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Show y LAYTON, UTAH, ANvIL 166, 1936 VOLUME ELEVEN Boyers Hearing On Layton Residents ' Sanity. Portion Of Attend W.H. Dickson Murder Charge on 1 Funeral, Morgan NUMBER THIRTY" The 6 Out of the 9 Not Contracts Killed in Accident To Be Sent Teachers By School Board Sunday, Improving King Edward May Marry Oiu of 'j'luvo (liris 1936-3- 7 . Frank Adams, son of Ilyrum ?he sanity hearing of Pascal L. Boyer, 33, convicted of the murder of Mrs. Blanche Nelson, has been continued to June i by Judge Eugene E. Pratt to allow the defense more time to get witnesses. Before we proceed with this trial, Judge Pratt said as the hear ing opened, it will he necessary for doctors to examine the transcript and give the defense more time tO' get witnesses. Judge Pratt referred to the transcript of the recent trial at which Boyer was convicted of the murder of Mrs, Blanch Nelson, Woods 'Cross widow. The judge then set June 1 at 10 a. m.- as the time for the sanity trial and, saying, I do tiot wish to delay this case, excused the jury of 12 men and one alternate. With reference to that date I believe I have given both sides suf. ficient time, the judge continued. You will be expepeted to be ready Adams, William Adams and M. F. Adams attended the funeral semen of William H. Dickson, 86, held Wednesday in Richville, Morgan county, of which eounty he was a pioneer. He died Sunday morning in an Ogden hos. pital of injuries suffered when he was struck by an automobile several weeks ago. He suffered a broken leg and se. vore shock when an autoniobil, reportedly driven by a resident of Coalville, backed into him after a basketball game in Morgan, Feb. 15. Mr. Dickson was not believed seriously injured and the driver of the machine was not held. Physicians at the Ogden hospital where he was taken several weeks ago, attributed his death to shock from the accident. Sheriff Fry said an investigation would be started to determine the driver of the car and place the blame for the accident. Mr. Dickson was widely known in Ex-Bish- op - by that' moring. Asked by Judge Pratt if he had any objections, R. Verne McCullough, defense, attorney, replied he had none. ' Judge Pratt then cited from the Notwithstanding that the board the county has of 10 per cent increase an granted in tho teachers budget, it is questionable whether instructors of this district will bo willing to sign 1936-3- 7 contracts, Lynn Hales, president of tho Davis County Teachers asConsociation, said Wednesday. tracts will be sent out next week. Officers of the association, meeting recently with tho school board, asked that a 820,000 increase be made. Acting on this request, tho -" ' xj.'e board agreed to boost the present S' budget of 127,000 10 per cent, mak ing an increase of 812,700, In making the request of an additional $20,000, association offibecers pointed out to the board that ! Davis copnty ranks low in teachers salaries as compared to other Utah :'(C -y districts. According to Mr. Hales, lMcachcrs aro now receiving $450 a year and 32 are getting less than $000. Explaining the low wages, Super intendent Hubert C. Burton of the school board said tho 11 teachers being paid $450 are beginners, classed as trainees, under super, visors. Denying this statement, Mr. Hales reported he knows of no teacher in the county, with one possible exception, who is not teach ing a full load. In many of the Edward VIII, bnchelor king of Great Britain, tm intltmiteil thnl tic may marry, and there Is much specuho said, there are no suschools, lation as to where Ids choice may fall. Ills majesty Is shown alnwe surrounded by fie princesses who are pervisors. ronsldered eligible. They are: 1 Catherine of Greece; of Greece; of Greece Since 1933,' maintenance cost of f Btilgniln; 5 Juliana of Holland, schools has incrcasod approximate, ly $50,000, while salaries have remained on the same level, - Mr. You Have Debt Motor Cops To Main Hales declared. There seems to bo Jr of money for constructing plenty We From Poles new buildings and playgrounds, but i none for raising teachers salaries, Co. You of education of V'- tt'sey-'1- . 4- - m, 5 -' I V? - jlji' k The five young people who were hurt in the accident that killed 3 of their associates very early last Sunday morning when to cars collided on the new highway just north qf Farrish lane in Conterville are improving. Those who were killed were Richard Eldredge Smoot, 21, ef Bountiful, associated with Dairy; Lester Wayne Card-we18, of Salt Lake City and Max Carlston, 20, of Salt Lake City. The injured are, Rex Turner, son ef Mrs. Effie Turner, Farmington, Shirley Tuft, 17, of Ilolladay; Denney, 20, of Union, Salt Lake county; Howard Parker, Salt Lake City; Mildred Whittle; 16, of Salt Lake and Frank V. Vowles, the-Smoo- t ll, AI-?n- da Farmington. Carlston, Parker, Cardwell and the three young ladies were returning to Salt Lake from a dance in Ogden. Cardston was driving his automobile, a new sedan. ' Smoot and Turner were riding in the north bound car driven by Vowles. county. He was born born March 22, The injured were rushed to the 1850, Morse, Iowa. He was the emergency hospital in Salt 'Lake and later transferred to different third son of Billa and Mary Stoddard Dickson. His parents joined Salt Lake hospitals. .statutes on provisions for witness- the Church m the The young folks had not been sixties, early es and fees. and made their home in Centerville drinking officials and hospital atThe alowance for expenses for this tendants said. county, the defense is purely a statutory He relates a miraculous Both cars were demolished. healing the judge matter, explaned. he experienced while Cenin living Though it may seen harsh, the terville which account given by him Rayner E. Jullcn of Los Angeke court will hold with the statute. I follows: In giving testimony at the trial of My small companion and was unable to find any statutes pro I were his contested divorce suit against playing on a hay stack, be..viding funds for depositions from cause of his wife, charged she ketp him in winds blew that strong out of the state. a state of intoxication a month there, the stack had been propped Judge Pratts reference to wit- - and held in place by poles they separated. propped ness fee provisions followed Mr. d of up with I pitchforks, McCulloughs recent effort to ob- which the handles were on resting he declared. tain funds for taking the ground, and the tines pointing '' At a meeting of the teachers' ashis for whom for depositions client, upwards, held Wednesday aftersociation he was appointed attorney by the A determined attempt will be "After playing some time we beGovernor Blood appoint Recently noon The matter of distributing the has court. Telephone company officers came tired and decided to get down made by' our county peace ed T. J. Thurgood of Syracuse, cleared the street of on tho $12,700, in tcacher3 . . Mr. McCullough had filed with among poles to state re. tho and highway patrol I, boyli-ceI would keel off, 24 Jo- Main thought of and Layton Layton, imcase contracts which are a is the county clerk an affidavit of signed ,waa die great sticet, but in so doing I fell directly on duce the number of accidents on seph E; Williams of Centerville to cussed. One .faction favored a in behalf of Boyer, one of the provement te the looks. upturned tines. It pier, the new highway by the closer sur- act as members of the Davis coun. blanket distribution, while another The road commission has whose running amuck last October ced State On a birthday of Clarisa S. Wilmy body just above the left veillance of highways. Twe motor ty farm debt adjustment committee authorized wanted most of the money to go to removal of certain . is held' the for the deaths responsible liams hip. I hung suspended while my highway patrolmen will be detailed of the Relief society general Monday, March 13, U. G. Miller, trees on Main street and a Lon- teachers in the lower brackets. No .. of four persons. the num- state increasing companion ran lor help. All the to this county, supervisor of the farm debt don plan of uniform planting is discussion was reached, according board, April 21, the south Davis ' folks were away from home that ber to six. stake organization will hold a adjustment work, held a meeting at to take the pluco of the unsightly to Mr. Hales, Th'a action is the result of a conMothers and Daughters day in day except two young ladies. One Farmington with members of the trees. We hope the property own. of these being tall and strong lift- ference at the state Capitol be- committee. At thi3 connection with tho regular liter- Mr. meeting ers, will cooperate In this civic Imtween Sheriff Holbrook and Supered me down. lesson on ary Companionablowas selected to as act Thurgood provement and do a little more . Of course I was xtry ill for intendent R. W. Groo of the state, chairman of the committee. Books. Mothers in the different-war- ds boosting for your home town. several days, nothing it seemed highway patrol. who have liad the largest There are twenty cases now pend The new Ogden highway, alcould be done for me. I was just J. C. STOCKS, Mayor. number of born to them daughters with the committee. ing will be the honored guests of gradually wasting away, and every though ono of the finest in the An invitation is extended to all said one said that it was impossible for state, is not a speedway, These will be as follows: So. of Annual play day for all Davis me to live live. One those parties to immediately deHolbrook. not Sheriff is our It day I had been Bountiful, Vera Hess Salter, eight No cause for action was the vercounty school children will be held much more restless than usual, and sire to place a hardship on drivers, get in contact with the committee West Bountiful; Loin dict of a jury Tuesday in the case daughters; at the Layton park, May 15, accord had been carried from room to but those who persist in exceeding for the purpose of discussing the C. Argylc, nine daughters; Bounto Glen Worthington. of II. L. Bennett, Logan, vesns the tiful ing present statutes of their case. room several times. Turning on my the speed limit will be arrested. ' First, Mary Frands Cook, at 10:30 festiSmith Canning company of Cleara. ... ra., Beginning An invitation is extended to any Last year, during the whole bed, I saw a man standing in the nine daughters; Bountiful Second, vities are scheduled to continue all middle of the room. He was field, in Farmington. Mrs. Elizabeth Giles Tuttle, eight talking year 12 deaths resulted in Davis or all other persons who have will a of consist long. They Claiming his left hand waa bad. from motor accidents, said farm debt problems to present 'day to mother, and asking the privilege county Centerville First, daughters; posture parade, softball games, of administering to me. Mother Sheriff Holbrook. With the fatal their case to the committee, Funeral services for Mrs. Caro- ly mashed and the toes of hla left Frankie Randall, eight daughters; tennis games and track and. field gladly consented, and offered to go accident Sunday morning that foot amputated as the result of a Centerville Second ward, Josephine It is suggested that any one who line Layton Hill, 70, widow of Jo- collision events. between a motorcycle he for someone to assist him, but he claimed the lives of three youths, is in the Bonncvillo held were W. Wednesday Hill, seph Folsom, six daughter; Farmington disIrrigation In addition to Mr. Worthington, said he needed no assistance. the number of those killed during afternoon at the Kaysville tabern- was riding and a Smith Canning Mabel Steed eight daughters, will Miss Floy Hansen, Golden Adams, He came oyer and knelt down 1936 in motor accidents is now five trict and who has delinquent taxes acle with Bishop II. C, Burton offi- company truck in April, 1935, Ben- be the guest of honor becaosa ef Myron Layton and E. G. King will by my bed, and placed his hands on with scarcely more than three are especially invited to take their ciating. Buriat took place in the nett was awarded $1,375 damages the absence of Esther Clark, who be in charge, after a hearing in September, 1935. is mother of nine my head and biassed me. Though months of the year passed. Kaysville cemetery. problem to the committee. daughter?; North We are going make every effort the words he used have The accident occurred a quarter of gone from James Mrs. Lloyd, with armington; to make this the greatest school my memory, I shall never a mile north of Clearfield. is to be there unable forget six ZX5ST. daughters, The case, heard before Judge e sports play day ever held in Davis the feeling that came over me. It the of honored so guests day will E. Pratt of the Second Jucounty, Mr. Worthington stated. was the most blessed, holy feeling S. Rose and Minnie Wellbe Clara dicial district, waa appealed by the I have ever experienced. When he concern on the grounds of ing, each five daughters. canning took his hands from my head. I S. false testimony. Bennett waa au was instantly healed. There were project. An increase In the number ing for $35,000. of connections, from 100 to 225, no days or even hours of waiting, for I was entirely well from that brought sufficient revenue to allow the reduction. Under the new time on. In appeaamce the man was just charges, which range from $1.60 for a dwelling, where $2 formerly a and lit. dressed, ordinary; neatly ' prevailed, to $400 for the schools, George Samuel Hadfield, 55, tie above the average in height. Davis where $500 formerly prevailed c county farmer, We do not know where he came prominent ' died suddenly at his home In Clear, the monthly costs, the city will from, no one saw him come or go, field Thursday following a heart at but we know he was sent by the still be able to meet its interest The Kayayile city council Mon payments, the council was informAack suffered whila at work. Lord to heal me. day night made a 25 per cent re- ed.. The ordinance reducing the Mr. Hadfield was born June 21, Mr. Dickson had served in the duction in chargee for sewer con charges was adopted with the ap1850, in Syracuse, a son of the late Richville ward bishopric 25 yean nectiona in the city. Oliver Jane and was superintendent of the Sunproval of P W A officials in WashJoseph F. and Mary effamhis The was sewer with moved He Hadfield. system complet ington, D. C. and will become day school 17 years prior to that. future. cd near he A until P W last the in there lived 1882 and fective $39,000 fall Te undsxg was Morgan county road superily in married June 12, 1907, in Salt Lake visor many yean. Served as a misCity to Mary Ida Smith. Moving to sionary in Nebnska from 1893 to ' purpose and aims of the organize, ter which we expect to receive at Cambridge, Idaho, in 1907. Mr. 1900. His wife died sevenl yean Gear-Heltion. Comrade Mills of Ogden paid our next meeting. to 1925 Hadfield returned in ago. a fine tribute to the Spanish war After the meeting, refreshments since. resided wheer he had Nine sons and daughten surto served and a genera! good veterans mention were Clearfield special giving the member of He was a vive: Mn. Albert Rich, Mrs. Gar Edward U Steed of Farmington a time enjoyed by alL ward. ence Rich, John Henry Wallace The next meeting will be held at Spanish war veteran and who later Surviving are his widow; four and Reed Dickson, Morgan; Mn. Memorial hall on Friday eve, vice in the was elected the Sr. evening gona and daughters: Marion George Lucy Robbins and Albert Dickson, commander. April 24, at 8 p. m. We urge all On Friday night April 10 at Da Mery am Donetta Hadfield, Clear Heber; Mrs. Newell B. Cook, Salt . men, who are eligible, to A A short program Held, and Buland Hadfield, Ogden; Lake City; and LeRoy Dickson, vis county Memorial hall a group The organ I, Hour grandchildren and seven broth Missoula, Mont; a brother, Bishop of Spanish', war and World war solo by Mrs. ArvUla W. Stood, ae join us at this moetlng. need the and ' you needs ization you A O. and Earl veterans' Mn. met and organized a Da companied by Ralph Albert Dickson of Richville ward; ers and sisters, J. Spencer. Davie county post of Veterans of duet by Mrs. H. R. Dumke and organization. Hadfield, Riverside; John Hadfield, 11 gnndchildren and 23 Foreign Wars of the United States Mrs. Alice Hess accompanied by Tremonton; Mrs. Elizabeth Bowers Present at this meeting were: Mrs. Earl Spencer. The first of its kind in England, Alice Mrs. Buxton, in ceme Richville was the Burial Collinston; Officers were elected for the post a school for parents only, has Win'Templeton, state dept. com. Bear River City; Mrs. Ida Bying tery. In the ages ago a black bear met a fox who had a long atritg cf CiX ipander, Chas. A. Reray, dept. Sr. as follows: Commander, Forrest been opened in the village of Cop-pu- ll I .ion, Preston, Idaho and Mrs. Hazel Where did you get those fish and how?" asked the bet?. " More than 100 pupils are enClare Hayden of Mishawaka, vice .ccgunander; County Commis- J. Talbot, Farmington; Sr. Tan Luvan, Downey, Idaho. I go fishing with my tail, replied the fox. Edward L. Steed, rolled. Funeral services will held Sun' Ind, pleading guilty to a charge sioner Fred L. Hampton; Salt Lake I would like to know bow you do it?" replied the fox. Well, " "" Post 409 and the Ogden Post of Farmington; Jr. 1 p. m. in the Clearfield of drunken driving, was sentence The fox at replied: I go to the lake and cut a hole in the ice, Jay V, F. W, and H 25 tail 30 30 in or Bajoria my exservice James H. Morgan, Layton; Chapto spend through the hole Into the water for fish to bite. You go te t Rai Bahadur Rampidas ward chapel by Bishop George nights jaiL He wil lake and do likewise and youll get lota of fish. However, you rrcct merchant , be given his freedom during the men from different towns of the lain, J. J. Everett, Bountiful; wealthy Holt. at the first little bite you feel on your tail, because t r ' county. Quarter Master, R. La Mar Barlow Calcutta, India, has offered 2,000 jump day so he can keep his job. then be only nibbling. You must wait till you CnftH3 1 who one Win Templeton had charge of Bountiful A thief broke into the home o: When Etta Mae Lawson, 42, of 1 pounds (10,000) to any So the bear cut a hole in the ice andput hla till H . waa chosen can make him sleep. For two year instructed. He then waited and waited. Then there Dei Moines, Iowa, went to get a Mr. and Mr& Roswell Stephens the meeting and asked for. short Covered Wagon ' knows tried v I William Iowa talk West have every an both of to license 1 doctors Commander a Branch, , by 87, bite. he once Ire!; then At Davis marry z Anderson a the name for of for the Lj marriage county gave big jump L4 beir Hi JL Parker, the took along her stole all their coaL Mr. Stephens Post 409 of Salt Lake; Commander post and the state department ae treatment, and even narcotics fail had become frozen in the let; and that I wty this Mills effect of invalid. his wife la blind, and is an day. Ogden; both spoke on the cepted our application for a char to have any former husband as a witness. Davis, ... 3-I- . roue i If Six Troubles Arrest Speeders Invite to Report to Us Roads On Davis , tow-tine- out-of-sta- Street Free Im te , Bountiful Ei-ne- bo-for- e Mothers With Most Daughters To Be Honored April . School Childrens Play Day to Be Held Logan Man Loses - -- Suit Against Smith Canning Company At Layton Park the-day- . Funeral Services Held Wednesday . For Caroline Hill . Eu-gen- If you served Cdmerica Hadfield Clearfield Dies. Of Heart Attack Ueorge bn belong in the in any foreign campaign r Kaysville .Council Reduces Charges on Sewer Connections VETERANS OFIOREIGM WARS OP THE U.S. Spanish and World War Veterans Meet d, Azi Organize Post ( ex-service was-given- great-grandchildr- HOW THE BEAR LOST HIS TAIL er, er, tsn r: I i til o V- . |