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Show ?1 SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Colonel Theodore Roosevelt cele-- i brated his 58th birthday at Oyster Bay on October 27. At my age birthdays PUT CURB UPOII tlo not matter much, he said, and as a matter of fact, I had quite forgotten that this Is my birthday until some-loncalled my attention to it. A total estate of $41,249,990 was left by John D. Archbold, president of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey, TO CUT OVER EIGHT MILLION AMERIwho died May 7, 1910, according to the FOOD ADMINISTRATION PRICES OFF WHEN SUPPLIES CANS OPEN PURSE STRINGS IN report of the transfer tax appraiser. ARE EXCESSIVE. AID OF OUR BOYS AT FRONT. Al Sugarman, prominent in St. Paul Socialist circles, was found guilty by a jury in the federal court, which Dealers.in Foodstuffs Must Be SatisFederal Reserve Banks Struggle Untried him on an indictment charging fied With Reasonable Profits or Bo der Avalanche of Last Minute seditious remarks tending to cause Put Out of Business by the Over Billion Dollars to He was sentenced three j treason. INTERMOUNTAIN. Government. in Last Day. Coming Leaven at Fort Utah lias subscribed $15,200,000 to years imprisonment the second Liberty loan, or more than worth, Kan. Profiteering by retail Washington. WASHINGTON, Washington. The American people $5,000,000 more than its minimum re- in dealers foodstuffs will be made imhave an issued President Wilson has again shown their loyalty. When tqulrement. in the future, the food admin- the second certain possible announced Liberty loan drive ended Not guilty, was the verdict re- - executive order excluding night, unistration Monday areas from the Humboldt national der a night over five billion dolturned by the jury in the case of Arto cut off supplies to those Saturday been plan lars had in Nevada and subscribed, considerably forest the restoring hur L. Willard, tried at Salt Lake for not satisfied with reasonable margins. over to billion a dollars being raised in lands therein at Holmes public of Cecil subject Bingthe murder Manufacturers, wholesalers and other the final n drive. Just how much days June 13 last. Justification was position to homestead entry. The handlers of foods, whose business will was oversubscribed 1552 er about restores amount desired the acres, defileby the defense under the go under license, will not be permitted is not not be for sevwill and Marshal Crowder Provost General known, tnent statute. to sell to distributors who seek undue of subscripas the eral ! has notified of the report days, cant I If him governors formally Im glad I shot profits. have not sections from different tions hate him, neither can his wife! by- - states that the proposed changes in This is one of the most sweeping been received. do all the not affect draft regulations fctanders declare .Mrs. Bessie Fisher safeguards," the announcement said, Secretary McAdoo announced late yjrled, after killing Lawrence. Barrett the quota which has been chosen. He against high prices which will be inin a Casper, Wyo., restaurant, while also gave notice that the regulations corporated in the licensing system, for Saturday night that the second Libhis family looked on. Barrett former- - are still intentative form and will which complete rules and regulations erty loan had been an overwhelming be interpreted at this time, 4y lived in Anchorage, Alaska, and will be made known within, a few success. fol-The It is a great honor, said the secrewants families the of days. ilrs. Fisher Is understood to have president to be able to announce that the the land to enroll themselves in the oftary, lowed him from there. This plan, food administration of second food conservation ereat Liberty loan has been greatly army the and ficials believe, will give governforgery, Charged with bigamy It will be several W. Konold, alias Frank ment entire control of retail prices. oversubscribed. Q. terests. In a statement issued ober 28 he one in final asks before the every figures can be given. Wholesalers and others who continue days aged 27 years, was arrested at do to bit their toward of The the German kaiser country forchallenge saving to sell to retailers after they are Portland and is held at the city jail. the ood nations answered has been suPPly adminisby the free peofood bidden to so do Mineral The mammoth plant of the by the From a number of prominent Ameri-nea- r tration will be denied the right to sell ple of America in unmistakable Products corporation which burned cans recently returned from European goods under license. terms. Marysville, Utah, causing a loss y war frontsWilson is President Federal reserve banks are struggath-iall in Federal food administrators Of $250,000, will be rebuilt immediateunder an avalanche of a to ering testimony concerning directed states be will gling the within keep and will be in operation and among civilian watch for violators and send to the conditions there to form some idea subscriptions Sixty days reof the grand total. Indications are food administration the names of The $250,000 potash manufacturing that excessive tailers they will not complete their tabuprices. asking 'plant of the Mineral Products com to lation for several days. -specuprevent Special regulations pany, six miles southwest of Marys inwill be in At least lation 8,000,000 persons througVi-ou- t canned put goods was Tale, Utah, destroyed by fire,.,..., White have where been House, 1. they canners to All the country wrote their names on operation November which followed an explosion in a coal with questions by the president. will be placed under license and for- application blanks. How many more plied drier. Government expenditure of one bil- bidden to make future sales of canned did so will not be known until the DOMESTIC. lion dollars is the record which the corn, peas, tomatoes, salmon and sar- final count several days hence. The Lispired by a fear of German sub- month of 0ctober has established at dines before February 1, and to sell number may go as high as 10,000,000. marines, Miss Helen Cudahy, youngest tbe treasury department. The total, only at a reasonable margin of profit. A last-dadrive of titanic propordaughter of the millionaire Milwaukee wbicb nciudes loans to the allies, may tions the nation rounded throughout packer, leaped to her death in the At exceed even this huge sum, possibly by GREATEST BATTLE OF WAR. more and was than $1,000,000,000 up lantic ocean on October 19, from a $100,000,000. sevto believed have the carried total, to was taking her steamship which Teutons Hope to Win in One Colossal eral hundred million dollars beyond FOREIGN. France on a Red Cross mission. Stroke. American troops are in the first line the maximum sum treasury officials The Liberty loan campaign was a n aron The trenches the French front. The had hoped for. Washington. toge success, the; subscription! i passing ; blow Is autocracys most Italy against Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Colone he five billon loUr mark over on effort most tremendous and crushing orado, and in fact, all the western billion dollars being subscribed on the ce a at German to stroke. colossal win in one' the war, day working party. states, responded nobly to the request 10.-1 ilast day. Between 8,000,000 and was the "assertion official of This thousand have Italians been for Sixty funds, the subscriptions being an 000,000 people invested in Liberty cables from Rome on Monday. The answer in no unmistakable terms to the taken by prisoner bonds. forces in their offensive on the Italian battle is the greatest of the worlds the kaiser. The American people A tornado of terrific force swept at Berlin an- - greatest war.' In concentrated fury of have shown that they are in this war over the southern section of Balti- front, army headquarters the Dunajec, Ver- to a finish and that finish will be a to the num- - attack, it Guns Saturday. more during Saturday night w eck ng ,nounced dun and the Somme, they declare. Qf 45Q haye been captured victory for the allied forces and the about a dozen dwellings and rendering The two central powers of the cen- downfall of Prussianism and militarflre and Tbe Germans ,set others more or less inhabitable. fnk the German Eber, 984 tons, tral alliances have been preparing for ism. Declaring that $50,000,000 was taken which has befeen lylng at tbe port months for this stroke. Thousands of The people of Utah subscribed tmt of the pockets of the Kansas farm- - B Italian soldiers are accepting certain of seizure the to the second Liberty loan a fearing gunboat r when the hours ers in twenty-foudeath to stem the Austro-Germarush little more than $5,000,000 more than by fte Brazilian authorities . 1917 of the fixed the price government The Lokal Anzieger of Berlin says long enough for Italys reserve armies was expected from that state. wheat crop, Governor Capper, in a let- that Maximilian whose radical to come up and take over the iaglia ter to Food Administrator Hoover, utterances have Harden, MADOO URGES EQUAL SUFFRAGE on several oc- - mento line. caused made public Sunday, declares that, casions The made admission is frank here newsof his 'thai spension rlfice apparently has been the the Zulcunft, has been forbidden tablish a line above the Tagliamento. Says Suffrage Should Be Granted made in vain, because the millers, paper, that there will be no effort made to Promptly and Ungrudgingly. to deliver lectures. the bakers and the retailers have not mean will abandonment of the Washington. Secretary McAdoo, is mettle being critically Italys reduced their prices accordingly and Udine and a retreat of approximately under the The title, Duty of the Naon Teutonic drive tested the the by they show no disposition to reduce Isonzo front under command of to some tion Its before made Italian miles the the followWomen, twenty Empertbem hold statement a to defined undertakes army ing Gharle of Sunday: Ausfia; . Apparently line. Governor John T. Townsend, Jr., was The time has come when suffrage the army and virtually died wife and his slightly injured should be given to the women of German are forces strong pitted shortly after when their automobile againgt the ItaUang AMERICAN CAPTURES GERMAN. America. It should be given promptly, upset while running along the Dupont It should be given ungrudgingly, it A German the of general ceqgus boulevard at Wilnjington, Dela. Mrs. Discovered Near Trenches, Is Shot and should be given The women of now gladly. Brazil of in is Population pro Townsends death is believed to have Dies in Hospital. the United States have in every way, gress of preparation. Hereafter it will been due to shock. German of Paris. first The especially since the war broke out, prisoner to German for residents necessary Finding a shortage of tin plate in the war American taken the shown themselves qualified for the by expedi identification cards. country, the food administration urges 'carry died Monday in an right of suffrage. forces tionary on October Brazilian The parliament that dairy cans be straightened and re- 28 When America emerges from this for a declaration of American field hospital, having been voted, 449 to hied. Railroads are asked to be care- an shot when he encountered American as she will, with enhanced preswar, at once Braz and President gave ful in handling the dairy cans. patrol in No Mans Land in front of tige and responsibilities to the whole hiasaatiaa' Lord NorthclifEe, head of the British world, women and men alike must, Italian cabinet has resigned n the American trenches. Jhe war mission in the United States, in was dis another with He, German, upon a perfect equality so far as their a body as a of failure to obtain an address before the St. Louis chain- covered civil status is concerned, work out the the by Saturday patrol night o a confidence from the strongly her of commerce, said the Austro-Ger- was momentous and halt. called The to Ger upon problems of the future as Socialistic house of deputies, man offensive against Italy is a des- mans ran ; the patrol fired and one of equal partners. of a further German The the enemy was hit. The prisoner was perate attempt to knock Italy out of retreat Possibility on Aisne the front is mentioned removed RELIEF FOR ARMENIANS. the war, and that disturbances ia to a field where the Lieutenant General von Ardenne, combined efforts ofhospital, several Italy are being fomented by Germany. by surgeons of failed to save military expert of the President Wilson Appeals for Contribuhis life. Judge Landis, sitting in the case or Berlin, in discussing theTageblatt French vic- tions to Turks Victims. recent.. and others, Gustave Jacobsen . KING PREDICTS FURTHER LOANS Washington. President Wilson on lv convicted at Chicago of fomenting I At ny places German troops are Sunday appealed to the American peoa revolt in India, told counsel for the on talian territory, the Ger- - Utah Senator Says Third and Fourth ple again to contribute to the relief of fightln defendants that he would overrule man ar announced Friday in Loan May Be Needed Next Spring. the stricken Armenian and Syrian peoany motion they might make for a new further important progress reporting ples. The situation, among more than Salt an Lake address In here City. tna ' in the drive against the Italians on the Senator King of Utah said that it was 2,000,000 destitute survivors of Turk. Sugar refineries in the United States- isonzo with bedeepest pride that he heard in re- ish atrocities, he said, is so distress, which were forced to shut dcrwn The presldent of the Brazlllan re. ports of the manner in which Utah had ing as to make a special appeal to the n cause of a shortage of aw ateiialS Dr Wenge, B j hag gent responded to the second Liberty loan, sympathies of all. will be enabled to resume business on con tQ messfl dec He added that there may be a third a reduced basis by the terms of an lg Imposslble to avoid notin; loan next it Dairy Cans Are Scarce. a fourth loan agreement reached at a conference of alread the gtate of war whlch Ger. for he saidspring and Washington. Facing a shortage of that in order to bring the the American refiners committee at ny hflS lmpoged on BraglL He pro. war, to a close with safety for the tin plate in the country, the food ad New Yoik. posed the seizure of a German war- - future it may have to stretch along ministration urges that dairy cans be Byron Nelson, son of Congressman gbjp novy jn por straightened and retinned. Railroads Babja for years. Nelson voluntarily returned to Madi- are asked to be careful in handling the g,nn The Fein conference opened son, Wis., from Canada, registered un- at DubIin 0ctober 25 under the presi-dedairy cans. If this step is not taken, Italians Fighting Bravely. the draft iaw at once and then, ap- - dency of Arthur Griinthf found. o the food alministration fears trouble in London. With valor , pearing in tlie fe era the organization. There were 1700 that has caused the Rome war office milk distribution. a piea of not gu ty ora eg "delegates present, including many promptly to recall its charge of "cow Polish State Council Inaugurated. tion of that law. young priests. ardice, the Italian armies east of the house of the Amsterdam. The inauguration of Champ Clark, speaker Roumanla will figbt to the bltter Isonzo, now fighting on Italian soil, Polish state the council took place at of representatives, has withdrawn his UQtil the struggle fop the freedoni are throwing themselves into the teeth Warsaw in the castle royal Saturday, charge that a ring of New rlorkmen thfl worM flnd thfl restoration of of Mackensens monstrous steam rolle to a dispatch received here. according liad been hampering t e in er. succeeded ig thg rlghtg gmall nationg achieved, slowing They have lionds of the Made of Roumanla has am up the Teuton sweep through the pass- After taking the oath the members of sf?ad.ibrfo1;teirnQueen the council Issued a manifesto to the order to force nounced es into the Venetian plains. st on the next Issue of bonds. people. e dis-ha- Good Diamondc Yu " not spend much to own a perfect one. Our assortment will l,fy any requirement. We have Ize. in the desirable grades. prices are honestly moderate. t 2 BOYD PARK founded 109 MAKERS OF kwmaik street BARGAINS ronnini IN USED CARS condition-ea- sy Randall-Dod- d mScin terms if wanted Auto Co, Salt h Un Ci WEAKEN STATEMENT OF FACT ord-Itvo- nt 1 Oc-Keit- h, - first-han- d last-minu- te y Austro-Germa- I, Austro-Germa- . $15,-2G0.0- 00 n es-Th- W . I ' t ii ' : I. i 4 I I I r death-defyin- g lf It is a modern conversational fad to bse the rising and interrogative inflection a great deal, even when a question is not Intended at all. The Women are more apt to use it than the men, and It started a few years ago, merely as a pretty trick of talking with no harm in it, no harm i th World," says the Ohio State Journal. But it has been so very much ove- rdone and is now so general that we are Inclined to wonder if it betokens a state of mind, or, on the contrary, if it is likely to have an influence on the mind. For a rising inflection implies questioning or doubt and, when applied to a sentence that is supposed to be a statement of fact, it necessarily Weakens that statement. We have heard people who were narrating some simple incident use this rising inflection so repeatedly that they seemeL.to question all their own statements, or to seem to appeal to their hearers for agreement. And that doesnt indicate just the right state of mind. If a person has anything to say and believes it, he should be willing to state it quite simply and positively. A positive statement does not mean an aggressive one; and a person must needs be in a rather pitiful state of fear of his hearers opinions if he is afraid to utter an affirmative sentence. THIS PIPE HAS A H1ST0RT n out-riva- ls I Many Persons Seem to Question Their Own Conclusions by Excessive Use of Rising Inflection. is Was Smoked by Sir Walter Raleigh,. Who First Introduced Use of Tobacco Into England. A pipe with a history Is in the poa collector in London which was once the property of Sir Walter Raleigh, and is not unlike the letter T in shape. For centuries it has been kept in an inlaid box dated AnIt is constructed in four no, 1527. of wood, rudely carved with pieces and with the faces of Inheads dogs dians. On the bowl there is a cap about as large as the bowl itself, and attached to the stem is a string of beads made of the same wood ns the whistle pipe. In this stem a powerful has been cut, and the suggestion Is made that Sir Walter used it to summon his servants. The Archaeological society exhibited this pipe at Guildhall In the middle of the last century, the Inscription acco"The mpanying it bearing these words: celebrated above of the original pipe historian of the world, and who first introduced tobacco and potatoes into by England." Tradition, corroborated the of a parchment in the possession owner, states that this pipe smoked by Sir Walter on the scaffom handed Just before his execution andmemento a as to one of his relatives of him. ssession of Origin, of Superstitions. bis Mans curioMty is In excess of understan and power to Interpret when Consequently, he guesses, and to o guesses wildly and as it seems inc ers, probably of later date supersu-tioa called Is his guess rately, writes J. Arthur Hill in n, bers Journal. conservatism Owing to the innate of human nature, a superstition is linger long after Its origin people after and plately forgotten ra clearly seen that there is n0 j. believed, evidence for the thing sorts. applies to customs of all Dally Thought Neither let mistakes nor wrong rections, of which every man, in studies and elsewhere, falls into discourage you. There is preciouswe structlon to be got by finding we wrong. Let a man try faithfully. am fully to be right; he will grow more and more right. CarlyleIngenious Four-Year-Ol- d- was sen A little the store to buy a lemon cream Sometime later she returned be ... It triumphantly in her arms and I forgotted the name of it 60on1 four-year-ol- d Mked for one wif embroidery |