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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTQX. u paii Aa Undying Fir At the isolated H<ergate Inn, on the moorland road midway between riekerlng and Whitby, Yorkshire, there is a Ore which was lighted In stagecoach days, more than 100 years ago, and has never been exs tinguished, says a writer In Since passengers by Magazine. coach arrived at all hours of day and night, and always demanded a fire, the Innkeeper decided it was simpler to keep the fire always burning, and when railways superseded coachcB nobody thought of letting the fire die out The fuel is peat from the surrounding moors. It is cut and stacked in the summer, and Is remarkable for the length of time It will burn without renewal. Tit-Bit- Where Hailatonea Are FcrmeJ Hailstones are formed In strong upward currents of sir In which raindrops, as they reach the higher and colder altitudes, are frozen and Increase In size by the continuous condensation on their surface of moisture carried upward. When they reach a size and weight In which the supporting power of the rising sir current Is overcome they fall. During their descent more moisture Is frozen on their surface. Moral Reaervea In every department of life, physical, mental and niorul reserves are of Incalculable value, Many people work so hard that they exhaust their physical energies each day. They make It a matter of conscience to wade through Just as much work as possible every day, no matter how painfully It Is done, not realizing the tremendous value bf keeping one's jelf vigorous, buoy- ant. Belgiaa Heavieit Horse oldest snd heaviest of draft breeds. It has been bred as a pure bred draft horse since 770 A. D. It is older by 23 years than the English thoroughbred. It was cradled and developed In Belgium. It Is a descendant of war horse. Weight: Flemish the old 1,700 to 2, BOO pounds. The type Is broad and lowset; the muscling is powerful. Preferred Color Is chestnut. Browns snd bays sre frequent Red and blue roans are common. The government of Belgium gives financial help to Its breeders. MAny importations have been made to the United States. The Belgian Is the itr. Gentleman CHANNING . POLLOCK.- - level-heade- Con-sld- d Still Superstitious Relief In various forms of superstition flourishes tn parts of the In Louisiana, Mississippi South. and Alabama It 1$ said that no less than $1,000, (XX) a year Is spent for charms, hoodoo bags, love' potions ' and philters. Yellow and Black Fik The Moorish Idol of klhlklhl. Is .a fish of but a single species which Is found throughout Polynesia, from Japan to Mexico. Yellow and hlnck are the colors of its brondly stripe Thu Divining-Ro- d When the divining racket was at Its height in the Middle ages, says Colliers Weekly, the dowsers not only claimed that they could locate SYNOPSIS underground water, minerals and treasure, but also stolen property, missing persons, dead bodies snd criminals. Furthermore, they not used twigs and metal rods but only also knives and forks, scissors, snd even the snulTers candle sausage known as knackwurst. Thu Duka, Barry Gilbert. a likable youth of twenty-threJoblee and broke, ehtera an unoccupied aummer home In Southampton, aeektng ahel. ter from atorm. He make at home. He la atartled by the arrival of a butler, Wllletta; and a chauffeur, Evans. He learna that the son of the owner of the house, Jack Rldder, whom the eervanta had never aeen, la expected. He decides to bluff Gannett, Largo Sou Birds It out. Hla supposed parents have Cnnnets, large sea birds, subsist left for Germany. Next morning he on fish which they catch by plungopens a letter for hla "mother," and finds a message from the real Jack, closed with water the into ing aayinfr he could not come, and rewings, oflen from a considerable turning a hundred-dolla- r bill. The with height. Because they compete boy'a father had pensioned him Into the fishermen, when large flocks obscurity. Barry pocketa the money, to return It later. On the congregate over a fishing ground, Intending to Montauk, where he Intended way tow as Imitation gome boats to disappear, he meets Judge made of wood, which the blrda and hla daughter, Tatrlcla. Behe la Jack Rldder, she Indive a lieving to stun high by attempt vitee him to dinner the following and break their seeks. Collier's Thursday, Barry returns to SouthWeekly, ampton, deciding to stay a bit longer. Mr. Rldder, Sr., through his newspaper, the Globe, accusea Judge Oldest Specie of True orders from Hambldge of The oldest species of tree In the Tammany Hall taking In a condemnation world Is the ginkgo, or maidenhair. proceeding. Rarry meets Peter Winsprominent attorney. Winslow It has existed essentially unchanged low, telle Rarry that Judge Hambldgd for more than 10,000,000 years, had aeen an accident In which a Moreover, the ginkgo grows very woman waa killed by taxicab, .At alowly, many trees having required home Barry finds the wife of the Jack Rldder awaiting him. Her as long- a 73 years to mature and real husband Is in jail in New York, grow fruit Edith Fulver, New charged with the murder of MJke York City, In power's Weekly. Kelly, Tammany boss. The girl, Peggy., telis Barry how she had met Jack In Florida and married him, as Statu Capitol Dome Jay. Rogers. Jack lost hla job, and The statue en the. dome of th6 they went to New York, where she got work at the Cocoanut Bar. There Capitol In Washington was modeled ah waa accused of trying to pick by. Thomna Crawford In Rome, th pocket of Mike Kelly, and was arrested. Her husband went to KelItaly, from plans approved by. Jefly's to Indues him to drop the charge, ferson Davla, senator from' Missis-slpp- l, lister Kelly waa found dead,' :hls who was chairman of the skull crushed by a decanter. Barry committee en public buildings la suggests he can help ae Jack Rldder, and Mrs.. Rogers agrees. Judge HamISM.. bldge delivers a decision In the condemnation suit In which Kelly had Cravo Creek Mound Largest been Interested.' Barry cables Mra. Rldder for $2,000. Grave Creek mound, a prehistoric earthwork near .Moundsyille, W. Vn., la the largest of the conical CHAPTER IV Continued ' type of mounds In the United 6 States, having a bnhnl diameter of Im not exactly looking for 820 feet and a height of 70 feet. 1 want .worms, Barry replied. we were that imsltion talking about. If I enh get it, but, just now, I'm a lot more Interested In this Kelly, murder. Youve read about Unit, .1 her-In- e, him-ae- lf g, Hem-bld- ge - . n - . , "I saw the headlines afthr you Yeft the Ilnnihldges on Friday," he Bald. "I didn't bother about It much then. But, this ntornlng, I found Saturdays Herald Tribune on my desk. .And, of course, I'm always Interested In murders." "I know the boy who's accused of this crime," Barry said. "You do? That's exciting. Tell me about It." Harry did, omitting only the detail of Bidders Identity. "1 ruet them In Florida," he related. "lingers worked In a hotel there. I liked the girl even then. She'd been putting up such a gnme fight to make s man of her husband, and was succeeding so wonderfully. I suppose I'm the only friend theyve got around here, and thats why she came to me." Winslow listened sympathetically. "That sort of thing always gets me," he observed. "A wonmn tied up to 'some man whos not worthy of her, and In love with him." "Tills boys not so bad," Barry cinch argued. "And It's a that he didn't kill Kelly." "Think so?" . "Dead sure." "AH right. Make .foe sure." Rarry tried. There was some one els4 coming when Jack left," be concluded. "If he came, he either found Kelly which case hed've given dead, the alarm, or he found Kelly alive, In which case, of coursq, Jack didnt kill him." ' ingenlons,"' Peter re"Very marked. "But what makes you think some one else was coming?" "Thats why Kelly fired Jack out" "Who says so?" "Jack and Peggy." . "Not very conclusive," Tetcr oblead-pip- e More Efficiently and With Greater Profit Hire half a dozen men and their wages will be greater by far than nomical eco- Saws wood ' Pumps water Sweeps floors Refrigerates Cooks meals Washes dishes Washes clothes Irons Mixes light tired or needs food or sleep. And . its cheap. Decide Today to Fully Electrify Your Farm. Call at our local store for complete infor- mation on all forms of electric service. urn & jected. - INDOORS Gives ELECTRIC ' SERVICE Electricity never gets ah powee. OGHT CO. . WNU SERVICE C0PVPtl6HT,CHANNlN6 POLLOCK 6UpIfR. Peter nodded. Grinds feed Churns Hoists hay Milks cows . be-tha- . Control of Onoielf The man who (lings away Ms ambition In a rage, In a temper, Is spending the best part of his vital force In the wrong direction. Until a man can control himself, he Is not meti safe; nor do him perfectly sane. No.. The guy must have worn defend Peter Winslow going to gloves." Rogers?" he snarped. "Listen," Barry ventured again. "Yes.". werent the Filipinos finger "Why Ernie reached for a telephone. tne on the bottle If he served prints Teter Winslows defendingthe inbarked Into Rogers boy," be "Guess he wore gloves, too. My R straight, play It "If strument butler always does I np In the next edition." "Well, If be wore em " . To Barry he said: "IIow didjfou I get you," Tim Interrupted. "If case? get Winslow to take the re- the guy that done this wore gloves, For the second tlnie, Barry and the Filipino wore gloves, why lated his story of meeting the Rogthen maybe the Filipinos the guy he ers In Florida. From there, Mrs. Rogers, that done this." Jumped to the visit of ' him. Exactly." told had she repeating what a "Say, you got bean on you," the and dilating upon their Interview detective conceded, almost admirwith the boy In the Tombs. Of Harwood course, I still think we. .. ingly. "What did he say? the right party,, but hes a got asked. t "I dont feet at liberty to repeatl cagey guy, that Oriental, and about Peter to didnt say gloves nothing until Ive spoken Barry answered, "but Its me. Why dont we go round and like to gee If he wears em.?" given me two clues that Id ' I He didnt. .' follow op." Follow At said. least, not when he opened the Ernie "All right," em up. ' Your salarys fifty dollars front door, "Say, Charlie," Tim began I "let a week! Report straight to tne." n In We want to ask you sumpln. Yes, sir." ' Wait a minute. Ill put yon Do you wear gloves when youre . serving stuff?" . ' "Sometimes. "Did you wear 'em that night T ' I dont remember. .' "Maybe. a lie was thin, sallow youth, with the usual glossy black hajr brushed : back from his forehead. Nothing remarkable about him not even his shiftiness. The three men stood. In the broad hall of the Kelly house, and Charlie repeated the tale ef ad- -' mittlng Rogers, and hearing a quarT rel, and returning to hi room tin-tthe visitor left ' "'You were in jrouf room when the row started, then?" Rarry asked. . . ! , "Yes, sir .' "And you could hear the voices pretty plainly?" . Yes, sir." came You upstairs, and then went back to your room, and stayed there until just as Rogers was leavi- "Who do you think did It?" "Im not concerned as to who did It." Peter declared. "Only as to who didn't." "Jack didnt Youd know that If you looked fit him." "I feel sorry for the girl. Ill go down to see Rogers. Somebody ought tove gone long ago to file There shouldnt an appearance. have been any preliminary hearings without proper representation." "Youll take the case, then?" "I suppose so. Now, how about that Job I thought we might land at my brothers?" "I certainly need It" "Lets see If hes In." "Get Jamison Winslow," he Instructed the operator. , In a few minutes the phone rang. "That you, Jimmy?" Peter said Into It. "You've heard of John Clarke Rldder, havent you? Well, bis son's In here, and wants work. IIow about It? Got anythin over ' there?" The instrument yrtad raucous noises. "All right," Teter continued' at last 'Til send hUa around, and you talk to him. "Chrysler building," he Informed Barry, "and hea watting for you.' "I dont know how to thank you." What for?" "Mainly for helping two people In a lot of trouble." Peter smiled once more. ' "That Inside-Jotheory sticks to my mind," Barry remarked. "Is there a Mrs. Mike Kelly?" Peter laughed outright Youre determined to be Sherlock Holmes, aren't you?" he asked, "All right There Is s Mrs. Mike Id Just finished reading Kelly. about her. Shis sued for divorce recently and, withdrew the, case. Do you think that might Indicate that she killed her husband?" "Cherchez la femme, you know." Feter laughed again. "Search for the woman," lie trans la ted. "But then, there appear td have been a good many women In Kelly's llfq. We mustn't Jump .at conclusions." "No," Bar?y. admitted! "No, ' suppose not,' "All the same," .'he' thought the other side of the door, "Its pretty evident .that a woman who sues for divorce Is a little bit anxious to get rid of her husband." But there was nothing doing at Jamison Winslows. "Im. sorry, he said,, "but were laying off men every day how. Why arent you on. your father's newspaper? M.y father and I havent been very friendly." "So Ive heard." But Ive, got an Idea. That's what I wanted to talk to you about." . . . ' ' It Was quite k simple Idea. We place thousahds of. dollars' worth of advertising with The Globe. And I knpw the city editor pretty well. Ills name's Harwood. If I- gave you a' letter to Ernie, and hq gnve you a Job. and you made good while the boss' Is Id Europe, would-n'- t that square things when '.. he got back?" Hairy grinned. "It might," he said.- "and then again It might not." "What I heard," Jamison Winslow went on, "was. that your father wanted you in his business. If thats true, he'd certainly be pleased at your going In." Id like to 'succeed on tuy own" "Well, why not? We don't have to tell Harwood who we are. Not In the beginning, anyway." "Tliut is an lde.a," Barry agreed, "Since the- row, Ive bean- calling myself Barry Gilbert." "Not a bad pen name," Jamison Winslow declared. "AJI right; we.Jl stick to 1L Ive k hunoh that you'd make a good newspaper man." "That'a.what your brother said," Ten minutes later, Barry. Gilbert himself again,. so te speak was on his way to the ofilce of The Globe. The Globe occupied. a tew ant imposing building In Thirty-nintstreet Asking for Mr. Harwood, Harry found himself tn the clly room. Men In their shirt sleeves sat at desks, smoking and pounding typewriters, and most of Jhe people who bad rushed In and out of the elevators rushed In and out of the double doors, llarwood9 office proved to be a small and comJust off paratively quiet eubby-kolthe concourse. He bad .always 'been A newspa per man. Square cut, net very tall, but with big bands and broad shoul dors, his hair was as red as Barrys. He had been John Clarke Bidder's city editor when John Clarke was a cub reporter, and be remained John Clarkes city editor still. John Clarkes friend, too, with more real power, and ability, than anjr other man on The Globe. , Now be glanced at tbs Winslow . letter, and grunted. "Think you can write, I suppose?" "Pretty sure I can" Then whatre you gonna do on ' . a newspaper?" t "Get news." Ernie Harwood looked him over. "How?" "Well, Just now. It happens that I'm A friend of Jay Rogers." "The fellow that killed Mike Kelly?" "The fellow they say killed him." "Yeah?" Ernie squinted Into the bowl of his pipe. "llow long have you known Jimmy Winslow?" he Inquired. "About half an hour. Ilis brother asked him to get me a Job.! "Peter Winslow?" Yes." , b 1 . . . . . . . HUSBAND She could have rcprooched him ft his fitsof temper his all in" coo. plaints. But wisely she sajx in hk frequent colds, his "lagged out,", "on edge condition trouble she herself had whipped Constipation! The very morning after taking .NR. (Ns- the-ver- ture Remedy), she as advised, he felt like himselfj keenly A again alert, peppy, cheerful. NR the table safe, dependable. laxative end corrective riat workggently, thoroughly, urallyJtstimulates the eliminative tract to complete, regular functioning. dont, remember. Try a box tonight. 25c at druggists. -- Dont sfi? iv relief follow Iht esinol Don't be 1BALD! Dont ivf tip! Faithful ase of' Glover's Ma'qge Medicino and .. Tim was about to press the point when there was the rasp of a la t chi' key ' being thrust Into the lock of the front door. Then the knob turned, and Mrs. , Kelly entered. She stopped short at sight of the . Intruders. The door remained opened, "Well, Mr. LaughertyT she exSo youve come Back claimed. again?- With' a friend, too Why dont you step hi the parlor?" Tim thanked her, and 'presented ' ' ' '. Barry. "Glad to meet you," .Mrs. Kelly declared. "Run along, yon" to the Filipino. "Come on ip, boysl" . "Youre forgetting your key!" Barry said. .. lie took It out of the Jock. Tta a brand new key, Isnt It?" he asked, casually."Sure, Sirs. Kelly answered. 'Tta a new lock. Mike had It put on only a few days agog" TIow many keys .were there? 'Two. That one, and Mikes. . Barry was scribbling on the back of an envelope. Mrs. Kelly was a large vfoman, in her fifties. Her hair was dyed red.--- ? brilliant,- aggressive red unknown to Nature. But she was affable, and extremely good humored.' Evidently, not grieving, herself to death about Mike. . "Just dropped 'arround ?a see Charlie," Tim said. "Anything you wanf to.kndw, Mr. Gilbert?" "Just one thing. . Where were you the night of the murder?" Mrs. Kelly laughed. ."You dont read the. papers much, do you?" . "Why?" V "Because al) about that was In 'the Herald Tribune the morning after the body was found" "All about what?" "All about ihy Being up la Hai leirfat a dfange." "And whaD time, did yon gpt home?" . . "Around .daylight" let ."Did you yourself la?. "Sure." , "And you didnt .wonder where Mike was?" thought he was asleep. We didnt room together. The lights . . was all out" "No light la the front room?" . "No." . bt Tormented - GloversMedicated . Soap fol the shampoo helps ward off excessive Falling Hair and Dandruff; promote iqalp health. Start 11 today! Sold by Druggists, , - J - - e SHE TOLD Mat WORNOUT . "Yes, sir "Kelly must have teei dead the. If Rogers killed him? "Yes, sir." But you didn't hear th? Sound of a blow in your room, not the thud of a body fatting?" . No answer. "If you could hear Voices downstairs, dont you think youdw heard that if It bad happened?" The Filipino looked down from one lnqutsltor to the other. "Maybe I didnt stay .In my room he said at last very slowly. "I - . .. ng?- - h s il . - There are In all about thirty muscles concerned In cjach leg with the harmonious movements of walking and the foot Itself Is a complicated structure varying considerably shape to suit the stresses thrown upon It It Is asserted, for example that standing on vme leg actu.iiiy makes the foot sfoallef than when standing at base on twd, but if muscular balance-Ipoor, then aa 1. crease of weight thrown on the foot forces. localized areas of skin against the shoe leather, and vorns result. Corns,' the enigma of even the most prpflcient chiropodists, are diagnosed In the current number ef the Uneet of London and prfc found to Be jue rather to faulty muscular balance footwearr. than to It Is accepted thht shoes which It badly do' play some part, but what are termed "bad muscular habits"., are. held tp' be of more Importance.. In brief, corns are often an Indies! ' tion that the patient' wlks badly. ... - It Was a Gruesome Exhibit That Bottle Which Had Killed a Man. dine at the llambldgcs again next Friday, he recalled 'with the lady from Boston td whom Pat .must have written flattering things about him. A grand girl, Pat, and sudden-ly- , aa we have seen, hot altogether "if I make good," unattainable, Barry thought T 'can tell her the truth' about myself,' and ask her-tmarry me. Why not? All this John Clarke Rldder, Jr, businessll Just seem funny then." . The sllrp young, man arrived fn due .time, and duly presented his charge .fit the homicide bureau First there was.TIril Langhertyi as Irish as Barry, and with almdst' as ready a grin. They took to Immediately, "tfiwry Gilbert" Ttnl repeated. "Well, the names all right anyway." Tim regarded the Kelly murder as a closed case, go did MacDevltt and every one elsf Barry met at headquarter. 'The Rogers kid' done It thats sure," Tim declare This Filipino .says he didnt let nohody else that night". , "Maybe sojpebody tfse let himself each-othe- r 1 - 'I Stevens St., Ogden, Utah. I had no. appetite and didnt seem- to hare any energy. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Dijcovery helped to build' me up, Tgave rpe a fine appetite and I felt belter in every Sold by druggists for ntarly. 70 yeaiw way.Buy today. New size, .tablets 50 eta, liquid $1.00, Large sue, tabs, pr liquid, $1.45. . ' suffer burning, scanty at too frequent urination; backache, headache, dizziness, loss of energy, leg pains, swellings .and pufRnest under the eyes? Ate you tired, nervous feel all unstrung and donl know whal is wrong? Then give some. thought td you kidneys. Be sure they function properly for functional kidney disorder permits excess waste to stay in the blood, and to poison end upset the whole pkO you . . system. Use Doan's Pills. Doan's are for the kidneys only. They are recommended the world over. You can get the gend Doan's at any drug uine, store. time-teste- IjMEiMoi SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY Our lobby la delightfully air Months cooled during the Radio for Cverjr Room muer 200 Room 300 Botha , numbered bands and release them. Information concerning each band"Maybe the oork stopped It," Tom ed bird Is filed In Washington, and replied. when the birds are captured again "They didnt find any finger reports are filed and the data prints?" traced. tured. "Some time ag I said Hot feeling right, Frank Riglry of 1952 , .. . ' "Surer ,. Tim smiled scornfully. . "Dead sure. Anything elser "How? There was a new lock "No, thanks. I didn't mean to on thqt door. Show hip jhe te!s keep you so long But one thing Mac." . led to another." ' Mat obliged. , "Thats all right," Mrs. Kelly as"Here you are," be sa! it was sured him. "J got nothing to hide. chained to Kellys pants button." Drop around any time yoa feel like "Show him the decanter. Maybe it" he can get somethlsg ont of that." TO BE CONTINUED) not?" Why Mac laughed. "There about half a pint jn Pnrpos of Bonding Bird It was a gruesome exhibit that Banding is done to make possible bottle which had killed a Real the scientific of the habits cut glass, and nearly a map. full and travels of study quarter of reddish liquor. "Wonder migratory birds. Investigators trap the birds, attach that didnt spill out' - HO YOU LACK ENERGY! t" w r HOTEL Temple Square Wafas $1.50 to $3.00 Th Botnl Tempt Sqnua ha atmoshighly desirable, friendly Immacphere. You will always find ithie. no forts ulate, supremely comYon can ther thoroughly agreeable. tore understand why this hotel RICHLY RECOMMENDED Yoa can also appreciate why. to ttop If a mark of at tfiii boautitul boatalry ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr dist-octlo- |