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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH the opening of the Austrian rdeb rath, thereby showing that v,. Breeders associaHOPE THAT APPEAL EXPRESSES KAISER tion of America, declared Sunday at striving after a pence that Khali f,' the future life of the nation Syracuse, N. Y., on his return from a cor and a thirst for revenge fnm, conference with Food Administrator xZ OF THE POPE FOR PEACE SUCCEEDS shall Recure It for generations amt Hoover that meatless days will be Z to from the employment of arnie.l started In the United States in a fOKw Our joint months time. has in the mean' of the peace appeal wherein his holi- time not government failed in repeated ami Gov. .Tumes E. Ferguson of Texas ness clearly expresses the conviction phatic which declarations, hi has been Impeached by the state senthat in the future the material power heard by all the world, to could and Austria-Hungar- y ate, which sustained ten of the twenty-on- e Germany give exp, of arms must be superseded by the charges In the bill of impeachment Reply to Popes Peace moral power of right. We are also sion ton our own will nnd that of the to pienare returned by the lower house committee convinced that the sick body of hu- an end to bloodshedpeoples Proposals. a peace sudl of the whole. by man society can be healed only by as your holiness has in mind. Governor Burnquist has announced its moral strength of right. Conclusions Reached. that if an offlcal investigation of the No Terms Are Set Forth in Either fortifying to From this would follow,' according Happy in the thought that our de . alleged disloyal statements made by But Emperor Charles Conhis holinesss view, the simultaneous sires from the first Answer, INTERMOUNTAIN. were directed to Senator La Follette at the closing ses- cedes Permanent Peace Depends diminution of the armed forces of all ward the same At a mass meeting Sunday night of which object the Nonpartisan league high gionof states and the institution of obliga- ness today characterizes as your hol. Upon Law Observance. union workmen engaged in the steel C08t one St. Paul living conference at tory arbitration for international dis- strive for, we have taken into we nnd wooden shipbuilding industries at reveal that his remarks were seditious, close putes. Amsterdam. The tierman consideration the concrete and Seattle, it was voted to continue the fhe Minnesota public safety commls- Armaments. Limitation of note In its reply to the peace tical suggestions of your holiness ami present strike in the wooden ship- slon, of which the governor is chairWe his holinesss view that have come to the yards and to call a general strike of man, will ask for the senators arrest. of Pope Benedict, a copy of which has definite share following conchm-sion- s rules and a certain safeguard : cherishes a lively been received workmen in the steel shipyards. here, WASHINGTON. With deep rooted ocnvlctlon we desire that the appeal may meet with for a simultaneous and reciprocal limRaymond R. Croke of Denver, atHow Germany shamefully abused success. on sea, " agree to the leading idea of your holi- Emperor William, the German itation of armaments on land, tached to the American ambulance and exploited the protection of the ef- and in the air, as well as for the true ness that the future arrangement of awarded the French United States by secreting in the note says, has been following the service, has-bea freedom of the community and high the world must be based on the elimfor toward of peace forts the un-1 pope war cross for removing wounded after German legation at Bucharest, seas, are the things in treating which ination of armed forces and on der a heavy bombardment during the the American government had taken considerable time with high respect. the new spirit that in the future should moral force of right and on the the of the effort The reply adds that the rule charge of Germanys affairs at the pope to international relations, of international justice and pave the way to an understand- prevail in legality. Roumanian capital, quantities of powfind first hopeful expression We too, are imbued with the might most surely be reckoned to should hope erful explosives for bomb plots and ing have a sympathetic reception from and The task would then of itself arise that a strengthening of the sense of for instructions with microbes, deadly the support of the Ger- to decide international differences of right would morally regenerate human tlielr use in destroying horses and cat- man armed ity. We support, therefore, he has regarded it opinion, not by the use of since emperor your holtle, was revealed Sunday by Secretary as his principal and most sacred task forces, but by peaceful methods, es- inesss view that the negotiations beLansing. to preserve the blessings of peace for pecially by arbitration whose high tween the belligerents should and could Shoot the traitors in this country, g effect would together lead to an understanding by world. which, Jurors in a conspiracy case reported to ls the adviCe given by Senator King of the German people and the with his holiness fully recognize. with the creation of appropriate guaGerman Reply. United in States Neterer the Judge Utah. While greatly deploring the The imperial government will in rantees, armaments on land and sea. The text of the reply follows: district court at Seattle they they tendency of some men in congress to this has eminence Herr Cardinal. Your respect support every proposal and in the air might be reduced simwere unable to agree upon a verdict as delay legislation that would aid the of ultaneously, reciprocally and gradual- - ' to Hulet M. Wells, former president war, Senator King does not believe been good enough, together with your compatible with the vital interest German empire and people. the to the to letter transmit of 2, ly to a fixed limit and whereby the August of the Seattle Central Labor council, that any members of the body have to most her kaiser and geographi Germany, owing seas,, which rightly belong to all gracious my high king, and Samuel Sadler. Aaron Fislerman, been actually influenced by German require- the nations of the earth, may be freed the third defendant, was found not money. He said he could not credit master, the note of his holiness, the cal situation and economic pope, in which his holiness, filled with ments, has to rely on peaceful inter- from domination or paramountcy ami guilty. this. grief at the devastations of the world course with her neighbors and with be opened equally for the use of all. A strike of Portland street car platGerman intrigue and propaganda, conscious of the importance of war, makes an emphatic peace appeal distant, countries. No people, thereform men October 1 was forecast when in both countries, to the heads of the belligerent peoples. fore, has more reason than the Ger- theFully cleverly applied of peace on the method promotion the carmens union notified the Port- have a full understanding The kaiser-kin- g prevented man of ac wish instead to to has that, people designed proposed by your holiness, namely, to land Railway, Light & Power com- between America and Viscount Japan, concila and universal me hatred with letter eminences submit international disputes to combattle, your quaint pany that the mens recent demands Ishii, head of the Japanese mission to and to intrust the reply to me. fraternal spirit should prevail pulsory arbitration, we are also priatory for increased wages and the eight-hou- r the United States, declared in an adHis majesty has been following for between nations. epared to enter into negotiations reday must be met by that time. dress before the National Press club a considerable time with high respect The Thing. acImportant garding this proposal. Senator W. H. King of Utah has at Washington. this ef Sees No Difficulty. are the If and nations sincere holinesss his by guided conan gratitude a to invitation cepted join McAdoos second Liberty forts in a spirit of true impartiality to spirit, it will be recognized to their most heartily desire, agrewe as Secretary If, Ha which will visit gressional party oan contains the ements at between the beare as suf as the camPaln arrived far the itinerary alleviate, advantage that, important thing possible, waii during November as guests of the Cleveland is to dates: w'hich more stress to would realize the subunites of the what following war the and hasten speaking upon lay lligerents ferings territorial legislature. The party will end of hostilities. Th kaiser sees in them in their relations. They will lime idea and thereby give security to number about fifteen senators and and Toledo, October 1; Indianapolis, October 2; Madison, Wis., October 3; the latest step of his holiness fresh also succeed in settling individual the for thirty-fiv- e monarchy representatives. S. AberSioux October unfeelD., it are future of of which 4; his humane conflict its Falls, still noble e and development, unhampered Fifty-onproof points persons were injured near S. D., October 5; Butte, October sato a find not deen, be can in difficult decided conditions then a cherishes a and desire that such that northway ings, a lively when Brigham City, Utah, bound passenger train on the Ogden, 7 ; Spokane, October 8 ; Seattle and for the benefito the entire world the of existence will be created which will tisfactory solution of the other queOre. papal appeal mdy meet with success be satisfactory to every nation, and stions which still remain to be settled Logan & Idaho electric interurban line Tacoma, October 9; Portland, 10. October collided head-osouthbound a Always for Peace. with thereby a repetition of this great between the belligerents in a spirit of Renewed assurances of the strength special. ,The effort of Pope Benedict is to world catastrophe would appear im justice and of a reasonable consideration of the conditions for existence of of the Russian government and of the pave the way to an understanding possible. DOMESTIC. more both to new laston can a determination and all condition this parties. might A temporary wage schedule, which Only peoples, fight among democracys If the nations of the earth were to will permit 30,000 iron workers who unwaveringly with the allies until the surely reckon on a sympathetic recep- ing peace be lounded which would support promote an intellectual rapproche- enter, with a desire for peaec, into, struck at San Francisco last week to war is victoriously concluded have tion and the been given Secretary Lansing by Boris from his majesty, seeing that the kai ment and a return to the economic negotiations with one another in the return to work immediately upon ratithe Russian ambassador, ser since taking over the government prosperity of human society. This sense of your holinesss proposals, Bakhmetieff, fication of the agreement by the unions has regarded it as his principal and erious and sincere conviction encour- then peace could blossom forth from FOREIGN. concerned, pending final adjudication comThe Russian minister of the inter- most sacred task to preserve the ages our confidence that our enemies them. The nations could attain of their differences by the federal the on movement of freedom German peo- also may see a suitable basis in the plete board of conciliation, was signed Sun- ior is busily engaged working out pre- blessings of peace for the burdens material seas, heavy his In and world. high the first his ideas holiness submitted by for apspeech paratory details for the constituent ple day. from the throne at the opening of the proaching nearer to the preparation could be taken from them and new of prospective The number assembly. to erected dikes protect Temporary German reichstag on June 25, 1888, for future peace under conditions cor- sources of prosperity opened to them. the business district of Presidio, voters is estimated at 90,000. Guided by a spirit of moderation Advices received at London indicate the kaiser promised that his love of responding to a spirit of reasonableTexas, from flood waters in the Rio toand conciliation, we see in the prohis German the and to ness in and the situation army position Europe. Grande broke early Sunday and wa- that Sweden is on the verge of a minof your holiness a suitable ter is two feet deep over the entire isterial crisis. The causes are three- ward it should never lead him into Amsterdam. Peace would come posals basis for to cut short the benefits initiating negotiations with settlement. fold, namely, the elections, the results temptation to a from recent view of the a were of war unless proposals preparing a peace just to Pope necessity, peace In an address at Toledo on Sunday, of the Buenos Aires telegram revelaon us by an attack on the em- Benedict if the belligerent nations all and lasting, and we earnestly hope Senator La Follette attacked' the tions and the fact that Germany has forcedor its allies. The German army would enter into negotiations in the our present enemies may be animated pire American press, declaring that Ameri- not yet given a satisfactory answer to sense of the pontiffs suggestions, Em by the same ideas. In this spirit we can newspapers are for the most part Swedens demand for a full explana- - should safeguard peace for us and the y be broken, peror Charles of says beg that the Almighty may bless eontrolled by the war party, the fin- - tion of the Count von Luxburg affair, should peace, nevertheless, holiness. it would be in a position to win it with in hi3 reply to the Vatican note. The work of peace begun by your ancial interests of the country. The replies of Turkey and Bulgaria honor. The kaiser has by his acts text of the reply follows: A majority of the negro men of the have been forwarded to the Pope. Postpone Fixing Bread Price. Holy Father: With due veneration fulfilled the promise he then made in army will be called out for key demands that her territory shall twenty-si- x and we take of deep emotion, rule, despite Chicago. Members of the National cognizance years happy mobilization at the training canton-- 1 not be violated. demands of the new representations your holi association of Master Bakers, in cloBulgaria and temptations. ments with the contingent of draft that her frontiers shall be regulated in provocations to the pres- ness, In fulfillment of the holy office sing their twentieth annual meeting In the crisis which led forces summoned for October 3. accordance with the principles of na- ent world his majestys intrusted to you by God, makes to us here Friday, announced that no action conflagration A negro cook working for an oil con- tionality. efforts were up to the last moment di- and the heads of the other belligerent fixing the price of bread would be tractor was taken from the jail at The island of Jamaica was struck by rected toward settling the conflict by states with the noble intention of taken until after the federal goverGoose Creek, Texas, and lynched by a a hurricane Sunday for the third time means. After the wrar had leading the heavily tried nations to a nment has formulated a definite plait workers. The in as many years, serious damage re peaceful inob of 800 broken out, against his wish and de- unity that will restore peace to them for the control of food prices. negro was charged with attacking the suiting. With a thankful heart we received sire, the kaiser, in conjunction with wife of an oil driller. Argentina Sends Ultimatum. The Argentine government has sent his high allies, was the first solemn;' this fresh gift of fatherly care which The American steamship Susana, an ultimatum to to enter to int his vou, declare Buenos, Aires. The Argentine goholy father, always bestow on reqdiness Germany. previously reported sunk by a German vernment all German The has sent an ultimatum to Gepeowithout peace negotiations. peoples distinction, and The replies of Germany and Austria dhas submarine in the Mediterranean, ple supported his majesty in his keen from the depth of pur heart we greet rmany. In its note the government the arrived safely at a foreign port, ac- to the peace note of Pope Benedict desire for peace. from statement formal emands a the moving exhortation whicn your reached the Vatican on September 22, tocording to cable advices received by and national holiness has addressed to the govern German government of its attitude her within Germany sought soon will send the another pontiff her agents at un Atlantic port. minister,. frontier the free development of her ments of the belligerent peoples. Dur ward the behavior of the A protest against drafting of farm note to all the belligerents. and material possessions and ing this cruel war we have always Count von Luxburg, and a repetition Ahave spiritual Germany ,and Austria-Hungarlaborers for the army has been laid the imperial territory unhin- looked up to your holiness as to the of the promises made respecting outside t ie before President Wilson by a delega- answered the popes peace note. No dered with competition with nations enjoy- highest personage who, in virtue of his rgentine shipping in connection tion of farmers and representatives terms are set forth in either answer. ing equal rights and equal esteem. The mission, which reaches beyond earthly Toro settlement. organized by the federal board of farm Emperor Charles concedes that permaworld in things, and thanks to the high concepnent peace depends upon strict observ- free play of forces in the organizations. one another tion of his duties laid upon him stands Truce in San Francisco Strike. with peaceable wrestling George Sheffield, telegraph oper- ance of international law and the elim- would lead to the highest perfecting high above the Francisco. A temporary wage San belligerent peoples and iron ator at the Great Northern station at ination of armed forces. The kaisers of the noblest human possessions. Dis- who is inaccessible to all influence, schedule which will permit 30,000 week Moorhead, Minn., was shot and reply, written by one of his entourage, astrous concatenation of events in the was able to find a last f here way which may lead workers who struck ratkilled by two robbers when he snapped merely expresses hope for the success upon 1914 to off work to broke immediately all return hopethe realization of our own desire absolutely an unloaded revolver at them instead of the popes appeal and says that year ful course of development and trans- for peace, lasting and honorable, for ification of the agreement by if' war enemies forced in a upon Germany, to hold of obeying their command up formed into a bloody battle all parties. unions concerned, pending final the The robbers escaped sisting that emperor has always been arena. Europe his , hands. judication of their differences by wa Always for Peace. for peace. with $45. Since ascending the throne of our federal board of conciliation, Appreciating the importance of his Maximilian Harden, editor of Die holinesss declaration, the imperial ancestors and A mob of several hundred men atfully conscious of the signed Sunday. tacked the jail at Raleigh, N. C., In Zukunft, lecturing in Berlin, said he government has not failed to s submit responsibility which we bear before Turks and Bulgars Replyan attempt to lynch a negro named was convinced peace was attainable the suggestion contained therein to God and men for the fate of the Aus If to ypar Germany promised wife earnest and scrupulous examination. Neville, accused of attacking the Copenhagen. The replies of monarchy, we have of a street car conductor, but before waive the right to rule Belgium. This Special measures which the govern- never lost sight of the high aim of re- and Bulgaria have been forwarded an entrance was effected the governor statement aroused a hostile demonstra-persuade- d ment has taken in closest contact with storing to our peoples as speedily as the pope. Turkey demands that e the members of the mob to tion from the audience and many representatives of the German people possible the blessings of peace. Soon territory shall not be violated. s a sons leftthe hall. for discussing and answering the ques- after our accession to the throne it garia demands that her frontiers The growing supremacy of the tions raised prove how earnestly it de- was vouchsafed us in common witji our be regulated in accordance with coal mines in Clarks- Twenty-fiv- e W. Va., have been compelled to sheviki element In the councils of the sires, in accordance with his holi- allies to undertake a step which had principles of nationality. close within a week, because the op- - soldiers and workmens delegates at nesss desires and the peace resolution been considered and prepared by our erators were unable to mine and mar- - Petrograd and at Moscow, their radi-k- of the reichstag on July 19, to find a exalted predecessor, Francis Joseph Loud Electric Bell. coal for $2 a ton, the price fixed cal program eliminating all property-b- practical basis for a just and lasting to pave the way for a lasting and hon An electric bell, designed by the government, according to a owning classes from a voice In the peac orable peace. English inventor to make an esPeC. j statement issued Thursday by Daniel government, is a development which The imperial government greets Ve gave expression to this desire in loud sound, is rung by a motor ins is causing great concern. with special sympathy the leading idea a speech from the throne delivered at of the usual magnet. Howard, a leading operator. Albert L. Brockway, representing the' Ilolsteln-Frelsla- n J Austro-Hungaria- govern-ernmen- t, . en whole-hearte- d peace-producin- I Austro-Hungaria- n n whole-hearte- d N , Austria-Hungar- I Tur-nation- oil-fiel- al d t y - I I I I per-dispers- Bol-burg- e. , et |