OCR Text |
Show w tV H U-- K YO v;,v: . i V. ... jCx . "I 4 yI : I .J! -- v- . '1 ;UVT6y;-CUlri- s VV . ... . V; ;V... ! . . t . . Y' i El V V . . . rf 71s ' . ' . v. Js . mvjiy Ti . a. . a i, : a r I - NUMBER NINETEEN U Public Service v: Lincoln Labored, Laughted, Loved. . r I . 4 . ) i r t s? t i w ikf-- wv h A i )mj L'S (A- y' .' . ' ' wv.'-v-I- A' t' ' . l: Vv' .h y v.v. t i .. v v j . - r v - .. ' 'n 1 4V ,y' s- y x was a; member, of the wank .MeS. Weaver. Waj a great; lover of flowecs and. Was declared to htt tho Pldest grower sf Shp r 5 7 y. "1 v W: y a - ff-rz-'-- sfg-.- -- o-;-. 'ki. e - . . roses in Davis county. Mrs. Weayor is survived hy tlje following sons and, daughters: Mrs. George A. Jlilk SouthWebefTbps R. Jones, Laj-to; Ms.Mark. O. Roberts Mrs. Clearfield, Myron . . , and Mrs. George W. reKUnfcnd (Jrnff, movletand lialf stylist, premus t!i tipV feulf stylos pf. 1936 for American women ns Barnbi of Kaysville cloven grandaoopted by he National Hair Dr?ssec aSsodntroa. J.rft right ares Helene IScktand of At Home Abroad." . . who displays tlve IUngM" style; Violet Carson .of . . , 'Juniluy' wearing the "Dubonnet"' style; Ilazei Boli'nfcor, children. Fn neral services were- held Wedplaflnuui bloiuTe artists model, disptdylng the Dlzle; MardVe Hoff, recently chosen na the girl with- the most perfect figure, wearing .Teruonallty" as s crown, amt Ethel liuunne'rvlMe, of Anything Goes," going high-ha- t nesday afternoon in the .Kaysville . . with the "lark . . .. . AvepUe," with Bishop 11. C, Burtabernacle ' ' ' ton presiding. Interment took place in the Kaysville cemptery. ' V-- - -- A. OiL. n . - - .....: - . 1 k ff (xleh Gibson, Son Headquarters Coy CCC Number 940 Of Mr. and Mrs. Will ; Gibson, Layton, Dies Bt Canip . in' .P-4- 8 News Notes From Farmington Bay : Camp N umber 536 the. Bountiful -- jpf Co. Iarm Bureau . .. . . farm Jbureau for 1936 were held at Davis.-ctmnt- Farmington,- - k-tic- uu Thnn-da- y afternoon. Carrl B. Green of was president of thO Organization with Jesae H. Argyle.tf Woods CfoRS as vica pmwident., Mf. Argyle replaced J. If. Buniingfiarp Vho. refused tho ,m?mirfutvm. The secretory will bo . uppojntell later. , jRepret.yjtMives.of the Clearfield SjTaeiftc, West point, West Lay-toKaysville, Nfu-tFarmington, .Cpnterville,' Bountiful 1. and West Bodntfful tocafu, fho ugar Beet association afrd Iho Associated Wo- mnjs. Auxiliary of the farm bur- ,eau werqamong the voters. I Previous to.the election a health program which will, be, directed im Jtb qounty under the farm borean and Associated .women was explained. Helcfi Pixton, county home demonsvation agent took charge of this'part 6f the program Tho of the family accordiMfss to Pixton economics, song and health, depends on the cial, upending pf. the. family income. And this f pending involves all mem Glenj-fielt- i ed n, h y - bers. Fact finding family Dines and tpedical charts will be projected in to the 'coujfty Immediately in am .attempt to assist in promoting bet ter hcalth and standards of living throughout the., county. - .- . Funeral Services for Living Pictures Mrs. Mary J. Roberta . Held ART HOWARD Tuesday Masterf ul .. . . right Presenting Art in a most conThe members of the Firmington Junior high school gymnasium the vincing .yet fascinating and educa fromFuneral services for Mrs. Mary basketball team, Company Bay 536, CCC camp, enjoyed a pro' Ted Shawn and i June Roberta tional manner, from live defeated a flashy Layton, 83, promingram, Sunday afternoon, January j90 of male dancers will givo an ent Davis county pioneer and temcompany 13.50, Erighanq . City, 26, under the direction of Reverend group at Kingsbury hall, Friday ple worker were held in the Kays-yill- o weeks illness.- Utah, in r hard fought game. At A. E. Butcher, rector of St,. Pauls evening evening, Improve January tabernacle, Tuesday afternoon Funeral services were held Sunday the, end of the regular playing Episcopal church,- in Salt Lake. ment comes with thi - years and with and svaf the .thetied first on' number The time fcdore In ward Bishop Irvin Call of West with the program .chapel Layton that the old crossing, at the moments. effects all lines of . art. , Dancing an- extra entireuntil a was after was the not it Layton officiating. Musical in Burton song by group charge. south end of town is hazardous Atod so we review his early la- Bishop victor was Onward Christian Soldiers; tho rrow Includes a far more comprewidow of ChristoMrs. the that Layton, Stilson tendered were period numbers hy would that the new crossing give bors. of athletic hensiveness. activity, 9 led Rev. was in final score pher Layton, after whom the town Whitesides, repeating the Lords Royal .Owen, Mary decided .The greater safety, reduce the travel LINCOLN LAUGHED. and endurance than ever was of grace Cot Sinthe solo M!bs Next Tuesday-- Feb.. 4, Layton was named, was a daugh Leona Bugger, Lela- Layton prayer, Margaret by between Kaysville and areas to the He has been called a man of sor- Ware,. dreamed, of in 'tho past. Not just ter of Levi Roberts and Ilnrrlit " b.o Ye .t'enood Come will our opponents Blessed,1 clair, entitled, cajnp west, make, making safer tho trans rows because he took to heart the and Blanch Reed.- Opening prayer beauty as has. generally Ann Neff. Her marriage to ' 7:30 at This game will-baccompanied by Miss E. W. offer; rhynithic played 'benediction was Hugh McLaine, to and by of school portation pupils been of when tho danco is thought sufferings of both sides in the civil the Reverend Butchq gave a talk; Layton was performed in Salt by E. P. Ellison and the grave in on the 'same flopr. . from school and divert traffic off war. He Now included under its mentioned. of BOrTSl-Usolos two MounMisti May 1, 1870 by Daniel H. WC n Sinclair, Kaysville-Laytoby was the Main street in Kaysville, reducing he knew iLavfaU cemetery l come title of the pictures, presented Affiliated with the Li D. 8. ehurt!k tains" and Speak To Me of Lovo" ' dcdictid by 'It. A.. Saunders. Prank the hazards of . traffic accidents saving qualities of a scenes her entire life, she wee known the historic field, Lieut. Irving II. rarker tho sea, forest, First . hearty laugh. Benefer group sang America. dams aTld Blbhp Rurton were there. Moreover, he know how L make was added tor, the prmy personnel diction by Reverend Butcher. . . and settings, aIho legends pictures-ql- y her faithful labors in tho CL ' Earlier in the day the' ' Public two the. speakers portrayed. Now we have educa- George and 'Salt Lake temples and . o.Uus company last Sunday, and laughs burse forth where nary Monday at 5 p. m. the Ladies Service Commission heard an ap- a grin tion in hiatory, geography, science alfo for her participation in Re-li- ef school mess is before. now He grew attending th$ Democratic group answered the in put a lot plication of the State Road Com- into life and got a lot of fun out Kaysville Camps well as as art in statuary and officers a't headquarters detach vitation of for sociey work. Captain J. E. Knowles, . mission to reconstruct an under- -' of life. ' Fort: Douglas, Utah. Lieut. by being guests at a lovely dinner again in graceful- movement,, all ment, Besides four daughters, sho lest- pass leading, below the Bamberger LINCOLN LOVED this will be more seen at Kings es 29 grandchildren and 88 and D .U. Parker comes- from the, March given by the Farmington Bay great Electric Railroad and the state He was a man of ?ext Friday evening. Ted children and 38 great grandcfcil- - ' Field district in California. He has camp.. Flowers lent the 'necessarvlbury emotions strong No. North 49 in Farming and love meant much to them. highway To Public School had considerable experience with touch of color to the affair. Cap-- j ?hawn mster BtJudent wfitC8 al dren, ton, Julian Bamberger represented When his own mother died in his CCC work,- and his assignment to tain Keith K. Tatom, executive of his programs and months and Lhe railroad company and E. C. in Indiana this company Is quite a coincidence ficer ,from Fort Douglas CCC, years aheud plans and. prepares for it nearly broke Knowlton the State Road Commis- youth The two Kaysville tamps of inasmuch as be was the commandHe. demands of their his heart as his father made a Captain Davis Deaia, Lieutenant his presentation. sion. not on tour, a rathwhen rude rough box and put her In it. Daughters of the Pioneers present ing officer of the CCC company Ernest Kies, men, Mayor J, C. Stocks Loan No opposition was expressed to She was buried under a spreading ed the Kaysville public school with whee Lieut.- Marshall, junior offi- and Joseph E. Knowles responded er strenoua routine of daily life. the project. state Utah a bed to to rest needed flag. get cer of thi scompany .received his to Mrs, Gordon Stringham, presi- Early Sycamore. The following year It was Y7c CL and strength, early in arising and presented at the Parent-- . in itial CCC training. Lieut. Park-er.- B dent of the Ladies Abe was able to get a travelng Democratic Services transfer to the Fort Douglas group, toasts. The ladies study plenty of physical exercise during preacher to come a hundred mles Teachers meeting on Thursday of . for a funeral service. In later years last week. district was due to the disband- group give a program including, the day, wood chopping and much E. B. Clark, president of tha he said All that I am, or hope to Held Wednesday ment pf his company. The entire Mrs. R. W, Ashworth, who offered running all so necessary in prepscenes the aration of for National Farm Loon act his fo forward portrayal ' is be, I owe to my angel mother." Farmington lo'oklng two solos; Mrs. Murray Howard, camp TRANSPORT AID in mind enacted the the of was reelected Wedneswhich association, LINCOLN LOST. already this . company, two piano solos and Mrs. Jack ually joining He dearly loved Ann Rutledge will probably occur Sunday, Feb. 2 Bangerter and Mrs. S. E. Winne, master Ted Shawn. day when members of the crzzzisx vi Those who have thought the tion met at the court house in Funeral services were held Wed a d t II is previous experience should be led in community singing. Everygirl of 17." Every Lt'tf.. dance confined exclusively to tho Farmington. William E. Ciiley, comhis nesday in the South Bountiful young man in Davis county who a great aid, in improving one had a very enjoyable time. feminine side of humanity, must of was relected vice president . hapel under the direction of Bish has had a real sweetheart can im. . pany. Wednesday, Jan. 29, fourteen ofnecessity change their minds beop E. T. Hatch. Miss Hatch died agine something of the keep ani . ' arry W. HCarlson, heal ef ficers, who are attending the mess cause no female un- Utah loan division of the federal could .at her home ia. South Bountiful guish Lincoln . experlenead wbca continue school at Fort Douglas, were the physical strain required by land bank at Berkeley. CaL, csd Saturday, following an illness of she died of brain fever a few OLYMPICS FOR st a luncheon given by the der SAILS guests Mr. Shawn of his male performer. R. V. Wright, in charge of workia-order- s a year. months after they became engaged. Farmington camp. No Miss aHtch was born in Woods for associations,' were prinsissies, these male members Lincoln knew what it was to lose This camps basketball team will of Ted Shawns company. Each a cipal gpo&kers. Mr. Carlson Cross, June 4, 1912, a daughter of lis mother, his sweetheart and his play Clover, the second league John L. and the late Emma Werth jusiness. And yet he took his lossphysical specimen of perfection on the value of loans tofarraera. game, at the Clover camp this and : miller Hatch. She graduated from seif control It la admitted, and the basis of appraisal used in es manfully. He did not let these evening, "the Davis high school in 1930 and losses this is rather rare to have an en- determining amounts of lotos. t Next week, camp 63Cs team will discourage or embitter him. Aad been active in the church work activities tire Without a of praising perlady evening j VH conbat the Headquarters DetachThey simply Intensified his tenderlocal group, said tha pereentxa t? tfantil her Alness. ness and made him more ment at Fort Douglas in the 3rd former. "She Is survived hy her father But to this enjoy performance delinquency on loans mads Lira is more .determined league game. Bingham will be 4th and win how understand and step mother, Mrs. Stella Miller success with honesty and to hard it may be done the lowest in the state. on the list of league games which one Directors, also relected at tk must next Friday. attend Hatch; two sisters. Msr. Lillian work. Lncoln foresaw the just is to be held at the Farmington possible include W. S. Tcircj, meeting) When friends who have been .Rosier, Salt Lake; Miss Lucile dangers he was your Bay View camp this coming Thurs facing. When leavWalter F. meet Kaysville; exclaim later and Hatch, South Bountiful a brother ing in Springfield to take there, you day evening, Feb. 6th. up the Stearns Hatch, South Bountiful duties of of the Woods Cross; L. E. Williams, Ley-to- n their admiration and joy he said. I go and Mr. Clark. F. R. RltLrrn ' more and the following half sisters: to assumepresident Lieutenant E. Kies, , who has marvelous performance of these a task difficult cf Kilecn Dorothy Carol, Geneve and han that which has male reFarmington was reelec ed s:rr dancers, inamgine your ' ' been one of the officers at the ,wv devolved upon Boun South of all and for r Marjorie Hatch, chagrin having passed tary and treasurer. Erice camp, has exchanged places gret any other man since the days of ilLis tiful. this So to rare up opportunity. with John S. Crull of 636. Washington. camp Interment took place in the Boun have no embrassment let us urge E. P. Ellison of Commerce Roper has Jesus Christ said, greater love Secntfy to act immediately and under .tiful cemetery. of you the appointment hatch no man than this to Sunday afternoon, Feb. 2, the lay annotated no miss going to circumstances as York New If of bn St. D. Cz V. down his life for his friends. Well regular church services and rogram of and next Salt Lake secretary night assistant Friday has he been called the Man of the will be again sponsored by .Alfred one of the ministers from Salt enjoy a splendid evening with the Canal Compr: Ages beloved by people of all ages commerce Mr. St. Clair has spedance. You will be surprised, yet he who duplicated in his own life cialized In rail and motor transporLake LeGrand City. Son, entirely satisfied with what you time the deep experiences of the tation for. 15 years, and Is familiar - Richard II. Dorrnnce of DartServices shall see. The presentation is unof' forms For the thirty-eigt- h transportation. wlthVher, eonxen Collision race. cs, Lincoln labored, laugh- He mouth unl.crfilty. photographed a hisstandard a of der Extension the P. The of E. of Ellison auspices year, Layton l'U.Jkthor ed, loved and lost I No wonder his lie sailed for Europe to take part In Held Division of tho University of lhah hern reelected persident of t! Of OU types of land, water, and winter Olympic games. I le will the memory is revered the wide world tory the used since Get your tickets at once from Glen vis and Weber Counties Ct: air 4repvi)ori!itlon ski at In Four persons suffered Eligbt in over. the Jumping compete vi'iizatlon. birth ,x!l of tho largest irrigation ; if ; Thurgood Brothers Muric store on Main ono jurii.3 Saturday morning when two Germany. terns in this area, which .t Funeral services were held Sunauomoljiles sideswiped each other Rhyr.hart and Mrs. Charlotte Ru Elli3 of West Ilarwick, Albert. held One who two the East canyon for ( 2422 men of aftcrr.oo Orval prates Grant up dense nfor day pie, west of Centerville during a Thurgood avenue, Ogden, rid I Cut Under Water MassV.fiS. years an was told by Why G?ai takriver watersheds. in Edward in Yeber the West Toint with the Chicago, I.ago:;ki under chapel irg Rhynhart, suffered cuts doctors that bis days were numfog. The vibration Is less than In the uman hi3 and carried II. car A. direction of Cook. $35, and J, riling Barnes, Kaysvi', It.' bruises. 10 Bishop less LeGrande Bangerter. bered. At 92, Ellis and his w;f9 air and tti'J glnsa Is therefore vice named brella off Tho to tho rain ward Gov. n. were they ai Sheriff president; T Alfrec speakers Deputy Calvin Henry G. P.oberts ing north with his father, celebrated their 70th wed likely to crack. secretary-treasurerecently carried crime. out their R. Nye, Blood, who seveBishop Bennett, George lost said investigated the accident Eangerter of Bountiful, ding anniversary. D. Ilams, manager. I!r. To win a let of 23 cents from Bishop A. O. Stoker, President A. ral teeth when their truck was occurred when Rhynhart attempted of L. Mrs. D. of Sanders Novato, Q. Cook Boone, and Samuel reported the outlook fr? I Miller, Bishop struck by a southbound car driven to pass another car. The Eangerter cement in order to avoid colliding a neighbor, Eugene hours water this season is 1 held seven live Cook. was Calif, a swallowed Interment in the was West captive b7 John Rhynhart, 2436 Madison truck, he said, had been driven with the Rhynhart machine. Both Homestead, Fla., 1932. in bed. Point a cemetery. feet off Mr. folding three the cast side of the vehicles were badly damaged. frog. Avenue, Ogden. Mr. Eangerter, Tuesday - William Glen Gibson, 16 months old son of Mr. and Mrs.- William Gibson, of Layton, died Friday at the Dee" hospital. hr Ogden after a ap-whi- ch . N tones e.vly piofcf 4.lff tst - I ht . Davis voupty, died t her home, f Kaysville on illness Saturday, ?filoin&. .: incident . rMs. WeawF.war to ! Bristol Epgliwd, July da ugh trr. of Satuael nA Jfari Sheet! fiimKiwn. .Rh .4mr 4o Amerk-with V parents, to 1855 atul walked across the plain at Vho ago of ten years tw laUip 'lIscna copipanyShciwas piacuicd t Sara uel L. Jones frt Salt Jalte Jan4asy 12; 18&7. She resiled thcyV flr 3 years, pud. then they irieveij to Kays villc, 'where Mr..Jonj.'a diJ'd November 17-- , Ip9l.0n-Apri- l 7,.181)flfche was married. to John Weavcf.tn 19QJ. Kaysville., Ho- died. May ' in Layten. . . 84j v -- anything s . .. -- Wartha Bifnmon WA V v controversy; ove wliefher the State Road commission will be permitted o build a new crossing ever the Oregtm Short .Lire tracks just west of Kaysville progressed to a new phase. Wednesday when the Public Service commission of Utah held a fretf heating, at the Capitol on the application for permission to build the crossing. ... Previously in 1933, .the Pubiic Service Commission had. granted permission for the building' bt the new . . r, crossing, , Now the Oregon ShoVt Line was- a willing worker about , the Company, represented .Wednesday house and farm1 so that even his "by E..R. Porter, and W. Hall Farr, iaid . .of him , Abe attorneys,, seeks tq have thi order never gave me a cross. word or . , yacated. look, and never refused to do oVners.' two. of I asked of him. Abe was the Previously proper of' in the 'the vicinity proposed best boy I. ever saw ;or ever expect ty ' . crossing, have filed a. petition in to see. , the Supreme Court seeking & writ As deputy county surveyor ho of prohibition enjoining the road did some surveying for the neighcommission from building the cross bors. When farmers in Indiana in?-- . . worked together at ogging he . this .on will a powerful hand. who Arguments petition probably be heprd at the next ses- would stand for no bullying. He sion. In the. mean time' tle .State was always fair and square". Road Road Commission has startThe- year the family moved to ed building .its' highway to the Illinois he was 21. . However he crossing and if' permission .is jot stayed with his people until , 15 given for the new crossing the acres were cleared and fenced und value of the road will he destroyed a log house built.. This furnished a cut-ointo He worked on a flat boat and Kaysville from the area in and served as Captain in the Black around Syracuse and West Point. . Ilak war. He took to store keepThe railroad engineers and the ing in New Salem,'. Hlinois with a farmers opposing the new crossing partner who took to drinking which state that the old crossing and the took the profits. Lincoln labored road leading into the south per- - for years to pay Up the store debts, tion of Kaysville is ample.pointed postmaster of the village, A. P. Barton, county cpmmis- -' This he did in 1849 and was eioner of Kaysville; Herbert J. 'he held for three position ' Barnes of the Kaysville City coun- years. cil and Thomas E. Williams, clerk He then went into politics and f the Davis county school board, made good use of what he' had prepared to testify to the commis-.sio- n learned of law. durng . his. spare step-moth- er k x .. - ' nv; v vNs ; . the-Jdoo- Yhe I f " Abraham Lincoln the hardy product of Hardin County, Kentucky, pm- M .lit .Kaysviltjp . . tv a- in whoe veins flowed Quakers, .and who lived in $pen part of his youthful flays cer county, Indiana and on the the Sangmon River in. Illinois, ran . gamut of human, experience. , industrious an was he As a boy student. It is well known that he walked many miles. to borrow books and return them hut it is not so well known that lacking pencil and paper be figured on with charcoal and ore day on tho "back of .a wooden shovel. ' When there warf no more room he would whittle off the figures and start again, He i 4 ! I 'VAk' v' Martha H, L Vea.vbir Crl Bjfireen Again i)je at Ucl? HdmeTn ..Chosen President for; the Woihcn' T And Lost Body Has Hearing On Road Matters -- . - - 31.-193- - 37-3- 7, - - , 41-3- , - - ' I. - 1 . . P. Present Flag - 11- -11 ... - Farmington Farm Head Named President, - V Funeral for Berth Hatch well-reare- - : Haw-Wrigh- t, - com-pasiona- te, . t) Elected La-be- rt President of trnns-portdllM- Bangerter And In Auto Funeral Sunday For Orval r, I , |