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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH South Cache Courier Published Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. J. A. WAHLEN, Publisher. CALLS FARM BUREAU NEW FAD The Jerome, Idaho News Says: "This county has just appropriated a sum pf $2,000 for the coming year for the purpose of maintaining a farm bureau. If this costs the farmer any extra money in taxes, it costs taxpayers of all other classes pro rata. Yet these others receive no direct benefit. Any benefit they may receive is indirect and comes through the better conditions of the farmers if they are bettered. "It money costs' money lots of but it is' paid out of the all general tax, which is collected from the merchant, the laborer, the tradesman, the mechanic, and the retired capitalist and the banker. "No such Concern is shown the merchant, .the printer, the butcher, the baker or candlestick maker no one cares a whoop how hard their lot may be or how ignomin- iously they may fail. Be they densely ignorant of the calling in which they are engaged; that is their own business and their own fault the government does not consider it worth while to furnish them with free printed instructions, free lecturers and free demonstrators or free medicine for their sick business, nor does it pay the salary of a personal advisor and counsellor. "As a matter of fact this paternal assistance that is extended the industry of farming has been forced The demand upon it, virtually. has never been great among the farmers; it has rather been inspired by those not actively in the business but who have been wise enough to And considersee the need of it. ing the untiring labor expended and the prodigious money outlay it is all little appreciated by the class for whose special benefit and profit it is maintained." Generally speaking farm bureaus are simply a new form pf political activity furnishing high salaried positions to "theoretical farmers" who couldnt make a living by till- ing the soil. Our state agricultural colleges are suppoeed to furnish our farmers information along these The taxlines if they ask for it. payers foot the bills for this new fad. By REAL SERVICE While certain food speculators are trying to force the price of wheat up from &2.20 a bushel, the figure set by the government, to $3.00 per bushel, and while strikes are being called in all states by paid labor leaders, to the great det riment of our country at this time, it is refreshing to note a great industry which has gone right ahead without any disturbance, perfecting its system for the benefit of the nation and protection of the people. At the very beginning of the war the whole Bell System was placed at the disposal of the government and its branches over the country have left no stone unturned in bringing their systems to the highest state of efficiency. The greatest telephone organization in the world is at the nations service and all without any fuss, trouble or expense on the part of the government. Private initiative, brains, money and patriotism brought this about and it is in striking ' contrast to the glaring mismanagement and delays caused by some of our loudest talking and patriotic self-style- d The House of KUPPENHEIMER Just now your young American is imbued with the military spirit he wants his clothes to express it. The authoritative season's styles for young men at your Kuppenheimer store answer the, call. Though wool is scarce, The flouse of Kuppenheimer has maintained its high will head straight for their Kuppenheimer quality in fabrics. The clothes-wis- e store this Fall. Suits, $22.50 to $45. Overcoats, $22.50 to $65. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, CHICAGO Originators of Fractional Sizes, the Foreward Model, etc. Makers of Regulation Officers Uniforms Our book, Styles for Men," from your Kuppenheimer store, or send your name to us HOWELL BROTHERS LOGANS FOREMOST CLOTHIERS C "1 |