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Show UTAH BUDGET Two Hours The new directory shown that Provo has a population of 12,000. Over 5000 entries have been made by With 500 exhibitors for the stute fair. In most parts of the state, range conditions are the best for several years, and stock is in excellent flesh. A negro convicted at Coalville of PAIN? UFT an Air Up large as usual. sportsOgden and Weber county men are to assist after October 1 in furnishing wild ducks for u duck dinner at Fort Douglas. Ten thousand people from all over eastern Utah were in Price on September 19 to pay honor to the boys who were leaving for the training camp. The new spur of the Western Pacific from Burmester to tliei International smelter near Tooele, constructed at a cost of $150,000, will be completed in a few days. Teach day was celebrated at Brigham City, September 19, thousands of s visitors being in attendance. The festivities began at 11 oclock and lasted until late at night. Alleged violations of the espionage law have enmeshed in the federal spy net at Los Angeles, Dr. Max Ivamp-man- Apply few drop, then Just lift them away with fingers. - This new drug is an ether comnnn discovered by a Cincinnati chemUt cud now be ls Apply a or two directly upon adrop tender corn or callus and instantly the soreness disappears Shortly you will find corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off, root and all, with the fingers. Not a twinge of pain, soreness or irritation; not even the slightest smart-ing-, either when applying freezone or afterwards. fra GSJAfG SOR LOStG SLIGHT Written by a Captain in the Royal ing Corps for New York Herald Magazine. OyR LfffS d anti-aircra- This drug doesnt eat uj the corn or callus, but shrivels them so they loos en and come right out. It is no humbug! It workt like a charm. For a feu cents you can get rid of hard corn, soft corn oi corn between the toes, as well as paiev-er- Flyalready they could see through the the heavily armed German machines who is well morning haze the country below them approached. The Britishers could see known in Salt Lake and at Centermen. the iron crosses on their wings and the swarming with khaki-claville. There were puf?s of smoke in the air three men in each machine. Then out According to figures by the county HE flight commander and the deep thud of the bursting of the empty air, as it seemed, British auditor, the total tax revenue on all sat on a fence border- shells from the and French airplanes began to gather guns. property in Salt Lake City and Salt ing the aerodrome and They could see the lines now. Not around the patrol, diving from above, Lake county, assessed at $277,573,423, of many a square inch of the ground seemed climbing from below. They waited the should be $4,919,126.25 for the present things. He was very free from shell holes, and to the right attack. year. A Brave Attempt. young, but he was in were the remains of a village and 'a Consideration of the extension of a As the Germans came on their leadcharge of a flight of large mine crater. railroad into the Uintah basin will be machines and the large There were intermittent flashings of ing machines turned round and joined included at the annual meeting of the personnel that goes the guns on either side of the broad the others behind them, and in a little stockholders of the Denver & Rio with It. brown belt which divided the enemies. while firing began, short bursts from He was generally Grande, which takes place Oct. 16 in Bang ! Bang I Bang three shells ours and long, slow firing from the enDenver. known as "the Lark burst unpleasantly close to the leader, emy. Three French machines detached by reason of his habit and he heard the tearing sound of themselves from the main body and Unless drastic steps are taken by the of in the air. His right-hanWarm tried to make their way behind the ausinging state council of defense or some shrapnel through his planes. a man, seen who saw Huns to cut them off. Their maneuver to as had he he himself young said lieutenant, work, tons food thorized conservation agency, a good deal of service In France with that one of his spars was shot away. was seen and the Huns turned upon of tons the fruit upon throughout state will be allowed to rot on the the It. F. C., leaned up against the The other machines seemed undam- them. They were heavily outnumfence to keep him company. aged, and once they were well over bered. A few bursts 9f firing, then all ground, it is said. We must have five machines for to- the lines all firing ceased. No doubt three fell to earth in flames, but two Fruits have made excellent progress morrows and are of good quality. Shipments of mander. early stunt, said the com- thq guns were being mounted on lorries of the enemy fell with them. There are two machines and taken to get another Elated by this first success the Huns pears, plums, and prunes have been coming from he iafterrioon 'came shrit enTT on at this depot They 'had ferowri a littSe made from Utah during the past arid two of our machines can be put Below them were the heavy French careless and had lost their formation. week, arid carload shipments of in about a couple of hours. machines right carrying out reconnaissance Our machines, ever on the watch, saw peaches are beginning. Good, said the second In command. work, and they could see above them their chance and divted suddenly down Something of what war really means Then we need not worry. A tender on each side French and English air- into the thick of them. The leader was brought vividly home to the peo Is going Into In a few minutes; planes of all types and sizes. With was among the first. As he swept in pie of Salt Lake on September 19, are you coming? a hissing noise a tiny scout dived down he heard a grinding crash and, turnwhen 432 men left for the training No, I have to stay here and arrange past them, hotly pursued by a big Ger- ing his head for a moment, saw two camp, thousands being at the station about these machines that are coming man machine, bristling with guns. But Germans falling to earth together in a to bid them farewell. down." the five machines steadily pursued mass of splintered wreckage. ' Tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and Well, you might ask the machine their own course. This was not their Thats what comes of getting excitmelons, according to a report received gun officer to test my gun, will you? area, and they had their own work to ed and crowding, he said as he fired by John B. Walker, state crop pest It jammed twice yesterday. It was do. point blank at an enemy. All round commissioner, are being damaged to a inconvenient, and the second In comIn a few minutes they had reached him was firing. Several machines of great extent by the frost in Salt Lake mand sauntered off. their destination. For the next two friend and foe fell to earth past him. All that afternoon the mechanics hours they would patrol that area One dropped unpleasantly close to his Davis and Weber counties. Striking at the practice of allowing worked at the airplanes, and by eve- marked out for them on the map, wait- tail. Then as suddenly as it began the children to drive automobiles by hold ning they were in a fit state to strafe" ing for the Huns, who would certainly battle was over. The Germans had ing the owners or custodians of ma- the Huns. At about eleven oclock try to drive them away. But for the had enough. They dived toward home, chines responsible, Judge Nielsen at that night the five pilots were detailed moment they had leisure to look and French and British followed in hot Salt Lake found John W. Tobin guilty for the following days work. around them. To the right they could pursuit. The sun was Just beginning to rise see four French machines making for But the leader looked at his watch. of permitting a small boy to drive a when they were waked and, after home. Probably they were on their Phew Five minutes late, arid notruck. Much fall plowing has been done drinking steaming coffee and eating way back from a bombing raid. Then where near the lines. What will the , and some seeding, but in many cases cake, they sauntered up to the aero- there came the sound of firing imme- C. O. say? drome. He once for One behind of followed at turned them. pathe before home, rain for farmers are waiting diately Their machines were all lined up on trol was being attacked by a stubby by the other three. But the fifth maseeding. In Beaver county farm work is behind on account of scarcity of the tarmac and the mechanics were little German scout machine, which chine never returned. It must have was diving at him from behind. The been attacked on the way home. labor. Corn is being cut in Iron giving them a final overhaul. The, round the police leader banked sharply around and, gathered flight They circled down to the aerodrome county. who was as yet In negli- climbing steeply, made straight for the and fell in for inspection. Their pacommander, men drafted 300 of the More than of an old college blazer enemy. But the stubby German on trol was over. gee, into the military service of the nation and consisting of a brilliant hue. seeing another opponent turned for carpet slippers from Salt Luke county were guests at We will 'cross the lines somewhere home at the top of his speed. FRANKLIN LOVER OF PEACE at a luncheon tendered in their honor about here, he said, indicating a spot leader looked around to see The on 18 the on Satl Lake September on the map in front of him, with' the what had happened to his companion. eve of their departure for the training stump of a Philosopher Emphatic in Declaration pipe, and we have the His engine was missing badly. He That There Never Was a Bad camp at American Lake. pleasant little job of patrolling this seemed in trouble, but he was continPeace or a Good War. The first arrest on a charge of boot area. It is infested with Archies, and his duties. And other things were uing since legging in the Bingham district there are always Hun machines knock- happening. I join with you most cordially In law went into effect was ing about as well. Take your time the bone-drA True Shot. at the return of peace. I rejoicing made hist week when a deputy sheriff from me and watch for the usual sigTwo Hun machines were passing a hope it will be lasting, and that mantook into custody John Morikis at nals. Remember, it is the last man thousand feet below them. An Eng- kind will at length, as they call Morikis was carrying a grip who gets the rotten time of it. lish machine dived at them. One startreasonable creatures, have in which twenty-fou- r pint bottles The party broke up and the flight ed for earth, but the other showed reason enough to settle their differcommander hurried off to put on more fight. By a clever maneuver he had ences without cutting throats ; for, liquor were found. With a view to averting a possible suitable attire. just got behind his opponent when the In my opinion, there never was a wheat shortage in Utah during the enFive minutes later they reassembled, leader dived into the scene of action. good war or a bad peace. What vast suing year, permission from the na- in their respective machines, well He came up close before he opened additions to the conveniences and tional food administration for the wrapped in mufflers and leather coats, fire, and then with his third shot hit comforts of life might mankind have for it is cold work at fifteen thousand the enemy in the petrol tank. It burst acquired if the money spent In wars storage of wheat by mills and with reasonable allowances feet. They clambered onto their raa out in flames and fell to earth. had been employed in works of utilfor storage charges, is to be asked by chines and for the next few minutes, lie the loop to show his pleas- ity! What an extensions of agricullooped the millers and farmers of the state. ' as they waited, had a heated argument ure. i ture, even to the tops of the mounThe board of pardons has com- about the respective merits of razzle That was a good shot, he said to tains; what rivers rendered navigac dazzle and muted the sentence of life imprisonuntil the himself as he turned and counted the ble, or joined by canals ; what ment passed upon Albert T. Day, ne- squadron commander arrived on the patrol. There were only four alto- bridges, acqueducts, new roads and gro, convicted December 11, 1907, for scene, when they turned their atten- gether. One had turned home through other public works, edifices and im the slaying of Horace C. Voss, also a tion to more serious things. rendering England a engine trouble. They kept close to- provements, The Archies Speak. years imprisonnegro, to twenty-ijlv- e and for an half about hour all complete paradise, might not have gether, ment. At a signal the engines were started went peacefully and well. Their en- been obtained by spending those Erection of a meeting house for and tested. Then the machines tax- gines were running perfectly, and the In doing good which In the last Bonneville ward to cost $1S,000 will ied from the tarmac and slowly morning air acted like a balm on their war Yiave been spent In doing misbegin soon. In addition to the main made their way out into the fnlddle df souls. The occasional sounds of firing chief in bringing misery Into thouthe aerodrome. Following the leader, did not disturb them. Then In the dis- sands of families, and destroying the assembly, there will be an amusement hall with a stage, class rooms, a circle they rose from the ground in wide tance they saw a great cloud of ma- lives of so many working people, who One thousand, two thou- chines approaching from the east, and might have performed the useful laroom, relief society room and a sweeps. sand feet, and still the machines cir- each man looked to the leader for a bors! Benjamin Franklin. kitchen. That rewards for the farmer vho cled round the aerodrome, until the signal. This was no ordinary enemy Hla Claim. aids the country by raising wheat were squadron commander far below, put patrol. One or two served to relieve , What are his claims to exemption? never more attractive, is the fact made out the signal on the ground, which the monotony of life, but fifty was plain by Dr. F. S. Harris, director of gave them permission to make for the more than a joke. But the leader held Has he any dependent on him? He ls supporting a good many arto his course. the Utah Agricultural colleges experi- lines. ment station, in a discussion of the Early hours are kept In France, and With a deep droning of the engines guments about It ft thought ! nful calluses on bottom of your feet. fyVmck ! I I It never disappoints and never burns bites or inflames. If your druggist hasnt any freezone yet, tell him tc get a little bottle for you from hh wholesale house. adv. The Program. What is the first step te take t have a good blow-out- ? Why, to raise the wind. THIS DRUGGIST KNOWS BEST KIDNEY MEDICI d . p freezone, and can obtained in tiny bottles as here shown very little cost from an! drug store. Just ask f0, freezone. enemy Aviators forget there's death on all sides during battle psycho-pathologis- t, YOUR CORNS No humbug! Much can happen in a brief time in a sky filled with friend and n, BIT! OR CALLUSES OFF Pilot 10,000 having whisky illegally in Ids possession, was fined $150 by the justice of the peace. Beets and potatoes are reaching maturity in good condition. Beets in the Tremonton district are not so NOT A Sixteen years ago Kilmers Swamp-Roo- it t I began to sell Dr, believ( and today I is one of the best medicines on th market; and my patrons are very mud pleased with the results obtained from iti use and speak very favorably regarding it Swamp-Roo- t has been very successful u the treatment of kidney, liver and bladdei troubles according to the reports received and I have no hesitancy in recommendin( it for I have great faith in its merits. Very truly yours, OWL DRUG STORE, By R. F. Boies, Oct. 3, 1916. Sedalia, Missouri. Letter to Dr. Kilmer O Co. Binghamton, N. Y. Will Do For Yoi Prove What Swamp-RoSend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample siz bottle. It will convince anyone. Yoi will also receive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men tion this paper. Large and medium sizi bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. ot Sublime Orders. Colonel Corkl was, as colonels go, not a bad old stick to have about a regiment, says Lopdon Ideas. Recently he had three men of his company in to help him remove the grand piano, and, as this gift of Aunt Elizas was of hefty build, he signed a blank order that the men might obtain beer from the canteen ; leaving the amount thereof for the warriors to fill la themselves. 4 Here was a dispute. Put down six pints, suggested Private Dumps. More like a barrel! growled one of the others. But at last the sergeant came along with thd right idea. He filled the paper up thusly: Please fill these men with beer. y Cop-perfield- therri-selv- f I I ' indi-idual- es s, , bric-a-bra- pitl-llo- wheat situation. ns Cure for Anemia. A Scot and an Englishman who were walking down the street together rosy stopped to purchase a couple of a on taking The Englishman apples. bite of his Immediately began to sput1a ter. I believe Ive swallowed worm, he exclaimed. T Weel, . weel, mon, an what ifnew put did? said the Scot. .Twill life into ye. Boston Transcript. When a woman insists upon her stand rights the time has come to from under. Many a man who acts like a bear merely foxy. Im helping to save vhita bread by eating more Post-Toastie- s arc what you doing! i |