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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH hore D. JAMES U O Talk! AWiI TOODLE-OO- The Mind Meter o Mbic The Completion Test. individ ual who has given the reduction of weight any serious thought or study has learnec that starchy foods potatoes, THE FIRST SPINACH stateIn this test eight Incomplete be can ments are made. Each one four the of one completed by adding words given. Underline the correct By GLUYAS WILLIAMS one. , . It Is only recently that they are realising that liquids, while not storing fat, nevertheless are held In the body 'by the fat and so greatly Iherhsse the total weight of the body. Thus, while knowing that water Is needed by the body for a I regard them as spoils of war taken In my first engagement". 1 wonders whaY yhis new Food IS KlOtriER HAS also tasyk it warily . 5lVN No, thanks ! lays SPOON lav-enda- DOWN HASTILY The Rio Grande flows Into the Pacific ocean, Cnrrlbbean sea, Gulf of Mexico, Bay of Blscayne. fl. The modern birth stone for January Is bloodstone, hyacinth, pearl, agdte. 7. The (hand canyon Is lo'cated tn "You say the Flaps are going to Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Ne ' ' move?" . ada. . I think so ; They have begun te 8. Thfe state haring 'most squaxe ' scratch matches on the. walls." i miles' of water 'surface Is North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Mlhnesota GOOD SHOWINQ- ' . How Nature Uses It . Striking-- examples of how ns-- , ture uses stored fat can be seen In animals such as the bear whose .body Is covered with fat In the autumn and while It sleeps during the winter this stored fat supplies the body wltb nourishment By spring the bear la quite lean again. Another example Is where a very fat fish, during certain periods of Its yearly life, eats nothing whatever, yet Is kept alive during these, periods because Its body uses up this deposit of fat which It has. accumulated. It Is agreed by nutrition experts that the average Individual who does not do hard phyalcul work should, eat about one part protelds i meat, eggs, fish to two parts fats butter, cream, fat meats, egg yolks to four parts starchy foods, vegetables and fruits. When real hard outdoor work Is being done the amount of meat, eggs and fish should be Increased. What about the overweight Individual who, of course, does little or no work of any kind? Instead of eating two parts of fat foods to one ' part of protelds he or she could cut down the fat foods by half and also cut down the starch foods by half. WSHK 80WL AWaYTo $Wv' REAU2ES WifH SiNKlNS HEARt ' 1b MOTHER'S SALES TALK 0 HOW 600D SPINACH IS FOR . - ' WifHOUf INtERESf LISTENS if Of WHAT WE THINKS TERMlNED . . . ftAY MOfHER SEEMS DE -- . - BABIES . ezl;. - 1 - ' !fuCElWAKD ?1UL ' f last . . . . S. happily not realizing thumb, H15 LlYETiME . 7. ' fOMfoRYS HIMSELF BY SU0KIN6 - dot downs if AU Af . . . WORSE l&All M .?S0NFl)l ) BATl TO AVOID "Uows his credit?" "It must be good; I understand, THE FEATHERHEADS By IB Vsateftt OiWns Ntwtnaner I WISH WE HUH? COULD AWAY Go THE FATHER OF THAT WISH 2 WHO WAS Exchange He couldnT lists CoULttff - For. he owes everybody money." He it A WHILE., . 6 HOME TIES DECIDE WHElHe UTV4E SUIT WAS n BACK? 1 ' THAtl WORTH' WORE THE FELiy; SIGNING OFF Are talking r--p U ABOUT TAKING A RUM DWM 50UTH f y whats WAMT To fHE HoTglS ARe rop towels? RUMnimcs- - the iamd THEY whatever, they The reasoM -Tour .they are ASAIt i I . TALKimG . they short ABOUT-TAKIN- a last A least six, sir. Patient I suppose' you'll allow me a discount on. the half dozen, doctor? . NOT REGISTERING r Here . vez aw . . X . Nk. fe Yei smure A LUCKY LAI "Why do you start to laugh . now?" "I'm Just beginning to tell a funny ' story." "Youre getting It off backwards,, . Afee .Vez . . Bayer Aspirin o ..Cia'l Eat .'Em end Have Em "Ga on, Johnnj, eat up your crusts. There may come a day when youll hp glad of them." 0. K. Then .Ill save em' Jill ' hen." . . WITH A Prof Knew Doe . .Doctor Guber;iea An awful lo,t of girls are stuck on me. Professor Cornpone They must be an awful lot.. . Tblomr.n LANTERN I tbe little CoImdu Luton with the bl brflliuee. It light butontlj end to lwyi nedy (or THIS X ' LUCKy? -- sw NOTHlMfr WOE dear boy." NIBBLE. NIBBLE . A Careless One He YeuJre .gohd at conundrums, . try this one. She Sure, go ahead. .ne Take away my first letter, take.atfay my second letter, take away .all my letters, and I am still the samei. What am I? She Thafk easy,- Youre a Milwaukee Medical Times. mail-carrie- r. Poor Burglar . CbleL"1Yhlle I was out with some of the boys the 9ther night a burglar broke lntb our house. Yeoman Did he get uj Jnet the tight from motor gooollnfc Itto e Clg T o w1th ef dnudebl lighting twice, for only tML WI Y0ULeDi?.," " LAMP AND STOVE CO Lee Angolm, Cnlif Dept. WU150. Wichita, Kuej Pe. 111.1 fhiladelphin, (MHf Chicago, THfi COLEMAN j THE POOR RICH anything? Chief Fll say he did my wife thought It was me coming home. Pennsylvania Keystone. YOU CAN ALWAYS depend on $UT IT CO ULD wowa WoR NEW I CAR-MIN- iROKE UP wrecked a brand TED FooT WILL LOSS MY MY CLOTHES GoT ALA CO" MY JOB WON'T DE ABLE An- dTo Go To THE 1 Mr. Mouse Yes, we are very happy, weve moved next door to a cheese factory. "rd never have married you WRIGLEY'Si QUALITY AW- D- That JUST GAZING AWAY Something "Do you have much variety at Well, we ycur boarding house?" have three different names for the s Magazine. meals." Tit-Bit- Lwrigley's 'mm fast The point then Is that because a has disagreed under any of the above circumstances It should not be condemned until It has been found to disagree a number ol times." food PERFECT GUM 6 W ultra Nttcpr clear night, isnt It?" "Yes, all the starfish are out." "A beautiful, Servlet (tales ex- cept for your money." "Yes, thats another disadvantage In having wealth." Movies TonicH- T- eaten at dinner was blamed when really the offending substance was taken Into the body with luncheon or break- WNTJ ea Rarely Happen knows where dew who iexpect lives of Joy with': .Ali comes from? ' , Bpy The earth turns sp fast It out winning it believe in miracles. perspires. a Or the, food for the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about it in comparison with Genuine Bayer Aspirin. We say this because, before the ' discovenr of Bayer Aspirin, most pain remedies were ad- -. vised against by physicians as being bad for the stomacn; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery Aspirin largely changed medical practice. of people . Countless thousands who have taken Bayer Aspirin year in and out without ill effect, have proved that the medical findings about its safety were correct. Remember this: Genuine Bayer Aspirin is rated among the fasted methods yef discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . , and safe for the average person to take regularly. . YoU can get real Bayer Aspirin at any drug store simply by never asking for it by the dame aspirin alone, but always, saying BAYER ASPIRIN when you buy, Devr Tell Teacher-Wb- SUIT 0 dessert Skipped Hie Tub Old Lady to Old Tar Exp use me do those tattoo marks wash off?. Old Tar I cant .6ayi lady. Strayt Stories Magazine. DEFORE you take any prepara-- " lion you dont know all about, THE time he Doctor You' ard suffering Worn a complication of diseases, sir at f, Foods That Dlaagres. Now that It Is generally known that certain foods cause skin Irritation, others pain In the abdomen, others hay fever, asthma and eczema, a new word allergy has come Into use. Allergy means being sensitive to certain foods. Patients often,, however, avoid foods because they disagree" with them when It may be other foods or circumstances that cause distress. Alvsrex and H. Drs. Walter Corwin Illnshaw, Mayo foundation, Rochester, Minn point out that the patient may well be mistaken when he 6tates that he cannot eat some particular food. Perhaps the fish was blamed when really the culprit was the tartar sauce, the cottonseed oil In which the fish was fried, or the pie that was eaten for Preparations . Answers-Magazin- he--. one-hal- f, IteaJ action Is In silent moments. The. epochs of our life are not la the visible facts of our' choice. of. a calling, our marriage, our acquisition of An office, and the like; but In a. silent' thought by the wayside as we walk e id a thought Which, revises our manner of life and says, "Thus hast thou done, but- it were better . thus." Emerson. Se Whet. He to Dd?. "Are you In tlie habit Of. ppeaklng-tgirls you ddn't know?" "Yes, . The girls I do know wont speak te me." IN A HOTEL WEEK ", " bet DOK'T LEFT A ' . THpY . The Filcwas . . "The after dinner oftp Is my favorite hour of the entire Sunday." "I .thought you didn't. sleep after dinner." v "I dont, but my wife does." , well-- Arizona. Minnesota, ' ' AMD EI.AMKET SILVERWARE ( JEAR. cause the body processes can make use of the stored fat for their various needs. The point then Is that with the knowledge now In possession of overweights there Is no reason why every one of them (except the 2 to G per cent whose overweight Is due to s gland disturbance) should not get down to normal weight In from three to twelve months. I have seen a girl weighing 180 pounds get her weight down to 150 pounds In three months by cutting down her her fats by liquids by and her starches by one quarter, keeplpg up, however, her full amount of meat, eggs, and fish. one-hal- .From Your Doctor if the Pain Remedy You Take Is Safe. Dont Entrust Your eh-tir- lf Is Find Out Own or Your Familys Well - Being to Unknown Sijent Moments in Which We My Review. Our. Doeds Cutting Down Fat Foods. on This cutting down by one-hafat foods can be done snfely by ovcrwetghta for the same reason that animals can do without any at certain times; that ' , ' food Answers X. Secretary of the fnterlbr.. 2. Carson City. , Greek orator, . 4. Pale green.- - ' . ) . 5. Gulf of Mexico. , Hyacinth, -- r. 5. that they do . Tlmes-Rec-or- SURE SIGN pur not need to drink much water, because the body will use the extra wa ter held In the fat tissues as It Is needed. These over weight Individuals have learned one other thing, ant Or. Barton that Is that while fat foods blitter, cream, fat meats, fat fish, egg yolki do not store fat In the same manner or to the anme exetent as starch foods, nevertheless they do help to store fat, and prevent the tissues of the body front ' being worn, or used as rapidly as .they otherwise would be. Rut one of. the big points overweights, have not fully realized Is that If they cut down on the fat foods by as much as 00 per. cent, Jiist eating a little butter or cheese or drinking a little milk, the body will use for Its needs the fat they have stored In the' body, thus tie-- creasing gradually their store of fat and so their weight. e hlckey-ma-doodl- . . number of poses, they know k L Harold L. Ilckos Is the present of secretary of treasury, secretary secreof the Interior, war, secretary tary of labor, 2. The capital of Nevada Is Helena, Carson City, Reno, Denver. 3. Demosthenes was a famous But W Mutt Continue Roman lawyer, Greek orator, Greek "Making the world safe. What football a physician, Notre Dame It never was. phrase player. 4. The color, chartreuse, Is brilliant red, sky blue, pale green, didn't you return Charlie's ring and presents 7 Why brehd, sugar, and pastry-st- ore up most of the excess fat on the Ody., ., Now were all set, Just turn the Jigger over and push on the hlckey with your left hand and pull down on the other little with your right, then press down the doodad with your foot and pull the thingumbob at the same time, and when It starts you push down on the doofunny with yonr left foot and yank the umptydlddy back, then let up. on the footdlngug and put your other foot on the ; and dont forget to push down the hootnanny every time yon move the whatyoumaycalllt, and youll be hunkydorey, see? Troy Jim-crac- . tj'VERY overweight ' By LOWELL HENDERSON WNU Service e Ml Syndicate W. BARTON 0rwlfc u f Why Is It So Difficult to Teach the Mrs. to Drive? l iMllifl. li)ii(:irmDtCI - |