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Show Damaged Page ' I u L V 1 A & South .Cache Courier Hyrum, Cache GouUty, Utah, Friday, VOL. XI. Additional Locals E. Forrest Taylor WANTED Chickens, highest in Cappy Ricks cash price paid. Jensens Grocery, Mo., was a at Indenpendence, grand were From as there present Chiropractic Letter spiritual feast, Pres. Ileber J. Grant, Apostle Man Lyman, .Pres. Young Helps Missionary ard Northern States Smith Rich- Winslow F. Mission R. of NO. 7 Jan. 7. 1920. Adv Hyrum. and nearly 100 missionaries from A few days ago Mr. Geo. Bob- Mr. P. P. Rose, is able to be out Mr. E. Forest Taylor, Miss Ada Many valuable Chanute, Kansas, Dec. 31, 1920 two conferences. I Editor Courier: Thinking poss- instructions were received and bingtonof Fairfield, Idaho, was again after a prolonged sickness and Daniels and Rotation Stock Comto Hyrum, seeking relief general break-dowof several weeks pany will present Captain Peter B. ibly a few words from this historical feel we all left with that spirit of brought ment-1 from duration. I might also through Chiropractic Kynes big, human play Cappy spot jn the Lords vineyard would be work, work, workTuesof interest to the readers of your mention that Hyrum was well repre- al insanity. , parm Wanted: Wanted to hear Ricks at the Rex Theatre in11th. as Jan. we Mr. are Bobbington, valuable paper, I take the pleasure sented, there being six of us namely: from owner of farm or good land day, The opening scene takes place in was from thrown a horse Dora formed, Pearl for Sisters lines Jeppsen, these Allen, publiin submitting for sae worth price askedi L Jone8i the office of Alden P. Ricks known Elders Louis last June and sustained injuries Box551i Qlney, III. ' and Lenore Nielsen, cation. ad. to his friends as Cappy and very First let me express my apprecia- Petersen, James McBride and my- to his Spine, which have gradualMrs. Welch Wilford of Paradise, early in the play you are made action for your paper which bears its self. All are feeling fine and enjoy- ly deprived him of his normal wso has been very sick with an quainted with the fact that he is a thinking capacity, until on or tack of glad message of home topics to the ing their labors immensely. is reported as being waather-beatemeasles, old sea dog, gruff Dec. 15th, it was decided While at Independence I had the various parts of the world until it on the improve and but never vindican to him asylum, as he finds a resting place in hands of a pleasure of visiting the temple lot to send tive. Mrs. Alonzo Burrell who was son or daughter of zion who eager where at some future day the saints was getting irresponsible for his As a matter of real truih, all the ill with a severe attack of ap taken could and a only sleep ly scans its columns over and over will erect a magnificient edifice for actions, of the play are products of characters treatpendicitis, is receiving medical the second advent of our Lord. The few hours in a weeks time. again. the San Francisco water front. The value of a home paper cannot ocation is beautiful, it being on a Before sending" him to a menb ment under which she is recoverYou also meet John Skinner the be understood except by one who hill overlooking the city and on the al hospital however, be was tak- ing. manager of Cappy but has had the personal experience of main road to Kansas City. en to Salt Lake City for examirn Afton, the daughter of Mr. and general in name only, for Cappy has a way Also viewed the old jail where ation, with the result, that he Mr3. Z. W. Israelsen, who has been being away from home; of being a of doing what he likes irrespective stranger in the outside world and the Prophet Joseph Smith and others ordered to be immediately very ill with heart trouble is, we of the manager. having the satisfaction of eagerly were imprisoned and where the taken' to an asylum, being ad-- ) are informed somewhat on the Later you meet Cecil Periceles looking forward to that weekly orders were signed to. ririwe the suffering from insanity, prtye. Barnard a young master from New messenger which bears the current saints from Missouri. Thi is also most likely a Cefebrn' Pegener- Mr. Willis? Savaffe came up from York, whose father, an old friend events and social happenings of his preserved by the church. ation, as the doctors pronounc- - meta ut f t0 spend the holidays with of Cappys, has tired of his sons There are manv other historical home town. and friends at home. Mr pursuit of a chorus girl of Broadparents Fourteen months have almost points in this Center Stake of Zion On December ?1st act, be "'as Savage was accompanied by a young way and sends him out to Cappy for slipped .by since I left my friends which portrays very vividlv the to Hyrum to Drs. Olsen lady whose name we did not learn. the latter to put him to work and brought and loved ones in the valleys of the hardships our pioneers went through and Petersen Chiropractors in The infant daughter of John J. make a man out of him. Incidentmountains, to go forth as an am- for religous freedom, but .will not a a nervous muscular state, very Thomas died Friday night, follow- ally Cecil becomes attached romantbassador of the Lord in proclaiming enumerate them at this time. tremer o'ver his entire body and ing a severe attack of pneumonia ically and leagally to Florence Ricks his truths to the people. May the Lord bless each and every a to unable was After speak. Deep sympathy is extended to the the pretty daughter of Cappy and Nothing can bring more joy and one of us with his choicest blessings axd examanalysis chiropractic young parents in their sad bereave- hiq heiress. happiness than being engaged in a lhat we might strive to serve him the doctors located the ment. ination, You also meet Captain Ole Peterwork which tends to elevate your at all times anM prove faithful to as re trouble above injhis spine sen in command of one of Cappys , fellow man to a higher standard. the end. thereby gaining an exaltaRemember E. Forrest Taylor to ferred expressed every schooners, who has been charged by That is our great purpose in the tion in his kingdom. Miss Ada Daniels and the Rota-tiobe recovfor mans to take the first mate, Matt aouttg To assist our fellow mission fieldI remain your Broth'er in the hope Stock Company in the fam- Cappy a handsome and pertinent ery man, to lead them out of darkness cause of truth. Ricks at,tje Peasley, ous piny .Cappy ' The doct'GrsVkve ii.m kex T youngster, who is an obession to into light by laying before tlWm the Eider Dewey Hansen. he atri .Tuesday light. to decided and dailv Capp and njvil him to the mast" adjustments 302 South Pleasant Screet, Independplan of eternal .life. Mrs. E. and Mr. Dec. s On to speak. But the Captain re30th, keep him here for a month, at It shbuld be the soul desire of ence, Missouri. Jr-, were happily sur- turns with a black eye where it the end of which, if he continues J. Wilson, every young man and woman in the Mrsof Mrs. Wi- came in contact with Matts fist, arrival R. E. the , formerly to improve as he has up to this prised by church to live a clean life, both Mrs. Hagert of Grand and incidentally Matt becomes mastphysically and morally, so that if Miss Mary Thomas of Paradise, was time, he will be able to return to lsons mother, .North Dakota. Mrs. Hagert er of the ship. iri in from her home Idaho, and resume Forks, Ogden, to his home the opportunity presents itself to up You meet the pretty daughter will spend the winter here as their rai,se his voice in defense of truth, spend Xmas with her parents Mr. his regular labors. and Mrs. of Orson Thomas. Cappy, and encounter Betsy he would be in a condition to do so. At present he speaks very in- guest. i Grimsby, the stenographer, who The corruptness of so called Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Anhder of telligently, plays poo1, and his Among those who royally enterChristianity today is vividly portray- this city spent New Years in Salt mnscular turner has entirely left tained relatives and friends during proves to be Cecils chorus girl A double lbve affair starts ed by the millions of people who Lake City with relatives and fi iends. him. Thursday night he wrote the holidays were, Mr. and Mrs. friend. and runs thru the play with Matt are groping in spiritual darkness. While there they attended the in- an intelligent letter to his rela- J. Vern Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. the choice of Florence ' and They are being tossed to and fro auguration of Govt-rnc- r Charles R. tives. Jonas I. Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. J. being upon the billows of clashing opinions Mabey, at lhe State Capital. If Drs. Olsen & Petersen suc- H. Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. E.- J. Cecil getting the girl his father s?nt him to escape from. of men, while many are buried in The Misses Alta Grant and Emma ceed in restoring the young man Wilson, and iur. and Mrs. John The result is a comedy-dram- a that the greatocean of doubt and unLarsen came up from Salt Lake to his former health, it will cer- Jorgensen. a tells love delightful story with a certainty. and spent a couple of days tainly be a great blessing to him, City, Miss Ada Wilson, who is teaching vein of pathos running through the 'lhe only remedy for the sin sick with Miss Lettie A. Sorensen of this and at the same time will great- school at Shelley, Idaho, and has plot and more legitimate cause for world will be the knowledge of a The ladies were former mis- ly add to the prestige of our lo- been city. home spending the holidays laughter than can be found in a living God and a life beyond. This . of Miss Soren- cal chiropractors. sionary companions has been attacked while here with a dozen like dramas that have been valuable imformation is being carson. case of quinsy, preventing produced in the past twenty years. severe ried to all nations by the humble Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liljenquist her from returning to her school. Mormon missionary, who, some and children The left doctor found it necessary to for an extended people would have you believe, is a lance her throat to remove a large menace to society. The world may business trip to Kansas City last amount of puss that had gathered, to Monday. be They expect gone STATE OF UTAH, persecute, scoff, scorn and hiss at of six and she is now on ti.e improve. us but the inevitable decree of God about City Hyrum. weeks, during which time " will go forth until his kingdom fills they intend to visit Chicago, and I have in my possession the followMr. add Mrs. J. Vern Nielsen ing described animals lawfully imthe earth and consumes all other other business centers in the east. numDr. Oliver Wendall Holmes, a pounded, which, if not claimed and very pleasantly entertained a kingdoms. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petersen taken, away, will be sold at public ber of immediate friends New Years member of the Howard Medical We alone (as a church) hold the entertained a number of their rela- auction to the highest cash bidder, night, seeing the old year out and Faculty evidently realized much of keys to the kingdom of Heaven and tives at their home on New Years at my corral in this city; on Satur- the new year in. The rooms were the truth of the present day situa-tio- n as Matthew tells us, that straight is day of January, decorated with Christmas colors. night, about fifty guests being day, thethe 15th when he wrote, It were better hour of 1 oclock p. m. 1921, at the gate and narrow the way that present. Music, games and social Various games were the pastimes for mankind if all the drugs were leads to life eternal and few there chat were the Description of Animals: pastimes of the evenof the night and a delicious supper dumped into the sea, but infinitely One be that find it; therefore Herford red, white-face- d they have ing during which a dainty luncheon The guests left early worse for the fishes. This is rather about 8 years old, branded re- was served. got to come thru the authorized was served. A most pleasant and cow, 'XV e on left in the morning having spent one of blunt criticism, but surely the prosembling channels of the Priesthood before enjoyable evening was spent. shoulder, and 3c combined on left the most delightful times of the tection of your life and the lives of it will be accepted in the sight of earmarked resembling 2 under- holiday season. On New Years Day Mr. and Mrs. hip, your loved ones against a false sys. ' God. notches with slit in each notch, on A week ago last Wednesday eve- tem of medication is ample justifiE. J. Wilson Jr., entertaired at their left ear. My first three months in the misshome with a delicious turkey dinner The New One red brocklfacejf.ftyjlyqalj, ning they entertained the 1st ward cation for bluntness. ion field was spent in Topeka, the in honor of their house and 8 and clerk wives. York ward about month Health no bishopric officer or old, tgi&ksr reports that guest Mrs. capitol of Kansas. The city has a X. fine luncheon was served and a drug doctors have lost six out of Emma Hagert of Grand Forks, N. brands visible. population of possibly 60,000 inhabOne red heifer calf, about 8 mon. ten cases of pneumonia in that secpleasant evening spent. itants. Since that time lve labored Dakota. Those present were, Mr. old, no marks or brands visible. tion of the country. Patients of this Mrs. E. J. Wilson Sr., Mr. and One black and white steer with at various places but mostly in the and kind are seldom lost under OsteoMrs. J. H. Archibald and children, horns, about 2 years old, branded country (or sticks as we call it) OJ-on combined Misses the pathic treatment. right Lillian, Ada, Grace -- and resembling traveling without purse or script. earmarked off with hip, crop right Minda Wilson; also Mr. and Mrs. As a rule the people treat us ear and underbit in left ear. quite P. M. Porter and Mrs. Maud Liljenquist, closed Look for Announcement of children, Mr. and Well but occasionally we Said animals were impounded in the postpone a Mrs. Millinery Store for 2 months. J. T. Wilson and son, Mr. and this city on the 4th day of January, Ellson-Whit- e ChautauWill open again Match 1st, with the. 1921. moonlight seeking lodging. Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Wil- a new and complete line of Spring qua, which holds forth in HyN. C. Anderson, Our fall conference recently held cox and son of Salt Lake City, Utah. ' ad. rum, January 20th to 25th. Poundkeeper. Millinery. n - I . at-abo- ut n I head-stron- g im-judg- d - . - Pt-m- Estray Notice. Osteopathy For Health half-circl- 8 F , , Notice. |