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Show ' v : --a I . . . . . ' . Old Find Gafnes Where 800-Year- -( fs Prhapr leyf ' level A nde Sal. focks ln;tlle flsoy.-gciei- ue of fou? Service, - liquid hxvtivtt WJldtenrteJt StwYurJi PolL . . Jfany believd thy Taxativ iTiey might take only makes cosstiratioa worse. And that isnt true. Dp what doctors do to relieve this '.copditiop. Doctors use h'gujd tHREEITiri 1TD ft ttlfvm I . Tell Abbott Satie. Scholarship, Vietf . f "inAnfAj Juft-toein- I laxatives, and keep reducing the dose until the bowels need no help at all. Reduced dosage Is the secret of aiding Nature yi restoring regularity. You must use a little less laxative each time, and thats why your taxa tive should be ih liquid form. A liquid . dose can be regulated to the drop. The liquid laxativegenerally used (s Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin. It both contains senna and cascara natural laxatives that form no habit even with children. Syrup Pepsin is the nicest tasting, nicest acting lax a tive you ever tried, It It Stylish, Ah! Nothing In Qlothes, feiulnliie of masculine, ,that Is recommended pierely because it is 'st'uMblc, ever becomes the vogue,- . - Beware. Coughs from common colds en OLD KING COLE NOW THAT HE EATS ROAST BEEF HE HAS HIS TUMS IF HEARTBURN COMES THEY GIVE HIM QUICK . SOJUI LEARN HOW TO EAT FAVORITE FOODS Without Hanrtbum... Goa... Soul Stomach molting, hasty eating, last night patty some other cause has brought on acid indige-tioheartburn. sour stomach, gas, belching Dot See how food "taboo?' vanish. You are which PhPeln,s5Jr taking any harsh alkalies e may increase the tendency antacid that rorke Instead a wonderful enough in an unusual way. by dissolvingJr Just like canay. to correct stomach acid . stores. Only 10c a roU. At all drag FOR THE TUMMY .self-righteou- s' big-tim- - ; - g - g . t - free-spendi- . es pulse-strummi- WTAUUUTIVE, PARKERS HAIR BALSAM Hsif Veiling RMKifBS Dandruff --Stops Inputs Color end Beauty to Gray end Faded Hair fc nd 11 W Linigsrut- - fHsrxrbTii.Wif Ideal for n: m FLORESTON SHAMPOO eonnectkmwith Parker HuirEalsam. Makes uib hair aoft and fluffy. 60 rents by mail or at eista. Uiacox Chemical Works, TatchogaA . I. - toi g . n f .f Agrt(il1urrt la' a inarlvr f getting gmvt 6 fvofi'hly quality and full me.lsure. Jt 1 wry tlcflnlfrly a mattrf f tK!liig finult ! 1i W . The heal vny to V a. the hurra' this, oh-- i uggeata. Is to draw ' Fbafflet uffT Krat Me.ou!b tbhC ftp a food budget, based n a diet, cwung Ida hammock between deck ef the iuvteni-e; for nutritive values, an! odd V, 9. battleship Utrada Island whja mas ef k'teyl, now obsolete, that, to Vn Iff buy aocrtcdingly, I'qulget was first V'aae fhUu ship, Abi dwrlle biggest th'rlH' ruto lb ycace I ' . kwp wltlln liie fam. . making helps time, tee... . . ily tncouiu, and also' t guard tho . It Aappexe when the whole Aflahtlc battleship fUt eead ell . fod (hograta. family health by providing tie mor theeapeak bay lor th gurpea f (eating odt new equlRfflenV And Sugnrs I Fats Mi plguueil fivoU for of ary variety . All the big ehete, Charlie eay' word aboard dhlp to sag. the testg' . Ff and stigUrs jp grouped . '. meals. Among fhe new fdaai Wy w erg testing but were tha ekelbto because they are 'all 'concen- A food budget, like Iny frtttod adopted end eove plece'rdetl new- whrapn'et.' rnengy foods, Tbe 'fatg ln-Other budget, ja very much a fuinllr new typs T ghellg and ant dude ftnly . baiter, margarine, .' The old discarded Imttleshlp Trtas waa. ftrteif up With then fnaafa affair aulted in tho family for UInr vegetable shortenings, bill'. lard, is huitlo ajnl probably (t other. s.Tt hd tun turrets w ith the Idee of tislar.tlve old ship m $t teftt casw. ta the pork am! bacon, Wlih sugars turrets of the Texas were placed Hvp animals, to take the plae tif sailor The ftousefcooper tiiTint plan If i are vlusfted fcirifys and qudiiscs', also' i of her fau ' daring the tests, te see how they survived direct hltsftn the new.sholtffr, rorilluR to the tnako-uand honey, Jaids,. jvllltt, . The whole fleet would then tear loose TtlTH .their tweivc-ipcguns and see Uy, their habits, and their tastes, hi Accessories.' , . well a their Income. Air there . , what bapjieneit The lay About :etght miles away fcm the tji The tunin point of this food budget get dhlp Texas, while largo sea going nasbl lugs carrlcd alllclala and hlltVren, ami If po, bow many and Is Its rarlejy- at moderate cost. II.U- -. bow old! nil mumhers of (fm udgee from IVashlpgtop to ltisvei-- the result of the 41re. mn.n beings rj-- gird, energy foods,;rnHy rut all lhotr menU at homo! . 8nd health-prO- Going Out to See Whaft Happened, to Tftrgqt. t . at M0 !. (lie get- hot Aftet the first eatvoi of heavy guh Charlie 'was Instructed .! tnita A xchwol! Are there ttmuy frequetif tectlvo FooMs, and tjie diet pattern steam launch, of which he' was coxswalh, and. take a group of jtl the family table, and Jtnw suggested her mlpplles all Is tkimi In waves the. target. The sea wns high but much mltef utej'liiitihi ' the Texas and the launch bud no trouble to inifke tbe ship. .Tlie.'nnyA! this home? And tint, but by tio G;tdm iti Ktliiop-n- t Camjfi meansi'exae X)f ee the least side the alien abut there likes Jt tug werg already important, scraped against Front So.n re where in America . And d'lxl flies tnus tie ullewed fur? . . ... and the officers Went aboard ' American wire liianufnc-turrr- s launch With due nlhiwaneq fur atieh points Weft, elr, the tugs left end were well aWaybefore 4he. be to said now the boat had tu;e Charlie refusing orthe sea was plenty high and may gtsrtai. By It Msefu) (i apply the. .suggestion ders from Uuv belltcro.nL .powers la . Cough time getting away from the target shtp. The 'wavee and of tho Ihireau of Home Economies Africa. Hot something frohi Amerwind kpt blowing the (Ight'la.uncb .back.to.tbre'Jexaa a fast ag-- ' . her engine pulled her sway. that she divide her food money ta ica, hlincst a ticked,- wjis nt thx heard live phrilons, itnd spend it for live front long before Roqians andEthl--- . I didn't, worry much at that, Charjle. Writes, "until, and opx began. taking made our little crew go green. The screech wae dUTcrent groups of fooijs. For screeching found-tbnat .t'acl) other.. Cactus ls era ft If (he family consist of two spdar-jnbcaused by A shell and was followed by air explosion right eut ef tbe water dud sent geyser that seemed miles high straight adults and iwo chiblron thut eight figuring In .news pictures from.tjie ' and ten years obj. Hint the amount Ethloploif war. Rope, Machine-guup U the air not fifty feet from us! Are slfoWn flanked of half- food avallnMe 1 $12 or $lfi a nvi of Heath Drop Lilcg Rain F(tjm Htqven. . weuV eiimmiflaged by huge ;iants of tlat- divide the Week, It would be "it wad a shell t Thft bpt,tleslilpa had opened: fireT 'They were Jolntrt ilyicTel-- .penf bristling with so far. away that they eouldn't see us and they all started. thrdwlng spines menacing alike to Italian sheila, like hack shot, ell gro'und ua I The .detongtjona were terrific1 Milk uniform and .Ethiopian fhnmmna, as we .bounced about le the rough w.atej, made, rougher still, by tlie tone .more,. to mention tho legs and arms dot ' VeKetablct abd Fratta of explosives dropping on sll side ln ,. beneath- them. er more, AH true apecles'of cactus are of Meai, pbhltfjr, fish an egga about American origin! The prickly plants ttread end aereala about Were unknown1 In' the Old world betho voyages of Columbus. But fore fccceaaevlea about Fata, sugar, and once cacti were Introduced from . Mexico and Hoiltjt America . . they be ll llbln ench of tliexft five groppii jjnie oatabllshed all around the Med- of foods', there will be, of course, lterrnnean shores ln amazingly quick . good many alternatives and In Him; nnil rroip there they spread , some eases choices among food prodthroughout tlie dry lowlands q$.. ucts of similar food value.' In other northenst Africa nnd southern .Asia, caffes, selection must ho wisely innde null) nn.w they seem normal, .native In order to.be sifre iibout fool value. parts of the landscape. But, for aJmlnnced dli'f, nno oftfio groups may ho omlhcd, and no gcoup s IntercliangenJilo with nny other Toy Kailroading Is Rapid group Growwis Hobby Among Men To consider the. poBsIldlltl.c? group railroads Is to Playing with-toyAn Inferno ef Shells .Fell All Around Ua.by group ono of the fastest growing hob- dny , Milk and Cheesi. 1,, Talk about a war! Why no fleet In the world ever threw ee the bn ted States. who do Dot drink mlllc, b,p ,,nnn n,en For those ahelis at to small a target. Charlie eaye It seemed aa though Inrgo many every Neurly city has Itsthis I in for Unit food ziiny bo used ln whose miniaturerailroad they were shooting at him Instead of the Texas. The launch rolled society Intho aoupa,; miuces, pudilltigs, or and bucked In the churning water like a bucking broncho. The' meinherd otn elaborate systems rang- form pf chrese. Evaporated ,aijd in cost from about $30 for small' engineer and fireman gave the engine all she had and.swaated dried Jnllk oro practically as nutri- Ing blood under their pale skint, but adll they couldnt get out of, lines to $10,000 for real -eloclil? tious as fresh milk, and live' ounces . models which run under their tawh that rangel vnunl to, - Each obeli Charlie knew weighed more than his entire boat and crew of clieddnr. cheeso steam over a mile of trnck, holding a qilnjt of whole nillk a all Imagine what would happen If, one shell landed-Jusend ten, tons at 30 miles an hour.--C- oi Vegetables. . little nearer I , . llerS, lGeueralIy speaking, 'iflL tho, vego: The Shell Get Closer a'nd Closer. ' , tables serve similar purposes In .thfe Beveled Chopping Block Whamt A geyser shpt Into the air aa high gs Old Faithful 'and wiieh diet, Jiut some of .them, such an It came down It landed rlglft 'ton tlie boat I The men were drenched and onions and celery, are more Impnr According to a Mlsconstu "wood-taVurui thl boat hearly stamped. The phglne stopped with hiss as a ton of food worker, kindling may be cut on a for flavor than water pout'll down the smoke stack and drowned the fires. The engineer, Others liuve special "vulues Jor widely beveled block wlthbut danger of an Charlie says, Just avcntel tbe explosion of the boiler In time by opening tfioy'ijlioMld ho glvrn a separate list- - Injury from flying pieces of silvers, . the safety val vet says. Popular Mechanics Magazine. .(rig thelft a not had troubles Ahd been then,though An Ideal block for this purpose Is Friits.' r. enough, they , drifted helplessly bafck to the side of the Texas! It seemed funny of'.coulse. time. this At t)f year, kljort piece saweil from the end of te be In a eiViall boat that might lnk any minute, bobbing danger.. wlnten npph's are at tlmlr best, ort Lalurge log with one side beveled, . eusiy against a big battleship and atlll not able to climb aboard. qnges nnd grapefruit amj tnngerlpes I leaving a projection on which to rest . They could have, ef course, but all knew sudden death was are at the height pf their seasba, ha one end of the work. etowiway on that hlp. Tho, ahelis were bound to hit her soon. as It waa on hia own boat He Charlie had a better chance-4slland for the shot that would throw him. waited shorts to stripped ' In the water, Charlie write: "And all the time An Inferno of shells fell sll around us. It was the most helpless feeling In Uie worjd. Tbs sort of feeling you get when' ah enemy air' fleet I dropping bombs on you or when an earthquake bits you. ' balaut-fi- ! biff atiells afq ftsm d!-f- . . s, J . . . - , -- . , dnaete-afterwar- d t, - p , - -- early-mornin- for of ((nine Fconoinire expu1d fur tfiv trur-ethe Ihih-a- f - IS A MERRY OLD SOUL t ! t ufl - . n ath-let- . px Gob 'Clihrlle Srazm-Charlie, ewe many, years .ot lone-somel- . Individual Problfena handiLegislation may lighten tbp caps of men a little, but it can (Jo nothing tot congenial inefficiency,. . in ple-nUfu- batth-ehlp- o - " tftBBON Py Furnvuft MeadUwg tyilhjteft - JOIN tti the Thfctf, tittle by tlttld, h tort ft control. 'Jack Dunn, tho manager, aboil ilanir so twtrvery retted jtbout hl change in Torn not discover tho ftaso good feaiona why ft agreed 4e Vake but could .11 Neither could the ml for ever hia apaers. of' knew We. uA . the pitcher th.at Clns sf thesd rsapbnt la t hit Itpra-vid- e one thoie lade ef wag "loner," 9 'id to' fira th'e chance thq get to whe keep', themselves, but strictly blow before reformer commence uch iypee rare lie the eiQt erg clasalfylrtg all 'below .the minors . , Jine" eleVehe afs. profesaloo-ltSo, wive eight rtef night we .The other reason la that I see him pick up a magazine would may thus by able to offer, tomb and head for his room almost as tight 'and encouragement' to those, iioo as dinner was over, w decid1936 an who see this rt.ew deal of . was probably he that ed, only e truly forward, ftep.ln Intercql-leglatkid whe was homesick. ' epuntry . , 'gthletic. Then we would start up our owa First It must be admitted that card games, or other nocturnal busieven the most .coland forget about him. ness, lege in th'e country. Is not fooling Dutinle, though, couldn't forget anybody taking a 'stand against the him. Thi was about challenge Southeastern Conference regulation that prbhlblts the buying of foot- te'the man- whe wae winning moree ball teams, on the hoof. There are iennanta and developing more ftarg than an) ether minor objections, eertalnly. We of southern football heard plenty in New league contemporary. Hg talked and Each time To'rli. But those Are taken with 6 talked to the' pitcher. lletened prom--a the pitcher Intently, smile, . . ed t d better. In the South. we feel that the Next day he would look as bad men In charge of .our Institutions aa ever, but when we watched him remember, fhia rule wa not adopt, sweat we an felt sorry- for him. ed by athletic directors or football coaches wrote lnto the books of We all knew this lonesome young-the Southeastern .Conference a ster was not kidding when he told measure with viilon when they le- how hard he wai trying to regain bis control and- make good. galized athletic echolarshipa. Ons night, when the training time was almost ended, I drove with ' Says Scholarships Exist Dunnle out past the ball park. The All Over, Though Denied moonlight vent vague shadows bought, ef the through the trees which turrounded the These scholarships are in existcounty Jaff g Hundred yards ence In all parts of the country. from, the park. Even though there will be denials, 'see It was a dismal scene. I say this. What Is the result! ands later it becatiie- even Fifty more dls- Nothing more than a football coach, malw'e started ducking bullets. , backed by business men with I dont like bullets but Dunhle money, and alumni, was Irritated. The Orioles were to fleid and literally going Into the an exhibition game the next play a team.football buying :and want anybody we. of the 8outh' are day . Perhaps ball- park.'. We Inhi up messing more frank and honest in. admit. . vestigated. ting the existence of this evil. And There on iecond base lat the It an evil, have no doubt of that It prohibits the college which county Jailer, what was left of a gallon of .corn whisky, and the ailla not backed by alumni from fair competition. It ing pitcher. The poor .hemeslck boy had told engenders and encourages the paid us the truth. He bad been trying, athlete. , bard. EaohnlgHt, after be. had taken Now Just what will be accom' new this by plished regulation hid magazine and wandered URstaira, be bad sneaked which the Southeastern Conference out back door. Theo, fbr hours the month that furnished adopted last would alt' ou1!, there be after room (hat and tuition for deservboacd, on aftcond with the Jailer and base ing boy q even If they are athletes! corn and practice anefthe the gun (First) It.will- completely elimcontrol by shooting a), the home inate the pal'd athlete. ' .. . . plated (Second) It yvill bring. aid to. . , , under the auperviaion of the thus Institution, Improving the ad. McQuilWs Alligator ministration. (Third) It will virtually end the Got iirWrjotig Betti . competition for boys, turning one from a college ho desires to attend Also I would like (o know If.tfaln to one In which he has no Interest, rides are as. exciting now as they' because the latters offer le better were years ago when. tbe. Giants than the formers. left their t. Augustine camp with The first step will be accom Zeke Barnes and' bis alligator. Zeke took a lot of pride In this pllshed by the simple process of ail athletic scholarships pet even though It measured only sending a through faculty board that rules seven inches long and was not much on all scholarships, regardless ol' for looks even for an alligator. He the qualifications. planned to give it a hice home out In Kansas after the aeaaon was In the past. It Is common knowledge, athletes have gotten Into all over, and he probably would have manner of schools by the most devi- done it, too. That la he would have ous routes because they were If HugMe McQuillan had no also financed and sponsored by schoo been a Giant. Uughle had Invested In tbe Flor supporters of great standing. Ida staple, too, and alligator proprietors are Just like horse owners. Academic Ability First, Whenever two of. them get together must be competition. So, since there Then Athletic Prowess and marathon beauty contests dances were out of the question, In the Southeastern Conference they decided upon a race. this will not happen. A mans athBeta were drawn and a letic qualifications will be Judgec contest was In sight only after he ha proved to the fac- when the younger Barnes became ulty that he la a worthwhile pros- worried. To convince himself that pect as a student. everything was all right he decided workout In Finally, there will be established upon an through these athletic scholarships the aisle of the Pullman. a means of admitting a boy who Three minutes later tbe air was hasn't the means at hia own com agitated by one of tbe most mag mand to attend the college he really nlflcent renditions of free and fancy wants to attend. All of os in our comment that It has ever been the Uvea have known boya who went to good fortune of any ball player to one school when they really want bear. The alligator had broken loose ed to go to another. They went only and bad not shown much sense even because trie undesirable college of for an alligator. fered better opportunity for aid With 24 bertha to pick from he In athletics than the one which they had crawled Into the one occupied wanted to attend. by John J. McGraw, free-spendin- a ape Until tbe fresh apric.otsf,. plums, pears and pineapple, or the berries and grape are In fonnon agalii, there are canned fruits of all kinds, and there are also the drlPd fruits with their more concentrated food values. Moats, Poultry, Egg and Fish. Muscle meats, whatever the kind of pul; Vave about the same food values. Liver, kidneys, hnd other organs P euent animals are still more nirtrltlmi. aitd se are eggs and some kiwis o( Itafu . . rea and Cereals; TLne (nflaa fiojir,- eora meal, rice, macaroni, spaghetti, , and- various breakfast cero.-ils- , at well as bread, Cfnckw-e(pid ether takery goods. M fs a good thing to n?e sorpfe whole-grai- n oereitls, to juaHe the- jnost of ' the values ef h ene-roo- No matter how many inedlclne you have tried for your cough, xihest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. erlous trouble may bo brewing and. a Chance you cannot afford to take Creomul-elon, with anything less than . which goes right to the cent of the trouble to aid nature to. soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-ladphlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even If other remedies, have failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist Is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund1 your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. . pet Creomulsion right now, (AdvJ.. r-- g el the start ef train- "paid at'hldtea I iwturally.wae delighted. 4 atlH Yeeldhqt way you-"hav- 4 ft ha s, in.! fe the M'arjdr Ym, , ttil.tf tote lot f bigh lvf titurf , loot Ywi dont Jifed fc a gt sir-reUncle-Sain Na VTotill. Thme foe their murilitft value a to ihe par Sfat yrntfinr High I when (Iculaf rotilrilmfioii they umVe tw e ;uxt about ai'mtvdj actio in 'jvcici. tisnra thesr a 4 Joiuesick Kdokie Lost Control ; No Help tfr Sautheabter ipptv. 11 VY ff rente took'lte stand eoncern-in- g UsT-peache- ftiwi' e . . e . ftlltirttlHd Mid Diet ti MaLifliJ a. , ing,, lie. had a fast ene that van Lefjty Grove a f rifle envious and whes he bent a hook across the eorpee aaefi eelebrated hitters ds Sherry ftragee and Tilly Walker merely etooift beside the plate sad woaiWFbiJ what bad happened, . lew-hun- That Hang On - Ireat pYamlse aft the Food Money to Get Full Food Value '.letljrty full m It 44cCO uppn me. pnoe a.hasebdll vrltef, iflwiwjr basrtxiir writer. I aiq plo-fn- g I be off te Florida whore 'US clubs ooA,' il) be .training .and where kft rhatry things bappea that ar a'oV ssqall $rtotc4 W the jv . . . ; per ft Vant fte tirtff. but, ter 'tnMhnoe, If there ttlif are pitchers euch e tfcre ene h tr1n4 with the CtoU eles ydre age. J lank-- youngster Iref fbe lloob-worbelt, this .pitcher had straw n. . , J. g ego they 'educaiifth temple s Uj higher tion heradsebne of thihor important wUtt. roufi i had,,defidet ( foh to vpenly' uite attitude tpwar it fbofi ball pbligatiou. Jt ugh. Bradley, hat distupf the atked a Souther teacH-tJrgtn that and breaks hdve'comq' rapt tuck an enlightened deal, 'fir reasone apparent la gt least, will mart aotlefe 'presideKtsthf tnamp phoney. , .J itied here-i- s iopiq Mason-DixQ- A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help cf oil. irVl a . . ' i . ' . , k'dvenliftrefsCiiib I t LeiDijie Mentor By M. . ftlyet IpetCd nly IJaJpwsft and knprevbf base-o6a.H- ' . . . facdrbd eifiee. av "-th- fate ciy tVomefr tAoufef .w -- 7 . '..." RfMYIBBON& Buffeting ttiWsv'iAYYo.Mh-AU- - f e ;ARE IUGHT - I S eg 4oy; blr ftieal, bud e fhattdr Paom.dlve en, wherever Se goea,,hifjLult are. regarded The eye. aalprb "Once .wlthtolerynt DodgerJ 'glwdyft ;k bod,Wv I hi ftroMctfoh gnd hly alibi. Verhaps ali'!ll .k hU. shirt 1 s forget .tiraC For hajr, bgt Sbiue hours ft have liben Hlleft with the cause vague unrest .shift or.Jt bVccnub Vlcad.. The stamp hi t ; 4he diydH ln.ls that scan! Vme.6y patching ,, 1 something atraut tetes.Whp tpU ' k,tn A Vthe weekly News THERE1. 13 Um Jh1 Amer,;, Discovery of a large where prehistoric . games weje playei 800 ar, ., ,, announced at Flagstaff, " Harold S. Colton of Ari?., ,y j,t Northern Arlzofla. The discovery, proftwanv , In?, was made in Vvtlj-vnear Flagstaff J)f idpt upej.fio of the Museunk'and Arii,,u .Teachers College FUgtu.T, tF,i . McGregor. . . by J. . 'The find surprises archV-ty-- a, t,.' cause never before fca if Ued tfint baH.gamesMiaiVinal ;om . ef Mayas, Azjev eni ulfj isll;lU)t . fit Mexlco-jve- rp .pcpiria? ffVfr wide, an area, of ancient A nieili-aThe game court now tematni .. jori, ml ap oval bewl.bouf K with feet .45 'wide, . allghtly jointed eads. .The sloping sides, Doctor Col don said, moist hays fceen Leo vF 'eight feet high, and the floor wai ., . :. : lum-he- s the. offl-rers.- to !0-fA- te . ' "... t . boum-UeuS'- Mii-- - h-- e - t r that-lifted-ou- . h 12-ln- ch - one-alxt- h, ens-tKht- h, ooa-aUt- t. . - ' e . f . , - '. thcy-eoul- t ..,: ut t fr :.,.. - m f e Heading for Mid-Ocea- n and Nothing to Save Them. "After wbat seemed boors under firs, but wbat was no doubt only half an hour or so, our boat slipped around tbe Texas and tbe heavy wind and waves drove us out of range. Boy What an escape I But It wasn' sn escape after all. There we were' ln half swamped boat beading for the middle of tbe Atlantic ocean ! "And w couldnt do a thing about It We figured the ships bad given us up for lost by this time and believe ms ws wore a ; sad lot on that drifting launch. All ws did was bail and hop and . hop and balll Soon tbs bulk of tbe old Texas was swallowed up ln tbe mist and thats when Charlie did think It waa Davy Jones' Locker for all of them, lie started figuring how big the ocean was and bow small he was am Lloyd's would have given s hundred to one on the ocean. Tbe shooting finally stopped ln tbe distance and except for tbe swishing of tbe waves against tbs boat and around tbe feet of ths occupants all was silent tbs silence of the gravel Well, sir, Charlie goes on to tell bow, Just as they bad abont given sy hope of ever being found, a sharp prowed destroyer suddenly knifed tbe wavee within a few feet of tbelr launch. A yell went op from every voice on that launch. They were sighted, a rope thrown to them and soon ths destroyer landed them safe and sound on tbe old Rhode Island And If that, boya and glrla, la ths sort of thing that can happen la peace times lets bops ws won't be dragged Into tbe next war. . WNU Leap Year Law le 1228 An act, passed In 1228, by tbe Scottish parliament, was to tbs effect that in every Leap year any maiden eonld propose to ths man ef her choice; and, farther, that the man so honored was bound, under threat of a fine, to accept Only If be could definitely prove himself to be already "bespoken eonld ha escape either a fins or bis fats. 5 peak Lew Cermaa la spoken by the la northern Germany, also ln Belgium and Holland, ax cept In ths French and Frisian districts of ths Low Countries, and Is closely tilled with the low Franconian, spoken ln ths northeastern corner of Rhenish Prussia, and ths adjoining Flemish and Dutch Low German Platt-Deutsc- b Here's Very Fast Way ? ; to Aikalize . . Away Acid-Indigesti- on Amazingly Fast Relief Now from Acid Indigestion Over Indulgence, Nausea, and Upsets relief you want really quick IFfrom an upset or painful stomach condition arising from acidity following amoking, mixtures of foods or stimulants just try this: over-eatin- teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a 2 full glass of water. OR of Milk Magnesia Phillips Tablets, the exact equivalent of the liquid form. Take 2 This acts almost immediately to alkalize the excess acid in the stomach. Neutralizes the acids that cause headaches, nausea, and indigestion pains. You feel results at once. Try it AND if you are a . 2? Ji acid frequent sufferer from Milk use of Phillips' stomach, Magnesia SO min tiles after meals. Youll forget you have a stomach! 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