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Show Damaged Page $ OUTH VIII. VOL. G. A. Anderson who also served dainty refreshments. Happenings The Missef Manila and Reta Wahlen entertained Wednesday evening, Sept. 26th, in honor of The birthday. decorated were beautifully fathers rooms and cosmos and a huge crystal bowl of lavendar and white sweet'peas formed the for the supper table. center-piec- e A delicious supper was served in with asters courses, covers being about thirty,guests. . laid for The evening was spent in music, games and social chat. During the evening dainty refreshments were served. At a late hour the guests departed having spent a most pleasant evening, and wishing the host many happy returns of the " day. . Mr and Mrs. W. C. Parkinson and daughter, :Mrs. Ralph Stnuin, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Liljenquist, Mr Mrs. Jos. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. E, Nielsen, Mr, and Mrs. Elam Allen, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. E Wahlen, Mr. J. J. Hanson, Mr. The invited guests were: Wahlen of Logan, and Mrs. J. the Mesdames J. H. Gibbs, Clara C. Williams, C. C. Maughan, Elvira Carlson, Mrs. Stockstatter and daughter Lucy, the Misses Veda and Golda Anderson, Lenor? and Valene Nielsen, Emma Mille and Elsie Liljenquist. and Mrs. R. E. Hubbard entertained the members of the Golden Hour Club, their husbands and a few guests at their residence on Main Street, Snturday evening. Five card tables were occupied by the jolly party and the social game Dr. of the evenings entertainment. Prizes were awarded, the 1st being won by Francis Olsen 500 was and the consolation prize won by Dr. A. J. Brooking pf Wellsville, he doubt, prizing it more ornament than useful. A most delicious luncheon was served and enjoyed by all. Those present were the Messrs and Mesdames G. W. Goodhue, Dr. P. W. Eliason, 0. H. Birch, FranciB Olsen, M. S. Rosenbaum, H. B. The Nielsen, Alfred G. Anderson. Misses Autrieth, Lewis and Drew, Mrs. M. E. Savage and Dr. A. J. Brooking. no al Mr. A social patriotic party was given at th'e home of Mrs. T. N. Liljen- SO. 44 More About Wheat Prices. That melodramas, when well and possessing the Since publishing tbe interview interest that attaches to a well about wheat prices in our last told story have always been issue, referring to $2.20 being among the most popular of plays the standard price fixed by the is known to every one who has go vernment at the Chicago base, $ven a cursory acquaintance with some seemed to think that the the stage. An example of this was incorrect. This howform of dramatic writing and report ever, is not the case, as the price one that is said to have in large stated remains the same in measure and proper porportions and Kansas City points. the qualities of mystery, suspense Chicago Since then, however, new bases and emotion shown, is had in in the West, For the have been established Carl Masons play, a slight for is reason the which Man She Loved, which will be advance in price of wheat to the presented at the Rex Theatre, Utah farmers, making the basic rrum, Saturday Sept. 29th. on the coast points. The drama was given atrial pro- price $2.10 The following from the S. L. duction some weeks ago by the Tribune of Sept. 24th, gives dehave for a help-matKieth players and its unusual The yourg people left. Hyrum merits in the points of construc- tailed account of the fixed prices Tuesday for SaltLake where they tion, plot and character drawings at all the established basic points: Under the new basic price were married antfithen left for San given full credit by critics as Francisco, Friday, where theywill well as by the many producing established by the food adminisspend a short honeymoon, after managers who are watching such trator at Los Angeles and San which they will leave for Los stock productions in search of Francisco at $2.10 per bushel. receive $1.89 Angeles, to make their home. promising material for the sea- Utah farmers will Mr. and Mrs. Jratison are well son. Members of the ' splendid per bushel in Salt Lake City and known in this city, and leave a company producing .this play are common points- The Idaho farmhost of friends ,vho wish them E. Forest Taylor and Miss Ada ers will receive $1.80 per bushel happiness and prosperity in their Daniels. shipping from Boise to the basic in which points. This figure is arrived at journey through life, we heartily joins. by deducting the freight rate from the point of shipment to The couple were accompanied as far as Salt Lake by Mrs. Olsen, the basic point. In the original home returned who Thursday Paradise,' Utah, Sept. 26, 1917. plan, Chicago and Kansas City were named as basic points for Paradise has not been heard from The ceretnopv took place at for some time but we are still alive the west, the price being fixed at $2.20 per bushel. Wednetly1 Lojrrm busy gathering their verytjody The rates on wheat follow: sday, Sept. 261917? that united farm products. Lake ffo ' Los Angeles, 21 Salt in marriage Mr. John R. HumWe have two thrashing machines cents per bushel or 35 cents per phreys of Millville and Miss running at ful) speed. Our grain cwt. Salt Lake to San Francisco, Eulalia Petersen of this city. is fairly good, corn crop very crop 21 cents per bushel or 35 cents Both young people are well good and most of our people have per cwt. Boise, Ida., to Los Anand favorably known in this stored enough hay to see them geles, 30 cents per bushel or 50 community, the bride being the through an average winter, cents per cwt. Boise, Ida., to daughter of our esteemed citizens, in a we gave Friday night party San Francisco, same. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Petersen, and who has Wilber of honor Pearce, The route from Boise to San have many friends who wish been drafted and will leave at once. Francisco, and Los Angeles is by them happiness and prosperity home Calvin arrived Elder Shipley way of Ogden. through their journey on lifes after 22, Sept. night Saturdurday sea of matrimony, in which the spending two years in the mission New Time Table on the O. L. & I. Courier joins. He is in good health and field. Railway is full of faith in the and spirits, Winter schedule on the ELEC-NRIDo it now, Advertise. gospel. WAY effective September e A great many of our young peoFOUND a veal calf with a 26th, 1917. For detailed inforattached. Is at J ple have gotten the spirit of matrimation see display-a- d in this sons corral, Hyrum. mony. A week ago last Saturday, issue. TRAVEL THE ELECBLUE VITROL at 15c. a pound, Mr. Ivan Summers and Miss Hazel TRIC WAY. P. O. for the next week only, at the Hanson, daughter of Bp. on and were married . Adv. Hansen, Drug Co. quist on Sunday evening Sept. 21st, On Wednesday,' Sept. 26th, in honor of her son Harold, who Russell Hansonand Mis Vic- Mt; came home for a short visit from the training station at San Diego, tora Olsen were married in the Salt Lake Temple, The Cal. Dainty refreshments were served the color scheme red, white, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Soren of Hollywood Cal., formand blue being carried out. Each Hanson er residents of .this city, and a guest received as a favor a tiny young man of excellfcniicharacter American flag. Another party was given in Har- and reputation, hatj- just lateolds honor on Tuesday evening by ly returned from a mission in the irNorth-Wester- n States. . A dainty lunchlis i.s bride the charming The eon was served and a pleasant and of Mr. Und Mrs. Oluf enjoyable evening was spent.- Har- daughter of Olsen this city, is an accomold left Thursday on his return to the traing camp, after a short, but plished pianist, ai'd is a young lady f rare characteristics that pleasant visit at home. any young man urhy be proud to X constructed - older-friends- - e. Funeral Of Maria Thoresen Funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Bertha Maria Thoresen, were held in the Third Ward chapel last Thursday at 1 oclock p. m. Bp. Louis P. Maughan presided and the ward choir furnished appropriate singing. Prayer was offered by Pres. W. C. Parkinson. The speakers were Chris Christensen. Bp. Facer, I. C. Thoresen of Salt Lake, and T. A. Thoresen of Logan. Bp. Maughan made a few closing remarks, in which he thanked all who had aided Sister Thoresen during ank death, and. thoe her sjckness , Vf , - ) f j who attended and had' taken part r at the funeral. During the services Elder Leon- ard Larsen sang the solo My Father Knows very nicely. The closing prayer was offered by Couns. Jas. G. Christensen. Each speaker commented on the good work performed during her life and the explicit faith and amiable character possessed by the departed sister. The funeral was well attended and the contributions of cut flowers were many and beautiful. Quite a large cortage followed the where remains to the cemetary, members of the choir sang, Rest ing now from care and sorrow, while the casket was being lowered. The grave was dedicated by A. W. McBride. The deceased was a good Latter-daSaint and died in full of the faith gospel. Sister Thoresen was born June 26, 1855, at Staveanger, Norway, aad died Monday evening Sept. 24, She was the wife of Hans 1917. Thoresen, who preceeded her to the great beyond, some years previous. She has no children and not a relative in this country of her immedy , - club their meetings on Saturdays friends in Hyrum. instead of on Thursdays, as heretoMr. Albert Williams returned fore. After the meeting the hostess from his northern trip the forepart served a delicious luncheon, which f the week, having seen many was enjoyed by all present. things of interest ' while away, On Saturday the 22nd, the Golden especially in Butte City, Mont., Hour Club was entertained by Mrs. which has a population of 150,000 hold i GOU RIER Prominent Hyrum The Coming Attraction People Wed and Mrs. H. B. Nielsen entertained a few of their friends at a supper at their residence on Monday evening. The supper served to those present would do cred it to an expert in the culinary art Supper was followed by an evenings iate family. entertainment of 500 iuterspercec with music. Those present were: Do it now, Advertise, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. R. E. Hubbard Alvin Allen shipped 100 bushel of Dr. P. W. Eliason, O. H. Birch, G. W. Goodhue, M. S. Rosenbaum and Hyrum apples this week. Francis Olsen. , Mr. and Mrs. John O- McArthur The Golden Hour Club held their and children returned to their heme accomregular meeting at Mrs.M.S. Rosen- in Idaho Thursday by auto, a after baums on Saturday afternoon, panied by Milton Anderson, 15th. The decided to pleasant visit with relatives and Spt. (y: A Hyrom Cache County, Utah, Friday, Sept. 28, 1917. Social their I - 1 Paradise Pointers lVjpst , 1 . C tie-rop- Hyrum Thursday, Sept. 20th, Mr. Kimbell Mae Norman. Both Miss of L. D. S. Garments, at Wil- young ladies, captured were taken liams Economy Store. Call and from our town. Paradise boys Notice is hereby given that at a Adv. see them. meeting of the Board of Directors Pretty slow. of the Hyrum Irrigation Co., held Ward 3rd The Primary Assn., . Sunday Sept. 23rd, we held our will give a program Sunday evening Sunday School Conference. The Sept. 5, 1917, an assessment of $1.25 m 7:30 p. visitors were Orson Wilson of the per share was levied upon the capi-Sept. 23rd, at tal stock of the corporation, payable fclso have an exhibit High Counsel and Willard Petersen work for inspection. and Isabelle Savage of the Sunday on or before the 15th day of NovA splendid program ember 1917, to the secretary of said The Lincoln School, Jos. M. School Board. corporation, at the Hyrum Stake was rendered. Smith, W. J. Fryer and W. H. Office, Hyrum, Utah. Shaw of Paradise, have purAny stock upon which this assessBoys School Suits $2.95. Hyrum chased Victrolas, from agent M. ment may remain unpaid on the 15th Adv. S. Rindscopf, of the Hyrum Clothing Co. of day November, will be delinquent , Clothing Co. Buy your fall Clothing and Shoes and advertised for sale at public at Newbolds, hell save you auction, and unless payment is made Mrs. Emil Olsen returned from Adv. before will be sold money. on the 15th day Ogden on Thursday evening. of December has Hans Mikklesen been Mr. 1917, at 12 oclock She attended the funeral of her noon to with a the Ollie Mrs. pay representasister engaged Henry. busily delinquent assessyoungest This is the sixth death of Mrs. tive of the Rigby Sugar factory in ment. together with the cost of adOlsens immediate relatives with- selling Sugar stock, the past few vertising and expense of sale. Her days. Anyone that can possibly months. By order of the Board of Directin twenty-tw- o daughter Norma returned home purchase a little stock, should call ors. John W. Jensen, .with her after having spent her on Mr. Mickkelsen at once, before is and safe a is late. too It it good six in weeks of that vacation Secy. and Treas. investment. Utah, Hyrum, 27, 1917. Sept. city. Assessment Notice Just received a big shipment and Welkvile Baiid at Elite Hall, , V Sato MdlEit Octo 6tIn -- |