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Show fm Damaged SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE Fridaj. Sept. COURIER - 29, P0PU1ARMOV1E STAR; 1917. 4-- Enteied at the AND COMING 4 TO THIS CITY IN NEAR FUTURE Poatoffice at Hyrum, Utah, ai second class mail matter, under the Aet of March 3 1879 J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & CO-STA- R Rex Manager ONE NIGHT ONLY Local News E. Forest Taylor and Ada Daniels FOR SALE Cabbage. Apply to Hans Mikkelsen, Hyrum. Ady. And all Star Cast Use KREAM KRISP for cooking in place of butter. Adv., FOR SALE 2 good Jersey cows. Adv. Apply at this office. LI uOs e FOKCST TA V YLOeZdiUryMISS SATURDAY, SEPT. 29th FOR SALE Plums and Prunes. Apply to Fred Miller, Hyrum. Ad. I Seats on Sale at Hyrum Drug Store. Remember the E. Forest Taylor Company at the Rex Theater, Saturday, Sept. 29th. FOR RENT A new modern house, furnace heated, Apply to Mrs. H. P. Anderson, Hyrum. Ad. V' ' friends. LOST - Usual Prices of Admission Conference A We Have Just Received: f State Fair f See our line of Fountain Pens, Watches ,. Clocks and t? to fob, along or near Main Str., ind Hyrum, a few days since, offic? er leave same at this be rewarded. And A beantiful line of Box Paper Tablets and Correspondennce Cards. ff ? a gold watch attached Just received tK4 ! $ C. jackets, is home from the training station at San Diego, Cal., for a few days visit with parent and - The Biggest Scenic Production Ever Presented Here. Miss Lila , Liljenquist of Black-foo- t, Idaho, is visiting relatives and friends in this city. Mr. Roy Olsen, one of our blue- Scene from Play Scene from Play Ad. The Battery Boys were up from the Fort Saturday, to say a last farewell before leaving for the California training station, For the Man She Loved ADA OAMCLS , Victrolas $5.00 down and $1.00 Hyrum Clothing Co. ' In the Latest Metropolitan Sucaess FOR SALE good hay. Apply to Mrs. Hans Anderson, Hyrum. Ad a week. Tfeatre HYRUM Flash-Lights- $ A BIG STOCK EXCURSIONS to Salt Lake HYRUM DRUG CO. VIA Oregon Short Line A (Union Pacific System) a new line of and Misses Ready-to-WeDresses, latest styles, very reasonable. Call and see them. Williams Economy Store. r Adv. Tickets on Sale from Utah Points, September 29th, to October 7th, inclusive; limit October 15th. at Mrs. Lucile McBeth and children; who have been visiting parents and friends in Hyrum for several days past, returned to their home - in Ogden today. i See Agents For Further details. Williamss Economy Store ;vill have another special Sale nextJSat-urdaOct. 6th, and expect to jmve special bargains for every Saturday Adv. hereafter. y Economy Combined With Style and Wear Make your money go as far as Miss Vivian Anderson and her cousin MissVerna Gibly came down from Downey, Idaho, Sunday to attend the Anderson reunion in honor of her brother Milton, who expects to leave shortly for some training camp. possible---Tha- Styleplus Clothes S17 and LOGAN, UTAH Manufacture in tremendous volume. Office No. 4. Shamhart-Chnstia- Phone, Special Lines f f tf V f sens Store n They employ not only highly experienced workmen, but the greatest style talent to be had. They, use all wool fabrics and guarantee wear and satisfaction. 230-23- and Surgery You Saye Money at Our is economy. The makers of Ernest P. Oldkam, M. D. Over t Money-Raisi- ng Sale By looking over our New Fall Line of Wool Dress Goods, Coats, Suits and Millinery, for all ages. Ye Cut on Everything Eiason Sisters, Logan I ? tf tf tf Dr. and Mrs. Eliason motored t Salt Lake this Friday morning, o business and pleasure combined ! Dr. and Mrs. Hubbard and Mr. ami Mrs. G. W. Goodhue will follovj tomorrow. The party expact t return Sunday or Monday. frWaT , J? Styleplus $17 are still the same price. Star Clothing Co. Next to Eagle Hotel, Logan, Utah ave some nice, blue serge pants for school boys. We also have some swell gray suits for small boys, these we will sell at 30 per cent off. A T Now is should. 20 per cent off. on Ladies and Misses Coats. our fall lines are nearly all in. the time to get what you need. REUEMOER THE PLACE. Buy at home, there are many reasons why you ALLEN BROTHERS, Hyrum |