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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH Going Out of Ourselves to Refresh Our Thoughts man being. And tiit'y were Immov-bleowing to the etlieacy of the the crowd, , now gathered In the McIntyre Sees 1936 as ' lounge. Year of Super-Thrill- s fastenings. How old was the young man? Rout toueti nn. thine," said the he asked. poctor Richardson tells us there The, year 10.1G Is going to be one Ruckle. and twenty-foso wholesome capable for Ret ween twenty-thre- e an acMnji.e it's all of super-thrill- s jg nothing and vast excitements. right, and maybe It isn't. N doubt ur," as to secure rest by varieanswered Perilla. tive mind most The I firmly believe, exciting, Mrs. Maldeu will take her Iodine stains inay bo removed from Have you known him long?" work. A man can do five or party live ever Old nawe shall ty of through. right back home. Id better go and more than he expects if he white cotton or linen If stnlns are tions No, but he was my brothers six times new nations die and may may report this to her. Lord, what an friend, and often was at the house." soaked In a solution of ammonia and be horn. varies his work. I have found that may be in flames, Europe one awful like to seem Did own he thing! you life. P.y varying water, a teaspoon of ammonia to a and unless we watch our step we to be so in my Put, Buekle, it can t be foul who would commit suicide?" obtains fresh spirits, man a work pint of water. j,l9 may find ourselves tinder In the conone last nol The play, Good you know" heavens, for the powers renewed duties and suming blaze. Bob was too No, Mr. Field, know I should suspect! Always use canned plnonpple In of daily life. Id like to be the medium of transthat. Rut the people Mow nstalrs fond of life." gelatin mixtures. If fresh ptneupple parency for a little more sweetness There is so much that Is discouragmedimust be told at om After Field left with the $ir. Garth Is used the mixture will not congenl. lu the world, nnd light but I dont like the looks ing and depressing will know Just What to to said Perilla man cal Garth, a sometimes must we go forth, as of To me Its a black picture that What do you think, Roger?" lawyer, and he a wise one. Coer If fruit onku lnvomes very hard It nndthings. out of ourselves for fro consolement I can offer the it were,' only "Not enough data to work on yet," cun lu wrapped hi a cloth saturated young fellow; Mr. iVWs ;ia ,kce Is that Im usually wrong. 0. O. thoughts and fresh air. The greatnata like seems Garth returned. It chap." with orange vr spiced pctu-- Juice est workers, when they go out for a McIntyre In Cosmopolitan. I Hkfi? litm. We oniit lock ural death. I hope It will prove to be es, und stored Jn an air tight bo. not are find idle; they rest holiday, ft this door, Mike, so juvni ii4Ve to something of that sort; we dont of occupation. Life is too hy change more ttagle deaths. J want any stand and vale If Veep by hard it can bo guard. Youll Grping Right Moment eery short to admit of Idleness lu anyclear for the can we way keep be can all of us make our lives We hope soon relieved as Into made the pudding by Ersklne Clarke. jsdlce body to lie get Stone, ought Fleming get here." steaming drt tuUiuia's Tn double boiler, sublime by seizing on occasions and soon aftdr." noon or ' here about Is Whir daughter-in-lanot "Since the Ud serving my ltb any detdml making them great. Orison Sweet police? queried t.Tickle. CHAPTER VII Continued False Attempt Rut If Diwtor Crime orders us tomorrow I Rut we ought tv call a doctor at she said, at ssueehome, 12 ku'ij, creamy, foamy or frwlt. Marden. Rrldes are still kidnaps? fg to have the police iu at once, wt5 e Mrs. to Lovell. with shall owe." so go me hold stay All but dont right, bridegrooms in some parti .f l.jitni-do it," m9ft of A "Yotiiv course, takes Pcrijlss place. few Might colofed flowef pot, Vflll She, right, sat, l 8T. closely. I can't breathe f with pursuit by parents They waited ihostly la silence fos with a Utuvlsstm bulb planted In With an unmoved countenance you look alter It?' I cant help It Just to have you1 never succeed Jr; but they the doctor. When he came down his each, et on the window sjll In Ihe near meand now, to hold you In Tony listened to heav how Stone t Buckle went thr illnhig face was very grave. awkward up with the groom. mo. my arms oh. Perilla, do give me would get out of this living j'oofi will, when Uw bulbs loom, and going atmUtn to Perilla, "ItS a queer thing, he da hi, 1n1! blossom, glvi cob if ttrt dmirgtlnrk to careStohe Rut tnent wild, merely a grain of hope I Do 6ay that after, said, I have ti lc;l you, Madame, 1 flint no sign of any hfart weak-nes- ' til VOOIIW a long time after a year, youll lessly ; that Mr, (Arte pushed his lu . No, Mr. toveil cannot have you. yet there "'Is no lgu 6f any- e let me tell you sleep." There was actually noththing When Maple lrup becomes cloudy t?t(jp It, Rob. If you talk like hr fuct, she does not want yoil. She "What?" ing rhe matter with that lad ; lo was set Jt over tin.' Tiro until It halls, then that I wont let you talk to tpe t deeply resents yotic attitude toward Yes, we found Mm 'Mil I A tils sound from heatj to foot." take It off the lire and let mad, all, until after a year. Now, be- Ierllla Add fhe doesn't care to en- B(M. 1 nj at your ordeio, but J . Well, then?" Mnlcolm spoke have yourself. Take that look oft tertain you. Youwlfl pardon my think the flit (uvestlly p call p Utrl.e sharply. Dont heat fudje as soot aa It Is your face and Just grin now,;a gay- speaking so plainly, but If yofii are doctor." Then. I .dont Know whaMs say. the-ArYou will llnd It er grin there, thats better. Now, staying 16 New York i think It bet Walt, Buckle. I'otjie ;re h Is It is too much for nte. Im ivo de-- ' taken front each we understand other.' ter that If first put be much' creamier me will over take there by Rosy.' dead?" "The gas on my slomatfi ' tectlve and If I werel doqht If I into a cold You certainly make yourself fUsy was so bad i could not und then Rob managed to control himself beaten, I bowl, am ute. could Yes, Sirs. Malden, eat or Bleep. Even ijf and even 8olvq this puzzle. the grin In the way.er to tmderstnTid, sold tiie bid lady, Then ft few moment can heart hurt. A friend sugdelay Even considering outside possNaturally, I am.no morp in- do no harm. Send t telegram, flrsh Never M tut flower In A draft. gested Adlerika. The first dered, and dirty deposited Ferjlla by dryly. dose I took brought ms lie couldnt Field, said than ibilities," bs she Mrs. in I,ovell If side 1 the terred of her. hostess. of all, to Mr. Stone, asking him to you do you will find they will soon relief. Now tat ss I wish, I9 no weapon 1 Write For Spring Catalog w Ut. sleep fine and never fefl a session with In me, but for family reasons we Come as soon as hi enn Walt, I hjive been shot. There been Ive having . better."- -' Mrs. Jos. Fillet. In the room." sort of any. must your very nice husband,, she said Then," said. Garth, "It Is one of What are your plans, as to Mgal Adlerika acts an BOTH upper and to Rosy, and as I'm not su,re I Place a hot w uter bottle lu the while bowels laxative ordinary these, 'locked room problems so fro lower asked Tony, who clothes basket when hanging out-anremembered my manners you tell proctedlngs? act on the lower bowel only. Adlerika him I quent In' tire detective stories." tn clothes in cold weuther. It thapk hint tots for his good could repress h'la curiosity , no U. S- - Certified Pullorum Its all of that, snld Hay, '"and taking gives your system a thorough cleansing, w IU keep the Itatnls warm, advice. Hes a dear, and so are yoa longur. 1 matter out Mr, what old, some. that poisonous womUr then bringing I think we must let such quesTested Chick To Jet a wild horde to descend on make of It. You see, .Rob you would not believe was in your sys. Stpne'wlll said until tomorrow," liver wait tions fchvlnk home woolen utilize and. If you .whlloj your why, stockings Wliit tem and that has been causing gas l.tsWrn,, Rhode 1,'lmd Rl, went upstairs with the rest of us. I Farman, not unreasonably. Madame lts tliein through the walUrrtd tlymaulh llock,, far immediat unprecedented". put washing, nervousness sour and stomach, to his him 'room myself, pains, showed llcidiiuartrrs' for llart lii My,' what ft big word j Id do is wonry, and we Are all tired from ter again and while still wet pqt, ililirrrr. fur headaches for months. him how to work tiro win- showed brooder, lutiint artiOcUl, r tank ride. a train ! long them on s stocking stretcher, anything to be unprecedented tan ht nurd anjrwhrr. .Aba iht ' gu, a trifle dows Dr. H. Shoub, New York, reports: complicated they're ; . .. Kidlant. Phcn. writ ar Stone, agreed to this, and after It. Now, I think Well, "In addition to intestinal cleansing, soon we youre showed him tire snap lock and the Inform-- J ' frlcira .and compUt wlr' (or an appointment to meet, hq ' be much will mast making tie Tvvlflo .bundles ' tightupstairs. going atlo'n. Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria arid then 1 left him. lock, key said went and and good night Sure you have ropm for ps all? Tony er and wlir Amt slip' when knots are and colon bacilli. RA'MSHAW irATCtt FRIES We have to agree with Doctor home. Tony was staying at a hotel, iitnda lf It Is dafupeiied before using. Toads room. "Nonsense! Ive of 1187 Bo. Btal fit. Balt Lakt City, tintGive your stomach and bowels a REAL a must have it been, Crane that XVNtf Htrvlctfs AatHU'lnte This place was built primarily as declining to make use of Stone's and how HATCHERY see Adlerika TIMJANOCOa with ? . I cleansing l. I..S urnl denth,' brought alrout by an un to start bow? hospitality any longer, though Stone a 'Want house. SSI Booth 7th Eait relieves guest Proto, Utah one feel. Just spoonful good you suspected weakness of the henrt . Kxcrtise flml Study I)t to stop on your relurn had never fulled In cordiality. GAS and chronic constipation. Bold He died alone, .and, presumably, Stone was awakened the nest trip, llay, yob look after the men. ot Altecl ailUVs Sleep by all druggists and drug departments. while asleep. What else could It be morning by the entrance of his man, but heurt failure? He certainly had vrWM.ll Jt-v- i V' bringing a telegram. His heart grew CHAPTER VIII . Tlio.qut'stbm. of whether or li.ot exno- - ope' could and no enemies hero, read he irljHl as It: HOSTELRY NEWEST SALT LAKE'S concent rated Wag Curtailed. active oq plity get in at these windows, cither of. tremely reRob Coles .died during thfi night. Isfit it a fact that a muzzled dug before ROUT the time that' members ft child by shortly them, nor could lie get out again. 'A study Come at air does not wag his 'tall ns often an of Perillas motor party tu'rued Mysterious conditions. 0 Our lobby Is delightfully tiring affects the lids sleep need long Indder would hove lieen needed summer months as Use soon. cooled as or once (he possible. And during tenchers for an unmuzzled ope?the trouble out the lights mothers. night af aud even then a man could not get. r.ot Radio tor Every Room A Se'ottstowul, Ohio,. Fleming Stone own Judgment, about Lotting Lovells longer, for H Is answered with ally narrow ' those openings." through Bathe 200 R ooma-2- 00 Dr. and Toiiy Gaskell were waiting in know. Perhaps she will go to see Glddlfigs by (lletiyllle five Inches, sir," said the' ubtborlly Exactly but Coles. Perilla' everywell, Mrq. CenNew York eity lu the Grand ln.."Ymtr Childs Sleep,", an article inetlculbus Ruckle. No . tral station. Waiting to weicbme body' Bhocked beyond words. . Ilygvla. do Doctor what you In Crone, "Well, ' a of unwelcome visitors, and looking plans till" you come. Hurry. The group of sleep patterns while we fof a wait May say? Garth." none too, pleased about It, either, twelve children were recorded by an' Fleming Stone, or must we.e'ull the an for order Vltone an retelephoned device on Ivighls when tliey That afternoon Tony had electric police at once?' In' these activities ceived a telegram that Madame airplapei hhd a light breakfast aud, Well, 'Its this- way, Mr. Held." bad participated Malden and the lawyer, Fariiran, hastening U the aerodrome, was normal on nhd 'Comparison nights. The old man shook his head slowly', to Scottstown. of the two pewould arrive at' midnight, and that soon oil his sky 'trip tire patterns sleep Ha Said. ' "Its a Queer Thing." ' "Ive been coroner here a long time. ft' 4 the aushowed she would expect to be entertained cdncluslvely, riods oil never back I've rity duty gone death was will write It." Perilla scribbled her Lf Maldenfi. Corey To quickly relieve whde .the Unit Mrs. Intensive Corey Maiden, study of by HOTEL' yet, and 1 guess I cant begin now. thor says,, and mysterious, Rob Coles message. and that hotel or off, Intensive a would strangq at There, school get up ieqaons their put 'chapping! and roughnesaAl lawyef such' be I tell Rut you wont' there. I then eall a doctor. Or will you do s lot of Mrs. Corey Malden being Sway taking oft was even more so. apply toothing, physical exetcMe In the late nftef time, after ail. Ite getting had Rosecroft at gathMentholatum. Lovells that. Rosy?. Everybody asked the noon .or early evening by .normal from borne, Topy cooling on to ten or eleven oclock now, and ims no tfpprcdnhle effect "IU do It . snid. Hilda, and while-theIf they would receive Madame 'Mai ered far ai early breakfast with one children . Rates S1.50 to S3 .00 sheriff .may mosey along, was vacant! Jumped up and wept to the on Ihel.r . uleep, den,, but at this Ellen. Lovell re- exception. Bobs place the from . Columbus sooner, police Tito Ilolrl Torn pin Square ha a and after a time Rosy Rimt the belled.. won't arrive before late afternoon highly dralrahln, frlrndlyIt I ram la, third-'floo- r on Ierlhis knock advised1 waitress pp Dont 'lunch, tq hohse that Take Into will alwajroflnd W Marvjr Earlier my viper fay Have yam tried the or so. Mebbe your Mr. Stona will and aunremolr romfurtabla,tbno-fordoor. Rut th? m'uld returned, lla. Just ask him te come ImmeKIW MZXTKSLATUM LIQUID avthat slandered my daughter 1 she the In the United States today a even gt here first. See what ! thproaglily aararahlo.You can answer. she had is case up as the untleraland why thla hotel lai far kaad cold? urgent." diately, exclaimed; I should say not! Take saying come erage Bg'o at marriage Is 21.7 yenfs and mean? Ill call'em, they'U Iik Mwdkaiatum ointment Buckle Is In the Mil ; send him HIGHLY RECOMMENDED When Hilda returned all listened when her where you ihoose, Tony,- Ship' ' they get ready, and they dou't' fof women nnd 21.8 years for limn. H brinjo soothing comfort Yon can aloo appreciate why , said. was Perill. to all while there told. Richmond Buckle send or her up, to her baqk work so everlustln' fast, anyhow.'' Today; women ihnrry' four, .months ' . It's a mark of distinction to atoft few mo- tell .Buckle returped In ' to a lunatic asylum, but my doors That's all right, doctor," said' earlier and, men eleven months earat UHs beautltul hostelry no 1 I and answer; sold got to saying, Heart ments, admit herP suppose," trouble, shall never open than they did 23 years ago. Coto lier on. that fact the ERNEST perilla, catching C ROSSITER, Afff. There hud nut been time to ac- no- sound from the room, at all , The Malcolm. "They say every other the old man had no Intention of' lliers,' . Inside." on the visitor with door Is locked person has It," quaint the would-bhustling the' strong arm of the iaw. I'll go, ".said Hay, lslng frbm this change necessitated In her But Perilla shook 'her head. She The day was a strange one,. Twice 1 . ?.' ;t i!J , Ji , Come on, Buckle. tilt i knew how free from heart trouble they had word from Stone and his j plans, so the men had .to meet her his place; I The two went, upstairs together with the news when the southern Oorey was, and. how he slipped away plane that he would arrive probably ' , , on. the door. and banged Be Sur They Property I She could nay Bob now train eftme In. , And her. from , four or five In the afternoon, gnut beand no was There Bay result, Cleans the Blood ecarceiy believe It. Though Intense . Eariy j the afternoon the sheriff,-lIt wajj late and they sat In taciI Shall we gan to look anxious. the until silence filter sorry for him, and fo.r tils moth- - John Glllmore, came. turn passengers Field took VOUR kidneys arc constantly be' skid, er, too, there wasnot the poignant him In break, down the door? I ing watte matter from tha blood appeared In the station waiting charge, and after showing vftvf doubtfully. to forward death, apd Perilla him the body and giving him the stream. But kidneys sometimes lag in went of Corey room. Tony greet grief Hr. Field? a ' intabout How window; their work do not act as nature felt .strong to ctpe with this new main facts, said, Do you know, I Madame Malden 'and found she ' ended-fail to remove impurities that with her a maid and a Or Is therfi any other dor?' had think It would be better all around brought . dabbt lf tragedy,; I and other No door, poison the system when retained. . and wduld the. V Crane Doctol besides said. . Hilda to shut up that room until Flenilug pompous nuTse, . Then you may suffer nagging backIn' you are not yourself window. a can by They be over at opce. .Perilla had been get you famous the lawyer. selMmportant Stone, gets detective, too or frequent ache, dizziness, scanty exhausted feeling quit too I That tired, Stone was Introduced. He In- all have patent fastenings that'pan silent; and it was evident froth what here. You know, hes going to help.. urination, gatting up at night, puifiness IT Is allissoduesimple, be regulated at any width of open to lack of s sufficiency of those precious under the eyes; feel nervous, miserablshe next said that, she considered it us. Then you and be start on your formed, them that Mrs. Corey Malcells and the whole body takes on but they cant' be mhplpulatqd ' e-all Just build up these oxygen-carryin- g work together." den was away on a long motor trip, lng, upset Important... Into Is turned outside." food . the . life . energy and strength . ..you cant really , new Don't delay? Use Doan Pill. I agree," and Sheriff CSlllnjore from which she would not return from want o ask,' Perilla snhl, restores deficient Tonic S.S.S. look feel better. and Doan's are especially for poorly func arid .a ladder g Buckle suggested Madame work. beamed. fQt 8everal weeks. see llkta him Id doctor the Whatever may say, and tliat the digestion. It has been the also It recom . Improves appetite kidneys. They are den was'extremely angry, and rant- brenking a window, Instead .of we do not call the police In until That Is, If the police dont get here - nations standby for over 100 years ... and unless your case Is excep- mended by grateful users the country ed and raved over Perlllae heart smashing the door. He found Mike, after Mr. Stone gets here. As you first Lf they do TU string along tlonal It should elp you, too, Insist on S.S.S. Tonic In the blood-re- d over. Get them horn any druggist said there who Fields z. on chauffeur, a the In size Is sufficient for two. cellophane-wrappepleasure going d .lessness doubtless know, be Is the most cel- with them." package, The big ladder was no enough." economical Its long of . (f) Tin S.S.S. Co. the her . more death soon , weeks treatment so after to nodded I and in Glllmore America. left ebrated detective llay trip And those, doors lock on the In- - want blm to husband. own his devices. Bobs investigate' I She had to go," Stone declared, Bide," went on Mike, and we cant death, whether It Is a natural death Shortly after, Stone came, and at I a Not hall. Mr te-the doctor ordered her to seek get at them from the or a suicide or a murder. Doctor once took possession of Bobs room. a that drlvenl lock, snap key, you know, Borne diversion, lest she be Crane will give blm his opinion, of "One o' them locked room puzInsane by your dreadful statements turns on the Inside." but lf, except for blm, we zles, hey, Mr. Stone?" and Glllmore course, I All right, then, said Buckle, can THE and Insinuations. I am glad she keep the room untouched, It almost chuckled at the thought of better go back and report to wlll be of Immense assistance' to what a treat this wed It she her for might is away, fe$l would be to tbe Mr. Field." Mr. Stone. I'm not knocking your detective. duty to have you at her home." All right," said Hay. Cant you Mr. Man," she said, Hoity-toit"Yes, sheriff," said Stone. Whats police force, Hay, but since Mr. the whole lock, Mike?" is at present employed by me your opinion V Stone peering Into bis face with sharp, cut out tools." some Til get Yes, sir. eyes. Who are you who has I feel justified In asking this favor Suicide, sir, nothin but suicide. Mike made short work of his Job. for him." so much to say?' Why, It couldn't be anything else. 'I am engaged by Mrs. Malden to When the door swung open they ' "Oh, that's all right, Perilla," Could It, now?" Now, lf saw a dark, tousled head on the look after her Interests. well that have to "Well, noth"Our force Is puzzle with the bedclothing drawn Field returned. you will select a hotel, I will send pillow, A sheriff, and out I wonder lf I could be here all Scalp to brag of. Bsdly-Qui- ck 1 close up round the neck. Buckle ing you there, and tomorrow morning with that alone for a little, Leave me to mywhatever slong goes Relief Cuticura will meet Mr. Farman and have a stepped to the bed and said loudly, Our big cases are taken care of in self, will you? I wont be long. Oh, Come, Mr. Coles, youll be late." conference." by the way, Is Doctor Crane still Columbus." Mls9 K. was In constant misery Mrs. J. H. Water There was no reply, and Buckle, Send me there, Indeed! 1 am here? Good, send him up. And say, -Pm all for over a but well, That's very President with dandruff. Then. not accustomed to being sent to going closer, laid a hand on Bob's year he tried Cutlcura sure we must get back to New sheriff, like a good chap, keep everyFields looked at slg He Soap and Olnt-forehead. are after As you looking body else downstairs, wont you? places. , Read her own words: V went to the bed, York, and have the matter Investi' was annoyed with big flakes 01 Perlllas affairs, you will take me nlflcantly. Hay Except young Fairfax send blm op end." at that looked gated blanket down the Dandruff and an Itchy scalp. It here." there, and see that I am comfort- and, pulling You're turning back, then, at tbe still form and felt for the care of. fched day and a year. taken over ably for (TO BE CONTINUED i asked Buckle. night he dandruff scaled Stone decided be wanted to go heart and pulse. off and could be said Perilla, "Oh, yes, we must," The boy Is dead," he said, turn ? 25 my clthlng. with her anyway, and piloted his we Animal I'm but Octopus It Rosy, sorry, quickly. does "What Buckle. to tried Cutlcura Soap and Ointto the New Knickerbocker. lng back Is charges The an to have animal rather here octopus shall probably stay locked In here ment after seeing an advertisement, Farman took rooms there, too, and It mean! He was a plant, but It Is not a fish. than conthen arn now and back go another the night, free from Stone Invited them to have a little alone The term fish Is used rather loosely ation andentirely my. hair looks fine. "Then he wasn't murdered, lf home." 2C to mean any marine animal, but It supper with him. the uouse Is Signed) Miss E. Kennedy, Perilla deai, Oh, And Under the Influence of a little thats what youre thinking. brand St, Pasadena, Calif. should be correctly applied only to we as can of as be for long I or and with some delicate nobody could get through those win yours to For 6kin or stimulant vertebrate anlmnls like the cod and complaint service you. Here's the doctor scalp external rashes, dishes Madame Malden seemed to I dows." the trout. The octopus belongs to elon origin pimples, eczema--t-utlcurthe Doctor Crane, verging a The windows there were two, and burning of warm toward the dvtwtlve and soon the phylum known as molluscs and would he said go at upstairs with him. were each open about six Inches at derly. see the relief Is promptly soothing. pleasantly was chatting body. But first he to the class of mollnsks caller cephever Bmarts. no once to found out several things he the top. admitting air, yet giving Soap 25c, Ointment Ha asked a few random questions at alopoda, meaning bead ooted. of Buy BOTH today. FREE Bam possibility for tbe entrance a bu wanted to know. pH-te- d; t'a - 1 f:hr. Salt Lake City Directory s, GAS, GAS ALL THE TIME, CAiH l EAT OH SLEEP e. . . : i,rwwf -- .... t. . nr ' Bol-ll- ft , . . ft v Do-pla- A - CHAPPED SKIN - fac3SI31l tf . . . Temple Square . tele-pliHit- atmoo-phrro.Y- . - . . - ternm von? e J " ' ''U,T 'How do feeL.sft Rotten! Jo you ask? Because, run-dow- .f Mai-honin- abut 20-o- J Dandruff Formed in RJEWIHIflDUJSE UndDlTEE y, Dig Flakes' . Itchad with A Distinctive Residence 1 An Abode ee.renowned Throughout the West ," es. Write "Cutlcura, aldeu. Mass. Adr. . Dept- - I - ou |