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Show WEEKLY LAYTON Mr. and Mrs. Uriel Major spent Sunday as quests of relatives at Magna. Mr. and Mrs. Bappas of Bingham pent Sunday as guests of Mrs. Bappas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Callas. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickson of week-eT Georgetown, Idaho spent the Dickson's Mrs. of nd as guest par enta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sill. Derral Draper of Layton and Vir ... ginia Toone of North Ogden were . married, Monday in the Salt Lake temple. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Guytuan spent Caaday in Ogden as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Maxwell John II. Layton, Jr., who is at the Deo hospital is improving. He - .. was operated on for hernia. Genevieve Turner and Maybell Nelson of Kaysville, U. of U, on a tour i spent the week-en- d to Boulder dam. A auto driven by Glen Neilsen of Ogden collided with a car owned by Wlalace Ilammon of Clearfield, parked near 28th and Washington avo., Saturday night. Mrs. Golden T. Layton, assisted hy Mrs. Chloe Harris, will enter-- ; tain the Democratic study group at the home of Mrs. Layton, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thurgood, and daughter of West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Thurgood of Syra- enae, Mr. and Mrs. David Tolman of BountBiful; Mr. and Mrs. John Tolman and Mr. and Mrs. Justin Tolman of Salt Lake City, all at. tended sacrament meeting, Sunday, at West Layon to hear their nephew and cousin, Elder Philo Dibble, who has recenly returnod from a mission to Germany, They were afternoon guests at the home of George E. Dibble and family. Mr. and Mrs. Audreu Adams and Mr. and Mi's. Rufus Adams of Grace are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Adams. Mrs. Stan Cowley is entertaining her bridge club at her home today, (Thursday). Godfrey Hamilton was struck by stu-de- nt - - , ... ... - ' - an automobile in Clearfield, Mon- day evening as be was walking . home along the highway. He suiTer -- ed a broken rib,' a cut across his forehead and body bruises. J, E. Neville of Layton was driver of the . automobile. Mis Virginia Toone of North Ogden and Darrel Draper of Lay ton were married in Ogden last Fri . ; NEWS-EXPRES- LAYTON, UTAH, APRIL 16, lyoe S, Notice to Creditors Salt Lake City were Sunday dinner Golden guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Howard Adams, and daughwere ter,' Ann, of Salt Lake City Adams Mrs. of week-enguests James E. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jones of Val Verda were Sunday guests of Mr. George W. Layton and family. Mrs. Will Dawscn entertained her bridge club at her home last Friday alfernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Golden T. Layton attended an Easter morning breakfast last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Roberta of Bountiful. Miss Hilda Hadfield and Mias to Dorothy Harris were hootessea of home the at club their bridge Mias Iladfield last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Watt, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Watt and Jay Watt spent Sunday in Tremonton, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leiand DEL STEVENSON PLUMBING, HEATING AND REPAIRING' Estimates Free. Telephone Bountiful GET OUR PRICES d Headquarters Company 940 I We are glad to Btate that our baseball team succeeded in getting in the Davis County Farm Bureau league. We feel that we have a good chance of walking off with the pennant this year as we have five of our strongest regulars back In their same positions. With Mar- vin Wright, Gerald Bettridge, Bill Lowe, Lynn Robbins and Sid White we have an outfield combination that is hard to beat, a first base, man that picks em right out of the clouds, and a pitch that never fails to split the plate. Lota of good green material, too. Watch out Davis county; we are out for the Watt championship. A meeting of the Democratic study group will be held Friday Every Thursday night, Company at the home of Mrs, Golden F. Lay. 940, has, what they call, their AIL ton. Camp program, it serves sb a night Clay Adama, accompanied by for programs and a discussion of Sheriff Holbrook and Calvin Robrainp events, it is enjoyed by all erta, attended a banquet and con- and we are very grateful to Bounvention at the NewhouHe hotel, tiful and all others who have coMonday. operated ao willingly and capably. For a good time, attend the box- Our last program was favored by ing and wrestling exhibition, the the presence of a trio: Miss NorDavis County Fish and Game as- man and the Misses Brewster, two sociation is putting on a the Davis very given readings by exccljently high school gymnasium at 8 oclock Miss Beatrice Call; vocal solos by Monday night, April 20. Miss Norman and several piano seg on the 0. S. L. Ry, lections. The Bennion from Chaplin that ia working north have their Fort Douglas was on hand to give work train on a aide track here but us a short talk on Self Managhave not reached here yet with the ement. Our new educational advisreplacing of tica. There are about er, Mr. E. II. Hansen, was introduc tie-gan- 25 men. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. The Hiicliiit Unmans believed that I falling star was a warning of lome Imminent calamity, but that was before the advent of the gasoline rlinriot. Modem Unman pedes-trludo not live In fear of falling stars hut the murium hl:int of the present day auimunhllu horu gives them more thrills and chills. As a Disfter of fact Unman nerves are on edge and authorities have made "musical horns" obligatory equipment on all motor cars with the exception of busses, which must be rqulped will) some sort of device giving signals aticli ns are produced Diners In Italian by electric bells. restaurants, startled by noisy home of passing motorists, have often tost their equilibrium and become hopelessly entangled In the yards and yards of spaghetti on a skillfully poised fork. As many, of tbedlneri were American tourists Inexjiert-ence- d In tqiflgheltl spearing, the risk of hanging one's self was great. In the event of which International complications and a severing of diplomatic relations might result So If you are planning to motor through Home, nnd whether you give a Toot" or not, seo to It that your auto horn Is of the musical" type, as It may save you possibly 50 lira nr more. When In Rome, honk as the Romans dot Exchange. Bees Work Long Hours to Serve Human Needs the educational . specialist of the Massachusetts state cIlege. It represents 20.000 round trips on the part of Individual bees, each trip averaging 2.8 miles, In search of nectar from which the honey ts made. If on bee were to tnke upon herself the herculean task, of manufacturing pound of honey, she would have to work every day for eight years, travel 50,000 miles, or nearly two and times around the earth, and visit 730,000 Individual hlossoms of a plant such as rhododendron. Each teaspoonful of honey, according to the state college man, represents the entire life work ef 100 bees. g Duo to the large thaw In the mountains from the exceedingly warm weacher, it has been necessary to acquire the services of tw. onty members from CCC camp 8 Pleasant Grove, Utah. These fellows are from the states of Ohio., Kentucky and Indlanna. Upon completion of the project they will return to their permanent quarters. Heretofore we obtained help from CCC Co. 2938, which was disbanded and it's members transferred to the Bridgeland and Moon lake camps. F-3- t one-fourt- h WOODS CROSS Mj and Mrs. Lynn Wakefield and daughter of Provo returned1 to The grandstand at the. Lagoon their home after spending the past race track is being torn down 4ea diys at the home of Mrs. Wake which changes the appearance of fields1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. the landscape in that vicinity. WhiteuMes. Thanks to Governor Mabcy for Richard Marston of Ogden spent making that change possible. the wCk-en- d visiting his tfiother, Glendon Clark of Rexburg, Ida., Mrs. OhH Marston. brought his wife to a hospital in Margte Dean and Wanda Morgan Salt Lake City to be operated on ..Amy qaa Wood and Beatrice Ros for appendicitis. She was formerly malt were on X. D. Y, L. broadcast Miss Beeslcy of Kaysville. They program, Wednesday . afUrnoon. are in the floral business in f, The young girls all play guitars. Idaho, Ur. and Mrs. Chaose Layton of The North Cottonwood Irrigation BurUy, Idaho and Mr. Horace Lay company have commenced dement, ton of Lou Angeles, California ar- ing the water canal which1 goes rived in Layton Tuesday to attend through Farmington city, they are the fntieral services of their sister, working near the residence of the Mrs. Caroline Layton Hill, which city recorder, Robert Stelter,' were held Wednesday. 8THY cooks, Hyrum D. Clark has just return Mrs. Marwood Layton is hostess ed from a mission to marvelous ts California. to her bridge club at her home their creations Marriage licenses were issued aret often sigh (Thursday). to Daniel Young Flint of Monday for something enIn honor of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Layton and Lena Alice Todd of tirely Ifiteed who were recently married, Kaysville, completely Monday and and original Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gailey are to Samuel G. Green of Wednesday different, with Willard and vhlch to start le giving a wedding reception at the Martha Sherwood of Ilarrisville. or tha amusement ward hall family Layton 11 jWeat to Clifton Roberta and April And there are those, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Whitesides Erla.Rose guests. Ball,, both of Salt Lake. being an art, who are were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. till trying to achieve rich flaky nd Mrs. Martin Wiggle at the La crust, and would shout with Joy You cafe in Salt Lake Cty. to find something giving the effect Ur. and Mrs. Zenas Bennett at. of pastry, and yet not ao difficult. Bay The recipe given here satisfies both tended a beauty demonstration and C C G Camp Aid expert and beginner Is sure to hair style show held at the Hotel surprise and please those to whom Utah, Monday evening. It Is served. Zwieback pie! The In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Flood Control very name suggests . the flavors and Adams, a wedding reception was colors of fine German cookery.' The Farmington Bay CCC camp The when tested produced given by Mr. Adams parents, Mr. n er Vh direction of Capt,' Know. a fine recipe and Mrs. Merlan Adams, Wednea- golden brown crust Just les, are for like the beauty of the awleback congratulated day evening. their and bright yellow cream fillin cooperation Miss Oma Ellison, daughter of controlling the Itself; In contrast to the white meMr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Ellison, flood water of Mill Creek and ing decorated with zwieback ringue. nd Mr. George Wilcox, son of North canyoq creek, a' group, re- mixture on the top. The cream to a midnight call and also Mrs. Nettie Wilcox, of Kaysville, ponded filling, always a success with evapwere married early Sunday morn-- i a call Friday when Mill Creek was orated milk, provides the exactly thegardens between right consistency. Be careful not ing in the Salt Lake temple. Mr. flooding Mam to overcook the filling. street and First west. nd Mrs. Wilcox left immediately Zwieback Pie after the marriage ceremony on a Fllllnr Crmnt 'Fifty-fiv- e I cast yolk honeymoon trip to Los Angeles. pew . recruits from I box iwleback U cup sugar (I cups ground) Mrs. A. Z. Tanner was hostess Ohio arrived at the tsp. aalt cup butter te the Bay View club at her home Bay camp, Thursday, Farmington 1 brown tsp. vanilla cup which fills 1 tbsp. cornurr Wednesday afternoon. Special in- the places of the boys who- recentstarch H tap, cinnamon , va 1 vited guests were," Mrs. Margaret ly returned to their homes in Kencup milk Cowley, Mrs. Golden Adams and tucky after having completed their I Martnarve 1 cup water whit Mias Marian Barnes of Kaysville, I tbsp. sugar enlistment, Mrs. W. A. Roberts and Mrs. All of the men in the Oram together butter and brown camp were William Gailey will be hostesses to taken to Provo, Thursday eugar. Add cinnamon and iwleback and blend thoroughly. Cover botR T. Alumni club at the home of they were guests of companywhere No. tom of large deep pie tin with par Mrs. Roberts, Friday. i)o aqd some other ef companies. mixture and reserve rest for top The Columbine camp, Daughters district officer of pie. of Utah Pioneers, will meet at the and Dr; R. C. Merrill were Blend sugar, aalt and cornstarch. present Add home of, Mrs. Ella Dawson today, boiling water and boll until talks intretingr on lwtVeAery thick and transparent, stirring conThursday, by stantly. Beat egg yolks, add milk Ur. apd Mrs. Frank Day are re- the CCC workers accomplished during the past and atlr slowly Into starch mixjoicing over the arrival of eon three years. ture. Cook until mixture hangs hem at the Dee hospital WednesWhile in Provo, they visited the from spoon. Add vanilla and pour day- Mrs. Day was formerly Mias state clinic at the mental with hospItaL Into iwleback crust Cover Helen Egbert. The boys arrived at remainder with and top meringue camp again at of zwieback mixture. Bake in a Ur. Dayid Phillips of Arizona a p. m. The company was called moderate oven until brown. Yield : arrived in Layton, Wednesday m5ddI? ot tl lght, one 8 ervlaga.v morning, to attend the funeral night this control the flood the fitmUy Is bleed about pi cavices of lira. Caroline Layton waters of Mill Creek which threat- endIf many are, they will hardly beened to do damage to lieve their palates when they try of parte the thin Ur. and lira. CasseS Stalwart of southeast portion of town. ; ,r -- Zwieback Pie Is Colorful And Novel Rex-buz- heep-farmin- g LOST and FOUND -- to-id-y, Ing holiday hero Is Briggs, deceased. Date of first publication, April 10th, A. D., 1936. one whose attractiveness lc mauds attention. Sheriffs Sale tremely (liconi cookie, STALEYS LUNCH You will have a fine, yellow cookie dough, made nutr,1,t,,0"!'.1 . concentrated evaporated ntllk. b JUDICIAL the dough Is thoroughly chilled, IN THE SECOND a pastrj COURT In OF THE DISTRICT it handle can anyone UTAH IN AND STATE OF tube. The angelica used on top r the COUNTY FOR DAVIS cookie I readily obtainable. It is AMERICAN MUTUAL BUILDdecoration kind of crystallized of ING & LOAN COMPANY, a cor Bomewhat after the manner use t fun Is poration, plaintiff, vs. EZRA T. citron In texture. It BENSON and ROMANIA B. BEN If you ha vs not made Its acquaintance before. SON, hia wife; JOSEPH L. LAlt SON and MRS. JOSEPH L. LAR Wreaths. Holly cups flour SON, also known as. JANE DOE I cup butter 1 scant tnp. sod I cup nugxr LARSON, his wife, defendants. 1 nrant tap bate- ItKK Sale on To be sold at Sheriff In powder t tbnp. evaporate aalt of 2nd. tap. milk May, 1936, at the the day I tap. ventltk oclock 12 noon, at the of hour PESERETMORTIJARJ '' Liove-Al- Returns with Youthful Hair Makes Your Hair Look Its Youngest Vour loved enea desire, h north, front door of the County Court House, in the City of Farmington, County of Davis, State of Utah, the following described real t: property "Commencing .in the center of a cerain four rod street running North and South at a point 318 links West and 805 links North from the. South- -, .east corner of the Southwest quarter of Section 25, Township. 2 North,' Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey, and running thence North along the center of said street 1135 links to the center of a similar four rod street running East and West; thence West along the center of said atreet 485 links; thence South 759.8 links; thence West 3172 links; thence North 759.6. links to center of skid ' road; thence West 25 links to East line of D. & R, G. RR, Cos thence South-113links; A sheep, nuzzling so dose to thence East 8682 links, more water heater that its wool was set or leas, to point ef commenceafire, started a blaze which dement. stroyed two buildings owned by Wis. Together with improvements Emil Flink at Arcadia, and appurtenances, ditch and Hare pans and oven ready so that cookies can be baked Immediately after mixing. Cream butter and sugar until sugar granules ape dls solved. Add egg, milk and vanilla. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Sift Ilnur, then measure. Iteslft with soda, baking powder nnd salt. Stir Into first mixture. Chill dongh asd press through a pastry tube, In the f a holly wreath, onto shape greased baking sheet. Decorate tops of wreaths with bits of angel lea nnd candied cherries. Bake In u l.ot. oven (1)0 F.) 10 minutes, Yield: 4 dozen cookies, a .cookie most of your This friends ' have never made. Eveq. fancy bakeries hardly ever have .them. You are certain (o enjoy many appreciative remarks from vour family and friends. Charging assault and battery, Mrs, John Donlin of Minneapolis is seeking a divorce from her hua- -. band. She told the judge he wa a wrestling fan and' liked to try out wbat he learned at the bouts on iter Is-- to-wi- 1 . right-of-wa- A Bank Account With a record ol more than forty three years this bank affords its customers the ad- y; vantages of ample resources and experienced service. . water rights thereunto belongMail Gets . shares ef ing, Including the capital stock of tha ,, Co. 6 Months Bountiful Mill Creek Irriga-tion Co. "v . Dated Etc. issued and at Farming-toLewdness, Davis County,- State of Utah, ' Will. Patterson, 53, who gave his this 9th day of April, 1936. address as Brookline, Mass., was .JOSEPH HOLBROOK, sentenced to serve six months in Sheriff, Davis County-- 1 the county jail, for lewdpess and Bowen ft Quinney, Attya. Eastern . Jail in For n, - at . indecent exposure Tuesday, by Jo- Boston ' Building, seph A. Sill, justice of the peace of Salt Lake City, Utah. Layton precinct, Mrs. Gela Sedgwick Dies at Byron, Wyo. V . ; FARMINGTON MwaioonnM 1-- Vf Barnes Banfeg Conpuy :. Kaysville, Utah ; Member Federal Reserve Sycten And Federal Dcfpodt . v , a Insurance Corporation Accredited Depository for Public. Funds . . : . . I i t legal Notices Prhbate and Guardianship Notices " Consult County Clerk 'or Respective Signers for Further Information.'t - T lltUn Tmrbftrta, SJtrof hpiblie Pietotrt ' If youve lost the spirit of youth yoe can find it sfatii quickly and naturally with ClairoL If your hair is drab and uninteresting or sneaked with gray, Clairol will impart natural color or chases its shade grad uafiysccretlyquickly. Don't think of Instant Clairol and Progressive Clairol as common, hair dyes. Clairol docs what nothing elm can! In one ample treatment Qairol shampooa, recoadinoni and TINTS. Ask your or write bow for FREE booklet, FREE advice on can of hair and FREE beauty aaalym, ed beau-ria- , Bcewly U s-- dm GOODYEAR AND FIRESTONE .. Horn, Mondiiy, to attend the fu netal. WmI hi,fb ClairalK. Y.In,C free and anaiyaii an TIRES-- .. a . , CENTERVILLE AUTO REPAIR CO. .CENTERVILLE, Iotice . , a '. i Top Values allowed on old tires. Let. ns restore the motor in your car so it will give Power, Speed and gas and oil mileage as when new. . . . . . hes4 pnd-tw- - SAS ft. East 7t in-th- . - 86 Wasatch 2462 f . - e v l hi"-(jP(- five, easily Mfa. Vela Sedgwick, wife of Alvin J. Sedgwick, a former resident of Bountiful., died at Byron, Wyo., Sunday evening, after a long, illness of heart trouble. Mrs. Sedgwick was born NoV. 25 1909, at Byron, Wyo., a daughter of Orson and Martha Vail. She was mayied to Alvin Sedgwick. In 1930. Thev lived- in Bountiful about two and a half years of this period. She was very active in the Primary and Relief society in the Bountiful Second ward' during her residence ward. She was a talented muaician and had a lovely personality. . . . Surviving are her husband small sons. George W. Sedgwipk and son's Fred 'and Melvin,- - left far; Big Spirit of Youth In e.- Hamberger Sandwiches with Potatoes 10c Mary E. and written as known ex- for un CHOPS a Cookies Of Heart Trouble Farmington to-b- , . Crusoe' Island Horn Miss Partltla Hatch and Miss Alexander Selkirk may While Bonnie Jean Hatch, daughters of ' been have the original Robinson Golden V. and Ivan V. Hatch of bleak, Crusoe, rocky, blustery Juan Salt Lake are spending the weekwas not tyd'lsland Defoe Fernandes end here with thejr grandparents In his boAli. Crnsoe's Iswrote about Mr. and Mrs. George Hatch. land was Tobago,, a balmy, hospitThe North Canyon camp of the able spot at the south end of th Daughters of the Pioneers, will British West Indies off the Orinoco, meet Wednesday, April 22, at the where rain falls six months Of the home of Daughter Verda Molton and the temperature average year, Reid, at 2 p. m. Custodian Gun Is 81 degrees. Christopher Columwishes all members that have ret. bus discovered It In 1408, arid called lea to display, to display them at It Assumption Island. Eighteen thousand people live there, now, and (rememher Robinson Crusoe's goats?) Is one of the principal occupations. , STEAKS AND Ilolly Wreaths Are Dainty ns set-u- p. two weeks, George Blake, Jr., and wife left for the east last week on a bus! ness trip. Two car loads of potatoes were loaded here and shipped away with In the past few days, ono car went to Pueblo, Colorado. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bone arrived home, Sunday with a' new Chevrolet car. They were gone ten days and had a wonderful trip; FARMINGTON Unmusical Auto Horn Banned by Roman Edict and talked on A pound of honey that la placed Captain MillorB talk on and Citizenship on the breakfast table la more tlmn Safety First Just a pound of sweetening, says the completed the program. ed Stewart, of. Clearfield announce the birth of a son. During the past week or ao, bno car of cattle were, shipped from here to' Los Angeles and a car to San Francisco. Six cars of sugar were shipped cast within the past . 70-J- 2 Daugh this meeting. Hostesses ire, Echo Custodian ter Olive Cleverly, erda Brandon Cunn and Daughter Estate of Mary Evans Briggs, is attendance A Reid. good Molton otherwise "known- and written as desired . '. Mary E." Brigg3, deceased. claims will present Creditors with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Bagley, Judd & Ray and T. II. Stahle, Clipper Bldg., Bountiful, Utah, on or before the 12th day of Jure, A. D., 1933. MERRILL R. HOLBROOK, Administrator of the estate ol Mary Evans Briggs, otherwise YOU are UTAH TELEPHONE 79-R- 2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO- BATE DIVISION IN AND FOR .DAVIS COUNTY, STATE UTAH OF . In the Matter of the estate of Jessie II. Grant, deceased. The petition of Thornley Siran praying for the issuance to himself of Letters of Administration in the estate of Jessie H. Grant deceased, has been aet for hearing on Saturday the 18th day of April A. 1936, at ten oclock a. m, at County Court House, in the Court Roona of said Court, in Farming-toDavit County, Utah. WITNESS the ' Clerk of laid Seal thereo kffU-JJJ"Ilk day of April A. D & n. W Seal 8--9 GLEN DAY, Clark. ..REMEMBER MAY 10th IS . ' : . MOTHERS DAY Give Mother a lastingjjift She will appreciate a new PERMANENT WAVE VIRGINIAS BEAUTY SHOPPE Telephone Layton, Utah 228-- J UUl i S. |