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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRtjM, UTAH Terrain merffrrtrr:x3Z2x. fHEsacats OUR ENTIRE STOCK T THATCHER CLOTHING CO. MAIN STREET. LOGAN ,WCTfiiiMgewc.i3!.a T Journey for Grown Tivtc Sloty 'rjf'j 'i' s a children. At Christmas time she especially seemed to feel the need of them. It seemed ns though every time she turned around she should see a daughter or n son or a jsmall chubby child of her own one of those sle had dreamed of and who had 'never stepped outside of her dreams. Yes She, Gertrude Harding, was a born mother to whom no children had Leen horn. But this year she had forgotten something most important to be done. And it was only several days before Christmas. She went down town, made her purchase after quite a deluy and left the 111 had no 1 shop. Outside were three small children, their faces close against the window pane, their eyes gleaming, their small bodies tense and quivering Ill-cl- f with emotion. stalook It the at at Aw, gee, stop tions ! There, shes off the track now 1 No. she aint. Shes hack on again. The second child was reading a sign. They says that in this here shop that its the land where the dreams of children come true. Dye suppose tbeys kiddin? The third child, a little girl, who was clutching what once had been a doll was looking at one in the shops window. If I' could Jes touch her hair," she sighed. Would you like to go Inside the shop? Gertrude Harding asked the children. They looked at her abruptly. Dya mean it? And through the shop, straight to the childrens department she took them. It was a revelation to her to realize the joy pthat was derived by these children from the Intimate contact with toys they knew they could never own. They had gone inside one of the big shops and had been treated as well as anybody; they had not been afraid. They had looked to their hearts content. Its true what theys said," the children agreed afterward, in there It is the land all right, where childrens dreams come true. For the reality of Fairyland had been expressed by the marvelous and magical toys and games and gay decorations of the Christmas shop. If, Gertrude Harding told herself afterward, these children had so loved a trip Into the gayety of a childrens shop, were there not others who would like to journey forth into the world of toys, too? She thought It over. And did not stop there. She rang up a certain number and asked for the matron. Youre the matron of the Childrens hospital, aren't you? Well, I wondered If any of your children would care to go with me tomorrow and take a trip through the childrens toy shops? Theyre most attractively fixed up this year and some of them have special attractions, a Santa Claus and many other wondrous features! So Gertrude Harding called for the children. There were 15 who were able to go and of that 15 the majority were motherless. Such an afternoon as Gertrude Harding had. And such an afternoon as the children had. Those In the shops seemed especially anxious to do what they could for the children who were so obviously from a home or hospital. The mechanical- toys even seemed to put more spirit Into their performances Gertrude Harding thought As they were coming home several little hands found their wa$ Into both of Gertrude Hardings hands. One clutched a little finger, another had hold of her thumb; so It went. Mrs" one of them ventured, lets ( kinpreienu were nil cnildren from a teachour and that youre dergarten er. Dont lets pretend were from a hospital, eh?" Yes. lets pretend that, she answered them. Or how would It do to pretend that I was your mother and that you were all my children? you Would you honest would one asked and the oththat?" pretend ers looked at her eagerly, hoping, hoping, hoping she would not refuse. That would be the best pretend' of all, she smiled at theni. So they pretended" and so they went back very happily from their Christmas shopping trip. Once again she took them, on the It was hard day before Christmas. but It was the crowds, getting through worth every effort In one of the shops a gayly dressed clown led the children in a procession. Once in a while he turned and winked at them as though to say: We know what fun all this is. dont we? Were in the secret of the fun that children can have at Christknow mas time that the grown-up- s nothing of. They must just let us go along aud share our secret together, eh? And then the clown beat upon his drum and the children all marched stiffly behind. When a magnificent Santa Claus asked the children to sing with him and the voices of the hospital children sang out with the rest Gertrude Harding felt herself swelling with pride. Later when Santa Clans perceived that one of the hospital children had ftp unusually lovely voice he asked him to sing alone. And there in the shop he sang, sang with the thrill of happiness that a bird sings with when first he feels the warmth and sweet fragrance of the spring. He had never been asked to sing before like this in a big shop where people were and where people listened to him, not because he was being visited in a hospital and must do his part to entertain the visitors, but because somehow or other they liked his voice. '' It rang out true and strong. He shifted the crutch which he had never been without and which he would .never be without to the end of his days, and then he was asked to sing an en- there was' silence In the ward,' and 4? 4? 4? 4? soon there would come sleep. When she got home that evening, tired but very, very happy, she said Western Newei, m u i . 7 The world In solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing. Right to the end of the hymn he sang and the people thanked him and Santa Claus told him It had been lovely and gave him a man-lik- e clap on the back. GertrtWe Harding had felt a lump in her throat and had smiled with eyes that were misty. So the angels did bend near the earth even in these days and even over hospitals where crippled and ill children were. It was the humans, not the angels, who forgot and who went through life not thinking! Back to the hospital she took the children late, late that afternoon. The Chilhospital was In dren who had been too recently operated upon or who could not leave their beds sat up as best they could to hear of the news of the outside semi-darknes- s. world. , Little white-clafigures listened to the glowing accounts brought to them of the great life which went on beyond the ward. And for every little child who had to stay in the hospital, Gertrude Harding Imd brought a small present, only a trifling one. but a remembrance from the great world. Then the hospttal rules which had been lifted for a few minutes after the ones who had been out so late had come buck, were In order again, and d v 4? 4 4 ALLEN BROTHERS 4 4 DEALERS IN 4 4 4- - 4 4 4 4 4 4 General Merchandise 4 4 4 Dry Goods Groceries, Shoes and Gents Furnishings 4 4 4 4 4- - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT 4 4 ! 4 4 r HYRUM, - UTAH 4 $1C0 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by bui'ding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors nave so much faith in the cnrat'vo power of Hall's Catarrh MedMi'o that they offer One Hundred IViUm, for any case that it fails of testimonials. to cure, f'end for Address '. .1. niFNRT & CO, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. 4 4 4" 4" 4 4 th-ie- ly Subscribe For Vr--- l We have the genuine old time molasses made at St. George, Utah. S. C. The kind you used to like. ad Produce Co. THE SOUTH CACHE COURIER $1.50 a Year in Advance i ervice Station core. His face was flushed with the pleasure of doing something which was liked in this big outside world. He looked at Santa Claus and beamed. He had already sung popular song which he had learned from the squeaking talking machine which someone had given the hospital when it was no longer fit for the home, and now he thought he would sing something better. Somehow he felt it would be proper, and vaguely perhaps he felt it would show a gratitude for Christmas that went deeper. Dimly he thought these things. Someone had taught them a hymn In the hospital, a hymn which he had always loved. It made one feel better. stronger, happier somehow. It was a very glorious hymn he had always thought. And he sang: It came upon the midnight clear. That glorious song of old From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold; Peace on the earth, good will to men. From heavens king; 4 4 4? 4 4? 4 i 1920. 4? 4 4 to herself; There are born mothers, yes I And there are born children, tool Children who need to be loved os much as women who need children to love. And though there Is a difference between those of ones very own, and those who are not, it seems as though no one who is a born mother" should go through life, walking blindly by the many motherless children. "For every childless mother there Is a motherless child to whom one can give some of the love mid Interest and the pride which would otherwise go to waste." In her sleep she seemed to hear the Christmas carol which the hospital lad had sung and she knew what had been revealed to her She had traveled into the land of children at Christmas time ni imd smiled the smile that can he mil' when one gets n look at the tiea.-- ,r child! . 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4?'4? 4? 4b MILLER TIRES (The Record Makers) GASOLINE, OILS AND ACCESSORIES Eserything you sell is coming down, so I will join you and come down wilh you on Prices. Wolfs Head Oil is noted for Quality, More Miles Per Gallon and Fewer Repairs. Light oil 25c per quart or in your 5 gallon can 85c per gallon Medium oil 30c per quart or in your 5 gallon can $1.10 per gallon Other oils at cut prices Spark Plugs $1.00 kinds Champion X Plugs 75c each A. C. Plugs $1.00 kinds 75c each I HAVE EXTRAS FOR EVERY CAR Fan belts for Dodge 55c Fan belts for Ford, 45c Fordsen Tractor belts $2.00 Fan belts for Chevorlet $1.40 V shape For Buick and other makes 60c Neyer leak for your radiators $1.00 cans at 75c Johnsons carbon remover, 75c cans 60c Rye Nu winter fluid to keep your radiator from freezing $1.50 per gallon Plenty of wee chains and extra cross chains. Repair your old chains and , save money. All tires and tubes at new prices. Call in and look over my stock, get my guarrantee and prices and you will be surprised. I sell Allens Gasoline and coaloil. Allens gasoline is better. This is not the same kind they sold last spring and summer, that was California line. This now is Wyoming gas and is better by test and more miles per gallon. Your money back if not satisfied, Bring your batteries to me and I will give you service on charging and rebuilding them. I sell the Willard battery, and send your battery repair work to Expert repair men. , I carry a nice line of Ford parts. Get the parts and repair your own car, or if you dont want to take the time bring yonr car to me. I guarrantee every repair job done. I have a first class machinest. Tires Changed While You Wait. YOURS FOR SERVICE Station, Main Street. Hyrum Service PROP. LEROY J. , NIELSEN, ' |