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Show ""HE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. ITTAII ON BEING SINCERE When serving lettuce be sure that o water is on the leaves when Trench dressing Is added. The water 'will epoll the dressing and the il fill not adhere to the lettuce. Do not put .dressing to lettuce utitil it te served. Dont keep wee store ftuitiers gas turned on Tull after foods begin to boll. Turn burners down and keep Gown gas Mil. e with keeping, so Soap tinjifovt-when the 6tores offer sales of aoap, It is economy to buy a quantity of It if you are able to store It in e cool, dry place. s e e e When papering a room eut off the selvage on rolls before yon to teg!n phste. Leave right-hanselvage Uncut. The overlapping method of papering Is far easier than trying to place two edges together, left-han- d d e If a fish hone gets caught In the throat, suck a lemon and the Juice will quickly dissolve the boms, s Ton ran't kill plant lice with poison. Voil must dose them with come kind of liquid that will smother them to death. Kerosene emulsion or tobacco dust will d this, ( 0 Bell syndicate. WNU Serried, To keep clean and healthy take ft. tMereta Pleasant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach. Adv, What Is Leltwro ? Idleness. It .to define the latter. . . tenure Is not 1 assy fbleman LANTERN It tht IfttI Cotema THIS A Lantern with tha big brilliance. It light Instantly and la always ready for any lighting job, In any weather. naed for every outdoor one , tht light foa r frost for xnrex h nlfiklS'PUiwi awna, uuiu-i- ii jumf. anav Lamps, ft makes and boms Its own gas from regular Carolina. Itr a big valor, with year f dependable lighting service, for only 95.9V t SCt YOUR LOCAL bCALERr writ for fc HhE Folder, tHB COLEMAN LAMP AND STOVE CO, IVpt. WU150, Wichita, Kan 5 Lo Angela,, Calif , Chiengo, 111. rhiladeipiua, Pa, (iltO) Coleman Shiftleis People' Shiftless people dont apologize, They re past that. ' Dii'ect From the Field o Oh the 21st of April, tht Texians, under Houston, and 600 strong, had maneuvered so ai to get above and within tome two miles snd in sight of the Mexicans, under Santa Ana, who wers 1,270 strong, snd fiear down to the fork of the two rivers, the Brazos snd Sabine. Houston, taring the enemy thus enugly lemmed in, had hi little army drawn tip for the purpose of addressing it a person. Soldiers," said he, then ia the enemy do you want to fight?" Yes! wai the universal shout Well, then, aid he, "let us eat ouf dinner, and then i will lead you into )attle P They obeyed the order to at, and immediately thereafter, at about 4 oclock P. M, were marched to the attack. They boie down upon the Mexicans st the top of their speed, reserving their fire until near enough to have every shot tell. A hot engagement was kept up about twenty minutes, when the Mexicans began to break and retreat in great disorder and confusion. The Texianl carried all before them. Although they had but half the number of ths Mexicans, snd but two pieces of can non of four pounds each, whils ths enemy had a six snd s nins pounder, yet in fifteen minutes after the engagement commenced, many of the Mexicans called loudly for quarter. After the rout of the Mexicans, Houston's men continued to follow up snd pour in upon them for about two hours. Upwards of six hundred and fifty Mexicans were killed, and about sis hundred taken prisoners. There were eix or seven Texians killed end about twenty wounded. Generals Coo and Almonte were among the first prisoners taken. Ths former was pale and greatly agitated, but ths latter displayed, as ha had dons during the fight, great coolness and courage. Santa Ana fled among the earliest who retreated. He was seen by two boys, one about IS and the other about 17 years of age, to go into a thicket of woods. They kept watch of the place' during the night, and the next morning a man came out dressed like a common Mexican soldier. Not suspecting him to be Santa Ana, they took him prisoner. He offered no resistance, but wished to If a man with few faults has few friends, It Is probable his one great fault Is Insincerity, THIS WEEK s'' . y-- f'tturtpU Rains Ronib Sw Marriage Troubles Marilyn Miller Is Dead Anotbce Rig J op PfllNFUC Is bombed by Ital from mpr? tlipn a mile above the city, natives shooting Addle Atiab St , Ian plane in PRESSURE! Apply New Da Luxe Dr, Scholls s on any sensitive spots on your toes and feet, or on corns, callouses or bunions. In one minute discomfort will begone! Nagging shoe pressure or friction Is stopped. New or tight shoes wont hurt or cause sore toes or blisters. Crt A b oi of thr$e ileah Color, velvety Zino-pad- at the Italian O pilots with rllles that eould sot carry possibly of distance. the one-quart- iTVn Correspondents 1 with receiving sets listened to the ttnllnn pi tots talking to each etlmr by radio. Hulls Selassie, hurrying south, was not Hhv ifruhaa home when they called. Thai war should soqn be ever, . ott, waterproof purii todty drug, shoe or department store i it your f i THE CATTLE OP 6AM JACINTO (From ths painting In the State Capitol et Austin) almost es much DESHTE his com- tory and said that the war was over. fonllved fliul tluMrs u.u fight t who had said that lVxnr the death. patriots as he was BECAUSE! of Burleson, With mly the mimlt force nt his could not be taken without artillery, them. If you doubt that statement, Johu-sodisposal, Houston knew that any atread the biography of Houston, resigned and went home . , , was elected commander . . tempt t stand hi ground and await "The Raveu" (also published by the The recruits flocked to the leaders Sants Anna's onslaught would be won which company) Df. Alice R. Johnsoh, psychiatrist who had covered themselves with fatal. There was only one tiling to O James, for Its suthor, Marqulq of di Bexar. de rhllndelphlss Municipal court, Antonio and San he at lesolved to do U. lie glory Pulitzer prize In 1030. six reasons for marriage failgive a to blow would bad Chat been retire to East Houston. victory Texas, gatherIn it you will learn that ures. Tliey ere: Different family eommander-In-chleof on army of louston'a prestige and a movement ing men as he went, and try to lure f ef husband and wife backgrounds as him the to commander Into enemy displace dividing Ida forces liberation'll 1830, had to contend relatives In especially interfering, form." took conThen he pursuit. might have a with the same difficulties which incompat-abilityinothers chance Infidelity; to bebeat In them nil del did movement that feaAssed George Washing' Fortunately stantly a desire to end elcohoUstn, nf the pot succeed, although Houston soon fore they rould concentrate against ton, eommanuer-ln-chle- f Is rea "dominate." a There seventh H was him, the old Napoleonic force fighting Tor American liberty found himself la the position of beof In found be nature eon, the which was he of te strategy an lack did proposing army that In 1T76. Jealousy, bickering, ing commander of ts who Is man, cent the still per indecision, Inadequate pretty much as It pleased. Urged use against this "Napoleon tf the age ef barbarism. West." una James Scottish ah divided thereto Grant, authority, by supplies, 8o that retreat, which ha trained and undisciplined artny he surgeon whose mines south of the Marilyn Miller ts dealt, only thlv on of the cpica of America struggled against all of these handiyears old, The little town history, began. Te read the story caps Just ts Washington had. That ef Ohio, or the bigger town Findlay, of It Is to recall soma ef the earn he was able to overcome them all New York, might well erect some ef win to and Against ft superior force palgna of Washington In the Revmonument te her memory. Site conolution, The resemblance ts strikthe overwhelming victory that he did tributed great deal to human adds to the brilliance of his achieveing and give further point to calf, snd happiness, and It cheerfulness ment and makes San Jaclnts "field ing Sam Houston the "Washingbe said of may her, ns Samuel ton ef the West." of glory" Indeed. son said, referring to the death Of During that retreat Ilouston dicHouston first went to Texas In til that her tated to bis aide, MaJ. George W. deathgreat nctor, Garrick, . ef na183?. In that year Gen. Antonio the gayety "edllpsed Hockley, an order to MaJ. William tions Lope de Santa Anna overthrew the and Impoverished the public's T. Austin to hasten to the const, f Pregldeht Busta-ment-e government stock ef harmless pleasure," find some artillery and rejoin the and ..on April 1, .1833, the held In Texas settler army on the Colorado ia twelve American A lady Whe iflgne "B. A. G." la days time. "Houston meant to Interested In convention At San Felipe to propose very serlbns things. to the new president of Mexico that fight and the fight would be on She FROM OGDEN OR SALT "The more I hear of writes; . SANTA ANNA ride In an . LAKE CITY ground of his own choosing. But those Texas be made a separate state. But ream big armies, the more I Coloend not "Faretrent at the did the the coach F. on our fastest Austlh, when Stephen minded of the huge population of For the panic which had Salt Lake Great across trains ther of Texas, went to Mexico Rle Grande hftd been seized by the rado. lelL What Is your Idea of hellT Coffee Sierra. the over nd High City to lay the conventions request Mexicans, plans were made for two started among the people of Texna That big may be anmilk 51, sandwiches 101; before the new president, lie Imme- detachments to mnrch south to at- as Santa Anna advanced spread to swered later. question 5t, man A.n aged colored also low cost dining car meals. diately threw Austin In Jail and tack. Matamoras, a Mexican town on the nowly elected government, of- onco told his pastor: "I don't believe They hastily abandoned made clear hls hostility toward fhe the sduth bank of the Rio Grande. ficials. n hell because 1 don't think any The theory was that by doing so Washington and established the eont constitution could stand It" Idea of Texan autonomy DeThe tmprlsdnment of Austin and tliey could turn the flank ef Santa of government at Harrisburg. For farther detail ice or write moral effect the when It Texas discouraging Invaded spite Annas dictator army the attitude of the Mexican D. R. OWEN, General Agent; worries foe," says a lady, "that "It to action Ilouston managed 41 So. Main St., Salt Lake City toward hli American subjects In but the 'proponents of the scheme of this so many men are afraid of poverty Texas soon fanned their resentment failed to realize that (heir force was Hold his army together and even bore upon eurth,.and not afraid of Into a determination to revolt Talk totally Inadequate, both In numbers gain recruits until Ids army num- bell Miss B. A-- G. Is certain that bered slime 1,400 men, poorly of Independence was In the air but and training, for such a job. ie)l Is'reul, a belief that must be without artillery, but equipped, a leading Ilouston, who had play-eHouston protested strenuously to tboae anxious to hava comforting for battle.. part In the San Felipe convention, against such a foolish move, even eager the wicked punished Then came more dlslieflrtenlflg Joined Austin In his counsel to "Repp though the provisional council of been at attacked hnd news Fannin Texaa approved it. Two terrible quiet discountenance- all revolution Wlrithrop W. Aldrich; hehd of the Goliad, defeated and' moat .of Ids as men" measures br reSam Houston. because, wers direct the later disaster! afy Nullonal bank, biggest In Chase men slaughtered after they bad surhe declared, "they .would be likely Burned and Itched Until . sult of their Ignoring his advice. know about money, aa did America,news rendered. Knrflgcd by this be taken to General Houston. He to plunge Texas Into a bloody strugAnna was not expected to Houston's hien demanded that late .before the bis .Santa Cutlcura Relieved I him, father, was conducted to that .Officer, When gle with Mexico before aha was they pfe Invade Texas until spring but In who senator Rhode from Island, he made himself known as Santa be led ngnlnst General Benina's depared for It" January Ilouston learned that the tachment of Sunta- Anna's, army invented the Federal Reserve plan Victims of external skin outbreak ' Ana, asked the respect due. officers Air. Aldrich use Cutlcura for blessed, .quick reBut the pressure was, too strong Mexican dictator find and put It through. already of rank, and made the offers for his adIn 1S35 a good Idea lief. Read this sincere tribute: was not the be and would Rio. add when Grande late irpon crossed the thinks it http liberty which had been published. Committee of "I was ashamed to show myself, to turn money loose and encourage Vigilance and Safety vancing rapidly toward Sdn Antonio with the ugly pimples 1 ' anywhere commissioned . him commander-Ip-chle- f boom. a speculative, de Regar. Ho sent James Bowie, had. They were caused by some surELM.O SCOTT WATSON of the forces of the departsmall who was at Goliad with He remembers 1029. and were very large condition face " Under certain circumstances Vthe and red, and also hard. The itching TTv IREdr from the Field ef ment of Nacogdoches," he1 Issued a force, to Bexar with Instructions to call for recruits In Texas' to "join demolish the fortifications, remove Glory f prospect of inflation Is very grave and burning made me scratch so that I . Such waa the headline our ranks with a good rifle'and JOO all tbe cannon, blow np the Alamo Indeed,". nys Mr. Aldrich. they bled. Mobile rotmds. of ammunition." Which Under the and the. abandon "I sent for a free sample of Out!-cplace." ( m a Soap and Ointment A few pim(Ala.)- Mercantile AdverWhen a woman starts, she keep! ne next went 'to s Bowie started to do this but soon and I bought some news the tiser, carried, where a convention was afterwards. Houston, through the ingoing, nearly alwlya. Nothing coul ples disappeared Ointment It only and of the In' Soap above. Dr. of story quoted part Arc, Mary Walker, held oil November 3, 1835. It electstop Joan of Johnson and Grant, was trigues to relieve me month a Cutlcura ' took (This or Nellie Bly on her trip around the xc6rpt Is taken ed Houston commander-ln-chle- f and of deposed as commander-ln-chle- f Miss It Zebrowskl, 18 Alder fully." from the book, "America the Texas armies. I.Iavlng no con James W. Fannin made head of the world. Now Amy Johnson, married St, Bristol Conn. Goes to- Press The News' of Tester-day,name Molllson, sets out alone. In fidence In raw volunteers, hastily army. of Prove Cutlcura today and keep It the futility Realizing written by Laurence Greene assembled as an army, fie Immestreamlined monoplane to beat the always near you. Use for rashes, against- this military struggling and published recently by the.Bobbs-Merrlrecord on n flight to Cape Town ringworms, burning and Itching of diately began 'making plans for cabal, Houston Bet out for " . eczema and other externally caused back. and company); the when body of troopa before end skin Irritations. Soap 25c. Ointment aide to other the Tt down All nlone, The "field of glory to Which attempting a test of strength with Texas Declaration of Independence 25c. Samples FREE. Write to back over Of world and the forces was of the San again, the refers that which Santa Anna woul Jacinto, was signed on March 2, 1830, "Sam Dept 17, Malden, Mass. Adv. ocean, forests, wild beasts and. wild one hundredth anniversary of which soon be leading Into Texas. Houston was the John Hancock of er men.- And fools used to say Is being observed this month ss San Antonio de Bexar was hel 17-- 38 the occasion, his flowing autograph WNU W women lacked courage I Texas cele.centennial by .General Cos with a force of 1,400 as bold as ever." On March 4 the part of the bration. During that time the name Mexicans. At Concepcion were less convention again elected . Houston An offensive and defensive treaty commander-ln-chle- f of Bam Ilouston again will be "flung than 600 Texans commanded nom of its armies. ON THE RETREAT between Japan and Germany, like In the meantime events w.cre Houston Dictating t Hockley )h the one between France marching to a tragic conclusion st Order for Major Austin te Is considered a certainty. San Antonio. Bowie', Instead of Get Artillery. is caused by an It should be possible for nations "Morning iicknes blow to orders Houstons obeying avoid To it, acid must bo condition. acid to and to survive want that prosper up the Alamo and abandon the. which was camped aefos the Cold such as magnesia. offset by- alkalis let others that tni get together place, had chosen te remain there rado river. Houston not only re- must fight kill each other oft until with Lieut Col William B. Travis fused but ordered the retreat com Physicians Recommend of It This country, at Why tire commanded'they detachment ef was mutinous whp tinued. By now (here Miinesia Wafers least should carry out that plan. 150 men. On February 24 Santa. talk In the army and a growing dewafers are candy-likThese Anna's army appeared and laid mand that Houston be deposed from in solid form milk of magnesia pure Japan and Russia bare passed the most pleasant way to take it. Each . siege to the place. The rest Is bis- -' command. from the "warning" stage to border wafer is approximately bow equal to a full adult Bonham, Bowie, Travis, tory "For.thlee,terrlJ)le days Houston on the Russian side. Planes, doae of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed Davy Crockett and the rest fought drove the stumbling column- through flghtlbg war tanks and heavy artillery are then swallowed, they correct .'against overwhelming, odds until rain;' advancing o'nly taken across the Manchukuo border thoroughly, the unrelenting mouth and throughout the the in acidity March 6 when, the end came, for and insure quick, com 18 miles. Ofl March 81, 183.0, he by Russia, and that "looks like busisyBtem digestive "Thermopylae bad Its messenger of bolted In a bottom by the Brazoa the waste matters that of elimination plet ness." defeat the Alanfo had none," bloated feelings and and headaches, rputlnous with 000 demoralized Russia will soon know how much cause gas, By that time Houston' had started men remaining of fli 1,300 he had Mongolia will be worth as a pro- a dozen other discomforts. Wafers come in bottles of 20 and for Gonzales and had sent word to lei Worn the Colorado five days be- tection and Europe Miinesia against Japan, and 60o respectively, and in 35o Defwho had at built "Fort Houstons Fannin, fore .. . . Sa soon know the value of Russia 48, may convenient tins for your handbag containiance" at Goliad, to Join him. Arrivand rebellious thob Was the ss a protection against Asia. ing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately ing In Gonzales on March 11, Housrepublic's solitary one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All ton found thlm8elf In command of by four Mexican columns sweeping The Canadian Press news service good drug stores sell and recommend them an army of only 374 men with only forward to enclose Its front,, flanks ssys Canadas wealth has shrunk al- Start using thes delicious, ffctlv two cannon that would shoot He and rear." most six thousand mllllbn dollars anti-acigently laxative wafers today against the stars." Orators again lnally by Edward Burleson but ac- Immediately started drilling the rain which soaked since 1920. That will be only a temthe However, will heap praises upon him as the tually under the Joint command o:' men bnt was Interrupted b the arProfessional samples sent free to registered delayed the Meximade porary shrinkage. "Hero of San Jacinto" and the James Bowie and James W. Fannin. rival of two Mexicans with the story thb Texans also physicians or dentists if request is Houston the time he on professional letterhead. Select frodwh, "Savior of Texas." They will tell Despite Houstons recommendation of the Alamo. Keeping the news cans snd gave CHF N Y Ton know that England Is worried to whip his "mob" Into some c 4402 23rd St, again bow he vanquished Santa to Fannin that he wait until artll from his men, the commander busied needed the In an army. of about something when yon read 35c & 60c Anna, the Mexican dictator, as lery were available, Fannin declared himself with recruiting until his semblance his guns ha( that she now demands that the meantime to adds the of stature that with 250 men he conld take the army had' grown to 500 men. Again though it bottlua the gift their hero by calling him the con- place by storm. HU "army" shared he sent. orders to Fannin to blow up arrived two Cincinnati With San- league establish an oil embargo against Italy. A little late, bnt It la of friends In queror of that "Napoleon that belief, too. So when a veteran his useless fort and retreat 20c tins In pifrsult, he continued to explained that England Is outraged Anna ta of the West" (which he wasn't). plainsman raised the cry of "WboT news of the Alamo dishis the Then masterly last at use until of back by Italys fall poison gas against Mach better might they call Housgo Into Bexar with old Ben Milam aster leaked out and panic spread retreat ended on the banks of the the Ethiopians. ton the Washington of the West" 300 men volunteered and stormei Mussolini used something worse river. Then when San-tthrough the town and the army. (which he was). To do that, of the town In face of artillery fire. Moreover, word came from Santa San Jacinto h!s forces, Hous divided than Anna poison gas against England involve would of Milam waa killed and the command course, recognition came. The when ho occupied the Lake Tana Anna that the fate of the men In the unpleasant fact that this Vir- passed to Francis W. Johnson. the Alamo would be the fate of all tons great opportunity the result was that "field of glory-region. ginian, like his great predecessor, Five days later, Cos surrendered. found In arms against his Battle of San Jacinto. Texans El ng ytftturM Srndlotta, lac The Original Milk of ttapnoafis In a was successful "Texas went wild over the vie fight for liberty CnU WNVaarvto. C Waiters NewssMiw authority. For the first time they n . Bobbs-Merrl- ll ; ln-la- ; be-to- - - Southern Pacific . ASHAMED OF PIMPLY SKIM - - . . stock-gamblin- g j ur 1 - Washlngton-on-the-Brazo- - ' - ll Washing-ton-on-the-Brazo- well-drille- d . "Outi-cura- ," - No Need to Suffer and-Russia- the desehet News presents . , TtlomingSickncs , - The Philadelphia - Symphony Orchestra UOO Min) and LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI m CONCEBT (RCA-VIct- or Sponsors) Salt Lake Tabernacle Tues.,f.lay5,at 8:15 p.ia. Seat Sale Opens April 29 Glen Brothers Music Co Salt Lake $1.12, $1.68, $2.24 and $2.80 PRICES mrurritvo TAX mint-flavore- e - rain-soaked bope-nnenac- ed d, long-awaite- d . self-style- d r "sr ItYf k X ' |