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Show WEEKLY LAYTON, UTAH, JANUARY 30, 1936 NEWS-EXPRES- Public Education And Our Social Economic Trends self to the cultivation of thrift and KING GEORGES lealth. In Georgia, the pupils in a RECALLS- ligh school have taken charge of DEATH in their own behavior difficulties; an Ohio city, the pupils are decauses The death of king George veloping new civic attitudes by par in review ticipation in the Community Chest a vast panorama to pass individ Wherever machinery technology, Drive. before the minds eye. Each of scenes different and corporate management of inMr. Frank II. Hubbard, Associate ual looks upon Muddling-Throug- h of NaMerrie Old England, dustry and wealth prevail, society Director, Research Division, Culis swept by a Britain, of the Great of tional Education, in commenting The of many theories of government. on the various practices in our tured Aristocratic Isles, The of Land of tho Common Man, Hiese theories are based on the echools to develop that . sial and economic problems which which will ultimately Sunlit FarFlung Empire have developed with the rise of lead to intelligent decisions affectWe recall the scenes in Shakmodern industry. The theories ing society and the individual says: espeares, George Eliots, Burns which have gained ascendency in "Educators believe that most of Dickon's and many other writings. We think of Oxford and Camvarious parts of Europe are Fas- our social maladjustments spring realfrom conditions hostile to the bridge and of great London fogs. cism, Socialism, and Communism. We see Henry the Eighth and The force of these theories has ization of our native American been felt to some extent n Amer faith and purposes. In interpreting Good Queen Bess, and others. We also see fierce religious wars since the financial debacle in this faith and purpose for the life , ica cW recall that English Bobbies 1829. A few of our citizens have of today teachers as our lost faith in the present economic most cherished ideal the opportun- dont carry guns, that British jussystems competency to feed, clothe ity for all our people to develop tice is swift and sure and that and culturally sustain onr people, free, cooperative, rich lives, to gangsters dont think the climate and would embrace Socialism im- stand confidently on their own good. We see Joan of Arc burning at mediately. Others would go farther feet, to judge clearly and effectiveand accept Communism immediate- ly by means of their own trained the stake on account of English ly. Another group supporting the intelligence, to act vigorously as clergy and Bunyan in Bedford prl present system would adopt Fas occasion requires, to enjoy the son writing Pilgrim's Progress cism immediately. highest values that modern life worlds best scllc routside the King But the vast majority the sober now offers to the most priviledged, James version of the Bible. We see horrible coal mine disas thinking rank and file of our citi- to engage jously in the free exand strikes and great estates ters shared of life" a zenry who are studying the various changes and an American woman in The EconCommittee Social on insis problems that our salvation is in a steadfast omic Goals of America, created by parliament treated as rough as one adherence to the ideals and prin- the National Education Association of the rest of them and liking it. Wo see fighting Irishmen and ciples of the founders of our Gov- in 1931, .rendered a partial report Kiled Scotchmen and can all but to the association in 1933. In its ernment, adapting the social and hear the economic complexities, gloriously spiritual elch as they report it set forth, withou explanin the hymn singers. goals develop, to our grpeat national heri atory statements, tage of individual liberty and terms of ten inalienable rights for When we think of England we see n man freedom. This group sees no neces- each individual, outlined as follows Eden, typical of A hood in man best at its its (1) strength-tfor prime. he hereditary sity right any changes certainly not (2) physical se- who believes in peace with honor. abrupt in structure of our Govern to be We Bee news reels concerning the ment toward any extreme, whether curity the right to protection from disease, accidents, and physi- Kings death all but ready for reit be the autocracy of Fascism, cal controlled by entrenched wealth, injury; (3) participating in an lease, two weeks before his actual to demise efficiency. or the autocracy of Communism, evolving culture the right controlled by an entrenched prolet- know ,to use. and to enjoy the We visualize soap box orators ariat. knowledge, skills, standards, and denouncing the government. Bob' The greatest contributions to the hopes of mankind; (4) an active, bies in the crowd laughing and the social growth of the race in all the flexible personality the right to government pnying about as much ages of man are constitutional gov exercise initiative and choice, to de attention as of a boy with a ernment and the free public school velop individual talents, and to blazing away at GlbraltOr system .The one affords stability learn how to cooperate with others liberty. of society, wit hopportunity to ef- (5) suitable occupation the right When Americans think of Engfect governmental changes as eco- to guidance, training, and place- land and its late lamented king nomic and social conditions would ment in a cogenial liwe work; (6) they think of the glamour and roseem to demand, with the least pos economic security the right of mance and majesty of royalty at sible disturbance to the social or- protection against the' accidents its best, der. The other makes possible the and the mistakes of economic life; A boy on a bicycle, brought the development of a social intelligence (7) mental security the right to bulletin of the kings death to tho needfu lin evaluating social and the truth and to protection from gates of the estate. "Tho king is economic changes in their relation selfish propaganda; (8) equality of dead. Long live tho king." to government. opportunity the right' to particiTho Prince of Wales liked as a Our great leaders in public edu- pate in the duties and the privilegman the world around,, beloved by cation have not failed, in our ex- es of the American way of life; his was ready to tako up people (9) freedom the right to speak, pectations of them, tc note the burdens. kingly, trends and to suggest write, and act in a sphere comNow the world has taken, up the Ways and means of interpreting patible with the freedom of others The king, is dead. Long live and cry, the interests of the general And maintaining our democratic the KINGI" principles of government, in ligW. public; (10 fair play the right for fair and impartial .treatment by of such trends. Charging that thetr wives prel No mntter if the radicals scoff others regardless of personal ferred the city to life on thi; farm At the simplicity of the ideas of beliefs, or status. The committee pointed out that with them, John Baxter and his these leaders, there is now being de tcloped in many schools through- although a good school contributes son, Aquillft, farmers near Bloomout the country a conscious social to all of these goals by evey one ington, Ind., have, filed suits for dl vorce. Intelligence. Pupils are being of its varied activities it was found Mi advisable to select a series of ten taught to think in terms of their of one another, to their specialists to PICK A PICKUP community, to their consider how the schools may con1929 Ford Pickup, motor has their Nation, and in the tribute most effectively to each of been checked over in cur !! more advanced classes , their rela the ten goals. Most of these com' a n d v shop completely tions as individuals to the world mittees have already submitted ; New and thoroughly. paint to develop social intelligence their reports, which will be pubnew top, two of the tires are lished shortly in one volume. among public school pupils. The almost new. In fact this little Thus the public school leaders Research Bulletin, published by truck will give you complete ' the National ducation Association, wouki develop a social Intelligence satisfaction. It is not going for May, 1935, Vol. XIII, No. 3, en- among tho Nation's children as a to remain on hand long. titled Creating Social Intelligence means of orderly, safe pogress unCome in and see this at once describes many interesting and, ex- der the Institutions founded by our if you are interested in a decellent practices of working out fathers. With such an intelligence pendable pickup at a reasonour racial problems. In the Char- developed rapidly enough, in both able priced schools and forum centers for les Hot Junior High school at Al- qur GMAC Terms if desired ta dena, Calif., social ideals, the ap- civic education .there need be little .on balance. preciation of spiritual values, and fear of the inroads of Fascism and DOUGHTY CHEVROLET faith in humanity are emphasized Communism in this country. COMPANY by keeping before the minds of the BOUNTIFUL pupils the elements of the character of the man whose name the chool bears. In this school there Don't Take Draitio Drugs are also student organizations t Tour Kldnaya contain 9bamillion tiny Given the choice of preaching tuba or filter which may Wr.lCh SO function that their mem, by neglect or driitle, Irritatingendangered 11 or giving up smoking, Edwin Walk drug. If functional Kidney or Hladder bers may," in the words of the careful. dlaorriera maka you Buffer from flettlna er, 24 year old rural school teach? Night. Nervouaneaa, Loaa of rap, l.g er of Muskogee, Okla!, decided hed principal, Mr, Wallace A. Newlin, t!p Palna, Rheumatto Pain, Plialnaaa, Cirlive richly and wholesomely in the cle Under Kyra, Neural!, Acidity, forego tobacco. Smarting or Itching, you don't A few hours before a son was naed to taka chance. All drugglat now present and be prepared to meet burning, moat modern advanced treathava the to rMs. Edward Farmer, cl born problems of life that will be met ment for theee Doctor trouble Work called Cyatea in a complex and rapidly changing Bude, Miss., her husband was killfast eafe and aura. In 4S hour It munt world." bring new vitality and la guarantcad onto ed when the tractor he was trying mako you feel 10 year younger In Eyla Wooldridge and Mary Cow-de- n week or money back on return of empty to crank backfired." the crank describe a course in social livstricking him. , Leo Bierstein of Chicago paid ing, requiring two years of two periods each for all students who enter Sequioa Union high school at Redwood City, Calif. The course, they point out, is designed to increase the understanding of problems of human relationship and to encourage right attitudes toward attempts at their solution. An unprobderstanding of ppreaent-da- y lems is developed through history . you tests, periodicals and literature, it ' is stated. : Wall enIn work E. a . Mary . Chrisy, Curricutitled The lum in Denver, states that the aini Then of. the Denver courses in social kM 6tr.dies is to develop citizenship by training the pupils in social living. We complete line of The foal, 6he points, out, is not rathinert knowledge of facts, but 1936 wall er the growth of functional powers1 The course, regarded as a unit, begins wBh activities which train for Cleaners. Also social living in the kindergarten continues and and primary grades, through the senior high schools. The, re the courses in world hisMorrison-Merri- il tory attempt to build up background on which to base a study of The Lumbermen present American history, American problems, world relations, econ cmics and psychology thus carryPHONE 9-- J BOUNTIFUL probing to cycle into present-da- y lems In a high school in Arkansas there is a club that devotes it- - Semi-Airanua- i! j cross-curre- u open-mindedne- ss m social-econom- ic Hiuiirsttftinigj 'WIUHi Bsupgisiiiir&s Mens J. Boys Shoes For Hard Play and Work! Shoes for boys who will be boys! Leather middle sole. Composition outer soles, heels. 2 0159 to $1,69 bean-shott- er H Womens Black Calf Bath Towels With Continental Heel! fast-colo- And the course.' $2.4 amazingly low I Famous 80 Square. . .. PRINTS 15 hold their shape and look new for a long, long time. Satiny black calf buftt for comfort. Wash Cloths . 5 Yards in Each Package 3 for 10c is Compare I fcd I - 23c., Youll use it for dusting and polishing, and for; gauze bandage, . too. clean, Soft, very absorbent Wizard, Jr. Famous "Nursery1 Brand Weather Sheets val- - 81"x99" texturSmooth ue! ed, very ing. At a featured price now! Wizard, Jr. cases 42x36, now 14c . Honor brand includ- ed. One to ten yard I pieces. Bleached. You savel The well known 80 square quality percale in attractive new prints. Be wise and buy all youll need for your Spring sewing aft this low price. 36 in. wide. Cheesecloth February Priced Right Now . PERCALE Theyll fit like a glove r, price Medium weight fine yam coverts and chambrays! Dress shirt Btyling! Interlined collar! Steel buttons! Two button- - thru pockets I Oxfords Colored Ends Extraordinary (J p l long-wear-- 1 Mens Sanforized Covert Soft birdseye cloth,, hemmed size 25 by 27 . inches. Wont irritate. tary package. They . Six in sani- February Feature 'JValue! Reclaimed Wtk Faint .8 Buy your correct size theyll never shrink Semi-slac- k waiststyle, set-o- n band! Strong pockets, fully bartack-cd- l Tan and grey. Made to stand plenty of abus'd A Penney Value. 1 s, es its a smart for yourself, 49c . yard C seams! (Composition nailed soles and heels! Ideal for heavy duty ! P. Work Made rigbtl Priced right! yard We believe this to be the best value obtainable in flannel. heavy woven stripe wide. 36 inches $1.98 Pair .it j . . 124c Flexible Toe for Comfort! makers and mothers of fam- substantially soft, Very ilics choose Rondo for al made and 'A good Bize, too. Coolred most everything I The de- :12 inches square. border or plaid. signs are so smart, the colorv ings so clear, the weave so close and firm. 36 inches Limited quantity, vz ard and of hurry I Famous wide, social-econom- ic char-acteristic- SHIRTS way to savel Thrifty home ; . Outing Flannel Are 20 by 40, or solid color pastels 18 by 33 inches. Save n; Sew Work Shoes 15 IPpHirntts Anglo-Saxto- C. An Outstanding Value! IRLoiniol - A Remarkable Value! 1 to 2 12& Men! See These Heavy Black rctan Blucher style White storm welt! Riveted ,V$149 i well-bor- lay etramew nt They ll make such soft, absorbent dishcloths and dust-rag- s Bleached and clean . ... about 43 by 37 inches, un-- , opened y.'., the big OSound size sack! ; Buy a lot. at this price! .. . 1 BOUNTIFUL, UTAH urn mm . , ! . E!g!) Kidnsys .7., nrea-Crlptt- (Slaa-Tet- Are Social-Studi- Per beginning to think about Papering? es think about ui the carry a $15 for a watchdog.Next morning he discovered that somebody had solcn its collar and license tag. WE EXPECT IT Paints paper patterns Varnishes & Co. . tjj OF DOCTORS by George , A fire breaks out every minute in the United States , it is estimated . , J. Sprucll It is late night. Snow lies three feet deep-- thermometers say 22 below. Tho telephone rings. The doctor, Instantly awakes, reaches for it with a stubby hand that carries the scars of 70 year. He hears a voice, sharp and clear miles away. The sheriff. Doc, you know Indian Bill Joe, don't you?" Somebody tried to kill him yesterday. Hit him over the head with a singletree. He lay oyt in the snow for two hours before his son found him. I couldn't get to a telephone before. Bill Joe's at his cabin and I think hes goin to die, but he wasn't dead when I left " ' Ill gol" says the doctor. In ten minutes he is whirring the starter of his car. Half an hour later he comes to the place where automobiles go no farther; and there a farmer, warned in advance over the 'phone by the physician wife, has a horse hitched to a sleigh. For bait an hour more they glide on runners to the click of shod hoofs on a woods road. Finally even that track fades out. The doctor climba down and buckles on a pair of snow shoes. An hour latter,, in that bitter cold time two hours ahead of dawn, he half falls - Gl ' a help quickly a costs but a few cents a day Council of Amerthrough the door of the tiny shack dependendence in a ica, recent address called upon where, in preferred squalor, Indian his fellow farmers o liberate themJoe lives. socialism." His organization is opporigg the AAA program on a number of other grounds, declaring that crop reductions have reduced the employment of farm labor and have worked a hardship on the tenant farmer and share cropper; that food costs have risen to unreasonable levels; that expors of farm improducts have dwindled, while increased. ports have greatly It is asserted that a sound agricultural program should provide for tax reduction and for the haltIning of government financing of creased production through crop loans, land reclamation and rural rehabilitation" schemes. Most important," says Mr. Morse, is to take the control of farm planning swivel-cha- ir and production from the farm experts, and place it la the hands of the farmers them. selves." selves Hot water, a backwoods opera- tacles from the tightening tenof the bureaucratic octopus tion. antiseptics, bandages, a joke which by Bill to they unsuspectingly are directions or two, and a few being overwhelmed." the into back and Joes stolid boy . k r Morses contention that snow. farmers should not sell their liberFive calls at the shack, Doc" of ty thought and action for bene makes. Bill Joe has no money. But fit payments, which he says a x he spits expertly into the snow, Bountiful every vlvnbes ! 8uPPrt and simply y! program Dance at South Mutual Doc! experience has proved econ Tuesday after He one darn fine feller, The Rotarian. Freedom for Farmers Declaring that In less than three years the independent American farmer has tended to become a dependent of the government and headed in the direction of peasantry, Stanley F. Morse, executive vico president of the Farmers In- - wish to extend ' , A telephone gets EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The Bakers Flavor and Extract Company i finest ki omically, socially and normally un sound which has been planned as as an. entering wedge for complete its distributors through Davis County andneighboring vicinities and is offering . employment to a few qualified residents. Part or Full Tta,o For Full Particulars Write to USED CARS CCfUPES 1931 1934 1931 1930 1927 Ford convertible Ford De Luxe, radio.beater Plymouth, new paint Cldsmobile Chevrolet TUDOR SEDANS 1929 Ford ; Chevrolet ... FORDOR sedans six':..'.. AMav 1930 Dodge 1930 Durant six 1930 Chevrolet 1 J93 Chevrolet sport sedan ..,Thrv?1er ppdan TKLChS AND PICKUPS ori flew - motor Ford 1 ten truck . 1931 Ford S cattle rack 191 Ford ton panel Ford T farm trucks at V-- 1245.00 $463.00 $1.95.00 $100.00 $ 15.00 $100.00 $225.00 a $215.00 $115.00 $193.00 $530.00 $145.00 ' J . $170.00 $185.00 5383.00 $185.00 $..33.00 - Cratl BAKERS FLAVOR AND EXTRACT CO. S0"3 Fatomae Avenue, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Attention Personnel Manager Authorized FORD Dealers BOUNTIFUL TELEPHONE 46 |