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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER .HYRUM. UTAH UTAH BUDGET Genuine and Only ' am-itio- n, -- sat genuine Golden t, Medical tablets o The first and original Cold and of which Grip tablet, the merit is recognized by all civilized A cations. $250,-000- Be (ireful to avoid imitations. sure its Bromo Strove The genuine bears this signature 30c. semi-tropic- Freed From Torture al five-acr- ' pear-shape- tonic Cleared His Up-S- et Stomach people who have seen me suftortures from neuralgia brought on fer stomach now see me per- by an fectly sound and well absolutely due to Eatonic, writes It. Long. Profit by Mr. Longs experience, keep your stomach in healthy condition, fresh and cool, and avoid the ailments that come from an acid condition. Eatonic brings relief by taking up and carrying out the excess acidity and gases does It quickly. Take an Eatonic after eating and see how wonderfully it helps you. Big box costs only a trifle with your druggists guarantee. up-s- Small Son of Adam. It was Iloberts first day in school, and he was having a good time talking to the little girl that sat next to him, when his teacher called him up to her and sat him on her knee till she had finished the lesson when she said to : Robert, are you not sorry you made so much noise that Miss Clarke had to call you up and sit you Now, on worn by (. Quinine him Hoop The man who hanged himself near Thousands of women have kidney and skirts were Parson has been identified as Billy blndder trouble and never suspect it. Joims-- u of Manzauola, Colo. Womens complaints often prove to be else but kidney trouble, or the those who Condensed milk produced in the nothing result of kidney or bladder disease. cases in 454,028 was first asked factories Utah If the are not in a healthy 1020 production is run- condition, kidneys the druggist the and orlDll), they may cause the other 1820. Western Newspaper Union.) gans to become diseased. about even with that of 1010. for, and inning "Wear a smile on your face, in the back, headache, loss of Pain state the of sisted on dairjj From the report Keep a laugh in your heart, nervousness, are often times sympit commissioner' that appears song: with over food bubble and having, the Let your lips toms of kidney trouble. 'Twill lighten your load cow is bringing in a revenue, the Dont dairy Dr. delay starting treatment. As you travel life's road in round numbers, of $8,000,000 h Kilmer's Swamp-Rooa physician's pre, And help other sinners along. scription, obtained at any drug store, may 5 ear. be just the remedy needed to overcome an automobile build to THE AVOCADO OR ALLIGATOR campaign such conditions. Discovery to Lake PEAR. Reno, City highway from Salt Get a medium or large size bottle imput up t by Nev., and from Reno direct to Sail mediately from any drug store. Dr. Pierce over fifty years has lran-ciscavocado at ban For ninny years the Francisco was launched However, if you wish first to test this Dress has changed very ago. Dr. cents send great been brought to this couutry from to ten preparation last week. much since then! But Dr. Pierces Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a Mexico, and in of cievler county lane filed sample bottle. Citizens medicines contain the same deWhen sure be and number writing limited of state articles of mention this the with secretary Adv. paper. pendable ingredients. They are has been in the incorporation for the Sevier alley standard today just as they were late of , markets Coal company, with a capital of A Sure Scare. to north fifty years ago. from divided into shares of $10 each. , I have tried every kind of nkirm Dr. Pierces Golden Medical south. Even now Revision of certain sections of the clock, said the drowsy citizen, and for the stomach and the demand for Utah Discovery is act urged by I havent found one that even annoys corrupt practices blood cannot be surpassed by any the fruit at alof State Harden Reunion me. Ive got to find something thatll most prohibitive Secretary remedy today. in his biennial report which was filed jump me out of bed with a scare. ExDr. Pierces Favorite Prescripprices, fur exceeds the supply. last week. the Governor Well, Bamberger with replied obliging jeweler, perimenters have tested to their satistion for weak women has never orBreedif to a want Rabbit for Utah you pay Members of the special faction that this much prized fruit been a have one built association for have equalled for the distressing Ill der, big you, ers and Fanciers can be produced commercially in a incident to womanfor the an- with an automobile horn. complaints arrangements are completed wide area of territory and they hood. be to What others say: held at nual show, scheduled busy developing an industry that FebDont week Cuticura Los Talcum the I suffered ending beLake Salt Forget during Angeles, Cal. gives much promise. The avocado When adding to your toilet requisites. 5. a Is from nervous for several and ruary prostration longs to the laurel family e tract of property in the An exquisitely scented face, skin, baby years, trying various remedies furA native of tropical and and dusting powder and perfume, renAmerica. The tree Is large and spread- mouth of Emigration canyon, where nished by the doctor. At last I tried other perfumes superfluous. ing, its leathery leaves of a spicy the Utah pioneers first looked upon dering Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription, taste and odor. The bay tree, whose Salt Lake valley, was accepted last You may rely on it because one of the and together with Doctor Pierces Golden leaves are used largely for seasoning, week by Salt Lake City as a site for Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment Adv 25c each Medical Discovery, at the advice of Talcum). everywhere. belongs to the laurel family. The a commemorative monument a friend who had used it and had been fruit of the avocado varies In shape Four months in the city jail was the Automobiles Increase Brains. with color sentence Imposed upon George Win and my recovery was prompt from round to That the automobile lias increased cured, from green to deep purple, weighing ters, 33 years of age, of Salt Lake, the brain and Rose Faulkner, permanent. power available for tbe from a few ounces up to five pounds. charged with carrying concealed weap232 South Grand Avenue. business world by 33 per cent is It contains a large single seed around ons. When arrested two large revolautomoclaimed United tbe States by and which Is a thick creamy yellow Modern Deluge. vers were found in his possession. bile chamber of commerce. Tbe d flesh, of delightful nutty The biggest yearly rainfall is in Asnew county surveyor of Salt equivalent of 37,491 men of executive The d fruit is more Lake county has cut the size of the flavor. The the world's record was calibre has been added, it is shown, sam. In often shipped, as it carries well. It force in the office to the business world through motor broken there by a fall of 805 inches, surveyors county has been said of the avocado that it from nineteen to nine employes, ant transportation, a gain in salary values or more than 67 feet of rain. is in a class by itself. It is a natural roll for his as- of $562,365,000. and oil. It he has sliced the pay combination of food-fruto $1195 monthly from $2S30 sistants averages 9S4 calories, or heat units of age, son m. months Rees, Vaughn maxi Important to Mothers per pound, more than twice the of Cherry Rees Examine carefully every bottle of Mr. Mrs. and of Philip mum calories of the best fresh fruits. that famous old remedy Its fuel value corresponds to 75 per Creek, Nev., died at an Ogden hospital CASTORIA, and for infants children, and see that it a peanut lodging cent of that of cereals. Its chief val- from the effects of Bears the ue however .Is in Its fat content, which in the lungs. The baby swallowed the Signature of In some cases is as high as 28 to 30 peanut at the home on Christmas day and A Square Deal In Use for Over 30 Years. per cent. The only fruit comparable to it is the olive and that is a proc- for Agriculture have been announced Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria essed fruit. The Increase in popula- as the two general subjects which will 6 Bell-an-s r conven tion, making land too valuable mere- be discussed at the three-daGot the Last Word. Hot ly for producing meat, makes the tion of the Utah state farm bureau Mrs. Scrapp The doctor says I Sure Relief production of such a substitute worthy to be held in Salt Lake on January crave things that dont agree with of consideration. LL-AW6, 7 and 8. me. In Mexico a salad of the pear is The cheese factories of the state Scrapp Thats nothing. I once had INDIGESTION used as follows: Cut the fruit in made 1,288,306 pounds of cheese the the same trouble. dice after peeling and add to two past year. A pound of cheese Would Mrs. Scrapp When was that? parts of the fruit one part of Ber come from about teu pounds of averScrapp When I married you. muda onion, chopped fine, and a small age milk, which would mean a total sweet pepper. Prepare two hours be- of 12,883,060 pounds of milk sent to Catarrh Mediclnb fore serving. Season with salt, pep- the factories, Those who are in a run down condiand per vinegar. Revenue receipts of the state of tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in In Santiago. Peel the fruit, remove Utah during the last two year good health. This fact proves that while the seed and cut in cubes. Mix with amounted to a total of $13,414,356.08, Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly If you are troubled with pains or conditions. by constitutional mayonnaise, sprinkle with the yolk of In addition to this, the re Influenced feel tired; have headache, a is CATARRHMEDICINE HALLS aches; hard cooked egg put through a sieve. were $11,527 Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through indigestion, insomnia; painful passof state the ceipts Such a salad should constitute a meal, blood upon the mucous surfaces of a grand total of re the the body, thus reducing the inflammation with the fat of the fruit, in the dress- 853.61, making age of urine, you will find relief in and restoring normal conditions. ceipts of $24,942,209.69. ing and in the yolk of the egg. free. Circulars All Charlotte Rachel Smith, widow of F. J.druggists. Havana Paste. Take the meat of Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. three avocados, add three tomatoes, Joseph W. Smith, who Was accident A Friendly Offer. half a green pepper cut into fine ally killed while employed by the Salt shreds. Crush and pound this mass Lake Chemical company, will receiv I always take a sleeper when I to a paste. Add a little onion juice, $15.51 per week for a period not to travel. lime juice and salt. Mix thoroughly exceed 315 weeks as compensation, the Do you? Then you can lake the industrial commission has decided. and serve at once. Ths worlds standard remedy for kidney, one you will find "in my front office. liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and Avacado au Natural. Remove the During the past four years the price He is no good to me. National Remedy of Holland since 169& skin and slice the fruit. Serve on a paid to farmers for whole milk has Three Guaranteed. sizes, all druggists. cents with 27 to plate garnished per celery hearts, to- risen from 16 cents Destiny leads the willing, but drags Look for tha name Gold Madal on every box mato or sweet red peppers. To be gallon for milk which reached the the and accept no imitation unwilling. eaten with a fork with or without state standard of 3.2 per cent butter salt and pepper, as preferred. fat, while milk with greater butter-fa- t content has brought even a highIf youd make life worth livin er price. Try these big things worth while: A topographic map of the state of Theyre three (Ill sum em up agln), Jest love an work an smile. Utah is urged by George F. McGon agle, state engineer, in his biennial A DAY OF SAUCES. report, which has been submitted to Governor Bamberger. He also makes A sauce as an accompaniment to a a recommendation for $20,000 to be dish is os essential as the ordinary appropriated by the legislature to aid seasoning of salt this work. and pepper to AND FOR A large number of farmers from make a dish apLa Colds, Coughs Fork anl Grippe Spanish Payson, Benjamin petizing. A very visited Provo last Week and met with o r d I n a ry dish to Neglected Colds are Dangerous with a piquant the county commissioners, relative no chances. Take includes No. which 4, district Keep this standard remedy handy for tbe first sneeze. and appropriate drainage northof acres land several thousand Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves sauce has made 3 days Excellent for Headache in south west and and of north Grippe Payson many a chef and of does not affect the head Cascara la best Tonic Benjamin. hotel famous. Certain foods need Quinine in this form Laxative No Opiate in Hills. has been certain sauces. A lamb roast with Permanent Injunction mint sauce, pork roast with apple granted restraining the county treas urer of Salt Lake county from ' colsauce, turkey with cranbeny, are ways associated. Veal without a lecting taxes levied in the last three snappy tomato sauce, or one of onion, years against the $10,00Q,000 in inIs usually flat and tasteless. Boiled tangible assets placed on the assessmutton Is improved by a caper sauce ment rolls against the and currant jelly -i- th a roast With Sugar company. venison a spiced grnpe jelly Is Quail in large number are threatpecially appropriate, and wild uuck ened with starvation this winter unless , needs a tart jelly or a salad of sliced some j are taken to provide an j, steps Wild rice' is excellent oranges. most appropriate to serve with wua available supply of food for them near breaks When out skin stantial with relief your you must treat them to a duck. Fish, too, of any kind is always their feeding grounds, according ecthrough the blood. tetter, rash, eruptions, itching comes from that Farmington. The best remedy for this purpose better served with a sadee. Oyster report zema, psoryasis, or other terrifying is S.S.S., the Meats killed and packed in Utah are fine old blood sauce is one which may be used with disorders, temporary relief will do that purifies the blood of remedy disease and from wholesome free Bechaftiel kind. unusually and brown sauce any you but little good, for soon all the germs, and thus restores the skin are good fish sauces. Lemon and egg disease, according to E. P. Durham, initching and irritation breaks out to a normal and healthy condition. sances are good with some kinds of spector of the United States bureau of afresh with renewed fury, and you Begin taking S.S.S. today, and fish. Wild fowl is especially good animal Industry, who says the number soon realize that local remedies write a complete history- of your of tuberculosis cases found among cat with: such as ointments, salves and simi- case, and our medical director will tie killed in the state is decidedly low lar treatment will never rid you of give you expert advice without and that a similar condition holds true your trouble. charge. Address Chief Medical AdThese troubles originate in the viser, 161 Swift" Laboratory, Atwith regard to hogs. blood, and if you expect real sub lanta, Ga, - Bromo r IN YE OLDEN TIME SWAMP-ROO- T Cabinet Laxative Be HEED The Kitchen flanove'G is the MEH her lap? Robert snuggled up to her and s looked up into her face, and, smiling, said: No, I like it. As usual, when a precedent is brok en, it is proved that it shouldnt be. 1-- 3 green-colore- thick-skinne- Sure it Relief water y gE S DONT Halls DESPAIR non-reven- - GOLD MEDAL Vaselin seline RtgUS.Pat.Ofr. PETROLEUM JELLY For bums, -- cuts, sprains and all skin irritations. CASCARA Relieves dryness of scalp. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CHESEBSOUGH MFG. CO. State Street New York ICQN&OUDATIO) Comfort Your Skin W ith Cuticur a Soap and Fragrant Talcum Sop Kill That Cold With 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL Utah-Idali- SHIP US YOUR HORSES AND MULES you will get highest market prices. 25 ,ye,ar8 experience In horse 88 on buslness- - Sale every ThursdayCOmm DENVER HORSE & MULE CO. Stock Yards Denver, Colo. ATENTS N. U S B. Ooloman, Watson Patent Waablnetoa . Lawyer, - - Salt Lake City, No. - - QUININE o IT Why Are Skin Diseases So Difficult to Overcome? f xxx-x,xxxxxxxxx:xxxxxxx- xxx |