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Show T1IE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH Scenes and Persons in the Current News Printed Iriiniuings of Silk Used on STAR. Elegant Daytime Frocks of One Color Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., 140 New MontAve San Francisco, Calif. 40 and 42. Corresponding bust gomery C Bell Syndicate. WND Service. measurements 32, 31, 30, 38, 40 and 12. Size 10 (34) requires 4V4 yards of 30 Inrl fabric with Depends on Reviewer length Book reviews are valuable, If you sleeve. The Barbara Bel) Pattern Book have faith In the reviewer. DUST 5 T; Movie Radio J By VIRGINIA YALEftftft sailed Miriam hopkins the other day, This story planning to fpend her six vacation traveling iu central Europe and Russia, mostly by air. She left her little boy, Michael, in school in weeks Not long ago tow In I was like some friends I out of srt9. ..tired easily and looked terrible. I knew ) had no serious organic trouble so I reasoned soivdbly, . .as my experience has since proven. ,, that work, worry, colds and whatnot had just spirits... run-down- ... J i. j it 'i " worn tne down. The cbnfidctre mother hns always had In when S.S.S. Tonic... whk'li is still her stand-b- y convinced me I ought to she feels try tills Treatment, ..I started a course. ..the color began 4o come back to my skin... I felt eoon I tcttcr..,l no longrr tired easily and were back to felt that those fighting strength... It Is great to feel S.S.S. Co. strung again and like my old self. Wi nin-down- ... IS "Yet, f have eome back to where I feel so-call-ed practically all of them. And thats bad business; Kaththe of 1 One original French freight cars of war times, marked "40 homines, 8 chevaux," brought to the erine Hepburn proved that. United States as a gift to Legionnaires of Detroit from the French war veterans. of the British Of eburse you know how she has women s lacrosse team arriving at New York for a series of games American womens teams. 3 against Interviewers fortheso been fronting Loading mail on a navy seaplane at Miami to be transported to 1resldent Roosevelt at his' fishing grounds Just snubbing them moons; many near the Bahamas. A while ngo she deand left right cided to give In, and told tho press agent for her company that she would see a representative from one paper. And, according to the story, be began with the New York Device May paper with the biggest circulation and went fight down the line, and Cut Toll . met with nothing but refusals! ft You've, heard Rosa Ponselle and her sister, Carmela, on the radio; theirs are some. of the loveliest voices to be found among Opera stare. Well, how there'! family feud on In the Ponselle family, because Carmela Writing memoirs, and Rosa doesnt like the Idea. Cat's Eye mirrors, which act ai are ad headlights and vised by Registrar of Motor Vehicles Frank A. Goodwin to cut down the toll of death on Massachusetts highways. These women pedestrians Illustrate how they would be fastened over the dress ft (or salt) to warn approaching au Some years aga Willie and Eu-- ' tomoblles of the person's presence. geng Howard, who are doing that The plan Is said to be enjoying I new radio feature, "Folles Kcrgere wide vogue In England. of the Air," were appearing In a musical comedy, They lent a helphand to a young man who Deeding Be Spoiled How ed a start; being the show's feaWith 11 Grandparents ture stars, they could do It. And Oregon City, Ore. A record nun now the. world .knows hl9 name her of grandparents for .baby John Charles Thomas. was believed established when MelChe news reels brought home to vin Markley Clarke was born Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke. Eleven many of us the full tragedy of the persons are grandparents. How- recent flooda, and It le a relief to ever, he has a dearth of other rela- know that some funny things hap-- , tives, having no brothers or sis pehed In the midst of all that horters and only one uncle and one ror. The news reel companies usur aunt ally have local people who, If any. thing Interesting happens, photograph It on the chance the company will buy It. During the Pennsylvania floods, a free lance camera man phoned' one of the newt reel companies In New York, announc-Inthat he had some good stuff. He was urged to tend It right In by train. He said he couldnt, that no trains were running. The company checked up and found that one would leave that afternoon. Did he have a boat? Yes, he had hie boat tied to the window sill. Well, then, he was to get Into that boat and take hla film to the railway But I cant," he proteststation. I fell out of the boat once ed. , 4 and got wet, so I left my suit at - v' 1 the tailors, and the water came In . ' '1 - 22, and washed away everything In hie and I haven't any other place Hell like myself again." mtMijm.ua o THE WEWMdDlUSE Bfl(CTIEIL Head and Tail Light Safety Aid for Walkers tail-light- interest will many Men and Women New York, which was hnrd t di, for She adores that smnll, yellow haired chap, and Is doing a beautiful Job of bringing him up. But he's rather young to go traipsing about Europe. She stayed in New York long enough to hear bet latest picture, These Three, which she made with Merle Oberon ind Joel McCrae, balled ns one of th best pictures made In a long, long time. She also stayed long enough to annoy the people who wanted to Interview her by promising each day that shed see the Interviewers the next, and then o voiding of Accidents featuring Spring designs Is ready. Send fifteen cents today for youi copy. . Distinctive Residence A Cut (fra No. 1SM-The 6mnrtost of the.tiew drosses are those In a single color with H llnshos of, printed silk to trim them. This design .Is one of .the best, marie of blue Cloky silk and trimmed with, a print In red and blue on a white ground. The front of the bodlee has a row of buttons the hlplfno and a coextending llar of the printed silk. ' A slender, panelled' skirt Is spilt up tho front to show n' printed strip that Is nt tnched underneath. Threequnrter sleeves ' are gathered Into fitted cults In hnrmony with the collar. And by all means don't overlook tho novelty shoulder and hip yoke. Barbara Bell Pattern .No, 1831-1Is available for sizes 11, 10, 18, Mrs. J. H. Waters, An Abode .renowned President Throughout the West Salt Lahc9s Most Hospitable HOTEL 1 Invites You t-- RATES OINCI.B $2.00 to $4.00 IKUHt.R THE Hotel Ncwhousc W. E. SUTTON, General Manager CIIAUNCF.Y W. WEST Assist. Gen. Manager $2.50 to $4.50 400 Rooms 400 Batba 1 ; Luxury for Trans-Atlanti- Air Travelers c wy.'.- - g iasii! w il ;rr KUKJH ZJ PUP'S ,.k stranded! Cnt-- Z Ll r Kr be the end I Of1 HIM im P&jM i'll mold sou jyIM.theSETlegs, youl upas Xiick! red, MURRV,. I MURRy: ALLAy-OOP- clotheal" ft A 'H. 'pi, M jr rJk They're still having a hard time at the Paramount studio with I Loved a Soldier; pretty soon people are going to think 7 theres a Jinx on A It. Marlene Diet-ric- h, you'll recall walked out on It Margaret Sullavan was then borrowed for It, and broke her arm. Nobody seems to care for the leading role so some unknown girl may get It, and If she does, she'll be a sensaThis Is the dining salon of the Von HIndenburg, the new German Zeppelin, which U to make Its first test tional success, because., thats the In Hollywood. ht to Lakehurst, N. this summer. The ship Is 813 feet long, 135 feet In diameter, and will carry a way things happen ft Is within salon the hull and an The has observation dining w of 35, 60 passengers, and 10 tons of freight There's no stopping these amamenade with sloping windows. The new air liner is named In honor of General Paul Von HIndenburg, fateur hours on the radio. WMCA of the German republic. The Zeppelin ns German general In the World war, who later became president Inter-citthe and chain now have makers. Its been given exhaustive tests at Frledrlchshaven, Germany, by an Ugly Duckling amateur hour, (for alngera who feel that lack of beauty keeps them from succeeding), a Comedy Writer amateur hour (this Is the place for you If you want to be funny on the air; a stock company of professionals does the broadcasting; you Just send your material In), and another one for song writers. DOQ. a vears, and years RAPE-NUT- NOURISH INQ FOOD 1WOSB J HlMS that GIVE MS MORS KEEP 0RAPE-NUT- 9 Flakes', that HIM FOR eebw up SAV. IF NOBODY CLAMS HIM, WHVOOMT WE 9 tmgswellest FOODS GRAPE-NUT- S FLAKES! MS TALKS KNOW TUB X WELL. language MEANS for years l and i keep in trim ey satino eooo LIKfi and SMART PUP! AND IP AS GOOD FOR ARISES DIDN'T Z EVER TELL YOU? I WAS A RCUS ACROBAT INTO A REG'LAR LION! FOR MASCOT OF OUR JOE K. EVER, ATEt REMINDS Me! LETS OT. BA31D(m! y Glass Schoolkouse Tried Out in Minnesota ft r:--- . Wallac ODDS AND ENDS . Beery ivat one of the moil worried men on tho coast when doctor t told him that Carol Ann, hit little daughter, would have to have her tontili out , Mrs. Beery hat fust returned from London where the talked with British producers about Wallet making a picture there . . Paul White-ma- n lose t five pounds every time he broadcasts, and then putt them right back on again , . . Charles Winninger, of " Show Boat " fame, it under contract to Fox, with " White fang" et hit first picture. ft Western Newepepar Union. ,, Exterior view of the Hew Park school In nibbing, Minn, showing areas of vacuum glass brick replacing the usual windows. This new kind of construction has earned for this novel structure the title of the GUse schoolhouse. JOE E. BROWN ASKS BOYS AND GIRLS TO JOIN CLUB Famous Comedian Offers 36 FREE PRIZES! Grape-Nut- s Flakes Send the top from one Hattie s Creek, Flakes, Grape-NutMich., package to and get the swell membership pin shown here. Also club manual telling how to work up to higher ranks and how to get 36 dandy prizes free I So start eating Flakes and saving the tops. Grape-Nut- s Grape-Nut- s Flakes are mighty good eating and mighty nourishing, too. Adishful served with whole milk or cream and fruit, Grape NuIst contains more varied nourishment than Flakes many a hearty meal. (Offer expires December 31, 1936. Good only in the U. S. A). A Poet Cereal SEE JOE E. BROWN'S made by General Food LATEST MOTION PICTUtE-S- ON MambenMp Fin. Gold h with blu letter. Free Flakce for t Gripe-Nut- a Package top. fin-U- Mentbenhlp Rlng.l4-car- at old finlth. Fit any finger. Free for 3 Qrepe-Nat- e Flekee package tope. WND Flake, Battle Creek, Mich. Pleaee s Grepe-NutFlekee tope. endow I package end me free the item checked below s Membenhip Pin end Club Manual (Send 1 Package Top). Membenhip Ring. (Send S Package Tope)- - OaAPi-NuT- e ...... Nm-rt- m I Street. JStrntem CUT O 8IXS A WAXXEI - BX9TKEXS PICTXXE! |