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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH CAT A Confused Impression. "How do the German soldiers get Iron crosses?" asked Broncho Bob. "They have to win em." "Win 'em I know they were right plentiful. But I had no Idea the boys were usin' em for poker chips. a I Which Austro-German- New York now schools policemen in law and ordinance points. Morasses in Soldiers Sank to Armpits. Army Shakes En-- v tire Italian Line. Over y PREPARE FOR WAR The French advance in Belthe war office reports. continues, gium SunGerman positions were stormed were more and prisoners day night entire Merckum peninsula, near Dixmude, has been captured by the entente forces, according to the British official communication issued Suncommunication adds day evening. The that additional prisoners also have taken. The story of the highly important victory won by the French and Belgian armies over the marshlands of Flanders Sunday is the record of a spectacular military operation, which before its completion would have been branded as impossible by the average expert. It is a story of men who battled their way forward over morasses and through water Into which they sank literally to their necks at times, and with rifle and cold steel conquered the enemy in a large and vital strip of territory which Includes within its borders such places as Kippe, Merclc-eand Yerbrandesmls Aschlioopa, been Laying Out the Training Camp Streets. training ground for the New the time say with halters around their National Guard is necks," One of them, Col. Isaac Ilayne, S. C., in the very was captured, and after a summary heart of the American Sparta. was hanged at CharlesHow Spartanburg came to receive ton by the orders of Tarleton. FIT court-marti- Its name recalls the story of that Major Ferguson was sent by CornThermopylae which modern historians wallis to South Carolina with 1,200 were native recognize as having had much" to do men, of whom in bringing about the effective turning Loyalists. His instructions were to point of the Revolution which gave intimidate the rebels and to bring in freedom to the United States, writes as many recruits as he possibly could. John Walker Harrington in the New Battle of Kings Mountain. York Sun. The news of his approach roused the What is now the county of Spartan- American Spartans to do or die. They burg was part of District 96, a region left their farms and ranges, armed and which in 1755 was purchased from the came out of the passes of the AppaCherokee Its inhabitants lachians. Indians. quick of eye, were mostly Scotch and Scotch-Irisdeadly in their aim as marksmen and families who had come down from accustomed to deal with the savages In fights with knife and Pennsylvania and Virginia. Between the Broad and Saluda riv- tomahawk, they constituted one of the ers, in upper South Carolina, in the most effective fighting forces ever asregion of the Blue Ridge, they had es- sembled on this continent. Their garb tablished the three settlements of was buckskin. They came like true Upper Fair Forest, Lawsons Fork and fronftersmen in hunting shirts, and on Tygers. In their views of life and their caps were sprigs of hemlock, emconduct these pioneers bore many re- blems of their rugged land. semblances to the men of ancient They came 1,300 strong, under the and urge of a mighty impulse, and it was Sparta. They were aggressive, and endured toil, hardship not until they were actually preparing and pain without, complaint. to engage the enemy at Kings MounWhen South Carolina cast her lot tain, about forty miles from the preswith the other colonies she had much ent city of Spartanburg, that they opposition from the Tories and Loyal- chose as their leader William Campists within her own borders. To over- bell. He was one of those patriots come this opposition delegates were who had commanded troops of the Irsent out by the South Carolina Council regular light cavalry and, like Marion, of Safety to explain to the people the had suffered much for the cause of situation out of which had grown the liberty. The result of the battle of first Continental congress. The repre- Kings Mountain depended almost ensentatives of the council who went to tirely on the personal Initiative of the District 96 were William Henry Dray- men of this Sparta of the western ton and Rev. William Tennant. world. On their way they stopped at the The American Spartans were accushouse of Col. Thomas Fletchall, com- tomed to climbing mountains, and up mander of a regiment consisting os- the steep sides of the heights they tensibly of colonial militia but In went with incredible agility, firing reality of Tories. They had negotia- from under cover of shrubs and trees tions with him In the hope of Inducing when they could. The British charged him to join the popular cause. Find- down the hillside with bayonets and ing him obdurate, they proceeded fur- pressed back the American line. The ther toward the Blue Ridge. pioneers formed again and went to thq Mr. Drayton later reported that the attack with renewed spirit. people of District 96 were capable of The cry was raised that Tarleton resisting the Indians and also of put- was coming in from the rear to the atting a check on Fletchall and that tack. Sevier rode like Sheridan among therefore he had taken the liberty of the patriots, assured them that the resupplying them with ammunition from port was false and again got them Into Fort Charlotte, which was Just across line. The mountain was taken by tbe the line between the Carollnas as now Americans in their fourth assault. delineated. Through his Influence the The sharpshooting of the pioneers did region was made Into flew divisions deadly execution. and he referred to the part where Ferguson refused to surrenwere strongest and most derMajor and although one of his men had devoted to the cause of liberty as the raised a flag of truce he struck it Upper or Spartan district." down with his sword. He made an at Organization of The Spartans. tempt to get through the American Mr. Drayton belonged to a race of lines and was 'shot five times and fell scholars, and to him the' organization dead upon the field. After his death of the settlements and the fearlessness his command surrendered. There were of the Inhabitants suggested, very 456 British dead upon the- field and strongly the people who withstood the of the survivors nearly every man Persian might in Greece. When a was wounded. Only 28 of the Ameriregiment was organized in the dis- can fighters were killed. trict It was called the Spartan regiBack to Their Hills. ment. Its comamnder was Col. John over the men went back The battle The Spartans were Thomas, Sr. In the hills from into tbe strongholds Richattached to the command of Col. so come. In which had suddenly in they the an active took part ardson and snow campaign in which the Tory the words of El son: At Kings Mounforces were much harried. The name tain they turned the tide of the war Insured the ultimate independence Spartans was applied In time to all and of those In northwest South Carolina, of America. After the war these pioneers turned and although It Is difficult to trace the attention to the development ol! their the the Itself, of regiment history fertile lands. The county of people of the region were continually their was formed. The final of "Spartanburgh active In the cause liberty. was h was early In the ninedropped for Carolina South Although and the present spell teenth orcentury three years without a regularly was was cause adopted. lng ganized patriot army, the The development of the city of kept alive by such men as Gen. Francis Marion, General Sumner and Colon- Spartanburg was not rapid and even On one In 1800 there was only a small group el Thomas of the "Spartans. occasion Thomas and several. of his of settlers there. The city had only associates surrendered and enterec 1,050 Inhabitants in 1870, three times into an agreement that they would not as many in 1880 and 5,550 in 1890. take up arms for the balance of the At present It has 20,000 inhabitants. war. It was understood that if they It has only been within recent years retired to their homes they would that the place has come into promreceive protection from the British inence Industrially. Now one of the commanders. Considering, however, largest cotton mills of the South Is that the agreement with them had situated In the city, and there has been been violated, they returned to the a great Increase In Its resources cause and fought as the annalists of within the last ten years. Sure-foote- d, bearing-dow- chronic hand-to-han- north of Luyghem, with such effect that they quickly captured this entire northern tip of the Luyghem peninsula. The army under the command of Emperor Charles, who has as his chief assistant the brilliant field marshal, Von Mackensen, are shaking the entire Italian line from the Julien Alps region to the Adriatic sea. Pressing back the Italians at several points on Italian soil, the tom' bined enemy forces now have pushed forward on the Italian left wing and captured Clvidale, lying to the northeast of Udine, and are nearing the plains beyond. In addition, the. Austrian town of Gorlzla, a point of great strategic value on the Isonzo river, has been retaken from the Italians. According to the latest Berlin official communication, 100,000 Italians have been made prisoners and in excess of 700 guns have fallen Into hands. The second and third Italian armies are declared to be in retreat. Rome admits the falling back of the second army, asserting that cowardice similar to that shown by the Russians in Galicia, was exhibited in the face of the foe, the Italied n Austro-G- erman ans surrendering or retreating without giving battle, permitting the breaking of the left wing and thereby offering easy access to the town of LOOK TO U. S. FOR SUCCOR. Starving Hosts of Poland and Lithuania Must Have Aid. New York. Plans whereby the United States government may be able to succor the starving civil population of Poland and Lithuania will be submitted to President Wilson within a few days. People are reported dropping dead in the streets from hunger. A committee of ten Jews of national reputation will wait on the president, A resolution to that end was adopted here Sunday by the National Jewish assembly, which met in the oldest synagogue, the building of its kind in the United States. There were more than one thousand present. Delegates from San Francisco, Tacoma and from many other states in the union were there. se Motorcycle Clashes With Aeroplane. Camp Doniphan, Okla. In a collision with the running gear of an ascending aeroplane, Private Joseph Hares, 20 years old, of the New York Third aero squadron, was killed Sunday. He was on a motorcycle when be collided with the flying machine. Didn't Know It Was Loaded. Louis Cartwright, aged 10, d d not know the gun was loaded, so bis sister Mary, aged 14, is dead at tbe home of her parents, while he is crazed with grief. The boy was demonstrating his ability to handle a .82 Hfle before a group of children. d self-relia- - sen- n sations, nesses all and weak- and derangements, this is the proven remedy. Its the onlv medicine put up without alcohol ingredients on wrapper. Liquid or tablets. All Druggists. Tablets 60c. An easily procured vegetable pill Is made up ol May-applthe dried juice of the leaves of aloes, and the root of jalap, made into a tiny pellet and coated with sugar. It was first put into ready-to-us- e form by Dr. Pierce nearly 50 years ago. Almost every drug store in this country sells these vegetable pellets in vials for 80c simply ask for Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets. They have Dr. R. V. Pierce stamp. ic e, Carters Little Liver Pills Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price, But Great in Make you feel the joy of living. It is impossible to be happy or feel good when you are Every Other Way CONSTIPATED This old remedy will set you right over night Genuine bears signature h gion good Nephi. al five-sixt- feature of the performance lies in the part played by the Belgians In the drive. When the poilus reached the neighborhood of Luyghem in the afternoon and began their assault on this place the Belgians, who were watching from their lines across the floods, joined in and numbers of them, piling into the ferries, poled their way to the eastern shore and hurled themselves on the Germans concealed in concrete defenses in the re- Spanish-Portugue- The first test a man la put thru for either war or life insurance is an examination of his water. This is most essential because the kidneys play a most Important part in causing premature old age and death. The more injurious the poisons passing thru the kidneys the sooner comes decay so says Dr. Pierce of Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., who further advise all people who are past thirty to preserve the vitality of the kidneys and free the blood from poisonous elements, such as uric acid drink plenty of water-sw- eat some dally and take Anurlc, double strength, before meals. Is a late discovery of Dr. TWs Pierce and is put up in tablet form, and can be obtained at almost any drug store, For that backache, lumbago, rheumatism, rusty joints, swollen feet or hands, due to uric acid in the blood, Anurlc quickly dissolves the uric acid as hot water does sugar. Take a little Anurlc before meals and prolong your life. Send 10 cents to Dr. Pierce for trial package of Anurlc. Large package 60 cents. An-u-r- Kostermolen. The striking Austro-Germa- WHEN IT LOOKS DARK to any weak or ailing woman. Dr. Fierces FavorPrescription ite comes to her help. For "female complaints," pains, ininflammaternal tion or ulceration, ALL MEN AT HOME SHOULD Paris. taken. The Muwsnotu A Little Mixed. "I went to consult the doctor and he lacerated my feelings." "Did it take?" IS CAP. PENINSULA TUBED EY THE ALLIES AFTER MOST SPECTACULAR ADVANCE mERCKEM Battled Forward TKIZ BEST PALLID PEOPLE Usually Need Iron in the Blood. Try CARTERS iron pills New Belgium Medal. The Elizabeth medal Is a new decoration just created by the Belgian government In honor of the queen of the Belgians. The medal was designed by the Belgian sculptor, Victor Rousseau ; It bears upon its face an effigy of the queen and on the back the figure of a veiled woman bending over a flamfi that symbolizes patriotism, honor and charity. This figure is surmounted by this device: Pro Patria, Honore et The ribbon is blue with Caritate. rose border. Two of these medals have already been conferred, one upon the PrlncesS Victor Napoleon, who was Clementina of Belgium, cousin of King Albert, and $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ- the other upon the duchess of Ven enced by constitutional conditions. It therefore l equlres constitutional treat- dome, King Alberts sister. ment. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken internally and acts through the A Thought. Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE I was just thinking. destroys the foundation of the disease, What? gives the patient strength by improving the general health and assists nature in What a pitiful showing we should doing its work. $100.00 for any case of make in this war if our young men CATARRH Catarrh that HALLS MEDICINE fails to cure. were as afraid to die as some of oui 75c. Testimonials free. Druggists older men are of giving up their dolF. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Feminalls" Are Worn. One of the packing houses in the stock yards In Chicago has persuaded Its women employees to wear what it calls feminalls, another form of overalls. The women at first objected, but as so much machinery with belts and other contrivances that are likely to catch in the dresses of women are used, the managers persuaded five women to try it, and it was then easy for the rest to don the feminalls. In this particular place 7,000 women are employed, about three times as many as last year, and much of the work they do was formerly done by men. lars." The Bound Feet. The governor of Shantung has forDisqualified. bidden parents to bind the feet of Knicker Is Jones physically distheir daughters In the future. Any girls qualified to be a soldier? Bocker He cant see red, white and between the ages of 14 and 18, whose feet are already bound will be com- blue; he cant hear the call of duty pelled to unbind them again, and par- and his legs run backward. ents will be severely punished if The Reason. caught binding their daughters feet In future. "The doctors made a stout fight to It Is also interesting to notice, says get the millionaire patient. a correspondent, that Chinese ladies Suppose they wanted a fat fee. accompanying their husbands on the hills walk side by side and not in the rear, as the old China is advancing. Suffered For Years BOSCHEES GERMAN SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe the inflammation of a sore throat and lungs, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes, inspiring a good nights rest, free from coughing and with easy expectoration in the morning. Made and sold in America for fifty-twyears. A wonderful prescription, assisting Nature in building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful in lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale in all civilized countries. Adv. o ' Mae diers? For the Soldiers. Are you knitting for the sol- i Fae Oh, yes the lovliest light blue sweater, which none of them can fall to admire when they see me with It on. 1 In Little Matters. The great example of unselfishness which the war has provided is one that we may well follow. In little things we can show ourselves to be great. Exchange. In Cowland. First Cow It is going to be an awful year for us. Second Cow Yes, It will probably be treason to kick the farm help. Back and Kidneys Were in Bad Shape, But Doans Removed all the Trouble. My kidneys were so weak that the least cold I Caught would affect them and start my back aching until I could hardly endure the misery," says Mrs. D. C. Ross, 973 Fulton St., BrookIn the morning when I lyn, N. Y. first got up, my back was so lame, I could hardly bend over and any move sent darts of pain through my kidneys. It was hard for me to walk up stairs or and to move stoop, while lying down sent darts ol pain through 1116 The kidney secre- - MRS. ROSS tions were scanty and distressing and the water remained in my system, making my feet and hands swell. There were dark circles under my eyes and I became so dizzy I could hardly see. I had rheumatic pains in my knees and it was all I could do to get around. For years I was in that shape and I wore plasters and used all kinds of medicine to no avail until I tried Doans Kidney Pills. They rid me of thj trouble and strengthened my back and kidneys. When I have taken Doans since, they have always benefited me. Sworn to before me. L. N. VAUGHAN, Notary Public. Get Deans at Any Store, 60c a Box DOANS VSSY FOSTER-MILBUR- N CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. |