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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH U.S.TRQOPS STRIKE LOOSE TfeeKITCnm MARCH INTO BATTLE WHISTLING AND SEND 8IZZLINQ SHELLS AT HUNS. Members of First Contingent to Reach Scene of War Now in the Trenches, Alongside the French, and Are Giving Good Account of Themselves. American troops are in the Tarls. first line trenches on the French front. The artillery fired the first shot of the war at 6 oclock on the morning of a recent day at a German working party. There has been intermittent artillery fighting since. A helmeted infantry marched in without the knowledge of the enemy, on the same night through rain and mud. The French soldiers in the trenches welcomed them enthusiastically. The nearest enemy trench is several hundred yards away. The sector is one of the quietest on the front. It has not been taken over, being under the control of troops under the direction of the French. The Americans have shelled German positions and troops, the enemy sending shell for shell. The first shell case will be sent to President Wilson. The close is now in the possession of General Sibert. The shot was fired by a red haired gunner as his comrades ofIn the ranks and the assembled Later a luncheon in ficers cheered. the field was attended by the American and French artillerists in celebration of the first American contact with the enemy. The gun used In firing the first shot was one of the famous French 75s. On the second day the French shelled a German battery position which was located by sound, and the enemy replied vigorously, projectiles falling close to the Americans, who joined in the ft artillery duels. All the troops will be relieved after certain period by others. Thus the expeditionary forces are benefit the of actual war ting American IDAHO SOLDIERS get- IN FIRE. Forced to Flee From Burning Pullman, Losing Personal Effects. Rathbone, N. Y. A mysterious fire destroyed two cars of a Pullman train the Erie railroad early Sunday on morning. Soldiers of the Second Idaho infantry, who were on the train, were unable to account for the origin of the fire. Members of Company C, who occupied the cars which were burned, streamed out by doors and windows. They could take but little with them, and lost all their extra equipment and most of their personal effects. The loss was estimated at $60,000. WILLARD FREED BY JURY. Utah Man Who Killed Former Friend Is Acquitted. Salt Lake City. Arthur L. Willard, tried on a charge of murdering Cecil Holmes at Bingham, June 13, was found not guilty by a Jury on Saturday. Justification was won by the defense under the defilement statute. Mrs. The trial began October 15. trithe in e Willard, th third principal of death in the resulted which angle Holmes, was not permitted to testicourt fy, and was absent from the oom when the verdict was rendered. Blesses Man Who Fired First Shot. Los Angeles. God bless that redheaded Irishman who sent that first shell screeching into the German lines, shouted Billy Sunday, the evangelist, in his closing sermon of an That eight weeks campaign here. was our first answer to the kaiser and d that Hindenburg and his gang of assassins and bull-necke- cut-throat- s. Shackleton Reaches America. Port. Lieut. Ernest Shackleton, the Antarctic explorer, arrived Sunday aboard a British steamship. On the same steamship came about twenty ambulance drivers who An Atlantic have returned to enter of military service. other branches Roosevelt Is 58 Years Old. Col. Theodore Oyster, Bay, N. Y. Roosevelt celebrated his h birthday at his home here October 27. At my age birthdays do not matter wuch, he said. Congratulatory letters and telegrams were received from Parts of the country. fifty-eight- 11 Escaped German Surrenders. Beaver. Declaring that he was hungry, without a job, and an escaped aterned German sailor, a man giving name as Rudolph Bunkert walked nto the police station here Sunday and surrendered. IN RUSSIA Marriage Vowe Are Broken on Least Provocation and Severing of Bonds la Very Common. FIRST BLOW AT FOE AMERICANS MORALS Morals in Russian society are getting very loose, the sanctity of marriage Is being challenged by too great a facility for obtaining divorce. Many MORE GOOD THINGS. girls marry in haste to get their Independence, and look upon their first Peanut butter is an invaluable food, matrimonial venture ns a step to betall ready to- use, and new ways to com- ter themselves in the future, writes a It seems paradoxical, correspondent. bine it are springIt but is a fact that it nevertheless ing up every day. Peanut Butter Is far easier for a married woman than Soup. Take three for a spinster to find a husband. The breaking off of an engagement of tablespoonfuls peanut butter, ad4 creates n scandal, but the severing of matrimonial bonds is becoming quite a tablespoonful o flour, and stir ovei; the usual thing. The most insignifithe heat until well cant misunderstanding causes husbnnd blended, then add and wife to break their marriage vows little cold milk until smooth, and and go their different ways. Gossips then a pint of scalded milk which has chatter about impending divorces ns been seasoned with a slice of onion, much as of budding engagements. In salt and paprika to taste. When hot Russia a divorced woman does not serve with toasted crackers or crou- lose a tithe of her reputation, if no tons. outrageous scandal attaches to her diPeanut Butter Biscuits. Roll out vorce, Should she marry again, she rather thin a nice biscuit dough, spread returns to society with her new husband and enjoys all the prerogatives with peanut butter, roll up, cut In rolls and put to bake in a well of her new position. The victims of greased dripping pan. Sprinkle the this state of things are the unfortubiscuits with a little brown sugar if nate children. desired or bake plain. For an emergency sandwich when on a trip, two Misplaced. slabs of sweet chocolate put together When a young brother of James E. with peanut butter makes a most sat- Beery, judge of the city court, wrote back home from an army training isfying meal. Luncheon Salad. A slice of tomato camp that he had a "misplaced eyeon headlettuce, a few tips of aspara- brow," the judges father became all gus, and over all a sprinkling of cream worked up, si (ys the Indianapolis News. cheese put through a sieve or rlcer. He figured his son must have met with Serve with mayonnaise dressing. an accident and the father conferred Oatmeal Muffins. Melt four table- with the young mans mother about it. spoonfuls of butter in a cupful of They together could only surmise that warm, cooked oatmeal, sift together one of his eyebrows had probably been a fourth of a cupful of sugar, a cupful shot away. of flour, four teaspoonfuls of baking Judge Deery was more familiar with powder and a teaspoonful of salt, add the slang of today and he eased his the oatmeal, one egg beaten light, and fathers mind by telling him that a a half cupful of milk. Mix thoroughmustache in slang is spoken of as a iron ly and bake in hot misplaced eyebrow. gem pans for 25 minutes. Orange Jelly. Cut two oranges and Easily Hurt. one lemon in quarters, then cut each We must all give until it hurts. True. But it hurts some folks to quarter into thin slices, there will be a pint of fruit, over this pour three pints give up a nickel. of water and let stand over night. The next day let it cook until the peel is very tender, then drip through a jelly bag, pressing out all the juice. Add two and a half cupfuls of hot sugar and cook until a jelly is formed. This will make three glasses. Add the peeling to one and a half cupfuls of sugar j and a fourth of a cupful of water, simmer until all the sugar is absorbed. This may he used for various pudding?, and as a garnish as well as a flavo? for cake. And this is the Truth as I see it; Whoever cries out for peace, Must think it and live It and be it, And the wars of the world will cease. amp 8 Contents 15TluiA Draohn Mii fijiTl Forlnfontsandhildren Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria - pin-whe- ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT. AVeetablePreparationiffAs . similfttintheFood ; Always Bears the byKcguta-.- tin$theStomachsMidj Digestion Thereby Promoting Cheerfulness and Rest Contains iTotIScot.c, u ?!! j,at01dDcSM Pumpkin Smd jUxStnnm JkchtUt StKt uin flu,,1 'iCw A nUeSffd wEEo Hijra in ltirm Smt QarifodSagar el '.j. t? wS, j I WHS I lift El For Over resulting therefromunlnrancy. Sidnatoreof fac-Simil- e W icjiSfli 53 l!J Thirty Years The Centaur Company NEW ft month 16) Doses Exact Copy of Wrapper thi etNTAun .ommnv, new York city. Fall Run of Distemper MAY BE WHOLLY AVOIDED BY USING A Bma11 outlay of money brings well-butter- U Use ua very great results. It is a sure cure and a preventive if you use it as per directions. Simple, safe and sure. The $1 size is twice the quantity and an ounce more than the 60c Bize. Get your horses in best condition for late fall and winter. All druggists, harness deed ers or manufacturers. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Manufacturers, Goshen, IndL. wwofflsscl Womei must learn not to It It is easy to sit in the sunshine and talk to the man in the shade, Is easy to float ift the well trimmed ' boat and point out the places to wade. But once we pass into the shadow we worry and fret and frown And our length from the bank we shout for a plank or throw up our hands and go down. How Women are Restored to Health For nine years I sufSpartanburg, S.C. fered from backache, weakness, and irregularities so I could hardly do my work. I tried many remedies but found i nent relief. After taking Lydia E. Pink- hams Vegetable Compound I felt a great change for the better and am now well and strong so I have no trouble in doing my .work. I hope every user of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound will get as great relief as I did from its use. Mrs. S. D. McAbeb, 122 Dewey Ave., Spartanburg, S. O. For about two years I sufChicago, 111. fered from a female trouble so I was unable to walk or do any of my own work. I read about Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound in the newspapers and determined to try it. It brought almost immediate relief. My weakness has entirely disappeared and I never had better health. 1 weigh 166 pounds and am as strong as a man. 1 think money is well spent which purchases Lydia E.Pink-ham- s Mrs. Jos. Vegetable Compound. OBryan, 1755 Newport Ave., Chicago, I1L HELPFUL AND ECONOMICAL HINTS. When clothing becomes shiny rub well with a piece of emery paper. Spots on suede shoes may be removed with emery pa- When machine per. become needles dull, sharpen them by stitching once or twice through a piece of sandpaper or coarse emery paper. A hook and eye sewed at the bottom of a placket, ther clamped with a tackhammer will not come unhooked and will bear the strain without tearing the placket. A piece of gum camphor put away with the silver will keep it from tarnishing. An electric fan placed in front of a radiator will by Its motion set the air circulating through the coils very quickly. The lower cellar stair as well as the attic stair may be made with a hinge and will make a fine receptacle for various necessary things. Do not put oil mops or polishing rags in such a tight" place, as spontaneous combustion may cause a serious fire. A nutcracker may be used as a wrench on small cans and bottles as well as the nuts on sewing machines and wringers. An eggshell with a pricked hole In it makes a very good funnel in an emergency. A piece of letter paper rolled in the shape of a funnel will also serve nicely. Heavy wallpaper of a light color may be covered with calso-min- e of any special tint at very little expense. When using a patch on wall paper tear the patch instead of cutting it ; It will be less noticeable. A paper or wooden tub or bowl is best to use for washing dishes, ns they are less apt to be nicked by striking the sides. A coat of white paint in the outside of a screen door will keep those qn the outside from looking in.. 1 UtlUuU YOU CAN RELY UPON WiSEMBlE COMPOUND Opposing Tactics. Take that gas meter out. What for?" Because it is taking us in. THE BEST BEAUTY DOCTOR la Cuticura for Purifying and Beautifying the Skin Trial Free. Promotion. Teacher of Scripture Class Yes, children, then Nero ordered his centurion to give the slave twenty stripes Mabel (whose father is in camp) Lord, mum, that must a made im a blooming colonel! Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets are the little liver pills put up 40 years original beautiand For cleansing, purifying ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. fying the complexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap with touches of CutiAll O. K. cura Ointment now and then afford the Mistress (engaging new maid) You most effective preparations at the minisay the last family you worked for mum of cost. No massaging, steaming were Germans? creaming, or waste of time. Maid (apologetically) Yesm ; but Free sample each by mail with Book. they was sterilized when war broke Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, out. Snap Shots. Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. His Pet Horror. Dr. Louisa Garrett Anderson holds So you chose the navy? Arent the rank of a major in the British you afraid of submarines? army. Yes, mum, but theyre not nearly so numerous as trench rats, and Pm When Your Eyes Need Care scared to death of them. DUCK - Try Murine Eye Remedy Snurs EXE BEMEDY CO., CHICAGO Cleveland night schools charge tuition fee of $5 per pupil. I . because they protect where other' men, for booklet and testimonials. - -- - .00 Y.OO Use any Injector, but Cutters simplest and strongest. The superiority of Cutter products is due to over IS years ol specializing in Vaccines and serums on s. If niMbfrinahifia Insist only. order direct. Cutter JjeCutt,r laboratory. Barltalty. California The Hereford Corporatii ink of Wyoming Registered Herefords Excluslvi 76 good, bulls for sale.registered WHITE i No Smarting Jnrt Rye Comfort. 60 cents at xts or mall. Write for Free Hve Book. Fit KLEG owprlced, reliable preferred by western stock fresh, HAHK.ER3 .HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. H.lp. to eradicate dandruff. For Restorin, Color and BMutjr to Gray or Faded Hair. aoc.andtl.80atDruinrt.ta. takinphy8lcs.a rt. Francis a W. N. U.r Salt Lake City, No. 44-- 19 |