab too Rex 776-135or Dan at 290 or ct far 9am-9p- Experienced will early and avoid the $5.00100 sq. ft. Maintenance man, carpentry, AUTOMOTIVE party plan. Commission salas, no investment. Call Collect RCOUNTy 4 BSSROOMt IN ROY 2 Vi bathrooms, 2 full kitchens, businesi. Excellent earnings with $18,000 investment. Call 544-0&7 or Power raking. Reasonable rates. 7 Call COUNTY VIS large kitchen, can assume 8 Interest with $12,900T down. Call far details 33-171- 1 DamanetratarSuparvleer needed to introduce now home Experienced child care, North Clearfield, activities, snacks and lunch, Rota-tillin- ohsrlnmi460U , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RIAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 bedreem, sunken living, meals Con- MUST SELL Yeung men and Jr. womens specialty dothirw store. No money down to qualified buyer. 1 Yard Caro Call jobe, painting, basements, yards, hauling. Farm work, etc. Reasonable Handyman-Od- Shoppe' demonstrate hours OK. Tirtd of water in your bate ment? Call Dayton Construction 392-- 1 112 Finance available 825-289- VS CfeVs 117 Clearfield. 776-- 1 i p.m. Hot Country Oaks a.m. Became a Sucker Shoppe re- Demonstrate Kesentotiv. have fun and earn extra money. Flexible hours or no investment, and free training. Marian Sunset Typing done in my home. Fast and accurate. Pickup and deCall Janna, livery available. Locksmith Ra- ,uc-- r fun. ana earn extra money. Flexible hours, little or no Investment and free 1 training. Donna RESUMES 2 jsinasses. Tax Preparation-experience- d tax consultant will prepare returns i the privocy of Reasonable rates. home. your Call Kent for appointment. Sucker K.tentative, melds, have TYPING Incoma Aviation Boats & Marine Sporting' Goods Skiing Equipment Snow Vehicles Travel Trailers Miscellaneous Trailers Compers Motor Homes Tourist & Trailer Parks Cycles & Supplies All Terrain til- ling leveling mowing ond plowing ph. Fast ana accurate returns prepared in the privacy of your homo. Federal, State and out-o- f RECREATIONAL & CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERATIONS 773-51- Area Condominiums Weber County Property For Trade N. Davis County Box Elder County Morgan County Real Estate Wanted Forms & Ranches Income Porperty Business Property $0 Alteration! A Sewing TAX 546-175- RIAL ESTATE 1 Falk Construction, remodeling, new construction, residential, small eommerical . All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and aluminum . siding. Income Tax Christmas Trees Fertilizer & Top Soil Hay, Grain & Feed Firewood Pets & Supplies Livestock & Poultry Farm & Ranch Supplies Farm Implements Lifted under Business Service Directory it Dennis Power raking 4 Call Chris Good Things to Eat 1 m addition, garage sions, basements, free estimates. No job too small. Trey built tilling LAWNFARM AND remodel, homo Complete Farm A Garden Plowing and Tilling In BS a NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING addition or building needs. Call 731-31evenings ask for Bob. 1 eparation, Richard V. 4 OF INTEREST SALES A .Fortune 5 Co. I looking far men an women Interested In lifetime career. a developing Great benem potential for car. Insurance vacation and unlimited commission earnings. 84-JO- Romodellng ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates Auctions Miscellaneous Furniture & Carpet Appliances, TV, Stereo Shoes & Clothing Musical Instruments Antiques & Coins Building Materials Wanted to Buy vicinity. Take time investnow. Call F. AND SONS 544.1075 Ac Ceramic Tile MERCHANDISE Jobs of Interest General 81 Jobs of Interest Administrative 82 Jobs of Interest Clerical 83Jobs of Interest 80 roVM't Need your carpets cleaned? Try our soecial-livin- g 776-235- room, 4 hall, $19.95 Call Legal Services EMPLOYMENTS ' Davis County end care of your lif ments by tuning BURTON WINTER Carpet Cleaning Office & Business Rentals 370 Storage 380 Rental Agencies 390 Wanted to Rent 400 Land for Rent 410 Water for Rent ATTORNEYS Experienced Technician for grand and all makes serving counts bank statement, billing, your office or my home. 546-202- 360 Notices 50 Accounts RENTALS Announcements Special Greetings Lost A Found Piana Tuning and Repair. Bookkeeping Listed below in numerical order are the Classified-tion- s now being offered in the Lakeside Review Classified columns. CALL 5382. tion available. Frt Dollvory. Mooiuro your window and call Kont or Suton. onytlmo, for prices 479463 CLASSIFIED INDEX 0 PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs and reiterations. Full service liana technician for all models f nduding players. Michael Mann Music Services. 773- - melds and tupplls,llttl or no 0 Investment, Cindy WANTED SALESMEN EXPERIENCE NECESSARY STARTINO SALARY 5200 WEEK DURING TRAINING IfA te tend yeur children. 6 thru dominium, Layton. ... WOI...M REAL ESTATE FOR SALI 'V,nin8' CaT777i54y,r Lev served. Sucker tiVSS, CARE 2 children In 1rhome near Holt Need telephone solicitor far business, pays carpet cleaning commission, If Interested call At Piano Tuning Blinds 00 -- CHILD 1 Lev to tend our Clearfield 776-235- LAKESIDE REVIEW 1 OF INTEREST GENERAL DIRECTORY (Dflaeoflffileail ANNOUNCEMENTS 80 -J- OBS BUSINESS SERVICE Before you buy, ask your dealer for First Security Timeway Auto Financing, 0 Rd, |