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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HVR'UW, UTAH South Cache Courier time it was ready for use Congress went in chase of some other kind of a bug, and the scrap-heap- s got Published Every Friday at Hyrum the Pardon melancholy results. the Pessimism, but twas ever thus! Utah. By J. E. Jones, Wash. D. C. J.A. WAHI3N. Publisher. Legal Notice In the District Court of the MAKING ODER : First Judicial District of the State of Utah, in and for the County of THE Cache. NOTICE. There is no end of foolish talk to The petition of Robert Baxter the effect that the new administrathe Administrator, of the estate of tion will change most everything in the Government. As a start the Joseph B. Brown, deceased, asking Reavis-Smoo- t resolution which got for an order declaring that no inthrough in the Senate last session has gone through the House and up to the President. This, the papers say, reorganizes the entire federal government and will save $1,000,-000 Which is all fine piffle! a day. What the resolution actually performs is to provide a joint committee of the Senate and House to make a thorough investigation of the government establishments as now operated and to report recommendations for to This fine is stuff it Congress. has been fine stuff pretty nearly ever since George Washington was president, which is the period marking the beginning of attempts at greater efficiency in government. We have had a lot of talk about the budget system, and it has supplied great hope for better things. But people seem to forget that the country is growing and as it grows the government must enlarge. In that process reforms in methods are always in order; and a new administration is always a fine time to start something. Years ago one of these administrations, in an exceptional display of zeal fastened the civil service on the Government. Basically the idea was right, and theorecttically it registered a hundred per cent. As a practical proposition it demonstrates itself more capable of perpetu-- , ating evils it creates than it does in correcting its own imperfections. Doubtless the making over the Government will register a large number of instances of turning But their places the rascals out will be taken by new1 favorites, and in the end Uncle Sam will more likely be found putting up another million dollars a day, instead of saving it as a result of the Reavis-Smoo- t plan. In a the Taft regime presidential commission on economy and efficiency attempted this same kind of a task, and they collected an immense amount of fine material. By the well-intention- heritance tax is due or owing to the State of Utah by said estate or by the heirs at law of said deceased. Also, the petition of said administrator asking for the allowance, approval and settlement of his final account. Also, the petition of said administrator, alleging that the residue of the said estate consists of the balance of cash on hand, $349.90, and alleging that all creditors preferred by law have been paid, and that the general creditors of said deceased are entitled to all of the said cash on hand and that the same is not sufficient to pay the general creditors in full, and asking that said balance of cash on hand be paid to the general credit-tor- s pro rata in accordance with the amounts, due and owing on their respective claims: has been set for hearing on the 8th day of to-wi- January, A. D. 1921, at 10 A SqpsLife Deal ffir Icialtare Agr At the annual meeting of the Utah State Farm Bureau to be in Salt Lake City, January 6, 7 and 8, the subject of a square deal for agriculture will be discussed by recognized experts. A program for the coming year will be adopted. The next year is going to be one of trial for the farmers and we must be prepared to meet any emergency. The Big problem today before the' farmers of the country is this: To get prices for our products that will pay the cost of production and give us fair profit. We raise our wheat, our beets, our hay put all our effort into growing just as much as we can grow and then sit back and take the price that others choose to give us. ' Its the same thing season after season, Big crops have not meant Big profits. Yet for years we have only done just what any other class of men would first do under the same circumstances talked. Thats all. The time has come! Action not talk is what we must have now. Utah Farmers have shown that ' they intend to get this action by joining. The Utah State Farm Bureau i We are entitled to cost of production, plus a fair profit on our investments in addition to fair wages. We can not work out these problems as individuals. It must be done through organization.' Dont complain unless you are willing to make an effort to help clear up things. t: The farm bureau is our medium for action. , It is an organization of farmers and for farmers interests, formed, financed and officered lers. It is your organization. Join the Farm Bureau and get your neighbor to join and give the organization whole hearted by sup- - port The Utah State Farm Bureau. Salt Lake City, Utah Suite 620, McCornick Building oclock DAVID N. BEAL, President Huntsville, Utah Ephraim, Utah H. E. BECK. Treasurer F, BURTON, National RepresentaDelta. Utah tive. Garland. Utah LEE R. TAYLOR, Secretary Payaon, Utah D. D. McKAY, m. of said day, at the court room of said court, in the County Court House in Logan City, in Cache County, State of Utah. a- J. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE D. D. McKAY, Huntsville, Utah DAVID N. BEAL, Ephraim, Utah LEE R. TAYLOR, Payaon, Utah H. E. BECK. Delta. Utah EPHRAIM BERGESEN, Cornish, Utah A. M. Mathews, Clerk. Dated December 28th, A. D. 1920. Bring us the news. FOR PALE Rolled Mill Hyrum. Baxters WANTED cash price paid. Hyrum. Barley, at ad Chickens, highest Jensens Grocery, Adv FARMERS ROUND-U- P , And Housekeepers Conference, will be held January 10 to 15 at Utah Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. , These will be discussed in full Preparation of Farm Products for Market, Supply and Demand ; Methods of Marketing ; Finance ; Nutrition and Health in the Home. National lecturers and experts will be there. A real course for Farm Bureau project leaders. f EVERY FARMER IS INVITED. ANNUAL MEETING The State Farm Bureau annual meeting will be held in Salt Lake City, January 6, 7 and 8. First meeting will be at Hotel Utah 10 a. m. Luncheon at 12 :30 noon and another general meeting at 2 p. m. In the evening at the Joseph F. Smith Memorial Building eleven meetings will be held for those interested in Dairying, Canning Crops, Cereals, Sugar Beets, Drainage and Irrigation, Livestock, Sheep and Wool, Swine and Womens work. , EVERY FARMER IS INVITED. Farm Wanted: Wanted to hear The nails on the end of your toes? CAN YOU BEAT IT? from owner of farm or good land Could the crook in your elbow be for sale reasonable. L. Jones, Box sent to jail? ad Where can a man buy a cap for his If so, what did he do? 551, Olney, 111. knee? How can you sharpen your shoulder WANTED: Salesman for Hvrum Or a i key for a lock of'his hair? blades? and vicinity. Commission contract Can' your eyes be called an academy darned if I know, do you? be Ill only, for spare time'or full time. Because there are there? pupils We will teach you to sell income Could you sit in the ' shade of the protection thiough our free school In the crown of your head what palm of your hand? of instruction and help you build a jewels are found? Or beat on the drum of your ear? business of your' own. Massachu- Who travels the bridge of your Does the calf on your leg eat the setts Bonding and Insurance Co., nose? coii on your toe? Accident and Health Dept. Saginaw Could you use in shingling the roof Then why grow corn on the eat? Michigan, Capitol $1,500,000. New York Central Magazine. of your mouth ad 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 NEW FACE; NEW MAN! Hoi worthy Hall, the active young fiction moulder, for whose work all the magazines anti publishers are clamoring, has scored another success in The Man Nobody Knew," which will start serially in this paper. It involves not mistaken but changed identity. A soldier who had his face shot away in the war gets, through the skill of the surgeons, a new and pleading set of features. He goes back home and under an assumed name starts a new life. Surprising compli-- ! cations ensue, especially as concerns the girl who loved him as the other man. New and startling! Read it! 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4 4 & 4 4 4? 4 4 4 4 4 4? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4? 4? 4? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 We Are Doing the Same Good Work Here. D. C. Ph. C. DR. O. E. PETERSEN PHONE 160 J DRS. OLSEN &, PETERSEN D. C. Ph. C. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 n 4 4 4 4 YAKIMA, WASHINGTON. On May 24, 1920, I fell thru a coal chute and abont four tons of coal came on top of me. About two weeks after that happened I began t suffer with aciatica and had to.quit working, as the pain was more than I could stand. It almost sent me crazy. I doctored with the medical doctors a couple of weeks and kej!t on getting worse; all they did was give me some capsules to deaden the pain. I couldnt sleep at night and couldnt rest in any position. I was .advised by a friend to try Chriropractic adjustments so went to see Dr. Arthur W. Olsen and he told me he could fix me up in fine shape. I decided to give it a trial and after the second adjustment I slept like a pig in a clover field. Now, after a month adjustments, I am a new man. Hare started to work again and feel fine. If any one wants to ask me any personal questions, I will be glad to answer them if you will write me. My advice is to try Chiropractic adjustments if yon are not feeling right. Respectfully, L. H. DEVOLAE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of August, 1920. C. E. FRASER. ' J Notary' Public in and for the State of Washington, Residingat Yakima, Wash. Vl DR. A. W. OLSEN Postoffice Building, CHIROPRACTORS Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free. , Hyrum. Utah 4-- 4 4 4 4-- 4 4 4 4 4-- 4 4 4 4 cF Pho.a 133 J Home Calls by Appointment 4,4 St 44 4 4 4 4 44,44,44,.4,444'4,4'4,4,.4,4,44'4,4,4,4,4 4 4 ft |