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Show SUUTtt LALiiL COURIER HYRUM, UTAH iseh: Imi Ka1 a Ml I 0) fl (SOM Any in the Store Wool or Cotton I With Every Pair You Buy at Regular e Give Yon Another Pair of Same Value FREE January Clearaway Sale in All Departments I Coats v Dresses UTAH LOGAN, Half Price SOUTH CACHft COURIER ad. spent the Christmas holidays here Hyrum. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Jensen are with friends, jeturned to her duties Utah Po0totti e last Sunday. a ..yrum, mitered at the spending a few days visiting relaAct the uider mail matt class second 4 et, Mr. and Mrs. Ytrnon E. Olsen tives and friends in Salt Lake City. of March 3 1879 of Basalt, Idaho, stopped off in and Aaron Christiansen Mrs. on their leturn trip from J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager Mrs. Allgaier made a flying trip to Hryum Salt Lake City, to visit relatives alt Lake City and return last Monand fiiends a day or two. Local News REX THEATRE Tuesday, Jan. Ilth E. FORREST day. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Wilson and we you us pay eggs, your Bring Mr. aid Mrs. June Wilson all of ad the cash. S. C. Produce Co. Preston, were Hyrum visitors over Mr. C. F. Olsen went to Salt Lake the new year, an business Thursday. Mrs. E. A. Miller and son from Miss Gladys Nielsen spent the lst Arco, Idaho, have been spending the holidays with relatives and week end in Salt Lake City. friends in Hyrum. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wilcox and FOR SALE All kinds of farm son are visitors at the E. J. Wilson home. implements, straw and thoroughbred dairy cows, teams and chickMiss Wanda Nelsen of Smithfield, ens. Mrs. Hans Petersen, Hyrum. ad spent the last week end here with friends. Mrs. Fred Petersen and daughter Mr. A. M. Isrselsen of this city Pearf, went to Salt Lake the fore left this Friday morning for Ogden, part of the week for a short visit with relatives and friends. to attend the Live Stock Shows. Mr. Mose Christiansen of Downey The Misses Julia Klotz and Rose relaOlsen and Harold Liljenquist, accom- Idaho, spent the holidays with and friends in Hyrum, returnpanied by Mr. I. Kelley, spent New tives his home last Sunday. to ing Years at Brigham City. Mr. Orson Rasmussen, ho has an interest in the Lone Cotton Wood ranch at Kilgore, Idaho, is back at school after spending his Christmas vacation at his home and with his lady friend at St. Anthony, IdaMr. Rassmussen is a breeder ho. of pure bred beef cattle, and after finishing his present coarse at the A. C. in the spring, he will return to his ranch to devote his time in improving his stock. WANTED: Salesman for Hyrum and vicinity. Commission contract only, for spare time or full time. We will teach you to sell incdfne protection thiough our free school of instruction and help you build a business of yourv own. Massachu- - MISS ADA DANIELS And The Rotation Stock Company in Captain Peter B. Kynes Great Don't Waste OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Acute and Chronic Diseases rj Your Money Thatcher Bank Building Phone 392. Logan, Utah. Positively the Best Play Ever Presented by E. Forrest Taylor One Solid Year in New York City and Five Month in Chicago FULL AND COMPLETE SCENIC PRODUCTION Usual Prices of Admission TICKETS ON SALE AT HYRUM W" ESS BBKCT IW MJU I.M-- DRUG CO. - -.l SEBffiS K Now is the Time to Have lour Building Problems Solved. OUR PLANS Etc. Why gratify the passing desires of today at the expense of your peace of mind of tomorrow? Stop being extravagant, start a systematic saving plan save a part of your income, no matter how little it soon grows big. Dr. D. D. TEBBS semi-annuall- Office at Elite Hall, Hyrum y. Prices Always Governed by Quality. Start today and youll be surprised how quickly it counts up. Just call me, State Bank Hyrum HYRUM Dr. V. E. PETERSEN, D.C. UTAH at YOUR SERVICE DENTIST One dollar will open an account here and interest at 4 per cent is compounded c Big Human Play GAPPY RICKS L Dr. Leonard A. Jones TAYLOR (.HIMSELF)' setts Bonding and Insurance Co., Accident and Health Dept. Saginaw ad Michigan, Capitol $1,500,000. h Levels Pre-w- ar Best Quality Always Miss Ouida Fincher, the, schoo Plenty of Spring Canyon Coal at Jensens Coal Yard, Center Street, teacher at Pocatello Valley, who Prices Back to I do the rest . Your Local Chiropractor Phone 133 J Anderson & Sons Co. UTAH HYRUM, 355 s.iaigs 23 |