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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH UTAH BUDGET Moab is practically assured of jalTairffurls?, a sewer system. carloads of sheep were Huntsville last week. out of shipped The Denver & Ilio Grande Railroad company credited Utah with $100,000 of its subscription to the Liberty loan. Twenty-tw- o Southern California newspapers give the Utah artillerymen credit for being the best drilled regiment at Government has most careful provision for sailors ill or wounded:: Service afloat very desirable for youth of country from standpoint of physical well being no cause for worry jtl I Trappers1 fuX for the ahmony Sr ySi tin, you.ur? ,0!cin. Camp Kearney. themoa It is expected that the business and 4 Wf, have no prlza or other residence section of Panguitch will be before lighted by the new plant .t'Tay Yon More For Your Furs Thanksgiving day. of college To keep alive the spirit days, the University club of Ogden is Square Grading-High- est States dotted with pins with By William G. Braisted, Surgeon Genorganizing a glee club, an orcliastra Prices and Quick Returns heads of various colors. The and a mandolin club. eral, United States Navy, in New the three bis things that a trapper needs. farmresembles and used York Herald Magazine of those map Weber county housewives Pure will be High this season andyoo can mala Bl Mon.a on the trap lina. Wo wanthlnk, Bkonk to show the movements of the the War. ers are being urged to systematize Coon, Muskrats. Opossums and all other Unlimited Qusnfitie and you can only experience u' milk with to belligerent armies. It is, inand that Satisfied Fooling by shipping your fun to begin their economy It Is perhaps somewhat strange, and deed, a map of an Invasion of and other dairy products. ABRAHAM FUR CO. yet It Is a fact, that friends, and espe- the United States, but it is Now is the time to start planning a 1 14Abraham Bldg. cially parents, of boys who enlist In not a military invasion. li titc tntiny 1918 war garden, according to letters Trappere fat Fret St. Loots, The colored pins show the the navy are more gravely concerned Suppliet, sent out by State SuperintendDr WiJUam C.Braizted, U.S.ft. being Missouri Traps, bailt, for the health of the men than with invasion of armies of disease E. G. Gowans. 4c. at lotto Price Llit Follow the directions and advice of ent of Education the prospect of battle casualties. prices. throughout the various states, and each of the asked been end To, has Permission the and over officers the report you Ti:ts state of mind Is evidenced in color denotes a different contagious German have to priswar meddepartment hundreds of letters which come to the disease, such as measles, scarlet fever, first symptoms of illness to the The Householder. oners interned at Fort Douglas set to office of the surgeon general and In smallpox, meningitis and the like, as ical officer. have pipe dreams?" fields of the state. Ever beet in the work conduct When on yourselves foci liberty the personal calls of scores of fathers these diseases come first from the Yes, and they are generally A library fund has been started in as gentlemen and do not lay yourself and mothers who are apprehensive that in the civilian population. Lindon wrect Mount nightmares. of towns Pleasant, the may their sons may become 111 and not reEvery day come reports from officers liable to diseases whichcommunicated soi for literature to Manila and buy be own deand lives your of the United States public health ceive proper medical care. diers. The idea is meeting with sucOLD PRESCRIPTION As one mother put it, If the boys partment, and the pins are moved to others. do cess. In the case of landing parties are going to be wounded or killed It about as the germ armies advance or not drink water promiscuously. Stick Word has been received that the Is only what we must expect. FOR WEAK KIDNEYS Its retreat. to or canteens to now with the draft irmy in water Utah the your boys At a single glance it can be told Just part of the war sacrifice and It. cant aldivision at Camp Lewis, American be helped. We must give our lives what diseases are prevalent or pres- the sources of supply which have A medicinal preparation like Dr. Kiby Lake, Wash., subscribed $5,000 to the and approved been tested ready and the lives of those dearer to us ent in any part of the country. Swamp-Roothat has real curative lmers officers. medical the loan. second Liberty than our own without question, but It Let us say, for Instance, that this sells itself. Like an endless almost value do is a terrible thing to think of their map shows a number of cases of The Gunnison Valley Sugar com- chain system the remedy is recommended Keep your quarters clean and which around lie to 111 or matter not allow needThe to disease in Kansas. examining pany made a definite selection of the by those who have been benefited to those being exposed meningitis Prowho are in need of it. site for its new factory when it purlessly with no one to take care of officers are informed through the pub- will attract flies or other insects. is a physand e flies mosquitoes tect Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t from two miles tract all them. lic health reports, and chased a thirty-acryourself applicants cliicians prescription. It has been tested south of Gunnison last week. The answer to this woman was to for enlistment in the navy from the all you can, especially in tropical for years and has brought results to counshow her through the medical, depart- affected district are watched for symp mates. to save Utah sheepmen Designed tless numbers who have suffered. If the boys in the navy will follow thousands of dollars and to add mament's headquarters in the navy an- toms of prevailing diseases. The same t The success of Dr. Kilmers nex building and to explain to her Just is true of every disease which can be these simple rules they should be terially to Salt Lakes pay roll, a is due to the fact that it fulfills almost evand what Is being done, not only to care carried or conveyed in any manner healthy. They must aid and suppleplant, to cost at least ery wish in overcoming kidney, liver troubles for those who are ill but to prevent from one person or place to another. ment the work of the medical officers, $1,000,000, may be, located in Salt bladder diseases,' corrects urinary and neutralizes the uric acid which causes men of the navy from becoming ill. At the training stations the men are who will see to it that conditions are Lake. rheumatism. She went away contented her mind kept under observation for days until made and kept conducive to health. Thomas Gardner was the victim of t Do not suffer. Get a bottle of sevare A ship with its complement of at rest. A mothers care can, of it is practically certain that they last week. While accident a from ang druggist now. Start treatpeculiar eral hundred men, sometimes more course, not be replaced by anything in not carriers of infection. to rope cattle near Parashaunt, ment today. men which the under conditions The was satisfied she than 1,000, Is similar to a small town,, trying that the world, but However, if you wish first to test this was caught In the coil of his thumb should her boy contract any ailment live once they are in the navy are con- having consideration for its water sup-- 1 the great preparation send ten cents to Dr. at severed and completely rope Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a he would have everything it is hu- ducive to health, and it is not easy ply, sewage disposal, lighting of Its, the top joint. foot- passageways and living apartments, sample bottle. When writing be sure and manly possible to give him except her for a disease to start and gain a set been has dollars thousand mention this paper. Adv. Five not care. hold, but transmittable diseases do heating and ventilation of its living aside for making additions necessary outside. quarters, protection against epidemic Obviously, it is Impossible to ex- get into the navy from the Her Qualifications. Twenof young men diseases, maintenance of the general' to the barracks occupied by the numbers Wherever great to how all callers Just of the Hotel plain personally The order in housekeeper Fort at Douglas tieth the medical department of the navy is live together they are liable to epi- health of the jemmunity and general that infantry housemaids, refor a in in be quest the regiment may kept matters quickly diseases but these and arp demics, hygienic how but conducted and it works, ceives many applicants and not a few are officials I Utah this winter. and taken care of. isolated there board On this ship War of the the Magazine through I have been present at the killing requests for a trial at the job through It should be remembered that In who represent in a similar way the News. will be able to reach thousands of are various officials of a town. The med- of 450 mountain lions, says an in- the mall, says the Indianapolis a small mothers and fathers who perhaps have peace times epidemics of disease from wrote woman One young a on a dog collar worn by she been concerned about the same thing. extremely rare In the navy, and the ical officer, or officers, represents the scription in the Kaibab national town In an adjoining state that mastiff attenattract to too few are husky deaths the of inspector,, board health, sanitary houshotel In the first place, an ill or delieute at a to have try a famous trapper and would like man cannot perform the duties re- tion. When, however, at the outbreak medical adviser and family physician. forest, owned by and offered this inducement : ekeeping Owens. as named hunter of civilians, talent hundreds medical young He represents all the quired In the navy. He Is a burden. of war years of age, have I am twenty-tw- o Two hundred carloads of apples and He not only is useless himself while newly enlisted recruits, are brought available to any community. brown hair and eyes, and weigh 133 of the country 111 but It No one with a friend or a relative 300 carloads of potatoes are ready to never been sick two requires other men to care together from all parts epidemics in the navy need fear for the manharvest on farms along the Orem elec- pounds. I have Folks for him, and he often becomes a men- and intimately associated, say I am nice life. in my days do occur. The boy from a home where ner in which the men are cared for In tric lines and not a car can be obace to his shipmates. and have a kind disposition. not believe in vaccina- such circumstances. tained for hauling the crops, according lookingsounded From the standpoint of efficiency, the parents dotown It good, said the hotel authorthe where a from to the traffic manager. Is sick call, there morning then, the navy must do everything in tions, Every I wrote the young but to Belliston of Nephl had the housekeeper, which time those who feel indisJoseph at Its power to keep the men well and ities think it unnecessaryetc. quaranwere we woman keeping a hotel that a Thus a contagious case, to the proper officer. They misfortune to break his leg while com- and not matrimonial a report posed strong. If for no other reason this tine whose running little sister or brother are at once examined and disposed of ing down Salt Creek canyon. He should reassure those interested in en youth has measles or scarlet fever and who according to their needs. Some are caught his foot and was thrown to agency. listed men in the navy. Is allowed to go Then take the medical officers. It may carry the diseasein time he endan- given medicine and return to work. the ground violently, snapping the Calorie Luncheon. and bone above the ankle. quaris their duty to cure the ill and pre- away and enlist Others may be treated in Boston Transcript tells of a "caThe of others. hundreds to the, vent the well from becoming ill. If gers ters and still others are Apparently in the best of health, loric luncheon served at the Womens In a great, many ways the men them- sick bay and put In clean beCLS under John satisthis not do Davis, aged 69 years, a resident City club of Boston recently, the duty perform they selves can better their health and of West Point, Davis county, set about factorily they come to be known as maintain it. These ways are shown to the care of trained male nurses, meal providing 750 calories. on board his morning chores, when he was medical Inefficient officers. It is a matter of The department menu was worked out by a food The them, and many are required by the On to a them In their and space, a with established with generous stricken discharge is spell coughing pride ship expert, Mrs. Harriet L. B. Darling. of of the navy. for and died a few minutes later. value is provided which specifically caloric duty well and faithfully. Moreover, discipline the place cards the In the first place, the bulk of the it is the spirit and tradition of the plans A statement issued jointly by the each item of the menu was given, even could desirably located in the originalvessels sea. at is certainly Nothing navy vessel. In the larger corps to feel a human interest in all state board of equalization and the to a lump of sugar. The luncheon to breathe than the pure of the divided Into an examinIs the men and boys who come under be better this state auditor shows that out of every served consisted of cream of celery space in which the room, their care. They are specialists in sea air. The quarters operating room, dispensary, dollar received by the state from di- - soup, chicken en casserole, tomato ing clean. The the sick bay, which cor- rect taxation 65.44 cents is applied on cake their line and yet they regard the men men live are scrupulously and bathroom the food plain salad, graham muffins, Ice cream, to a hospital ward, and there the states educational fund. with the same personal feeling that a ventilation is good and responds and coffee. but wholesome. Is generally a small isolation room family physician has toward his pabids on the construction Because, have upon dietitians agreed Expert diseases. tients. schools at Antelope and Lakefork exthe men are as- for contagious Philadelphia Is to have a new library so 111 that ceeded That Is a feeling which cannot be the navy rations, and become Should the patient by about 100 per cent the building to cost $3,050,000. sured of enough to eat to maintain bought and paid for. It is 'the outhe needs special care and quiet, he is amount the board of education had figstorCold and health. their strength to the hospital ship which ured upon, none of them were acceptgrowth of their training, a part of the facilities and the great quantities transferred on the fleet. Here ed, and the work on the schools Is deIs in attendance esprit de corps of the medical depart- age of food which can be carried on board ment. be under medical ofwill the patients more At the heads of the branches and ship make navy fare perhaps which ficers thoroughly equipped with all layed. than that Live stock losses through the depreInbureaus of the navy department are varied and agreeable the army in medical and surgical appliances, most dations of wild animals in Cache counto to is give it possible same the and men actuated by y the machines principles is no possibility cluding These hospitals ty alone the past year totaled $40,000. men who feel that it is the enlisted the field. Then there apparatus. a eat outside and to To prevent similar losses this coming sailor who is making the greatest sac- for the men forgowhich their are conducted after the manner of of palates lot things year the farmers of the county have enis he staff and that rifices for the flag civilian Institutions, the nursing but which upset the stomach. formed a fighting unit and will war of number a titled to the very best in comfort and yearn certain of amount of prescribed ex- consisting A certain against predatory animals. care. in every day. nurses of the nurse corps (women) must be ercise indulged not sound is who High school students at American No man physically men in condition and and of the navy and hospital corps. Fork hit upon a novel plan for raising are and In good health can enlist. There- This keeps the On board these hospital ships strength. for Liberty bonds. School was money fore the recruit is supposedly well builds up their have who specialized officers Personal cleanliness is required of medical so that no dismissed and the boys and some girls when he enters the navy. The first of lines work, different in His clothing suffers went into the beet fields to aid in weeks of his service are passed at a every man in the navy. are inspected. matter from what the patient and frequently body made he is where and harvesting. The money earned was medical station; of best the assured training Men with unpleasant or unhealthy hab- he is invested in a Liberty bond. stronger physically, and here the regcare, not allowed to enlist. If any surgical are its even him make exercise and With the slogan, Waste not that life ular In addition to the hospital ships the of the examining more healthy, as everybody can testify elude the vigilance others may want, the churches of 20 shore hospitals, are dismissed from the navy maintains have Utah started a systematic camwho has watched the recruits arrive surgeons they and best finest are the among teeth, clean bodies and which as a table beverage in saving the nato at a station and has seen them leave a service. Clean help paign service in any enforced. equipped are conresources few months later, standing stralghter, clean habits on rigidly food detions to through The duty of the line officer is board ship is of the The water weighing more and often an inch - enemy. The duty of the servation. The big ministerial drive the water. distilled A package from It is stroy because purest, Decemtaller. will until continue the Sunday, to is insure officer medphysical medical tests are made by the 30. He is then assigned to some unit Frequent the grocer is well to insure its freedom from fitness of the whole command, and, ber officers ical unis in the regular navy. There he actuates the Preston the cattlewhich Nutter, wealthy knowing the spirit worth a trial, in place der the constant supervision of physl-chi- contamination. 0 to the young medical officer of the navy, I can do man of Nine Mile, subscribed for advice I give If should, Inwho have made a study of the worth of Liberty bonds last week. as to their no more than say that as I have the of coffee especially conditions under which he is living men entering be : navy own son bo He has just received payment for big of health my the trusted would it health which to disease and and the ailments I advise others Implicitly to shipments of cattle, which brought top Keep clean, wash frequently, eat would he Is liable. This is more than could When Coffee Disagrees I their sons to the care of thQ prices. He is the first live stock man Intrust stuff not do and yourself fare the navy be said of him at home. men who guard his health should hoi in the state to take out such an unwholesome food In the office of the surgeon general with rich, amount. enlist In the navy. of the uavy hangs a map of the United you go ashore. A fly-b- ,, I , t, Swamp-Roo- wool-scourin- g Swamp-Roo- Shiry well-balanc- 1 Theres X-ra- te Superior Flavor To P0STUM ns $50,-00- |