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Show Damaged1 Page Is SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Diamond Rings GERMAN rings win the hearts of and are prized above 4ther things. We have diamonds, fitizll or large, to suit any taste or fit The mark of PARK Is any purse. i guarantee. Our diamond the ladies, Amazing Intrigue of Teuton Representative Before War Was Declared. FOUNDED SALT LANSING REVEALS PLOT bargains in used cars Washington. Seretary Lansing made a startling revelation on September 21 in the briefest but most significant chapter of German intrigue the state department has yet disclosed. His statement follows: The secretary of state issues the following statement from Ambassador Bernstorff to the Berlin foreign office dated January 22, 1917: request authority to pay out $50,000 (fifty thousand dollars) in order, as on former occasions, to influence congress through the organization you know of, which can perhaps prevent war. am beginning in the meantime to act accordingly. In the above circumstances, a public official German declaration in favor of Ireland is highly desirable in order to gain the support of Irish influences here. This message was sent to the kaiser through the Berlin foreign office just prior to the beginning of Germanys undersea campaign. Secretary Lansing said the government had proof that the message was BUCHAREST REPORTS PLANTING MICAND EXPLOSIVES ROBES BY TEUTONS. Protection of United States Shown Have Been Shamefully Exploited and Abused in Expose by Secretary Lansing. I OldtmobllM, Kk Guaranteed lira data tarnti II wanted kr ranaini condllon--eas- y deceit-lio- n. rilbt patllet. Write lot detailed Hot and Used Cat Dept., Randall-Ded- d Auto CtK, Salt Lake Clip usd BOISE MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO makers of jewelry LAKE CITY e MAIN STRUT Uenali-t- ao ck, Proof That Former Ambassador Asked Permission of His Government to Spend $50,000 in Bribing Congressmen. to SHOO. Bern-stor- ff I WHEN FATHER Washington. The revelation that Count von Bernstorff, trusted adviser of Emperor William and at present ambassador to Turkey, headed the German propaganda of bribery that sought to keep this country out of war when Germany entered upon her ruthless campaign of submarine warfare exploded like shrapnel In Washington on Friday. officials congressmen, Diplomats, nnd various propagandists were amazed. Congress immediately began to talk of investigation. Secretary of State Lansing gave out a letter of Bernstorff In which the 0 ambassador asked the kaiser for to influence congress. It seemed certain that the Bernstorff communication was forwarded through a .neutral government. The state department refused to confirm this or to indicate whether its suspicions were directed to any neutral source. The mystery of the society which Bernstorff was to use had Washington awake from one end of Pennsylvania avenue to the other. The names mentional in connection a with the German activities in are already well known. They include scores of Individuals whose records have been looked up by the department of justice and whose strange activities have been the basis of more than one quiet secret service TELLS A JOKE Mother Sees Nothing Funny In It and Daughters Glance Is Expressive of Her Pity. j When a man hears a joke which his primitive sense of humor classifies as the funniest thing he had ever heard he hurries ings to his home to bear the glad tidwife. Father produces his great discovery, but mothers counte- nance remains untroubled by so much as a smile, observes the New York Evening Sun. Nine wives out of ten will gaze blankly into that Interesting emptiness to which womans eyes are continually traveling over her husbands shoulder. The tenth and crudest creature will wither her spouse with a penetrating stare which registers: I see nothing absolutely nothing-f- $50,-00- In that. unny Disgusted and baffled, the husband tells the same joke to his daughter. Her only indication of , amusement is a pitying uplift of the eyebrows a subsequent absorption tand In her knitting. With his finger on the last unbroken string of hope father approaches hls nearest masculine relative. At last success Is hls, for hls son or his or hls uncle roars, applauds and slaps him on the back. Father bows to Imaginary audiences and compliments hls propo-gand- son-in-la- w . man on hls perspicacity and hls fortunate possession of a sense of humor. He pities those women those poor defective women. fellow EXTRA THAT TEN investigation. Opinion here seemed general that when MINUTES It Is Good Business to Be Willing Give a Little Time Over and Above Houra Paid For. to She had been promoted three times within the year, and when I asked her what her secret was she laughed and said: Oh, I guess its just that extra ten minutes." I laughed too, .for I knew what she meant. It Wafeher mothers favorite bit of preachment. "Sell your time for all you can get for It, my dear. But never hesitate to give an extra ten minutes. It Is good business to sell your time which means your brains and your you can get for them. good business to be willing to give ten Inlnutes over and above the hours you are paid for, when your work for all But it is also It work requires A few minutes overtime will often your desk, leaving no odds and ends for next morning. It will make a success of a Job that would only just scrape through if you quit on the dot. It will prove both to yourself and to your employer that you care for your work; that youd rather do It well. That you prefer to sacrifice a little for the sake of excellence. The successful employer is usually the discriminating employer. Your extra ten minutes may prove to be your best Investment. Exchange. clear up How a Diamond Cuts Glass. Secretary-Lansin- g made public this startling Bernstorff document, he not only had the goods on Bernstorff but on his connections in the United States. Bernstorffs Duplicity Cleverly Seen. The communication made public by Secretary Lansing not only reveals Ambassador Bernstorff standing forth for the first time as the actual directing head of a bribery propaganda, but exposes the efforts of Germany to use this country as a buffer while Teuton rutldessness was employed in its most effective measures. While Count von Bernstorff has been exposed early In the year as passing a note from Foreign Minister Zimmer-man- n to Count von Eckhardt in Mexico to City drag Japan and Mexico into a war with this country, the German representative had not been shown to have any direction of the payment of money to finance intrigues, or as being the real head. Today he is set up as a shining example of German duplicity, indicating s. na-;t- , r basl son Washington. How Germany shamefully abused and exploited the protection of the United States by secreting in the German legat(on at Bucharest, after the American government had taken charge of Germanys affairs at the Roumanian capital, quantities of powerful explosives for bomb plots and deadly microbes, with Instructions for their use in destroying horses nnd cattle, was revealed on September 23 by Secretary Lansing. It was another of the series of Mr. Lansing's disclosures of German intrigue, made public without comment in the same manner as the Von telegrams which have brought Argentina to the verge of war with Germany, the Von Eckhardt li .ter from Mexico City and the Von Bernstorff telegram asking the German foreign office for authorization to spend $50,000 in influence congress. The latest story Is told In a report to the state department from William Whiting, Andrews, secretary of the legation of Bucharest, and a letter from Foreign Minister Porumbaru of Roumania. Suspicion Aroused. Parcels and boxes taken into the German consulate at Bucharest with display of great precaution aroused the suspicions of the Roumanian government. On August 27, 1916, the evening pi'ior to the date of Roumanias declaration of war, some of the cases were taken to the German legation, located in a different building from the consulate. Convinced that the boxes were not taken away from the legation by the German diplomatic mission on its Lux-bur- g sition. Italy was sending to this country a delegation to impress this imperative necessity of ships, coal and supplies for her army just about to enter its greatest offensive. Russia was turbulent. German influence thought it was about to reap its coveted prize of a disrupted enemy in the east. The Russian armies were reported pn the point of revolt and retreat. The people themselves were in a turmoil. Germany had pushed into the enemy country. Entrenched and fortified, she felt that Russias effectiveness as an ally was ended. Japan was too far away to be of material, monetary aid. With this situation before her, Germany felt that she could win through her submarine campaign, which was to be pushed to extremities of inhumanity never before heard of in warfare. Her propagandists in this country had been hard at work when on January 22 President Wilson sent his address to He appealed to the warring o enter. to negotiations. He sought peace without victory. Then Count von Bernstorff sent his message. It was said today that it did not go direct from tVm con-Srdj'- t of ins wa coi fic tin for otl ed It has been ascertained by a series file-fashi- ous crack is formed along the line of the intended cut. The crack once begun, very small force Is necessary to carry it through the glass, and thus the piece is easily broken off. The superficial crack or cut need not be deep; a depth, according to fine measurements, of a part of one inch Is quite sufficient to accomplish the purpose, so that the application of much force In using the diamond only wears out the gem without doing the work any better. Numerous stones, such as quartz and other minerals, when ground Into proper form, ill cut glass like a diamond, but they are not so valuable for that purpose, lacking the requisite hardness ftad soon losing the sharp edge necessary to make the operation a success. th . She Had Experience. An applicant for a telephone Job at Memphis, when asked If she had ever ad any operating experience replied I have had my adenoids removed. Long Lines Traffic Doings. S Tremonton district are reported not so large as usual. Constructed at a cost of $150,000, the new spur of the Western Pacific from Burmester to the International smelter near Tooele will be completed within a few days. On September 19 ten thousand people from all over eastern Utah were in Price to pay homage to the boys from that section who were leaving for the training camp. Thousands of visitors were In attendance at the Peach day celebration at Brigham City, September 19.' The festivities began at 11 oclock and lasted until late at night. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Denver & Rio Grande, which takes place October 16 in Denver, consideration of a railroad Into the Uintah basin will be Included. The total tax revenue on all property in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake county, assessed at $277,573,423, should be $4,919,126 for the present year, according to figures by the county auditor. Thousands of people who gathered1 at the railway station in Salt Lake Walker, state crop pest tomatoes, squash, cucum-r- s and melons are being damaged to great extent by the frost in Salt rhn B. net SOI com-ission- er, rke, Davis and Weber counties. Throughout the state much fall plow-- g has been done and some seeding, it in many cases farmers are waiting r rain before seeding. Scarcity of bor is putting farm work behind in saver county. Corn is being cut in pec ma to out his willingness to commit bribery while the at the same time professing the most to try friendly relations with this country. When the note was sent Great Brit- til! ain was crying for food ; she was cry- soi: the ing for ships ; she was crying for am- wa munition. France was in the same po an ROBERT LANSING The weather bureau reports that beets and potatoes are reaching maturity in good condition. Beets in the : wh ses on county. On the eve of their departure for e training camp at American Lake, ore than 300 of the men drafted to the military service of the nation ere the guests of the people of Salt rke at a luncheon tendered at one of e leading hotels. Judge Nielson at Salt Lake last eek showed his displeasure at the actice of allowing children to drive itomobiles by holding the owners or stodians of .machines responsible, len he found John W. Tobin guilty permitting a small boy to drive a res in we lie ri agt of int -- nek. fer arrest at Bingham of an bootlegger since the bone-dr- y law went into effect occurred last week, when a deputy sheriff took into The first ah UTunj I"ay said that when he came here he reported to Captain Boy-Eand Caiit. Franz von Papen, attaches of the Gei'maa embassy. He said they knew of his plans, but they had given him leged d no Orders. Boy-Eand von Papen were inv constat touh with the ambassador and the government investigators felt that it Was Inconceivable that the ambassador was not fully aware of what was beinig done. Various instances of destruction of sugar cargoes shipped to the aiues were also traced back to German influence in high circles. Department of justice officials intimated that the investigations of the National Labor Peace council had led to evidence that possibly it was the onHMBi organization you know of. This was broken up by the government and three 0f the ringleaders were sent to prison. Marshall Voices General Resentment. made public has Lansing Secretary I' i voicing the general resentment in Cou sent by the text of a message con gress over disclosures of Count von von Bernstorff to Berlin last January, to in- Bei nstorff's message, Vice President asking authority to use $50,000 rshall gave out a statement declar- fluence congress. d custody Mike Morikis, at Coppcrfield. Morikis was carrying a grip, in which twenty-fou- r pint .bottles of booze were found. Permission from the national food rdministration for the storage of wheat by mills and individuals, with reasonable allowances for storage charges, is to be asked by the millers and farm- -' ers of the state, with a view to averting a possible shortage of wheat in Utah during the coming year. Utahs governor has been chosen as a member of the presentation commit- tee of the American Peace Centenary committee, which is charged with the presentation of a statue of Abraham Lincoln to the British nation. It is planned to place the statue near Westminster Abbey, London. Plans for the October conference In Salt Lake include the exhibit of Red Count von Bernstorff, former from Germany, who Is Cross work and other products which with nearby charged plot to bribe American children of the twenty-tw- o stakes have prepared for the relief of congressmen. the military forces In the field. or 0, reau. September 19 realized what war really means when they bid farewell to 432 men who were leaving for the training camp. Recently fruits have made excellent Rouprogress in the different sections ofl departure from Bucharest, the manian authorities later ordered the Utah, and are of good quality. Shippolice, to find and examine their con- ments oft pears, plums and prunes are tents. The police communicated with being ji'fc,,ahd carload shipments sofi American Minister Vopicka, then in peachel re beginning. Dr. ix Kampmann, psycho-p- a thol-gis- t, charge of German interestsf who re- Jmo is well known at Salt Lake nd in Centerville, has been arrested t Los Angeles, charged with viola-on- s of the espionage law. He left tah a short time ago. It is reported that unless drastic eps are taken by the state council defense, or some authorized food mservation agency, tons of fruit iroughout the state will be allowed rot upon the ground. According to a report received by ves of experiments that a diamond does not cut glass but forces the particles apart, so that a continu- i Provo now has a population of according to the new, directory. For the coming state fair, over 5000 entries have been made by 500 exhibitors, to date. of having Convicted at Coalville whisky illegally in hls possession, a negro was fined $150 by the local jus-tid-e of the peace. Sportsmen of Ogden and Weber county are to assist after October 1 In furnishing wild ducks for a supper for the boys at Fort Douglas. Range conditions are the best for years in most parts of the state, and stock is in excellent condition, according to a bulletin by the weather bu12,-00- BOYD PARK se iplandid THE UTAH BUDGET AMBASSADOR HEADED PLOT |