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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. IIYRUM, UTAH Review of Utah Industries Salt Lake Building operations for September 1917, totals $335,000 compared with $146,060 for September 1916, or 130 per cent increase. Salt Lake Alta Transportation line being constructed from Wasatch up the Little Cottonwood canyon to Alta nearing completion. Salt Lake One hundred Mexican laborers pass through here to work In sugar beet fields near St. Anthony, Idaho. Impossible to obtain other help. Figures showing the saving accomplished by the Southern Pacifics across the picturesque Iucin cut-oGreat Salt Lake indicates that it may be considered one of the greatest railroad improvements of this generation. Salt Lake Work on warehouse of Consumers Warehouse & Storage Is Co., begun. Salt Lake The L. D. S. hospital is to have a new heating plant. Ogden The Oregon Short Line Railroad is preparing to handle 500 carloads of apples from orchards between Ogden and Malad, Idaho, for shipment to the eastern markets. Salt Lake The grading of the Garfield extension of Salt Lake, Garfield & Western Railroad will com- hsa SAVE AND LEARN man, if to become a leader in the worlds affairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, ff ' keep your eyes on the future and study your business. Men who make good burn the midnight oil at home with their books and plans. Put Your Savings so in Our Care that you may have funds on hand to grasp business opportunity when it mence soon. Garland comes your way. move into HYRUM STATE BANK The Boys In The T renches have set a new fashion in the way of overcoats. Its mighty important that and comfortable while on warm they keep duty so they have a Trench Coat Now its just as important that you keep warm while doing your duty as a priyate citizens. GET THE IDEA? Trench Coats at Thatchers You Will Like Thatchers Clothes 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . y 4 4 f t value for your money. you know in advance . 4 4 trade at local stores, where the dealers have good reputations to maintain and where they do maintain them by selling only good goods at fair prices. . When you buy from strangers you are very apt to receive 4 mediocre value at price of better. For your own protection 4 buy where reputation counts at home. Buy Yur Mackinaw Coats and Pants Also Rubber Goods, at Allen Brothers, Hyrumf $12.00 Mackinaws, Sizes 34 and 36 - - $7.93 $14.00 Machinaws, All Sizes $8.00 Boys Mackinaws, 4.95 Sizes 6, 7, 8 and 9 $8.75 Boys Mackinaws Sizes 28 to. 46 This includes the well known 9.45 5.45 Provo and Sheuerman Coats Mackinaw Wests Special, at - S3. 15 Mackinaws are the right Coats for cold weather coming there is noteing nicer nor better for comfort, Get one while we have them at these prces Bank will their new quarters. Salt Lake Weber coal mines will The contract for the construction of the spur track is let. Ogden Hansen Live Stock and Feeding Co., commenced erection of feeding barns and feed grinding mill on a 50 acre site in Wilson district. The cost will be $30,000. IBS Provo Total waste of peaches in Utah this season will amount to almost $100,000, and yet thousands of people in the middle west states are soon operate. calling for western fruit shortage of labor and lack of time are given as the reasons for the waste canning factories are very much needed. Delta Sugar making Is a new industry in Pahvant Valley. Salt Lake $1,000 has been expended at the Orphans Home this year. Senator Newlands, the chairman of the congressional committee, investigating transportation problems says: The successful prosecution of the war depends more upon trans portation by rail, river and ocean than upon any one thing and yet rail and river transportation is the only thing to which the energizing aid of the government has not been given. Provo Work on reconstructing the Olmstead flume for the Utah Power & Light Co., in Provo canyon. Salt Lake Sevier, Garfield and Washington counties are planning many new school houses. $gden Branch establishments for the Ogden Packing & Provision Co., completed at both Los Angeles and San Francisco, and have been occupied by Ogden corporation. Midvale Utah Iron & Steel Companys $250,000 open hearth steel tj plant is now ready for business, 4 . knowing that you have received good But the satisfaction is greater when 4 that the value is going to be good. 4 Thats what happens when you The Garland ACKIHAW8 soon. Moab Utah Placer Mining Co., is to commence operations on claims along the Grand river near Dewey Ogden American Tel. & Tel. Co., subscribes for $p, 000,000 of the Second Liberty Loan in behalf of themselves and their employes. In the name of conservation, laws have been passed which have rendered impossible the development of the nations water power at a time when power development is needed as never before. The Pinchot chick-n- s have come home to roost and have brought the worst coal and oil short- Fonnesbeck Knitting WORKS ESS GOOD LUMBER IS AT THE BOTTOM of success. Low prices may help ome, but its the fine quality of our lumber that biings our customers back time and again. It pays us to sell good lumber. It will pay you better to buy it. It lasts longer and is more satisfactory to work up. Try us with an order and youll come back when you mant more. Smith Bros. Lumber Co. LOGAN AND HYRUM, UTAH. SAVE YOUR EYES! EYESIGHT is necessary, for maximum in every walk of life, whether at work, school or play. It is a Patriotic Duty to do your level best now in every thing you attempt. Glasses may make you. more efficient. It will pay you to at least have your eyes examined. My office is equipped with the instruments for a most thor- ough and complete examination. KEEN FRED B. PARKINSON, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN. 0. D. Office over Dull Power ft Light will erect two $25,000 buildings. Blanding White Mesa Canal Co., plans to build a dam. A dispatch from Washington says: The general shortage of labor in industries that must be kept going at top speed if the United States is to NOTICE is hereby given that all throw its whole strength Into the from new applicants war is giving considerable concern applications age in the history along with them. to government officials studying the for permits to graze cattle, horses Cross country roads Kaysville situation. Conditions in some parts and sheep within the CACHE and west from the east running of the country already threaten the NATIONAL FOREST during the mountains to the lake are to be Improduction of essential materials. season of 1918, must be filed in my proved. Oct. 22. Nephi Grain Elevator office at Logan, Utah, on or before Bountiful Perrigrine Sessions for $10,000. Co., incorporates November 1st. This does not apply farm starts molasses making. Cane raisers of Davis county are supplyto those who have permits either this for process. ing sorgum WANTED 25 men to enlist regular or temporary for the season Utah mines are yielding up between 20 and 40 years of age of 1917. Full information in reevery seven days. for guard duty at Fort Douglas; gard to the grazing fees to be Ogden Boys and girls of Utah men are acceptable. hcarged and blank forms to be used 0 married realize over $900,000 on farms, In These men will not have to go in making applications will be furboys and girls Applications For Grazing Permits $1,-750,0- 00 36,-00- to the the work during the past season. Salt Lake Utah Oil Refining Co., master. V front. Apply to Post nished upon request. Adv Adv. E. C. SHEPARD, Supervisor. |