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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH eyes to his white, thin face; and at once It became abundantly evident that beyond a few girlish speculations she fell no interest In him. After a single moment of rather strained, polite conversation with Dan just enough to satisfy her Idea of the conAn engagement ring is a girl's dearest It should be a good one pure white set ventions she began a thrilling girlright. Our reasonable prices euse the way. hood tale to her father. And she was still telling It when they reached the house. Dan held a chair for her in front of JEWELERS The one right close Is a chipmunk. the fireplace, nnd she took It with en- I BOYD PARK BLDG 166 MAIN STREET to no careful was He naturalness. tire I dont know what the others are; one ever does know. Perhaps ground put it where the firelight was at Its squirrels, or rabbits, or birds, and height. He wanted to see Its effect on maybe one of those harmless old black the flushed cheeks, the soft dark hair. hears who Is curious about the house. And then, standing In the shadows, he And tell me can you smell any- simply watched her. With the eye of an artist he delighted In her gestures, thing Good Lord, Lennox I I can smell all her rippling enthusiasm, her utter Irkinds of things. repressible girlishness that all ,of time "Im glad. Some men cant. No one had not years enough to kill. can enjoy the woods if he cant smell. 400 Bill stood watching her, his hands Am copy rcpr, 7920 &y Part of the smells are of flowers, and deep in his pockets, evidently a comROOMS part of balsam, and God only knows of the best. Her father gazed Shes physically strong, and every what the others are. They are just panion at her with amused tolerance. And muscle is hard as nails. She used to the wilderness SYNOPSIS. Dan he didnt know In just what way have Shag, too the best dog In all Dan could not only perceive the he did look at her. And he didnt have these mountains. Shes a mountain smells and sounds, but he felt that Warned by his physician that he time to decide. In less than fifteen has not more than six ironths to I tell you ; whoever wins aer has MOST MODERN HOTEL WEST OF CHICAGO girl. they were leaving an imprint on tbe minutes, and wholly without warning, live, Failing Bits despondently on a to he able to tame her!" The very fiber of his soul. He knew one got 30 Rooms With Rath One person $1.50; Two persons $2.50 she sprang up from her chair and park bench, wondering where he mountaineer laughed again. 70 Rooms With Bath One person $2.00; Twn persons $3.00 bhould spend those six months. A thing. lie knew he could never for- started toward the door. The call to supper came then, and get this first introduction to the moun125 Rooms With person $2.50; Two persons $3.50 friendly squirrel practically decides If Dan breathed. Good Lord! 100 Rooms With Bath One person $3.00; Two persons $4.00 the m er for him. Ills blood Is Dan got his first sight of mountain tain night. The whole scene moved 75 Rooms With Bath One person $4.00; Two persens $5.00 pioneer blood, and he decides to food. There were potatoes, newly him in strange, deep wnys in which you make such sudden motions as that are end his days In the forests of OreWhere failure. have heart Ill Popular Priced Coffe Shop and Dining Room were that mountain dug, vegetables he had never been stirred before; It gon. Memories of his grandfather now? you going a of steak and cold, peculiar of of In veils crisp and a deep love for all things Headquarters for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada people left him exultant and, deep Back to my watch," she answered, the wild help him In reaching a shape, and a great howl of purple her his nature far below the usual curdecision. In a large southern ries to be eaten with sugar and cream. rents of excitement, a little excited her tone wholly lacking the personal Oregon city he meets people who note which men have learned to exDans appetite was not ns a rule par too. had known and loved his grandwomen. And an the But long evidently good. ticularly Then both of them were startled pect in the voices of father, a famous frontiersman. He of them 3aw three later the He ride had aftecled him. simply out of their reflections by the clear, instant makes Ills home with Silas Lennox, a typical westerner. The only othdidnt have the moral courage to re unmistakable sound of footsteps on her retreating shadow as she vanished er members of the household aie fuse when the elder Lennox heaped the ridge. Both of them turned, and among the pines. Lennoxs son, BUI, and daugh' his plate. Dan had to be helped to bed. The Lennox laughed softly In the darkTheir abode is Snowbird." ter, all eat In I Good cant that, heavens, I miles he said. civilization, from many ness. long ride had been too hard on his My daughter, the Umpqua divide, and theie he said, ns It was passed to him. But knew she wouldnt he afraid to come. shattered lungs; and nerves and body and told him to Failing plans to live out the shoi t others the outlaughed Snowbirds see Dan could collapsed an instant after the door only span of life which he has been take heart. line at first, just her shadow against was closed behind the departing girl, told Is his. His extreme weakness lie took heart. It was a singular the moonlit hillside. His glasses were ne laughed weakly and begged their In the face of even a slight exerbut at that first bite his sudden none too good at long range. And pardon ; and the two men were really tion convinces him that the doctor thing, had made a correct diagnosis of confidence In his gustatory ability al- possibly, when she came within range, very gentle. They told him it was his case. From the first Failings most overwhelmed him. So he cut the first thing that he noticed about their own fault for permitting him to Scientijjccoiiecl health shows a marked improvehimself a bite of the tender steak of of nonesTJJeb'ta iSY her was her stride. The girls he overdo. Lennox himself blew out the ment, and In the companionship y General Manager ns that the htes Lennox and his son and daughter UlRooms Continental Bank fully half as generous In quite that free, candle in the big, cold bedroom. walk didnt knew UTAH (pO",!.LIIf, LAKE CITY, LjSAlT he fits Into the woods life as if he Bill was consuming across the table. way. She took almost a man-siz-e strong had been born to It. By quick him filled And its first flavor simply step; and yet It was curious that WALKERS BEAUTY PARLOR. thinking and a remarkable display with delight of Switch transformations worth $12 for $8.50. installment she did not seem ungraceful. Dan had of nerve he saves Lennoxs life The next Switches worth $7.50 for $5, by mail. Cut Wliat Is this meat? he asked. a distinct Impression that she was and his own when they are atthe Pack imof Voice The from center of head. 320 South Main. sample before. it tacked by a mad coyote. Lennox tasted Ive certainly down to him on the moonlight. existthe Dan to floating Failing parts & DYERS. declares he Is a reincarnation of CLEANERS Ill bet a few dollnrs that you She seemed to come with such unutService. ence of an organized band of his grandfather, Dan Failing I. Quality. life all lived if your youve We pay havent, Clothes insured. Work guaranteed. terable smoothness. And then he whose fame as a woodsman Is a outlaws. anlist on request. Price return postage. in the Middle West," Lennox household word. heard her call lightly through the Myers Cleaners & Dyers, 114 E. Broadway. what the darkness. swered. got Maybe youve -- O WHO DOES YOUR CLEANING? Have your (TO BE CONTINUED.) scientists call an Inherited memory of The sound gave him a distinct sense it is the economic, Mastercleaned, garments meat It. Its the kind of your grand- of surprise. Some way, he hadnt asCHAPTER III Continued. and scientific way. Send your clothes sanitary Coliseum. The Roman by Parcel post. We pay return charges. Regal father used to live on venison. sociated a voice like this with a mounE. 2nd South. The Roman coliseum was the largest Cleaning & Dyeing Co., Soon after dinner Lennox led him tain girl ; he hadv supposed that there Of course but sit down now, anycatalog. Standard splendid of the buildings MONUMENTS. Write for way. Im sorry that Snowbird Isnt out of the house for his first glimpse would he so many harshening Influ- and most Marble & Granite Co., 117 W. Broadway. as In amphitheaarchitecture of the hills in the darkness. here. ences In this wild place. Yet the tone known invented for TYPEWRITERS. Distributors Corona portable Snowbird Is " They walked together out to the was as clear and full as a trained ters, which the Romans and Royal. All other makes sold, repaired and Co. My boy, she can gate, across the first of the wide pas- singers. It was not a high voice ; and exhibiting gladiatorial combats, fights exchanged. Utah Typewriter Exchange My daughter. other Lenand beasts spectacles. wild of certain at I seasons, FLOWERs"FOR ALL OCCASIONS. make a biscuit Thats not her name, tures where, yet It seemed simply brimming, as a The repetition of arch beyond arch Morris Floral Co., 52 E. 2nd S.. Salt Lake City. course, hut weve always called ber cup brims with wine, with the rap- and of town orders story over story gives this amphi- SAY IT WITH FLOWERS. Out that. She cot tired of keeping house ture of life. It was a This solicited. Miller Floral Co., 62 E. 2nd South. its grandeur. imposing theater Poor summer. and is working this voice too, wholly unaffected and sinof reduplication of parts, of ART EMBROIDERY CO. BUI has to keep house for her, and Out cere, and wholly without embarrass- principle embroidering on ladies' apparel. Gothic architects after- Machinery the which no wonder hes eager to take the stock town business solicited. 201 Brooks Arcade. ment. to carried is made so much use, down to the lower levels. I only wish STAMPS & STENCILS. Seals and Then she came close, and Dan saw wards extent than in any other Ro- RUBBER a also made. Send for samples, prices, greater ear he hadnt brought em up this spring so tags It her And on face. the moonlight did not have a roof. etc. Salt Lqke Stamp Co., 65 W. Broadway. at all ; Ive lost dozens from the came about, whether In dreams or man building. ItIs not arched like the The upper story SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE. covotes.' wakefulness, he could see nothing else with and solid but Save lower lodging ; work after school ; enroll anytime. three stories, kill a cattle But coyote cant for many hours to come. It think architects Some ATCMTC 300 percent ; $1 a pkg. Everybody buys. It can if It has hydrophohta, a comThe girl who stood In the moonlight pilasters. AulNIo Sample free. Dodge Bros., Salt Lake. of the for meant purpose was wholly mon thing in the varmints this time of had health. She was simply vibrant prices. the great ve- CREAM BOUGHT. Best 244 year. But as 1 say, Bill will take the W. Fourth South. with health. It brought a light to her supporting and working covered Western Creamery Co., the or that silk larium awning stock down next season, and then eyes, and a color to her cheeks, and INSTRUMENTS. MUSICAL the representation, Snowbirds work will be through, and known in music. life and shimmer to her moonlit hair. arena during been attempted Salt Lake City. Everything have not which may and to curves her shell come back here. body, It brought the amphitheater was first Then shes down In the valley? HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, Machine and strength and firmness to her limbs, when hand embroidering. Buttons made. Expert bead carto her a of deer Far from It. Shes a mountain and the grace work. The Embroidery Shop, 334 Clift Bldg. feagirl If one ever lived. Perhaps you riage. Whether she had regular Write for prices. Return HATS Different Kinds of Hickory. dont kpow the recent policy of the E 2 S. tures or not Dan would have been uncharges prepaid. Smythe Hat Factory. 116 found are kinds of Twelve hickory forest service to hire women wh able to state, lie didnt even notice. For best results ship eleven of them Indige- POULTRY BOUGHT. they can be obtained. It was a policy They werent important when health In the world, poultry, eggs and game to Fulton Mkt. Correct of east States the United weight. Prompt returns. Write for prices. started In war times and kept up now was present. Yet there was nothing nous to the Mexican one and mountains, efficient. Is and or economical hold because it OLDSMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS. Cars & trucks. of the coarse or voluptuous Rocky 447 S. Main. exE. She and a girl from college have a about her. She was just a slender species. Previous to the Ice age, in Used car bargains. A. Tourssen, existed of forests tensive HOSPITAL. old on hickory here five from and RUBBER miles cabin pot girl, perhaps twenty years of age, We cure injured rubber articles. Boots, Shoes, Bald mountain, and theyre doing look weighing even less than the figure oc- Greenland. Hot Water bottles, Tires, Tubes, etc. Satisfaction prepaid. Western out duty. guaranteed. Return charges casionally to be read in the health 1 134 E. Broadway, Salt Lake. Sales Co., Results. Rubber And her of Getting Dan wondered Intensely what look height. magazines for girls When it comes to impressing the ELASTIC STOCKING MFRS. You see, Dan," out duty might be. she was fresh and cool beyond all abdominal. Maternity supporters. mind, said Senator Sorghum, Manufacturers popular Lennox said in explanation, "the gowords to tell. Truss fitters. S. H. Bowmar Co.. Brooks Arcade. to Is vernment loses thousands of dollars a party platform quite likely And Dan had no delusions about WELDING. AUTO RADIATORS & Machinery cheapest. Potter every year by forest fire. A fire can her attitude toward him. For a long prove less Important than the rear built and repaired. Best and 551 South State. Welding & Repairing Co., be stopped easllv If it is seen soon Instant she turned her keen, young platform of a special train." after It starts. But let It burn awhile. D. sTbusiness college. l. School of Efficiency. All commercial branches. In this dry season, and Its a terror a convent The of sent. Inmates Salt Lake City. the Catalog free. 60 N. Main St., PAINTED OVER COURT FINERY wall of flame that races through the In the Shadows, He Simply In a painter, and secretly Incalled PARLORS! Standing KID FITTING CORSET forests and can hardly be stopped. corsets.. Watched Her. structed him to paint out the queens Specialists in designing, making, fittingaceordiMi Ruse by Which Nuns Had Queen De- court dress and the ealizp how And maybe you dont braiding, Hemstitching, embroidering, made. handkerchief lace E. Bdwy. 40 side pleating. Buttons enormous this region Is literally hun- nox kept his cattle; and at last they picted as a Member of Their in her left hand, and to present her In and Y PARLOR. Hair goods dreds of miles across. Were the last came out upon the ridge. Religious Order. the complete garb of a professed nun. and Marinello preparations. Mail orders outpost there aie four cabins, df you The moon was just rising. They could Clift Bldg., Salt Lake City.JUtah. aolicited. In the can find them, In the first seventy see it casting a curious glint over the Through a chance discovery Quality and Playing the Game. VULCANIZING & RETREADING. miles back to town. So they have to very tips of the pines. But it couldnt garret of a ducal palace in Madrid, a Standard Tire Works. 861 So. State. camservice. How I must conduct my a romance of lock and gsn put lookouts on the high points, and get down between them. They stood asked the inexperienced can- Inventors ModeU Made. Key, now theyre coming to the use of air- too close, too tall and thick for that wonderful Velasquez has been re- paign? Knudson Novelty Co.. 355 So. State. repairing. didate. even a better And for a moment, Dans only sensavealed. Hidden for three centuries as planes so they can keep Promise em anything," said the PIPE & MACHINERY. a picture of a nun, this portrait of watch.' Snowbird and a girl friend tion was one of silence. Western Machinery Co., Judge Bldg. manager. out of from college got jobs this summer as You have to stand still a moment, Queen Isabella of Spain, the first wife STATE CAFE. Headquarters for But suppose I promise something I THE town people. Quality, service. 46 W. Broadway. lookouts all through the forest serv- - to really know anything, Lennox told of King Philip IV, has recently been cant perform and the public holds me cancers! TUMORS and eczema removed. ce they are hiring women for the him. restored In London. & Tr. Bldg. than A. M. Freebairn, 206 Utah Sav. In the disguised picture practically to strict accountability? . work. They are more vigilant both stood still. Dan was as They COLLEGE. Qualify as If you get elected youll want to men, less Inclined to take chances, motionless as that day in the park, nothing but the face and hands of the S. West Temple Street 43 weeks. wont run you? again, and Work cheaper. These two girls long weeks before, when the squirrel original was left uncovered, and the Pmanent Of course." THE VANITE"iHOPPE. Marcel have n cabin near a spring, and they had climbed on Ills shoulder. The first secret was first guessed at owing to restored to hair by scientific meth-oColor wave. first Is When term Main. your Exactly. cook their own food, and are making effect was a sensation that the silence the paint peeling away from the nuns Switches & Transformations. 869 So. what Is big wages In the mountains. was deepening around them. It wasnt hood, when there was revealed the ended you can tell the voters you didnt have time to put through all the More Danger Ahead. Im rather hoping shell drop over for really true. It was simply that he fringe of a lace collar. of Bonrbon was great reforms you had set your heart son out of danger yet?" Isabella cono few minutes tonight." Princess Is little of aware the your had become to to make 1624 send in back must and and In on, you 1615, they Good Lord does she travel ever to Philip No; the doctor Is going tinuous sounds of which usually he married Gatethe nuns finish the Job. Birmingham convent of The In the visits. more to was oc those hills In the darkness? four tended staying and three they was unconscious, deDescal-zosa mountaineer the of laughed order to the The accentuate the hush of the night He belonging way (Detroit). As a mark of the kindness she lighted sound that came somewhat knew, Just as all mountaineers know, Accommodating. Lots of women worry themselves curiously from the bearded lips of the that the wilderness about him was there received she presented the nuns herof look to Ive Just come to tell you old Landlord young. Some stern, dark man. Dan, Ill swear shes portrait this trying Velasques with and pulsing with life. stirring face walks the that of to raise your rent. nothing afraid of the sounds were quite clear an self. to man makes Im going Great Womans Inhumanity enter to the I cant erer do It wished of the ctrth and It Isnt because rhe occasional stir of a pebble or the crack Isabella Tenant Later divorce a either. Shes the not con lawyer happft Post. had experience , hasnt myself. Houston and some, like the faintest convent, but the pope would a 'dead shot with a ptstol, for one thing. of twig, twitching of leaves In the brush not ten feet distant, could only be guessed at. What Is making the sounds? he asked. He didnt know It, at the time, but Lennox turned quickly toward him. It wasnt that the question had surprised the mountaineer. Bather it was the tone In which Dan had spoken. It was perfectly cool, perfectly (DECCJEi QFTJZE trens-ur- BOYD PARK d. gpjzj&jLsor v NEWHOUSE HOTEL ffl coprpymr. little:, Bath-- ' 156-16- 0 . self-confide- nt . Daynes-Beeb- tree-covere- d e. MARINELLO-BEAUT- ld , d. .- 1 |