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Show Uin South Cache Courier State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Published Every Friday at Hyrum he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in Utah. the City of Toledo, County and State J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLA GROWING INDUSTRY LARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the Farmers of Utah will receive ap- use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICFRANK J. CHENEY. proximately six millions of dollars INE. & CO., Props., Toledo, CHENEY J. F, from sugar beets this year, accordO. All Druggists, 75c. ing to estimates prepared in the Sworn to before me and subscribed offices of the'.Utah-IdahSugar Co. in my presence, this 6th day of DecThe figures are indicative of the ember, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, worth of the sugar industry to this (Seal) Notary Public Hall;s Catarrh Medicine is taken state, showing in cold figures just what the farmers reap, by reason internally and acts through the of having sugar manufacturing cen- blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the tered here. The information is en- System. Send for testimonials, free. Phis for constipation. couraging, in view of the attacks Halls Family (Artvrtwetnent which have been made on the indus- cvj o Herald-Republica- It to the U. S. to ship France 100,000 tons of sugar month and every encouragement should be offered the beet growers and manufacturer to increase pro duction in Western states. is up a n More? Pay Why Having decided to Close Out at, least half of our Stock J of Merchandise, we are going to offer to the people of Cache Valley some of the best Merchandise at Prices f that'will save you at least 25 per c6nt. a o try; with no apparent motive other than to retard this development in a progressive state. The money which will be received by the farmers is but a part of the benefits brought to Utah by the Fifteen factoiies sugar industry. constant operation during the harvesting season means another great benefit to the people of the state, as it goes without saying that the pay rolls of these factories amount to something. Salt Lake Sale Starts Sat. Morning Nov. FOR TEN. DAYS ONLY Best Outing Flannel 15c grade All Dress Goods 98c grade, per yd All Dress Goods $1.25 grade, per yd All Dress Goods $1.49 grade, per yd. 9 yds Quarterly Conference AN 25 Ladies Rain PRINCIPLE Ship f workers want a closed shop, telephone operators want a closed shop and other unions demand same conditions which if se cured simply mean that a free American citizen would no longer have the privilege of working or hiring workmen except at the will of a few labor dictators. No man in his right mind objects to workmen organizing unions for betterment of their wages or working conditions by collective bargaining and if a given union can get all the men in a certain trade to join well and good. The trouble comes when the union says to the employer, You cannot hire anybody but a member of this union. Why cannot an employer hire any man whom he wishes to employ That is his business and the man who is to work for him. Why should Bill Smith be forced to join some union before he can do a days work in safety? meetings. Saturday morning the services commenced by the choir singing, Come, come ye Saints, and prayer by Patr. Alex. Spence, singing, High on the mountain $1.25 $1.49 69c Ladies Flannelette Gowns $1.25 grade.. 98c Wool Batts, White $1.75 Wool Batts, Dark $1.25 Cotton Batts, White 98c 15 Ladies Lace Waists worth $2.00,'. 98c Special -- . 25 Mens Rain Coats, Reg. $3.98 Special, $2.25 Three Rule Store I 4 24 CENTER STREET, LOGAN. to the extremely busy time in ft haryesting crops, it will work a hardship on some of the breBenediction by Elder James L. thren to attend todays meetings, and excuses to remain away, may Jensen. be to a certain extent justified. Saturday, 2 p. m. Meeting commenced by singing Encouraged all who could afford it to purchase Liberty Bonds, How firm a foundation. Prayand then bor a strong testimony er was offered by Elder Isaac to the truth of the gospel. Sorenson. Singing choir, Zion Elder Geo. S. Obray testified stands with hills surrounded. of the establishment of Gods Patr. Samuel Oldham was first chnrch and the gospel in its ful- speaker. He said that we meet V ness, and that it is a revelation together that our spiritual nature to all who embrace the truth may be fed and strengthened; and obey it. we shall be saved and exalted by Hanson A. said P. Elder that the Gospel if we live it. . He resince he embraced the gos- ferred to the great conflict this pel he had never doubted of its government is in. Our duty is truthfulness. We should all ap- to support the government and preciate the blessings we enjoy. those who can should purchase A The choir sang The Lord is a Liberty Bond. after which Elder Sister R. W. Shipley then made my light, Wm. Bishop, who is 90 years of a few remarks in which she statage, said he knew that this was ed that it was a great privilege the work of the Lord; that he to have membership in the church has been a member of the church and to know the Lord is accessIts .from start to for 69 years, and all that time ible thru prayer to him. finish when one class of men can has had no doubt concerning the Elizabeth Bickmore then Sister say to another class of men, you the truth of the gospel. spoke. She stated that she had conform to our rules and regula Elder Mm. Humpherys also no doubt concerning the divinity tions, pay dues to our organizations said he knew that this was the of the Gospel. The Lord has and do as we say or you cant work. of the Lord and knew it for blessed this land for our sake. Recent high handed methods re- work Ladies Trio by members of the 65 years; was thankful that his sorted to by leaders of these organichoir. chidfen are good Latter-da- y zations to force recognition when said and all Elder Stephen L. Richards was the that the safety of the nation was in peri Saints, Presidents of this church are and next speaker. He spoke of the have done more to show the aver, have been men of God. great work accomplished by the age citizen the danger of such Apostle Stephen L. Richards, Relief Society. When one ceases system than anything else coulc who was in attendance from Salt to pray he is in the greatest poshave done. sible danger. Prosperity makes In most instances now, labor Lake, was the next speaker. He man forget his dependence on troubles are not a question of wages said the self same spirit prevailed God. Our public education is but arise over the fight to force the at that meeting as at the great doing everything for the developclosed shop on the employer who meeting of the General Conferment of the body and mind to still feels he has some rights in ence at Salt Lake City. The secular things, but it does nolives of the Latter-Da- y Saints operating his own business. preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ thing for the spiritual developmore effectively than any words ment the one thing that really can do. We may well envy the counts. aged who have nearly reached Meeting closed by the choir You will be interested in reading the goal and have always been singing an anthem. . our special article on the great faithful, for we never feel quite Benediction by Elder Sampson training camp at Spartonburg, S. sure of our reaching the same Knowles. C., in this issue of the Courier.--' It position as we never know what (To be Continued.) not only tells of the great work moment we may slip. Science being done there at present but also has failed to reveal the simple We will give $55.00 in trade for a gives you a bit of the towns illus- fact of life. trious history from Revolutionary $50.00 Liberty Bond. Hyrum Clo. Singyig choir, Oh it is v t t ? ? ft f ft a Good News! Eliason Sisters Harvest Sale Continued to Nov. 20 Big Cuts on our Beautiful line of Womens, Misses, and Childrens Coats, Suits, Dresses and Fashionable Fall and Winter Millinery. YOU CAN SAVE HERE On Dress Goods, Blankets, Comforts, Bed Spreads, Corsets, Hosiery, Waists, Etc., as all prices are reduced. BUY YOUR NEEDS NOW Eliason Sisters, - t f? ttt I t V f Logan i t an New Books, Magazines, Games of all kinds. HYRUM DRUG CO. t V fv ft ? T tv Subscribe. For The South Cache Courier At Spartanburg days. 75c 98c Coats, regular $3.98 Special $2.25 m. each day. Pres. W. C. Parkinson presided over all the 2 p. Pres. Parkinson in his opening remarks stated that he appreciated the privilege of meet tng again in conference. Owing $1.00 All Silks $1.98 & $1 69 grade, per yd. Ladies Voile aists, reg. $1.25 values.. The Quartley Conference of Hyrum Stake was held at Paradise on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 20th and 21st, 1917. Meetings were held at 10 a. m. and tops. UN-AMERIC- n i iu m, u i Hu Co. Adv. JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THIS OFFICE At Reasonabe Prices. |