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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIBLE. Happtnlngt That Are Making History Information Gathered from All an In a Few Una. Quarter of the Globe GUven INTERMOUNTAIN.. Liquor seized by state officers from Wyoming citizens may have to be returned under a decision handed down by the state supreme court at Cheyenne to the effect that liquor acquired legally before July 1, 1919, for use in private homes is not contraband. . Final plans for a meeting in Boise, January 10, of carriers and shippers from Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Nevada and Montana, when demands for a reduced rate 6n eastbound wool, apples, prunes, potatoes, lumber and sheep will be made, were formulated at a meeting at Boise. Lying in a clump of brush in a gully about two miles south of Silver City, Utah, and With a bullet wound through his temple, the body of an unidentified man about 35 years old was found by boys. Joshua Sykes, king of heaven and earth and leader of the sect of the House of David, was arrested at Denver on a charge of operating a confidence game. A tentative contract calling for a state-wid- e wheat pool for five years was presented to eleven representa tives of state farmers organizations meeting at Portland. They plan to revise it and present it next month to the state farm bureau federation convention at Portland, andj to the state farmers union and the grange. Mrs. Charles Evans has been ac-- . quitted at Craig, Colo., of the charge of murder. Mrs. Evans testified her husband leveled a rifle at the six sleeping children with the remark : Heres your Christmas present." She seized a shotgun, she told the coroners Jury, and fired the full charge Into her husband's head, killing him inI stantly. self-style- d ' DOMESTIC. 1 W. C' Following the Issuance of a demand by the post of the American legion at Salinn, Kan., that A. C. Townley, national Nonpartisan league leaderj and his aides cease activities here and leave the county, E. F. Swanson, sheriff, Issued a public statement warning against any violence. Army aviators will make a double attempt to fly across the United Stales from Florida to California in a single day on Wushingtons birthday, February 22. An indeterminate sentence of from one to fifty years Imprisonment, the maximum penalty, was imposed on (Spud) Murphy, pugilist and gangster, for a felonious assault upon Miss Jessie Montgomery of Reno, Nov., at San Francisco Thanksgiving day. The railroads coal bill for the first nine months of this year was mor than during the corresponding period last year, said a statement issued by the interstate commerce commission. WASHINGTON. The bill providing for the appointment of a congressional commission on reorganization of the government departments became a law December 31 without the signature of President Wilson. The bill extending for six months the time in which 1920 assessment work on mining claims can be dono was signed December 31 by President Ed-Inon- AN OPEN LETTER TO WOMEN Bethmann-Hollwe- Berlin. Theobold von former German chancellor, died January 1 after a brief illness, on his estate at Hohenfinnow, near Berlin. Among the most prominent activiwas ties of Dr. von Bethmann-Hollwehis testimony in 1919 as a witness before national assembly committees investigating responsibility for the war. His testimony brought out he had opposed submarine warfare and had issued warnings tot to underestimate Americas strength. One of the most famous utterances during the war was that concerning a scrap of paper as regarded the treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of This treaty was so characBelgium. durterized by Von Bethmann-Hollweing an interview with Sir Edward Goshen, British ambassador to Germany. The chancellor expressed his inability to understand Great Britains attitude with regard to Germanys attack on Belgium. Dr. von Bethmann-Hollwereceived prominent attentltm in. June, 1919, when he asked the allied and associated powers to place him on trial instead of the former kaiser. The supreme council ignored his request. Bethmann-Hollwewas Dr. von chancellor of Germany from July 4, He was suc1909, to July 14, 1917. ceeded by Dr. George Michaelis, an appointee of the former kaiser. It was was said Von Bethmann-Hollweforced out of office through efforts of the militarists, headed by Hinden-Ourand Ludendorff, largely because of his scrap of paper statement and his admission that German invasion of Belgium was unjust. The former chancellor had on several occasions Issued statements blaming the militarists for the war, yhile previously he was responsible had declared Dr. g s g permanent injunction was granted in the United States district court restraining the secretary of agriculture from enforcing his order restoring the wartime commission rate for handling livestock. Ratification of the treaty of Versailles by the senate with the exception of the covenant of the league of nations is to be proposed by Senator King, Democrat, Utah. Taxpayers required to make inventories for 1920 returns may adopt the basis of cost or market, whichever is lower, under regulations issued by the internal revenue bureau. The sundry civil bill, carrying a to-A. g g of or g $420,914,192 less than was asked by the government departments, was reported on Wednesday by the house appropria$383,611,292, g tions committee. By a vote of 33 to 11 the senate tabled the resolution of Senator Hitchcock to refer the emergency tariff bill to the senate commerce committee instead of the finance committee. J FOREIGN, The emigration from Ireland during the first ten months of this year is about half what it was for the avthe erage of corresponding ten montlm of the five years preceding the war. There were altogether 12,752 emigrants of whom 7808 were women. from There were 43GS emigrants ' Ulster. Eamonn de Valera, president of the Irish republic, has returned to at New Ireland, it was announced York Friday by his secretary, Harry Eii.1 n Gab-Delv- Cured I was not able to Philadelphia, Pa. do my housework and had to lie down TAKEN UP. to Stand Trial in Former Kaiser, Dies on His Estate Near Berlin. d Wilson. 1 Who Offered Place of the Borah and Walsh Plans Before Foreign Relations Committee. Administration Said to Look Askance at Suggestions. Von and George Favner, vice president, of the W. W. Sly Manufacturing company, were shot and killed by five automobile bandits on the street at Cleveland. The bandits escaped with the company payroll of $4500. Miss Victoria Fournier, deputy county clerk, issued her own marriage license on Thursday. The party of the second part is Warran Milligan, a local newspaper reporter. When the blank was filled she directed Milligan Boland, Four hundred Italian soldiers were to raise his right hand and swear to killed in the fighting 'at Flume, it was He the truth of the statement. at Rome. JThe defending reported obeyed. forces were said to Rave lost eight railroad passenger fare Iowas including two women fighters. law on Thursday was held to be un- killed, were Two hundred legionaries constitutional by Judge Martin J wounded. Wade of the United States district which have been circulated court. Officials were enjoined ' from in Charges some foreign countries that China enforcing the law on traffic entirely has become a militaristic nation are within the state. denied Dr. Philip Tyau, councilor After a lone hand daylight robbery of the by office, in a statement foreign of the Peoples bank at Springfield, he has issued at Pekin. just Tenn., which netted $50,000 in Liberty for BraCllian embassies Buildings bonds, a man, identified by police as and legations abroad will be acquired Hobart Austin, 32, was killed by Sherpurchase under a legislative resoiff A. L. Jett in a gun duel. The by lution sanctioned by President Pessoa. bonds were recovered. The government is authorized to open One man was burned to death and necessary credits to the extent of apseveral persons are reported missing proximately $750,000 in each financial in a fire which destroyed the Mansion period. hotel at Fort Worth, Texas. Several Formal notification has been sent to adjoining buildings were padly dam- Lithuania that the railway between aged. Vilna and Dvinsk will remain Polish Two bombs placed in taxicabs in and that the proposed plebiscite will widely separated parts of Philadel- be held only in the territory west of that line. phia, but timed to explode simultanePresentation by the people of the ously, demolished the cabs. One, in the heart of the theatre district near United States of a suitable memorial the Bellevue Stratford hotel, caused to Brazil during this countrys cen a near panic. tennlal celebration of independence in A frenzy of jealousy, Inspired by 1922 is proposed by North Americans taunts that he was a fool to expect her residing in Rio de Janeiro. full affections aud a boast that she Rumors that France has temporarily had two husbands living, impelled dropped the question of recognizing Jonathan A. Murphy, 30, to shoot the present government of Mexico, Mary Ethel Odum, 26, whom .he had pending the giving of necessary guar courted for years, according to the antees, were denied in a statement story he told the police at San Diego. made public at Mexico City by the Announcement is made by' the Ford French charge daffaires Motor company that its Highland Park Addressing preliminary Rivetings of 24 December for which closed the diet at Tokio, Viscount Uchida, the plant, Inventory, will not reopen, January 3, foreign minister, expressed the opinion as planned, but will remain closed in that a new Japanese-Americatreaty will be concluded leading to nullifica definitely. An entire family of seven was wiped lion of the California land law out by a fire at Fairfield, Conn. The Cholefa has broken out in "the Rusvictims were Felix Yakinmovltch, 54, sian camp outside of Constantinople, bis three sons and three daughters. The allies have taken measures to The government will appeal from prevent a spread of the disease. the recent decision of federal courts Fighting at Flume between Italian In Connecticut holding that profits re- - government troops and Captain from the sale of stock by per- - rlele DAnnunzio's legionaries has sons other than brokers Is not taxable been suspended for a time, at least, ill as income. is reoorted. Sly, president, TWO PROPOSALS FOR REDUCTION OF ARMAMENT WILL BE most of the time and $97,-026,6- Smoot-Reavi- OPPONENT OF SUBMARINE WAR FARE AND THE MILITARISTS PASSES TO REWARD. Mrs. Little Tells How She Suffered and How Finally ed DISCUSS FINANCIAL TOPICS. Harding Confers with Congressional Leaders and Federal Offiicals. Marion, Ohio. The countrys financial problems and the problem of cutting down government expenses were canvassed by President-elec- t Harding on Friday in conferences with con gressional leaders and officials of the federal reserve board. Particular concern was shown by Mr. Harding in the curtailment of army and navy appropriations at the present session of congress, and he went over that subject in detail with Mondell of Wyoming, Representative of the house, and leader Republican Representative Anthony of Kansas chairman of the house subcommittee, which frames army appropriation measures. side. My monthly periods were irregular, sometimes five or seven mouths apart and when they did appear would last for two weeks and Washington. The proposal of were very painful. I agreement on the reducwas sick for about a tion of naval armament will be taken year and a half and up by the foreign relations commitdoctoredbut without contee of the senate, when It will any improvement. sider the two follbwing resolutions: A neighbor recommended Lydia E. By Senator Borah directing the pres- Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to me, ident to negotiate with Great Britain and the second day after I started takit I began to feel better and I kept and Japan for a 50 per cent reduc- ing on taking it for seven months. Now I tion of naval appropriations by the keep house and perform all my housethree powers for five years. hold duties. You can use these facts as By Senator Walsh, of Montana, ro you please and I will recommend Vegequesting the president to name dele- table Compound to everyone who suifers Mrs. J. S. Little, 3455 gates to act with the league of nations as I did. ivingston St., Philadelphia, Pa. commission on disarmament. How much harder the tasks of From one administration source a woman become when shedaily suffers from comes the opinion that the president such distressing symptomsand weakness sustains Secretary Daniels contention as did Mrs. Little. No woman should that the only sure method of promot- allow herself to get into such a condition Decause such troubles may be speedily ing disarmament is through the league overcome by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegere'Wilson of nations and that Mr. table Compound, which for more than gards the Borah resolution as a scheme forty years has been restoring American to discredit women to health. of the irreconcilables future processes of action. It is believed that the president favors the NO LONGER IN USE NEFS Walsh resolution, for he notified the league he could not appoint members Once Popular Piece of Plate Has Aof the disarmament commission on ltogether Disappeared From the account of lack of authority occasionTables of Royalty. ed by the failure of the United States to accept the covenant. So rare is the nef that to most peoThe Walsh resolution, however, ple the very name is unknown ; not stands po show of receiving favorable more than six specimens exist anyaction by the committee. Senator where in the world. The other day Borah is confident that his resolution a silver nef, not more than 22 incites will be reported favorably, although high, was sold by private treaty in there is a disposition on the part of London, Eng., for the huge sum of some Republican senators to with$23,500. At Christies last year a hold action on the measure until the slightly smaller one fetched $16,500 ac Harding administration comes iu and public auction. The reason for these the new president enunciates his for- very high prices is that the nef is the rarest piece of antique plate in existeign policy. ence. Shaped like a ship, and beauRESERVE BANK NUMBERS GROW tifully modeled, nefs were nearly always made by the Seventeenth century silversmiths who specialized in Annual Statement Shows Increase them, to the order of crowned heads. in Paid Members. by Capital Theiq ostensible use was to hold wine federal Washington. Holdings by reserve banks of paper secured by gov- or other beverages in the hull of the ernment war obligations declined from vessel, the liquid being delivered a spout in the bows. Kings nearly $1,500,000,000 at the opening of through of them to other kings. made presents the year to $1,141,000,000 on December Most nefs were so constructed that the fed31, said the annual review by the could not be At the end of wine, being once inclosed, eral reserve board. ; no slight advantage in with tampered the year, it added, out of a total of the days when poison was a' recognized bills 2,719.1 millions, of discounted for the removal of obnoxious about 42 per cent was composed of agent monarchs by their disaffected subpaper secured by United States war jects. obligations, against 67 per cent of a total of 2,231.1 millions held on the Widespread Use of Electric Power. first Friday of the year. If all electrical energy in the United Increases In capitalization of exist- States was suddenly withdrawn, the ing member banks and accessions of loss to industry would run into the new members were responsible in part billions. Practically all of the 275,791 for an increase in the paid-icapital manufacturing plants of the nation, of the federal reserve banks during representing $22,790,980,000 in investthe year from 87.4 to 88.9 millions. ed capital, use electric power in one This corresponded to an increase of way or another. over 411 millions in capital and surplus of member banks. n WILL DANNUNZIO QUITS FIUME. LEAD PARADE IN HELP THAT ACHING BACK! AUTO Tradition to Give Way to Progress in Inaugural Parade. Washington. Tradition will give way to progress next March 4, when Warren G. Harding, as the new president of the United States, heads the inaugural parade up Pennsylvania was made avenue. , Announcement Friday that Senator Harding had decided to use an automobile for his ljide from the capitol to the White House instead of a carriage, the type of con veyance used by every president, with the exception of Andrew Jackson, since the inauguration of Thomas Jef- Not Go Out at Head of Troops, As Desired. London. Gabriele dAnnunzios po litlclal glory was snuffed out on January 1. The who has held the city of Flume for more than a year, requested that he be permitted to leave the city at the head of his troops, with flags flying and bands playing. General Caviglia, commanding the government troops, frowned on the proposal and dAmninzio was compelled to sign an agreement to leave ferson. without pomp and waving gonfalon. poet-warrio- felt bad in my left r, - Caruso May Never Sing Again. New York. The word that the world lias been fearing ever since Enrico Caruso was taken down with an attack of pleurisy came Friday night. It was that the worlds topmost tenor, the man with the voice, will not sing again this season. The query naturally suggested itself in some minds, will the tenor ever be able to sing again on the same plane thht has marked his meteoric career in the worlds opera? op-erati- . Ia your back giving out? Are you tortured with backache and stabbing pains? Does any exertion leave you Feel you just cant all played out? keep going? Likely your kidneys are to blame. Overwork, colds, hurry and worry tend to weaken the kidneys. Backache is often the first warning. Headache and dizziness may come, too, and annoying kidney irregularities. Help the kidneys with Doans Kidney Pills the remedy recommended by thousands. Ask your neighbor! An Idaho Case C. J. Peters, prop, shoe repairing shop, 221 S. St., Shoshone Twin Falls, Idaho says: My kidneys were out of order and I suffered a great deal with sharp pains that went through my back - Coal Oil Johnny" Dies. Omaha. John W. Steele, .known widely in the east half a century ago as Coal Oil Johnny," reputed then to fortune have spent a comfortable when oil1 was discovered on his Penn sylvania land, died of pneumonia 31 at Fort Crook, Neb., where he was station agent for the Burling ton railroad. er Air Passenger Fatally Injured. Ontario, Cal. Miss Esther Gamble, 20, of Ontario, was fatally injured when an airplane In which she was a passenger fell Into an orange grove near here. She died while being carried to a hospital. Nearly every bone In her body was broken. Bank Employees May Strike. Madrid. Complications in the financial situation of Spain are threatened by the bank employees, which are contemplating a general strike, which may be called at any moment. Large numTragedy Closes New Year Party. bers of the employees recently formed New York. Julian Dick, 34, New l syndicate and presented demands to York cotton broker, was accidentally the employers, who In . several inshot and seriously wounded by George stances refused to receive the petitions B. Brooks, son of the late Belvidere ind Indicated that members of the Brooks of New York, at the close of a New Years party at Mr. Dick's home, syndicate would be discharged. knives. like Doans Kidney Pills were recommended and It only took one box to rid me of every bit of kidney trouble. Doans drove away the pains and aches In fine shape. Gat Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Bos DOAN'S FOSTER-MILBUR- V.ILV CO., BUFFALO, N. Y, N PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Remove, Restores Color ana and Faded Hah Beauty to Gray toe. and 1.00 at Dm arista. Tflucoi Chem. HINDERCORNS Remove Corns, Callouses, ete., stops all pain, ensures comfort to thea. Ho. easy. makes feet, by mail or at Drug-(Istwalking Blscox Chemical Works. Patchogne, M. T. J A Bad Cough often leads to serious trouble. If neglected, Safeguard your health, relieve your dietreee and soothe your irritated throat by taking |