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Show - EEKLY UlVt)K; OlAlV APRlL'll, fcifcYrS-EXm'S- 1938 wI tinue to a greater or less extent ns William tt. Hoftrvok feftfler a i$ . vocal iok. long as different gasoline tax ratOF es exist among the several states. The lleVa arid IMmtsy Hesse? ppe.t thei? Enter vacation UHDERSTANOmG at Zioss National park. Miss ; Dorothy IlCmr has been attending school at St. Marys f the 'tytolIK!i:nJEUCHlHl Wajatclj I riends and neighbor of Mrt. GRADUALLY til treasonable Josh Hill surprised her Wedneswhich ei tie day with a party . was her 50th bMkci rwpoMtfcls lor fcotH the ds ; rrcsrlon sad . birthday. A very pleasant time 11 0! Its dire was had ly all n.j 3 delicious toiifiCQUCoe e s lunch sva.i reeved. The guests were ts wqw phsr Lillian Ruoti, La Virnia Abbott,; It ts being In.?, AVa Hill, Eva Stacey, Rova. 111, ' : realized that Millie Strong, .' Fima Houghton, V bohad the Sarah Hill, Vein Christian, Mrs. rrow r been : ' Thompson, Rreta Putnam, Eva able to pay, Bumingham and Mary Helen Hill. the banker The officer of the Bountiful would have First ward Relief society extend A met the dev . I special invitation to all ladies, both mands et the One of Colurobias big pictore married and single, to he present at Relief society meeting next That there was . rumcHP MON Y Tuesday, April 21. That day beipg rt arar1 v- Daughter day. Special market for moVtgaK.?, bond-t- stork to the mother . ss matter of fact for any of the ,isf.or v.". i tha banker our m.. had the largest merchandise In number of daughter , Our literary deals was not taken into considerH ! lesson will be given, also aorne anua ation by Uis irltjcs. With them. , , someone of hading a was al numbers. question ' Home Ledinghom eturfted home waur ditches 0 blamj no tui.iter what ruin Maras Cleaning ov.. of the week from Reno, preparatory to the irrigation sea- - brought with It: he Admission will be 15e to Everybody The sneers wad jtbes against 1 on MONDAY nights for the big Nevada, ndiere he had been work- sen is cr.e kind cf work the farmer tor bo long s time V-- 8 show. Inquire ibout it it will PAY ing in a CCC camp during the past and market gardner has been doing banker which . are stuff front-paggradually were ' six Worths;. yn- quite extensively during the past , disappearing.- Will U ever be pos Ravi sCounty Fish ft Game A- couple of weeiu, measure what these WILL COMING May ssociation is putting a boxing And Elliot Knighton underwent an tibia to.. have criticisms and ;Utfs Boat ROGERS Aronnl In Steam Wrestling exhibition at the gymna- operation Wednesday morning for , Xu Amorlca? Bruce Barton The Bend. sium ef the Davis high school, At appendicitis at a Salt lake hot.' dons head-ihits, the nail squarely pa the 9 o'clock, Monday evening, April pital. the follow ing statement: "Tbe 20. Wednesday and Thurs. April 22 country has beon ffood.ed with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hampton and 23 Silent Valley and Corrupsneers end wisecracks against, announce the birth of A eon. 5 tion. Fri. and Saturday, April bankers. Mott or. those ate not. UP-KEE-P ' A daughter was born Wednesday If You Could Only Cook. Monfunny and the: lutluence is At St. Marks hoepital, to Mr. and day April 30, America will pay a heavy Broadway Handicap Mrs. Wright Fernley, Night, Jane Eyre, tatch the lobby pries la the future It it now allowa If we did not have pipe dream, for particulars. Ask for free slips. faith In its haukera and banks to sale talk often Begin gallon is less than $10 for a whole year's the other night, we heard the wa-- : Coming Will Rogers itl .Steam ha undermined." Old Mattresses Recovered for ' at political Loud- - denunciation ters soaring as they emerged from Boat Around the Bend, May end with and gasoline mileage! Some Average driving (8 HK) miles at 18 cents HALF PRICE, Phone Bountiful Ward .canyon like we used to bear gatherings and' loose talk In highbanker and regarding byway Marwould 29-way like you to hcliove it is it upwards of fifty years ago. .Salesmen S gallon) The Bountiful Womens DemoHere ore the big items that or Phone Farmington 2L shal Hepworth says it ia thirteen cratic Study group will hold their and banking did mote- to break he whole story of cutomcbilc economy. down the financial structure of our make die Ford tho most economical car: ' .years since the last high water. regular monthly, April 20, at 2 Is fault Inherent than any Mrs. Sarah D. Riley, who has at 2 p. m. at the Community church country ' But drivers ought to know better. Fof More valuo for every dollar you pay. been making her home with her The program will open with a the banking system. Before Lost Depositor Banker Dick piano duet overtyre by Mrs. Mary daughter and FOR SALE A few thousand the fact is, t way down the list. Lower cost for repairs and service. One must always remember that Adams, of Layton, came home last llayward and Mrs. Ralph Ashthe a plants Latham, those big raspberry before a depositor lost dollar, week. She has been ill but is get- worth. County of The items Slow life. low ear are big Agent De Lore Ni dork Long ; red In the cream of tha economy depreciation. ones; all. his Deposits'. lost chola will be the principal speaker. bahkey ting better again. Dell Burnham, family. proving raspberry banks mounting,, are again John Lawson, son of Minnie Ilia subject being, cost and low dc first Cost, low p Quality means economy and tho 1936 Stats and conclusively that the bank Is not an 9 Woods Cross.. Phone Lawson, has been very sick with County Benefits Derived from the that outworn, useless Institution;, FOR 'RENT Furnished apart, predation. Savings here can make at Ford V--8 gives you more real quality pneumonia, but is believed to have AAA". Discussion lead by Mrs. s soon' as confidence In It Is. mont. Inquire of Quayle Cannon. turned for the better. William R. Smith. Review of the the necessities of the peolow-pric- e 151-deal difference of ' Bountiful. No other in than cost other Thone car. mile, great per any Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ridd, who Democratic Digest by Mrs. James compel Its patronage. We at ple SALE Ten FOR weeks old white Reside ia the residence' opposite is more of a talking Rampton. Tea will bs served; all Slowly bnt Steadily moving, out of . Gasoline mileage $1645 has a V-- 8 engine: No under car Erastus to leghorn this office on the Bouth, are moving are welcome. Porter, pullets. our slough of despond. People s ' Five Points, Bountiful forward.-No.to Salt Lake, this week-enlow-pric- e Center-Pois- e than factor. an week has the. the other looking car V telephone again point During economy WANTED-- To Grandpa Groves, 92, ie on the wires were taken down and the tele buy a few shareA' that the emotional reaction sick list and has been for about a phone poles pulled up on Main tq the depression la no longer gainChick up end you will find that h6 Hiding, safe, sure mechanical brakes and of Stone Creek water. R. G. Hard-- , ' ' to we are month. beginning converts, lng, Bountiful. I ' ing street through Bountiful. The talk19 17 cost. circumdifference between all no miles And and Glass our around at extra ourselves Mrs. William Peters ia very ill, look at Safety had FOR RENT Nicely furnished already ing over that stretch of eon however, is not confined to her bed. been going on v.r under ground." stances with some degree all gas equipped. Mrs. . apartment; clous maturity. We are teeing She suffered a stroke which affects Drunken" automobiles can no long Richard Bountiful. , Stringham, WITH USUAL LOW DOWN PAYMENT, BUYS ANY NEW FORD Phone 84. her speech and her mental activi- -' er climb telephone poles in ..this changes. .The very distresses of our V-- 8 sconomlo situation- have pierced CAR ON NEW UCC Vi PER MONTH FINANCE PLANS. ties.' WANTED Girl to do light work section of town. V our complacency. marvelous Ballard bei will opportunity to advance. Apostle the speak The fire department received A The chief factors that mold for with talent; smajl wngn.,. person r at the quarterly stake confer- call out, Monday. dissouri, his wife, Mrs. Edna Clay traffic In bootleg gasoline has to opinion bars become mors rs with. Apply qt this office.,, begin ence this Sunday in the Bountiful ,on of Farmington, J. Wilbur Clay grown up, in spite of all efforts tlonal and have began to realize the firebrick FOR SALE-Mod- ern tabernacle, Sunday. He will Also be Floyd Clark, George Bubin, and Mexico, Martin Clayton, Ful- of officials (to suppress uninformed ton, of expression. fatality 6 lanndrK with rooms bath, home, O. the principal speaker at 7:30 p. m., Thomas Griffith of Steubenville, We are beginning to ee that nm Miss Helen Pixton, county deinon ton, Mo., Elber Clayton, Martinez, The plan fo, of course, to buy furnace and coal rooms; connected funerderneath all ia a lack, of Informa- stration agent, and Mrs. Lily V. Calif., Earl Clayton, Pocatello, Ida, gasoline in a state with n low tax, with gas; oak floors, attractive fin ' meeting sponsored by the stake M. were arrested for stealing a I. A. Grant sisters will furnish two al wreath from the door of a home. tion. natch, chairman, of the Womens Mrs. Arthur Manning, Mrs. Lois transport it across the line and sell filace; tile drain, inlaid linoleum But will we even now go forward section of the farm bureau of the Melching and MiBi Luella Clayton, it in a. state instrumental numbers and Mrs. and bath; garage an! having n higher tax, 100 to 1 acre Alexfor with Intellectual courage? Will we Mrs. hens, with L. E. and coop calls Farmington made thru, without reporting the sale to the rich county; personal ' In our soil as a in young bearing people. continue, garden out the county, doing organization ander Martinez, Calif. Mr. Clayton authont'.iv his has been done on RETORT . our fruit and berries. Bonneville pell our ' was the and in an elder church on scale sheets wahealth work and of tank means a placing by large out. Owen B. Anderson, BountifuL ; STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT following after tala gods, our un. last week. came to Utah to be nearer the gons, but through increased vigil health, pr budgeting oar Inadequatrained Intelligence, ; This makes their fourth visit thru headquarters of tho church with ance by sUte inspectors n great State Capitol FOR SERVICE One Chester cies of mind? Mans Intelligence his family. Interment was in the the county. many such jaw violators have been White hog. Phono Bountiful 19.W. adequately trained can solve the LAKE CITY, UTAH A brother of Mrs. Leland Burn- Farmington cemetery. apprehended and made to pay the FOR SALE Unspoiled .baked problems of our social order. There tax and a fine besides. . REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE straw 70 to 85 lbs. per bale, At is the frontier that calls the pioneer ham of Smithfield is helping Mr. There la the undiscovered land that Burnham on the farm this spring. In Missouri alone $178,574 In bales for 55c. First crop alfslfa Gas :! ' . . blks Miss Lizzie Hatch had a car beckons to the explorer. Therein Is evaded taxes and fines were collect hay, $7.50 per ton. One and Bountiful of west load Five Ida. of Points, visitors from Oxford, of the fate democracy. . ed in four years, while no one Of Clearfield in the State of .Utah, at the close .of business on ' Orson Ellis. call on her Thursday, being Walter Because of the lack of uniform knows how many of the bootlegMarch 28, 1936 i baled FOR SALE Unspoiled Samuel and Henry Hatch and their ity among the states in the matter FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD gers escaped detection. ASSETS 70 to 80 lbs. per bale, at 25 straw, wives; George Hatch of South of gasoline taxes, a considerable The practice will no doubt con ..$112,872.07 Loans and . discounts FINDS BANKING BETTER Bountiful, joined his brothers and . each. First crop alfalfa hay, $7X3 2,554.13 Overdrafts down on their who motored per ton. One half block west of wives, United States Government obligations, direct andor fully D. C. A review to Scipio to visit their Ortom Five Points, Bountiful WASHINGTON, 19,588.26 Ind- Mrs. guaranteed T-Board Reserve Federal the Ell Iil by Muir and fam Hatch 17,351.59 Maggie Other bonds, stocks, and securities . of condition the icates operating that 3,250.00 ily. Mrs. Hatch has been very sick FOR SALE Young sow pig alBanking house, $2500.00 Furniture and Fixtures $750.00 56,200.12 banks, particularly In country dis- but is some-whnow. Cash in vault and balances with other hanks so improved a hog for sale or service. Phono 1,944.65 tricts, has Improved In recent 7-.Other assets Real Estate sold under .Contract .... 177-Bountiful months, as shown by the fact that FOR SALE Good used Oakland these banks have been able to re .$213,763.87 TOTAL ASSETS car at a bargain price. Inqufre at Arsenate of Lead Lime Sulphur Solution . dues their indebtedness to the r LIABILITIES the Union Furniture Co., Bounti. Demand serve banks, to the Reconstruction deposits, except United States Government deposits, 6- and ful. ce, A with house a new frame 60,968.26 $ .. banks others. to of and other funds and Finance public Corporation deposits deoccu. ment Or be which will FOR BALE Time deposits, except postal savings, public funds and trade Five basement, The July bulletin of the board In . All Others for Use on Farm or Garden 70,036.44 posits of other bapks ...-pied by Warren Rose and family, large roomed house and ten acres discussing these findings says: Public funds of States, counties, school districts, .or other of land. East bench, Emily HanAt the same time progress has Is going up on the west sido of the 00tf ro FERTILIZERS OF ALL KINDS ' subdivisions or municipalities L. ft sen. been made In making available to road and across the lane north United States Government and postal savings deposits 9,700.00 tied :rom the Smoot Dairy. been bad funds that depositors . FOR SALE Seed potatoes plant and cashiers!, i Deposits of other banks, including certified up In closed banks. Anthony S. Cannon, graduate of 822.79 checks outstanding ed frem certified eastern seed o ' Banks In financial centres have he University of Utah, and posTotal of items 1 to 6: . ; new ground last year. Right slsn . out of debt to the Federal Re sessing a masters degree from the been . la)Secured by pledge of loans andor ipvest- . 'or plaiting; Bliss variety, DavtJ aerve Banks tor a long time and In B. Y. U. of Provo, has received a raents $ Nona t Holbrook, Woods Cross. Phone addition have had a large volume of felowship at the University of Chi. (o) Not secured by pledge of loans andlor in- -; 4- .vestments excess reserves. At the beginning j. 164,916.07 cago, where he is working for bis wheel trailer 9 UK Sale-Fo- ur of the year there were still many Ph. D. lie has only thesis to finish TOTAL DEPOSITS with 14 foot bed; good (.c) :...., . truck frame $164,916.07 small banks throughout the coun- and the final examinations to obCapital account: strong hitch fo tongue or for try, however, that carried a consid- tain his SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . Common stock, 250 degree. He expects to reshares, par $100 per share $ 25,000.00 . truck; good rubuor, $65. B. Y. erable load of indebtedness. s main a the Chicago institue an'Snare. 164 East, 8th South. Sait 10,000.00 Capital debentures 1 : Country Binki Reflect Improvement Lake City. Phone Was. 8854-other year. He is a son of Mr. and 10,498.00 Distributed by Surplus The liquidation of lrdebtednen Mrs. Undivided Profits net 2,349.80 M. Cannon. George ' Debentures retirement fund by these hanks refl icta In part Im1,000.00 WORM OUT, provement in buelueea condition! TOTAL ; 48,8470 and th consequent ability of cue CAPITAL; ACCOUNT . tomere to repay bank loans which ; TOTAL LIABILITIES $213,7637 long had been frozen. It constitutes CO. a etrengthenlng of the banking poHOW ar STATE OF UTAH. County of Davis, Jesse D. Barlow, being first sition. sworn duly according to law, deposes and says, that he ia Asistant Th board pointed oat that the re elvss amend, a3 Cashier of the above named bank' and that the above and foregoing reductlon out wish pfri tired of Indebtedheld services member bank were Thurs Funeral a CO. port contains full, true and correct statement of the condition of aaid ness , odic weakness i&i has been contlnnons since the day afternoon at the family home bank at the closq of business on the 28th day of March, 1936. sbwrJ win? They of 1932 brtel beginning JESSE D. BARLOW for Thara Lucas Clayton, 63, of except for a iaov dzt Siftscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of April, 1938. period daring the banking erlsle Is Farmington, vjio passed away, Sun ' E. rtcUaas Ti the 8prlng of 1913. The review said day, in a hospital in Salt Lake, af. JOSEPH Lb MABEY, Notary Public. mava lets Seal I Residing at Clearfield. Utah. la lt32 liquidation of Indebted ter more than a years illness. The odicrsl'liti c . My Commission will expire January 25, 1937. s of rntmbsr bsnks to tbs rs services were in rix only Small comjbtt. of Bishop charge . Correct Attest ssrvs bsnks wss accompanied by at John R. Walsh. President Wiillasaicf Samuel GEO. E. HOLT, ... Increase ef tbelr borrowings Iron Illiooi wp. H lad ta Gas or Coal All Makes Q. Bennlon of the first council of WATER W. STEED. JR, Directors. r lb Rsconstrnctlon Cor Finance Newest I JESSE D. BARLOW, seventies was the principal speaker Using Type lets helped cypeebdatr perstloa. In tbs past year and n half STATE OF UTAH, Office of Bank Commissioner in Boone was Mr. born Clayton howsver, Indsbtsdnsss msmbei of L Ruloa F. Starley, Bank Commissioner of the States of Utah, do ... '1 banks to tha Rsconstrnctlon FI county, Mo., March 19, 1873, where Write, or; PhoM for Estla&atg f hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the nsaee he bin of the greater part spent re Corporation has also boon statement of th above named company, filed in my office on April 11, life, pntil he moved) to Famington " dated.- 1938. Phone Bountiful lt34 cr Hi Chas. A. Trump, Prep. about! ten year ago. R. F. STARLET, Bank Commissioner. CLEARFIELD . TiiE.RTl?nH I ECONOMY Wed. and Thursday , Silent Valley Correction va Fri., Sat., and Sunday If You Culd Only Cook depositor DP April 30th and Tuesday 1st , . wh--e- , Broadway Handicap JANE EYRE 1 Ford uses less fuel and oil for the power it gives, than'any other car wc have ever made MThe e - , , nuroa-tonabl- untor-tunato- Rex Theatre '. ''' AND ITS 21-2- 29-30-- COST IS THE LOWEST Mattress Recovering Enthusiastic 1, Rex-Theatr- - CLASSIFIED eon-in-la- ADS w, -- up-kce- 6G-R- 2. , ! : !' t d. . . . , 8J,' 25 A MONTH - pub-U- r e WOODS CROSS . it - CLEARFIELD STATE BANK ir I Taxes Evading , 7-- Bister-in-la- .rr w Orchard Brand at SPRAY MATERIAL CENTERVILLE J. . . .. W asatch Chemical . , , -n i 16-K- any ,- 2. e 2-- ; FARM BUREAU SERVICE STATION Kaysville BOUNTIFUL LUMBER & SUPPLY Funeral Services Held Thursday for : Thara L. Clayton TIRED, no nnoBYCon nil? Bountiful FARMERS FEED & PRODUCE Bountiful . KJ . -- FURNACE CLEANING - MdwMrrinMYcY i . VACUUM CLEANER; - . ,ij' Davis County Sheet Metal Ycrlra Surviving are his parents of |