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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOOTH CACHE GOORin Frida), Nov. 1217. 2, bntered at tht aa Pootoffioo at Hyman, Utah, second claaa mail matter, under the Aet of Marh3 1870 J. A. Wahlan, Pubiiiher & Manager Local News Buy your Victrolas at the Hyrum Clothing: Co. Adv. To The Voters of Hyrum City: The Executive Committee of the Republican Party wish to say to the voter or Hyrum City: That we believe this is no time for party strife; but that it is Mr. Willis Savage is confined to everyohes patriotic duty to stand squarely behind his country, his bed with typhoid fever. his community and his home, and that the spirit of fellowship, Mr. C. L. Anderson has moved toleration and brotherly love should be our guide through the dark down from his ranch in Blacksmith clouds that are overhanging our beloved country. Fork Canyon. And before asking you for your votes we want to compliment t Mrs. Leo Yates is confined to her bed with a bad case of Typhoid fever. Overcoats made to order in any style, guaranteed all Wool $16.50 Adv. Hyrum Clo. Co. Mr. W. C. Parkinson and son's have shipped four or five cars of grain the past week. Order your Trench style overcoat Made to order only $16.50, now. Hyrum Clo. Co. Adv. Mr. Ellis Allen left Saturday evening for Salt Lake to report for duty at army headquarters. Mr. Lester Rose had a severe attack of appendicitis on Tuesday of this week. He is reported as slowly recovering. Why pay $25.00 for a ready made Suit, when you can get them made to order for $16.50. Hyrum Clo. Co. Adv. A crank for an Overland in the southwest part of town. car, Finder please leave same at this office and be rewarded. Adv. LOST our friends (the Democrats) upon the splendid sonal of their entire ticket. character and per- For City Election Tickets Named To be Held in Hyrum City Nov. Republican Ticket 6, 1917. Democrat Ticket For Mayor, H. H. Jensen. For Recorder, John W. Jensen. For Treasurer, Mrs. Charlotte For Mayor, N. J. Nielsen. For Recorder, Leonard Larsen For Treasurer, Mrs. Charlotte Allen. Allen. For 4 year Councilman, Jos. For 4 year Councilman, ChrisC. Anderson. ten Thompson. For 2 year Councilmen, Wm. For 2 year Councilmen, Win. H. Jensen, Alban T. Clawson and iam McBride, Austin D. Allen M. S. Rosenbaum. Willis Savage. An Electric Wash-eFOR SALE nearly as good as nesv. Apply to Mrs. Maud Liljenquist. Adv. r, Coal Supply to be Investigated nd see our new stock of Fleeced-line- d Ladies and Misses In declaring our principles we wish to say that we believe in a house dresses. Williams Economy The U. S. Fuel Administrator for liberal policy toward our schools, but that the strictest economy Store. Adv. Utah, W. W. Armstrong, ha asked for a su rvey of the coal situation in consistant with the Citys progress should be practiced, thereby We have a new stock of Sample our district through the agency of Underwear for Men, Ladies and the lightening the burden of taxation. schools. This will make some We wish to call the attention of the voters to the fact, that Children, which we sell at a big work on our teachers but, after all Wilpractically nine thousand dollars have been paid out during the Discount from regular prices. it is but a small contribut to the Adv, This includes liams Economy. past administration on permanent improvements. present need of the- - Nation. for the of land on fifteen acres Electric Mr. to A baby girl was born improvements Light Plant, The school faculty have been High School, extention of City Water and light to same, a start on and Mrs. Will Baxter last Tues asked to canvass the homes of the a good road to High School, an ample gravel pit for future use, day. All concerned are doing district, explain to the householder eight acres of land in the mouth of the canyon including springs nicely, and Will is busy receiving the nature of the request and ask to protect our water rights, permanent improvements on second congratulations. for an accurate statement of facts east street together with many other smaller improvements. An excellent line of Mens and as answers to the questions: Amount We also favor, that hereafter when a side walk district is creat- young Mens suits and overcoats. of coal on hand? Additional amount needed ed that it be done by a majority instead of a minority of the sig- Belted and pinch-back- s, during next six any months? Householders $15-00- . natures in the district. 15 off need not cent at per style fear that any publicity will be given .We wish to call the attention of the voters to the fact, that all on all Boys knee pant suits. as their names are riot placed on any Adv. these improvements are paid for and that at the end of our fiscal Dunbar and Hyde. lists. All that is required is to make year there will remain in the treasury from one thousand to fifteen Mrs. Nielsen of son Clayton a statement to the Fuel Adminilundred dollars. Jos. E. Petersen, had the misfor- strator as to the amount needed for And here we wish to borrow a stereotyped expression of our tune of breaking his leg last the as a so whole that fuel may city riends the Democrats. that to these achievements we point Wednesday. The young man be on the same scale as regulated with pride after reducing the taxes from eleven to eight mills. was riding a horse down the hill foods. We wish to remind the voters of Hyrum that, this election comes by Elam Allens residence when under the corrupt practices law and that no one is allowed to the horse stumbled and fell on $5.00 down and $1.00 a week hafil influence Dr. Elia-so-n Call in voters to the polls. Mrs. Rebecca C. Allen announces any voter in any way, nor the marriage of her daughter We ask no one for their vote but urge every voter of Hyrum the Edwin to Clawson, Margaret, City to go to the polls on Tuesday arid exercise theirjjight of fran-marriage to take place Wednesday, chise by voting their own principles unbiased by anyone. Nov. 7, 1917, at the Logan Temple. And if the returns show that we are the peoples choice, we Dr. Oldham will open offices at lereby pledge ourselves to conduct the citys business during the the young mans leg. a Victrola at the was called and set the broken buys Co. ' limb, and made the young man Clothing Hyrum Adv. Just Received a sample feel as comfortable as possible Mens Sweater Coats, which under the circumstances. Hyrum on Mondays and Thurs- next two years in an economical, careful and businesslike way. And if the Democrats are elected we promise to support them days from 10 to 12 a. m., at Dr. Cutlers residence, Main street. in every possible way, and expect them to do the same. Will also be on hand for calls. By Order of Phones, Logan exchange 230-23- 1 Republican Central Committee. and Hyrum 143j. See card in Saturday evening, Oct. 13, 1917, Ad. another column. as I was eating my supper, my vocal cords suddenly became paraA number of the friends of Mr. lyzed and I was unable to utter a Charley Maughan were royally sound. I also had a severe heavy entertaind at a birthday party dull, numb feeling on the top of my last Saturday evening. A delicious head, which I afterward learned chicken supper was served, and the was a cardinal symptom of paralysis evening was spent in card games Nov. 6th, is election day. Come out on election day and vote of one half of the body. Tuesday and pleasant conversation. Dainty On that day there will be elected a for the candidate of your choice. Sunday, I felt no better, was unrefreshments were also served durTreasurer and Recorder, Mayor, There are able on to speak and the pain in my men both good ing the evening. 4 Councilmen, to take charge of the tickets and no matter who is elected, head was more intense. I rode to From all appearances the people two for next the affairs years. the people of Hyrum, can rest as- Logan and visited Dr. G. B. Rose, citys of Paradise will soon be enjoying so is if you sured that between the two tickets the chiropractor. He told me that passed, Registration the electric light system. Many are not registered you cannot vote. they will be able to elect a good the cause of my trouble was a subteams have been engaged the past disin one If you are registered and satisfactory city administration, luxated vertebrae in my spine which week hauling polesTrom the O. L trict and are living in another, you who will serve the public to the was pinching the nerves that lead & I. Depot, while a large force o can get a transfer from 'the district best of their ability. to my vocal cords and that I had men are busy building the line from in which are any registered you Remember also, it is your duty strained my spine by some heavy the Utah Power & Light Plant in time before Nov. 5th, and vote in as citizens and voters, to go to work, then I recalled that I had Blacksmith Fork Canyon. This wil the district reside. now you the polls on Tuesday Nov. 6th, and been lifting heavy pieces of coal all certainly be a valuable asset to our Remember, on election day, no cast day Saturday (something to which your vote. neighbor on the south. I was not assustomed) carriages or automobiles will call to Elsewhere appears the two party Mr. Leo Nielsen a young man o take you to the polls. The law forDr. Rose felt of my spine and our town, and a contractor for the bids any and all of these practices tickets. Look them over carefully immediately touched the tender past year with the O. L. & I. R. R of the past, and it will be necessary and if you dont feel like voting a spot which was very sensitive. is engagsd with a force of men anc for voters to walk to the polls, un- straight party ticket, vote for. the He gave me my first adjustment that less they have their own conveyance men of your choice, always having Sunday afternoon. The results teams, repairing the wash-ou- t occured last winter, over by Mill and must not influence anyone to foremost in mind the interests of were astounding. the people of Hyrum in general, ville. Mr. Nielsen has completec go with them. After the third adjustment .the "of makeuse and a clean, economic and businessof o several big jobs in the north end Hyrum, (Jitizens pain left my head entirely and no the valley the past summer, and your franchise and show your pa- like administration of the citys signs of it have reappeared. After has received favorable mention by triotism and loyalty to your city. affairs. the fourth adjustment I was able to the officials of the company. make a few sounds. Since then I line of we will sell at a big reduction. see them. Williams Economy Call and Store. cdverttsemenO What He Thinks Of. Chiropractic Patriotic Hyrum So Voters May -- The Golden Hour Club motorec to Blacksmith Fork canyon Satur day afternoon, the 20th, and were entertained by Mrs. Goodhue, who served dainty refreshments. Saturday afternoon the 27th, the club wtfs entertained by Mrs. J. Dally, who also served refresh ments. Mrs. H. B. Nielsen enter tained the club this Saturday afternoon, where a pleasant afternoon was spent. J Election Judges Overcoats and Suits ordered now have boen improving continually will be here by Nov. 15th. Hyrum until now my voice is almos Following are the names of the Clo. Co. Adv. Judges of Election, for the coming city election to be held Nov. 6, 1917: Mrs. Dan Bickmore, mother of 1st Precinct O. H. Andersen, D. M. Bickmore, of Paradise, W. A. McBride and Robt. Petersen. while in Hyrum, accidently fell 2nd Precinct O. P. Olsen, Victor and broke her arm Friday eveAllen, C. J. Christiansen. ning. Dr. Eliason was called The people of Hyrum are certainly to be congratulated for their patriotism displayed in the Second Liberty Loan Subscriptions. It is asserted that according to population Hyrum stands without a rival in the United States. The quota assigned to Hyrum was $30,500.00, and the bonds subscribed for amounted to $36,350.00. Who can beat it. Last Friday a small boy of Marion Jessops while riding on a wagon going down depot street accidently fell off on to his head, the fall rendering him unconscious. The little fellow was picked up and taken to a neighbors house and later taken to his home, where he remained in that condition for about three hours. He finally regained his senses, but turned quite sick afterwards. At last reports, however, the boy was getting better, and aside from a bruise' on his head did not seem to be hnrt otherwise. Dr. E. J. Merrill Osteopathic Physician Logan, Utah Chronic Diseases a Specialty Office and Residence 127 E. 3rd N. Phone 247. natural. Worts fail me ancf my family to express our gratitude, to Dr. Rose aamtntmnmunummmmnansssj and the wonderful science of chiropractic. People of Cache County, chiro- practic is right, Yours for right. and attended her injuries and at H. W. Piersen, Use KREAM KRISP for cooking last reports she was progressing Adv. AdV. very favorably. in place of butter. Plymouth, Utah, Ernest P. Oldkam, M. D. & Surgeon Offices Physician Over At Shamhart-Chriitianw- ni Store Hours from 2 to 4 P. M. fit Tbnriday y a. m. at Dr. Cutler's Reiideoce 10-1- Hyrum--Monda- 2 |