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Show I 0 WEEKLY Farmers of the county may obtain assistance in . filling Work beets for the soil conservation pro gram by calling at the county gents office, at the court house said DeLore Nichols, Tuesday. Mr. Nichols and George E. Dibble, Lay-toMr. M. P. Whitesides, Layton and Jesse H. Argyle, West Bountiful, will tender assistance. The new Etream line rain of nine cars which will operate be. tween Chicago and Los Angeles will be ready to be put into service by about May 20. Doctors defirately state now that Barbara Wood's foot can be saved and that no amputation will have to be performed, he is reported to he getting along so well now. North Cottonwood creek which comes out of Farmington canyon 1b booming now. An additional outlet pipe was put in the dam of the settling pond, in case it is needed to take care of the overflow water while the spillway is being completed. The number of persons entering pleas in connection with the delinquent tax list which' must be cleared up before May first, made it necessary to retire to the court chamber from the county meeting specially to hear from the property owners relative to the tax sale which will take place at their meet mg the first of May. Among the taxpayers present was our old friend, Harry Joseph, of Salt Lake City who talked at length on taxes and tax methods. The case of Howard L. Bennett of Logan against Victor Smith and the Smith Canning Co. of Clearfield was brought to a conclusion Tues. day after a jury deliberating for more than two hours, brought in a verdict of no cause for action. Bennett sought $35,000 damages for injuries received when his motor-sycl- e collided with a truck owned and driven by Smith on the state highway, June 80, 1034, This is the second trial on this case, the first having been heard in September, 1935, where Bennett was given a. wards in amounts of $1,600 general and $375.00 special damages, but the attorneys for the defendant obtained this new trial, on technical ities. Stanford Van Fleet was appointed a special deputy by Sheriff Holbrook to ride the Bamberger Electric school train to control the van- dalism which has been so much in evidence for some time past. The school board is cooperating In the payment of the aalarly of the deputy. This is for an Indefinite period to see if conditions can be controlled. Mayor and Mrs. Heber J. Ses. ions and daughter, Irena, were guests of Mr. Sessions sister, Mrs. Patty Scott, at her home in Rock week- end. .Mr. and Mrs. John II. Steed spent Easter Sunday with relatives in Lehi, Utah. Rupert and Knowlton, contractors, completed the septic tank the early part of the week for the Farmington sewer and have turned it over to the city. Work is progressing rapidly on the sewer line and It is expected the contractors should be able to complete it within the contract time which will be near the first of July. A complete study is being made on just what will be necessary for house connections and this information will be available very soon. A very fine meeting was hbld in the county court house, Wednesday morning, on a summer food program to be carried out through the efforts of the county home demonstrator's office, Miss Helen Pixton is directing, in cooperation with the local farm bureau womens division and the local Relief societies. The large number in attendance indicat es the projects will be successful Mrs. Nellie Bowen entertained at a delightful luncheon at Dick Gunns cafe in Salt Lake, Wednes. day, for her niece, Mrs. Dorothy Boylin Fuller who is visiting hers with her father and family from Watkins Fly Spray KILLS AND REPELS FLIES WITHOUT IN. JURY OR DISCOMFORT TO YOUR dont breed. Wat- kins Fly Spray does more than repel flies it kills them so 'that they dont multiply. This superior fly spray Is clean and will not discolor or gum up the hair of stock. Nor will it burn the hide or cause discomfort. Because it will not taint the milk yon can use it before milking and milk your cows in comfort Fine for the milk house. Abo good for use on horses. Very Economical to Use 1 am taking orders now for summer delivery. Buy no Fly Spray until I have leen you. Wait for Watkiwtl Pays! D.C. WATSON The Watkins Dealer Phene 161J-Ogden, Utah M. 1936. . f Lester Tayre, Mrs. Alee Day, Mrs Fpcneer Adams, Mrs, Wilford Sfev. enson, Mr9. Nellie Boweu, Mrs. Lawrence Thomas, Mrs. Frank Young, Mr 3. Charles Boylin, Jr., after a theatre party was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevenson and son, Odell, of Bancroft, Idaho have been visiting with his te Mr. Wilford Stevenson, for a wesk and visiting with oiu irienuo m Farmington. n; STOCK. Dead flies 1(5, - Los Angeles. Those; present,, besides the guest of honor, were, Mrs. FARMINGTON Springs, Wyoming over the LAYTON, UTAH,- APRIL NEWS-EXPRES- 111 J Stt EPduys tto , If y.ou V ' 1 v ?'. I ' .1 PRINTS 12& Good-lookin- M,Sn?d8 Very inilher?ereT X P,ES 19 each; FREE $1.19 . Durable white elk with cutouts that little girls adore. Fully lined. With double sole. Flex, ible chrome outsole. Stichdown. .Stall ti. . Cut-o- WORK SHOES Theyre Swell for Sports $1-4- $1.98 9 Brown retan uppers, tough composition outer soles, and heels. Attractive, fancy white oxfords Sizes to 12. All hot summer days! white Sizes 912'i-for $1.59 2 elk with low cuban heel a smart 2li-5$1.69 Sizes style. A very unusnal price, toot K PLAY SUITS WASH SUITS 49c 29c Ideal for play I Long wearing stripe dnim. Young hoys and girls 1 to 8 years spend their days in them. Boys Scout Model and Perforated! ut For Lively Fellows NOTES coye-jnonie- NOVELTY For Rough Wear DAVIS HIGH Worth Not whnt a man has, but what a man Is, Is the true iimaRure of a mans worth. It la bis properties The second competitive, assembly rather than his property, by which of the year was, presented Friday, he Is to he estimated. And the way Vpril 10, by the freshman class. s man shows what he Is, and what The theme of the assembly was sre his properties, Is by his chosen "the Circus. activities tn life. Ills tastes and James Strong, as master of their gratifying, his desires and enticed willing members of their pursuing, lire a reNiillant evithe audience up to witness the dence of a man's character, Be from spectacle specially prepared aware, therefore," says Marcus seats inside the tent, which was on is "that every man worth the These stage. people, all memso as much the things ara lust bers of the freshie class, representworth about which he busies him-H- f. ' ed Grandma and Grandpa, a mother and her family, some young mep and young women. Fulfillment of a Vow The usual circus procedure wm Bt. Bartholomew's hospital la carried out with songs, dances, London was built ns the result of a skits, colwns and candy and bal' vow. ' Bight hundred yours ago a loons vendors all adding to the encourier named Itnhere stnrted on a tertainment. . . pilgrimage to Koine. Becoming 111 The officers of K the. 6 during the Journey, he vowed to St. freshman class are, Ted Smith, Bartholomew that If he were spared president; Virginia Adams, .vice he would build a hospital for the and Layqe Burton, sec. president; poor. He recovered, and In due urtun r. , course the hospltnl was built, partly by his own hands. "Barts." hy the way, la the only hospltnl within the city of London, and the lord mayor Dont Tsks Dmstio Drugs and aldermen of the city, while holdYour KMner contain tlnv become tube or filter whirl my h million ing office, automatically entliinlrered or lr.tlr, Irritating ilnitt. It deflect by governors. direful. If function! Klilney or ltlad.ler (lianrder mak. you culTer from Getting I'd Night, Norvouenetw, Loh of I'.p, 1itln, Rheumatic I'nlna, IMrytneaa, CirBurial SCHOOL . o OXFORDS For Little Girls e My Keeotlcton BLANKETS 19c 612c GROWING GIRLS I City Indian Pattern $1.98 finish only. - T-STRAPS orfolyiU. Noma t ni in Soft finish for tea towels and Soft, absorbent ideal fof handkerchiefs and removing face many other uses, unbleached cream. 500 to the box. White Elk York City advice and uses housekeeping. . Pttt Has many for use. your beautician. Or write to us for FREE Clairol booklet, FREE advice on the care of hair, and FREE beauty analysis. Write NOW on coupon below. Clairol booklet, ' 36 Inch Muslin Cleaning Tissues 98 lb. Sacks blecched and ready Ask Mt : Flat Weave mercerized cotton-sh- ort cap sleeve made especially for short sleeve summer dresses. 59c 10c of Progressive Clairol and Instant Clairol os common, dyes. ClairoJ does what nothing else can! In one simple treatment Clairol shampoos, recon-- , ditions and TINTS. sand 69c : WORK GLOVES 'FLOUR SACKS You mustn't think B.v.rly KIne Consultant Clairol, Inc 112 Wait ttth Straat, Now . All shades- - of straw, hats choose from choice now white stocks are complete. Whether youd like to impart natural color or completely change the color of your hair, Clairol will do It quickly, not- -' urally, and so secretly that your closest friend wont detect the change. Mens Cotton Mes POLO SHIRTS 49c Brass eyelet and string tie, or collar They will take plenty of wear button.and-Ioostyle. Solid color Fast color mesh, Small, medand laundering. brolcloth, some with contrast- ium or large szes. Buy now! 39c Boy s Sizes ing blouses size, 2 to 6. p a, 1935-193- Help Kidneys Wednesday, April 15, the Weber college music department presented aii assembly to the student body of Davis high. The program consisted of several ipusical numbers and a musical skit. Several of the participants are former students of DaVis. President Creer of Weber was introduced by Mr. F. B. Muir and later talked to the saeniors of Davis. M. E. Reraley of Mishawaka, Ind swallowed a handful of open safety year. a lat- pins in an attempt to commit sui. cide, but failed. who have participated in the school activities during the past Octagons will .be awarded at er meeting. BROS DEVEREPUX ELECT. - ACET. WELDING ; . IIARDFACING ' . ' . TANKS TRAILERS PLOW POINTS ORNAMENTAL WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED BOUNTIFUL TELEPHONE 250 art Exhibit. .. Monday, April 13 the art class. under the direction of Mr. Lamb attended, the art exhibit at Springviile, Utah. Two bus loads of students left the school house promptply at 9 a. m. and returned in time for most of the students ri.. Under Kyra, Netimlgln, Acidity, to catch their regular rides home. Ifnrnlns, Smarting or Itching, you don't .. to oh noon. cs, i-- vr lg Shelleys "Shelley's body, snya "The Dictionary of National Biography, "was cast ashore near Vlaregglo on July IS, 1822, and, after having been buried for some time In the sand, was on August 1(5, In the presence of Byron, Hunt end Trelawney, cremated to allow the Interment of the ashes at Rome This took place oa December 7, Immediately under the The pyramid of Oslus Cestlus. heart, which would not burn and had been matched from the fiamee by Trelawuey, was given to Mary Shelley and Is In the keeping of her family." need tk Atl drugRlat now htiv the moat modern advanced treatment for the trouble Ioclor' called Cyale (Slra-Texl- . Wn.tk feat aafo and attre. In 4 8 hours It bring new vitality and In guaranteed to make you feel 10 year younger In on week or money bok on return of empty pa. kage. Cyrtet cnata only So a do at dt tg g let and th suaranteo protect. yon, pice-crlnll- mit The annual business and awards assembly was held Thursday, April 16, in the Davis high auditorium. The business report was read by Secretary Cottrell. "D" pins were awarded to those Boxin 1UUt BOULDER DAM America's Most Enjoyable Side-tri- p! Union Pacific passengers enroute to California may now visit Boulder Dean and iron Las Vegas Lake Mead by side-tri- p includes all which $3.00. for Nevada, only boot and trip to face motor transportation Mead. Lake of Dam on Rest while you travel in avoid the comfort. Travel by train and hazards of highway travel ed . i die-comfo- rts oa low fares le all poind consult any Union PadSa Agnt For inionnatioa SHE LOOT 20 FOUNDS OF FAT interfstlng talk 1 " Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robins en tertamed the following Kaysvlle People at a bridge at their A Few Sips and r!i700 IIylan1 drive in Salt Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs Relief I Like A Flash George Swan, Mr. and Mrs. June Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Nick All ooughs look allks to Buckley's Bon. "emort, Mr. and Mrs. John Mixture (triple acting) ons sip of stops an Mr nd Mrs- - H. J. this grand medicine soon old Barnes67 deep tough cough ordinary seated coughs and tho porsletent cough are under control ?lC0X accompanied bronchial somS? after just a few doses no more torByrC hst menting, sleepless nights. a week-eBuckley's is alkaline, that why it s eo different It acts like a flash . guaranteed. 43 Refuse substitute the E and U cents at all dmgglstj. W. K. Rtiekla In BnehUttf. N. T. Juit N? the GARMENTS . to Extra long wearing all leather Big glove will stay soft and pliable. Ideal for ear blankets. The most possible for yoor harmonizing patterns, i l i 70x80 of real value. money. Erai4 that shadow! Lift the gloom of gray that darkens your face and makes you took years older. BRONCHIAL COUGHS rTe In all Shirts, Shorts 19c and 25c GildCCS ,8everal Julia Cailey of the Ulked 0n th tance Al record books. lmPr Light re froshments were served JhTe. KaysvilI club went to t Gfr. patterns g Field Hats Feel full of pop and poaeoae the slender form you erave you cant If you listen to gossip rm. To take off excess fat go light on cream and sugfatty moats, buttor, more fruit and ary sweets eat vegetables and take a half teaspoonful of Kruechen Salts In a glass of hot water every morning to eliminate excess west a Mrs. Fima Vertlle of Havre de took off 2U Grace, Md writes: fine now." me lbs. fit Mmounce, clothes my the marriage of her No drastlo cathartics no constito Miss Oma Ellison son, of Laytfn. pation but blissful daily bowel acThe marriage took tion when you take your little daily place Sunday dose of Kruechen. Salt Lake temple faV6 yard LD.S. For Summer floaio Visit Boys Athletic new spring colors I lep up your wardrobe with gay little Iroc" Shorts are of fast color broadof these prints! Ever so freshl cloth . . . yoke front, elasiie side " model. Shirts are of fine quality Swiss ribbed cotton! Buys! The Bay View club met at the home of Mrs. A. Z. Tanner in Lay-to- n Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thornley and Mr. and Mrs. James Underwood of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Truman es have not given Penney s a try? There in no better time than now. . It KAYSVILLE I J ZrilnaDip today see the thrilling collection of Values now ready for our 34th ANNIVERSARY. You will find dozens of exemples of why PAYS TO BUY AT PENNEYS. 4 Curtis of Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Underwood of Ogden were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Underwood. Mrs. Sumner Gleason has been very ill the past two weeks and her fitter, Miss Laura Crawford, of Salt Lake is staying with her. Alan Strong is ill at his home this week suffering from effects of the flu. The Lantern club met at the home of Mrs. William Parker Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Linford gave the lesson "Spring Comes on Forever" by Bess Streeter Aldrich. Bishop and Mrs. II. C. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. James Criddle and Miss Stella Criddle and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Criddlo attended tho fun eral services of Mrs. Vesta Criddlo (wife of James Criddle) which was held in Downey, IdAho, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. David Thurgood and son, Gran and Elder Stewart of Clearfield were guests at the Wilcox home Wednesday. Grant Thurgood is leaving this week to do missionary work. Mrs. Rosel Hyde and daughter, Carol, left Thursday evening by bus for Portland, Ore. They expect to. visit two days in Boise, Idaho, then a few days in Portland and then to Clatskanie to spend ix weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Layton, and family, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Steed entertained at a theatre party and din. ner in Ogden, Friday nitc, for Mr, and Mrs, Golden Webster, Mr, and Mrs. Jesse B. Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie Galbraith, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Webster. Mrs. Earl Tall entertained her sewing club at her, home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Clissold of Salt Lake are leaving the first of May for Honolulu where they will make their home. Mrs. Clissold was formerly Miss Fern Wright of this place, Mrs. W. C. Barton, was tendered a pleasant surprise at her home, Monday afternoon, in honor of her birthday. There were 12 guests. The Thomas lunch stand in Kays-vill- e has been remodeled and painted and have installed a new popcorn machine. Stop at the dinning car lunchroom when you are thirsty and hungry. There are tables for ladies. Mrs. Seth Blood entertained at a bridge luncheon at her home Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Dell Grant a recent bride. Covers were laid for twelve, Mr. and Mrs, Tyler Barton and children of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Layton of Murray were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Layton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie M. Goodfel. low, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jenkins of Bountiful were guests at a at the home of Mr. and Mrs.party Ben Webster, Saturday evening, an! Mr. Howard Blood of Ogden, Miss Theron Smart of Midvale and Mr. and Mrs. Paul White-sidof Layton were guests at the John Blood home Sunday, Mrs, J. W. Sessions and children CaW and Mr. and Olive Gardner of Salt Lake wxrebst week-en- d of Mr. guests and Mrs, Ben Webster,. Miss Marva Ball underwent a tonsil operation, Monday. The Kays ville Relief teachers convention was heldeodety Tues-da- y afternoon in the Relief society rooms. Mrs. Julia Lund of Salt . I a At the Davis High School Gymasium, . Monday, April 20th at 8 oclock, Bouts from Salt Lake, Ogden aiid Davis ... t , ccunty. Sponsored by the Davis County Fish and Game Protective Association as a Mem; bership Drive. . Your 1936 Membership entitles you and your partner to see these special bouts, also musical bouts. entertainment between ; Membership cards may be obtained from the director fn your town. Reserved Seats Be a sport and support your county Fish and Game association by attending these sjpecial bouts. A Modem Motors Inc Now open for business in the building formerly occupied by Bountiful , . Motor, Inc. . . A complete line of Ford V--8 cars and parts will be carried in stock. Call in and see our newly re-design- -ed repair shop one of the most modem in the State. Knaflirim Kn(tirQ EIehc BOUNTIFUL, UTAH PHONE 260 |