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Show WOMAN SICK OERMAII MALE IS STEEL PRICES GUT III TWO YEARS No Do Could Now Strong Work. Buffer heavy losses at a -- "For about two year from a female trouble so I t unable to walk jj;:,.,iiiiilill in was or do any of my own work. I read about Lydia E. Pinkhams ComVegetable in the news- pound papers and determined to try it It brought almost im- mediate relief. My weakness has entirely disappeared and I never nad better health. I weigh 165 pounds and am as strong as a man. I think money is well spent which purchases Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Mrs. Jos. OBryan, 1755 Compound 111. Newport Ave., Chicago, The success of Lvdia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots It may be snd herbs, is unparalleled. used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, perifeeliodic pains, backache, bearing-dow- n dizziness, indigestion, ng, flatulency, and nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink-baVegetable Compound is the stan dard remedy for female ills, Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles, Poll Evil, Fistula, Lymphangitis, Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the kurand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. tl. 00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case for special instructions and Book 5 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment for mankind, re- Concen-site- d flect Strain. Painful, Knotted, Swollen Veim. few dropa required .tan application. Price only 1 per bottle at dealer or delivered, . F. YOUNG. P. D. F.: 310 Temple St., Springfield, Mast. f TWO VARIETIES OF HEROES Who Admits He Is of Make lieve Class, Tells of Life in One in coun PRESIDENT battle IN CF FLANDERS. 111. SAFE in ter-attack- s Man.' Chicago. gnfte red HALF BY NEW SCALE Be- the Trenches. There are real heroes and make beheroes ; and they are not always easily distinguishable. I do not hide from myself that I belong to the make believes. And yet, it Is remarkable that I did not find the second week at the front as terrible as the first. It Is not as bad there as it seems, says a writer in the Atlantic. When once you get accustomed to the idea that you may be dead In a day, or in an hour, or in a minute, and when yon are clear as to your future, your mood Is relieved from constant depression. Involuntarily you become kind and helpful to those about you, lieve you do not get vexed over trifles, you are ready to make all sorts of sacrif- ices. Of course, If, in the midst of such a grenade suddenly drops tato yoor trench, if you see three or four of your comrades getting killed, your misery returns, no matter how good an outward appearance you may keep up. At least for a while. , But then again the thought comes that getting wounded means rest and safety, and good care. And death? that is still less terrible. One boast of reaching ones destination along the shortest road! Is not death every ones final destination? Atlantic. a condition, . you never tasted POOD you have missed one of the good things in life APPROVES QUOTA-TIONPRODUCERS' AGREE-MEN- T WITH BOARD. Caf'ured German Officers Have Ap parently Abandoned Hope r Success in Western Theatre and Are Allies and Public to Share in Benefit, Mills to Be Operated at Full Capac-- . ity and No Reduction Made in Wages. British Front in France. That phase of the battle of Flanders that occurred last week and which has been characterized as the battle of Menin road was on Sunday largely a matter of history. Hard local fighting was still in progress at a point west of Gheluvelt, known as Tower Hamlet, but, notwithstanding the determined efforts of the Germans to regain the ground they lost here, they were unable to dislodge the British troops. The enemy still clung to a few desirable posts on an elevation near Tower Hamlet, but their possession has in no way affected the general situation, as they were not vital points. Elsewhere along the front of the British offensive there has been no change in the situation. An intense artillery duel continued, but the enemy had abandoned, at least temporarily, those futile and which marked costly counter-attack- s the first days fighting. The German military code in the past has taken little count of losses in men, if results could be achieved. In the present instance the German counter-attack- s have not only been costly, but useless, for the British artillery has in a majority of cases torn the advancing columns to bits and driven the survivors back in hasty retreat. How great the German losses have been it is of course impossible to estimate, but it can be stated definitely that they were exceedingly severe. The battle of Menin road has furnished further evidence of that deterioration in the fighting qualities which has beengoing on in the German lines for some time. It must not be assumed from this statement that the Germans are in a demoralized state. During the last few days they have fought with great determination, and skillfully, but they are not so good as they were. It is significant perhaps that the counter-attack- s delivered by the enemy on the first day were lacking the inaltensity of previous counter-attackGermans had known the that though the offensive was pending and had time to prepare for eventualities. In this connection a change has been noted in the attitude of captured German officers. Apparently they no longer have faith in the future and have abandoned hope of success in the western theatre. The thing they are most interested in now is peace. On the other hand, the morale of the British troops has never been at so high a pitch as at present. Everywhere along the line one finds the same, feeling. The men are imbued with the idea that they have proved Washington. Steel prices in the United States were cut in half on September 24 when President Wilson approved a scale of quotations fixed in a voluntary agreement made by producers with the war industries board. The general public, as well as the Now Hoping for Peace. s, themselves stronger than their adversaries and they are filled with the determination to see the affair through to the finish. The arrival of the Aemrican troops in France has done much to make even stronger this confidence. NO DISCUSSION OF PEACE. Replies to Pope of Germany and Austria Without Effect in America. Washington. There will be no further discussion of peace at this time by the United States and the entente allies unless it is forced by a fresh appeal from Pope Benedict. This was clearly indicated both at the state department and by allied diplomats Saturday, after publication of the unofficial texts of the replies of Germany and Austria to the papal appeal. There was nothing unexpected in either response, although the Austrian note aroused some interest because of its apparent sincerity. Officials believe that, heartened by the replies of the central powers, the pope will make a fresh attempt to bring the belligerents together at the eace table. TEXAS GOVERNOR IMPEACHED. Convicted of Using State Funds to Settle Personal Obligations. Austin, Texas. Governor James E. Ferguson on. September 22 was impeached by the state senate, which sustained ten of the twenty-on- e charges in the bill of impeachment returned by the lower house committee of the whole. The vote on the first article that he used $5000 of state funds to settle q personal obligation was sufficient vote was to convict. A necessary. The ballot was: Ayes, 1w.inty-seven- ; noes, four. two-thir- American and allied governments, will share in the reductions, which go into immediate effect, and the agreement provides that producers shall not reduce wages. The prices will obtain until January 1, 1918, to be revised then if investigation shows they are inequitable. The entire output of American steel plants will be distributed under supervision of the war board, which, exercising the powers of priority of transportation given the government by congress, will apportion it in a way best to meet the countrys war requirements. New Prices Fixed. The new prices and the reductions they represent in present quotations follow : Pig Iron, $33 gross ton ; recent price $58 gross ton, a reduction of 43.1 per cent. Steel bar, Pittsburg and Chicago basas, price agreed upon $2.90 per hundredweight ; recent price $5.50 ; a reduction of 47.3 per cent. Steel shapes, basis Chicago and Pittsburg, price agreed upon $3 hundredweight; recent price, $6.00 hundredweight, a reduction of 50 per cent. Steel plates, ' basis Chicago and Pittsburg, price agreed upon $3.25 hundredweight; recent price, $11 hundredweight, a reduction of 70.3 per ' cent. Iron ore basis lower lake ports, $5.05 gross ton. No change. Coke, Connellsvi.le, $6 net ton; recent price $15 a ton; a reduction of 62.5 per cent. Working Under Difficulty. Woke the Next Man. Did you wake up No. 44? Burglar I hate to work a job alone. But If I git pinched I cant turn states eviNo, sir, couldnt wake him. I did the nearest I could." dence on nobody and git off. What was that?" l.ove at first sight is easy, but few I waked up No. 45, sir! Comic Cuts. people can stand the test of a protracted acquaintance. Political clubs are used chiefly to Thrift and stinginess are as similar put opposing candidates out of busias they are different. ness. What is Castoria ASTORIA Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,' Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Its age is its guarOpium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. antee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. are but Experiments that All Counterfeits, Imitations and trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. C Just-as-Go- 'CCCCLtbt Genuine Castoria always bears the signature of Small Dose, Price, Great Carter's Little Liver Pills Pill, Small Small But in Make you feel the joy of living. It is impossible to be happy or feel good when you are Every Other Way CONSTIPATED This old remedy will set you right over nighL Genuine bears signature PALLID PEOPLE E-- Z Usually Need Iron in the Blood. Try CARTERS IRON PILLS CLEAN PIPE $1.00 IN A JIFFY YOUR PIPE CLEAN removable inner tube keeps your pipe idea in pipe New, scientific construction free and clean at all times. Send $1.00 by mail to E-- Z CLEAN PIPE COMPANY, 213 West Forty-Nint- li Street, NEW YORK A Test of Friendship. The True Joy Rider. So you got a motorcycle? characAndy Foster, a For a starter. Troops Will Be Sent to Europe If War ter in his native city, had recently Is Declared. shuffled off this mortal coll in destiCouldnt you have more fun with Buenos Aires. Mobilization of the tute circumstances, although In his an automobile? You dont understand. The real way Argentine navy has been ordered at a earlier days he enjoyed financial prosto have fun with an automobile is to thirty-sevekilometers perity. rendezvous A prominent merchant, an old friend get a motorcycle and get out on the from Buenos Aires. There is also of the family, attended the funeral and road as a cop. unusual military activity in the republic. Although this is ostensibly due to was visibly affected as he gazed for the general strike, a high official said the last time on his old friend and asMonday that the general staff has its sociate. The. mourners were conspicuously eyes open to other necessities. Morning lameness, sharp twinged If there is a declaration of war, it is few in number and some attention was when backbending, or an attracted merchant. the diby sorrowing declared, Argentina will send two each is cause enough to susache; The old gentleman was very dear to visions to Europe and will not be conpect kidney trouble. Get after the cause. tent with a passive attitude. The men you? ventured one of the bearers afWe Help the kidneys. Americans go it too hard. ' We and equipment are ready for almost ter the .funeral was over. answered the Indeed, he was, overdo, overeat and neglect our immediate embarkation if the necesmourner. one was true friend. sleep and exercise and so we are Andy event allies in that sity arises and the fast becoming a nation of kidney He never asked me to lend him a cent, would be asked to furnish artillery. sufferers. 72 more deaths than though I knew that he was practically 1890 is the 1910 census story. In to death. Harpers Magastarving Hands Off, Says Crown Prince. Use Doans Kidney Pills. Thouzine. London Bavarian socialist newspasands recommend them. pers are quoted by the Exchange TelAn Idaho Case CUTICURA HEALS ECZEMA egraph Amsterdam correspondent as Entry Ac S. D. Inghram, 2402 tin It lb a E. Main St., Lewiston, protesting against the action , of the Rashes That Itch and Burn TriaL Idaho, says: "I was so German crown prince in inviting a And with rheumatcrippled Free to Anyone Anywhere. aumber of singers from the Munich ic pains, that for two I to his had to hobble to years headquarters proceed opera around on crutches. of treatment the In skin and newsTwo of the scalp train. Life was a burden and by special my back ached all papers have been suppressed for pub- troubles bathe freely with Cuticura the time. My system was filled with uric lishing attacks on the crown prince. Soap and hot water, dry and apply Cuticura Ointment. If there Is a natacid, my sight was and my kidneys ural tendency to rashes, pimples, etc., tpoor Training Camps for Officers. err1b disordered offiof third recurrence I had almost When series by making prevent their Washington. A given Doans Kidney Lula up cers training camps will be opened by Cuticura your daily toilet preparation. cured me. hope The cure has lasted. Free sampleeach by mail with Book. Cet Doans at Any Store, 60c a Box the war department early in January. Candidates for commissions, Adjutant Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, General McCain announced, will be se- Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. CO BUFFALO. N. Y. lected from enlisted men of the reguObviously. lar army or those called to the colors Come on, said the first flea, he hopunder the selective draft law, no apfrom the brown foreplications from civilians being consid- ped come over and bears left join me at a leg; ered. short game of golf. Golf," exclaimed the second flea, House Demands Investigation. taking a bite of hyena ; where hastily stormiest After the Washington of Barnum are we going realm in the session in years the house of repreto golf? play to sent afternoon sentatives Monday PERSONAL HYGIENE Why, said the first flea, over on the rules committee two resolutions Dissolved in water for douches sto LanO course. of Jack the lynx, pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inf far demanding a thorough investigation mabon. Recommended by Lydia of the statement made by Representa- tern. Pukhun Med. Co. for ten yeai tive Heflin of Alabama that thirteen A healing wonder for nasal catari The more a woman talks to a man or fourteen members had been acting ore throatand sore eyes. Economic! the less he is Inclined to sit up 'and suspiciously. wm.icid.1 pow notice. take Sams ymaiL at Portland. More Men Strike Success Is merely a matter of doing Portland, Ore. Approximately 4000 free !reJtering ?utfit the right thing at the right time. Portland steel in shipthree workmen for Pi ldenoe School of Lettering, Bast St.,particulars. their tools Prov tdence, down laid Monday yards Granulated TRNE men 3000 who walked Eyelids, and joined the Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, COP fcj Sun. out of the Partland woodfn shipyards 14 g. Dual and Wind quickly RIGHTS If S'chard STKKKT, WASHINGTON, 1J relieved by Murine. Try it in recently to enforce their demands for your Eyes and in Babys Eyes. higher wages and the closed shop. High Cost of Living Cut No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort contracts at on the Work government Marin Eye Remedy iiocrp?r'Zuiet.,Mlrin2 edfor 60o. SOHN KIVKJ,, Ihsi W.t Adana. LOS AXU steel yards was halted by the strike. Eyt Stv, in Tube 25c. For Book of tho Evo Free, Ask Marine Ere Rsmedy Co.. CUugti w. N. U., Sait Lake City,' No. ARGENTINA GETTINGi READY. well-know- n n Why Thai Lame Back ? all-da- y lj DOANS FOSTER-MILBUR- N Every Woman Want - for &! 39-19- 0 17. |