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Show Georgs O. Brophy with her "the. week-en- d tended the funeral of Mrs. Drucilla I nko spent David Stoker parents-- Mr. and Mrs. Kelson in Salt Lake last Sunday. of Clearfieldi . . ,Mrs. Clay Adam3 was hostess to her bridge club last Friday afternoon. The guests include Mrs. Ken non Whitesides, Mrs. Joe Knight, Mrs. Harold Ellison, Mrs. Eugene Reed, Mrs. Dimond Adams, Mrs. A BOYS PRAYER . Orville Ramsey, Mr. William Daw Dear Father give son and Mrs. Blaine Adams. hands clean me and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Morgan and words clean daughter, Pauleeti, of Washington clean thoughts, help are visiting Mr. Morgans parents, for the Mr.' and Mrs. Henry Morgan, after me to stand hard against right spending a few weeks here. Mr. wrong save and, Mra. Morgan will make their the easy me save home in Los Angeles from Bishop Irvin Call left last Friday habits of cattle load evening with a car that for the west coast. Mrs. Irene Ware and Joe Doney harm teach of Canada were married last Wed me to nesday in Salt Lake. work as hard and play as fatr m who Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Green, alone as if all the world have been making their home in thy sight unForgive me when I am California- for the winter are visit- Baw, and those to me forgive kind help ing here for a few days. who are unkind to me. Keep me La Verh Iiansen,; Alma Stoker, to help others at some cost Jesse D. Barlow, James Brown, A1 ready to myself. Send me chances to do lie Green and a anumber of other a little good every day and grow boys attended the barfeeque in more, like Christ, Amen, Kaysvill Saturday. Congregational church Bountiful Mrs: Glen Briggs gave a quitting Sunday school 11:30 a. m. Morn party on Thursday. worship every 2nd and 4tl Mrs. Noall Tanner was hostess lng Sunday in the month. to her bridge club last Thursday Childrens class Saturday 10 a.m. Those attending were Mrs. Stan- Teen evening ago class Thin-sdaford Cowley, Mrs. George Watt, 7 9 m. to tn. p. p. ' Mrs. Richard Evans, Mrs. Waynard Come and welcome. Bennett, Mrs. Leland Bennett, Mra Mathew Holt and M im Merle Ben, Retired By U. P, Community Church V V " l .it . they going by way of Chicago as far as New York and returning home through the southern states Arkansas, e, Texas, etc. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. They visited Mra. Holbrooks brother. Oliver Bryson In Baltimore, ltd. Enroute had they the pleasure of meeting Senator King and Secretary of War, Dern, and had a wonderful time. Keith Brown, a graduate of the Davia county high school and a resident of South Bountiful, has been named by the coeds of the University of Utah to participate as a candidate in the coming election of The Typical University of Utah Fellow." The primary elec ions from which Mr. Brown was chosen, were held lut week. The actual election ia now in progress during thia .week and only coeds of the University of Utah are eligible to vote. The Eutaw camp, D. U. P. will hold their big dance, of the season on February 12. Save that date for a good time. It will be held the South Bountiful amusement hall. Mrs. Granville Oleson was released from quarantine Wednesday at the home of her parents in Salt Lake City, where she went three Delinquent Notice weeks ago to take care of her daughter, Ruby, who had contract. Principal Kays Creek Irrigation ed a case of scarlet fever in South ' Bountiful. Mrs. Oleson returned to Company. . Principal place of business. Lay-to- her homo today but Ruby and two Utah, other members of the family, who the contracted the disease from Ruby 'There arq' delinquent tipon ' before she went to Sal. Lake ,must acfollowing dcseribed stock on remain in ' levied on the .quarantine another week count of assessment the 9th dajr of November, 1935, several amounts sets opposite' the FARMINGTON . - K.i sW ft Qwy Orta FSrerrt Iv.ttAuA.iki Crophy. special cf & department cl pua rtSxttoea of tba Union tuEa, wbo rrUrw under the ftr!a ceTi tsxn cf csatSaooui . Ca rxSrsxdL Ur. rule after 47 service with Brophy u na-kscs- ati the railroad LAYTON EYE NS ON. a.n Mrs- - DavId L. Holbrook of Woods Cross, just returned from a 30 day tnp ,east. the During course of their journey s, Congrcation ' ' . f., Minnesota was a pioneer state fas rural electrification, one of the first DEL-S- T , BEPAIBINO AND important projects of it skind hav-in- g PLUMBING, HEATING been established'at Red Wing' Telephone Emntifal Estimates Fne. tpore than a dozen years ago. Within another decade, through mill PRICES the cooperation of the government, power companies and farmers, we : may expect to see electrica servRose Culture." Mrs. Murray Howice extended to a. majority of the ard and Mrs. L. T. Thompson will A farms of the m4-on- , an deventually render a piano duet, Bernice Broom the Mu2urt," the wiU day arrive when Gover-- -. Speaking field will give a reading and Mrs. electrilicatlon promotwa nor Olsons .slogan will' become rural at a William Holbrook will render a in Me elate recently reality.; boIo. George Ilia, president of the project . praised Minnesota i Olson of club will preside at the meeting. the movement, now becomingc ' The Social Service club met at n-wide in its scope, and the home of Mrs. George Fisher, ed that a good slogan for this great i . Wednesday, Jan. 22. The afternoon activity would be a washing mawas spent in sewing. A delicious chine for every farm home lunch was served to the following one of While the washer is only members present: Mrs. George applig numerous ' & . Fisher, Mrs. Fred Riley, Mrs. John the which electricity makes pos ances ,'e Goodfellow, Mrs. Lucretia McNeil, perhaps selectCowboy-HollidaMrs. Jrnest Hayes, Mrs. Harry sible. the Governor . ed it as the most dramatic example Hayes, Mrs. James Holbrook, Mrs. drudfrom physical Jonathan Holbrook, Mrs. Moroni of the release brings to the electriciy which Timpson. Mra. Viola Brauer, Mrs. gery will women probably John Porter and Mrs. Joseph S. farm Farm is most ap- - : his slogan that Tho next will be agree, in hand, WOODS CROSS visit-Btate- Ten-neesc- Wal-,ryo- n' Better Home Sloang .t Oov-em- or ; ' J Saturday & Sunday; JOE E. BROWN in Bright tights'; labor-savin- Wednesday Thura. ei y Fri, Sat,: and Sun. SCARLET LETTER REX THEATRE Naylor. meeting held at tho home of Mrs. Joseph S. pripriate. 2 Commenting on this, a leading are requested trade journal suggests that while g feature has been the to be present. Police found John K. Jones iy- - " stressed by washer salesmen, the economies which attend its uae are ing on a railroad track near Lot also importan. In the use of elec- Angeles, thought he. was dead and trical equipment in the home, started for the. morgue. Qn the way ; S. JL Milk whether on the farm or elsewhere John got and asked what up wap and economy go hand g ' .. lappening. Elect New Officers Naylor. Wednesday, Feb. 6, at p. m. All members labor-savin- r Farmington Unit of Producers labor-savin- . John Stahle,Jr. n, II II IS YOUR CAR AN OIL -- Mr.-an- ; ... . natio- The Farmington unit of the Salt nett. The daughter and sons of Mrs Milk Producers association Lake Mrs. Otha Green entertained Lettie Adams entertained at a sur- her met at the court house in Farmlast Thursday after prise party in. honor of her birth- noon.bridgq.club ington, Thursday and elected a were The members board of directors. They are Frank day anniversary last Friday even- Mrs. Evan Ellison present Mrs. Frank ing. About fifty guests were presRichards, president; W. J. Barkdall Morehouse, Mrs. Leonard Layton, LAYTON; UTAH ent.vice Burnham Leonard, president; Mrs. Joo Day, Mrsv Richard Day, Miss Fern Simmon's has. been ill secretary; John William and John Mrs. Spencer Adams, Mrs. Glen for a few days. C. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Orson Day are ro- - Layton,- Mrs. Clair Whitesides and the following guests; Miss Mamie 1 4 1 I t ' joicing over the arrival of a son MM 6 1 6 6 ' born at the Dee hospital, Tuesday. Layton, Mrs. Dick Adams, Mrs. Lewis Cook and Mrs; Golden Lay-to- n IIOG? ; Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ellison namca'.of the respective sharehold:left Saturday for Kansas City, in ers as follows; HOW ABOUT TnE GAS MILEAGE AND POWER! a iicffort to correct an illness of Mrs. Joseph Willey is confined Miss Evelyn Pack, daughter of. No. of No. of to hen bed with a bad case .of flu. Name These . Mrs. Ellisons. troubles can not be corrected with a hammer and chisel ,. Cprt. shares amt Mr. and Mrs. Macser Pack, Center-- ! ' d Mrs, o.f .Frank Smedley We have the very latest MACHINE TOOLS Mr. and Mrs. Royal Morgan and ville, a graduate of the Davis coun .Adams Elias P. 471 Bountiful were ' of. guests Sunday, And we know how to use them. ' ty high school, has been chosen in Ad'ania George family of Washington are ere for Mr. and Mrs. ' Holt Mathew in Come in and talk it over with us The cost it will be . a visit. the cast of the University of Utah 546 W. v ' . Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Green are Clearfield. surprisingly LOW. freshman Adams Golden play, Alias The Deacon Miss Fern is who attend All Stoker, mechanical work by Adult experienced mechanics.here for a two weeks visit with that is to be presented Feb. 7 and 3 M. A.' the school at C. at ing Logan Adams relatives. 8th. Miss Pack has been chosen Isaac 96 CO. home with her Broaock j. W... 479 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dabb enjoy' spent the week-en- d to play one of the leading roles in ' J. 2 TELEPHONE CENTERVILLE, UTAH ed a visit to Peterson Friday with parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Q. Stoker Bsrkdall Faye.. 54fi the play because of her exceptionWaited Mr.' Mr. Gerald an dMr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Richins. al ability, and should do much in Carlos The gold and green ball was and Mra. Leon Wajte and Mr. and 416-4- 7 making the play a success. Oscar held Tuesday evening. The queen Mrs. Luther Ellis, attended the Craig Olene Final shipments of materials for 500 IN selected was Mika- Be Green daugh harmony dancing club at Beuflful Craig Othello;,.'. 501 construction of a bridge across . Thursday. ter of Mr. and Mm Carl Green. Farmington canyon have arrived Craig Shirley -- '499 Mrs, llaupmanti spent Sunday in Evans Glen-87.AWHILE Mrs. Ural Major, Mise Ella Joan and work will begin aa soon as the HERE U . elatives. the Salt of Lake, guest Stevenson and Miss Jessie Page weather to A. 510 John A. permits, according John Sandall of Ogden spent FindleyJeaso B. J. Adams, Lake View transient Are all ill with acarlot fever. 529 Flint Funeral services were held Sun Tuesday hee as guest of elatives. Flint Samuel camp supervisor. Materials consist Ms. A. B. Cook entetained at a of timbers, bolts, pins and other Bdejr at the ward meeting house for Flint' Walter Herdinne family Sunday. guests Glen Gibson one year old son of Mr . E parts to be built into a 5 were Mr. Mrs. Cook and Howard Mrs. and William Gibson, whar died span a quarter of a mile east of Forbes Mrs. . Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Vird at an Ogden hoepital, Friday. ' Thomas G. 5 4Q j the canyon mouth. With large Mrs. Wilbur Couch is the guest Cook and children; Mr. and Mrs, Forbes .MrJ, crews, of transient laborers busy of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Wil Lewis Cook and children; Mr. and 3441.5 . 15.00 on the project for the past year, Henry , Mrs. Alma Webster and children two abutments on which the bridge liam Taylor in Ogden. Galbraith will rea have been completed. They The farm bureau held a program and Mias Marion Sullivan. Wilkie 100.20 ' and dance at the Syracuse amuse-- . Mrs. Edward Claris entertained Harris Ezra..:... 589 12.00 are 35 feet high and consist of at a shower Wednesday Mrs, for ment hall Saturday. Harris R.T 153.00 rubble masonry. With completion ' vSheriff and Mrs. Joseph Holbrook Lois Allenby. 338 Ada 12.00 of the bridge, approximately, one Mr. and Mrs. Orson Day an- Jaques Wm. .... e were the dinner guests of Mr, and road leading .... 204 1.20 mile of the Jaques to CCC Mrs. Raatus Porter, of Bountiful, nounce the arrival of. a son, Mon- Mavros Nick ,.A 580' flood control projects will 132;00 Marks at St.. .born day have finished. been activiPresent hospital . Sunday. Morgan' ties are being supervised by forMrs. Glen Layton spent last Mrs. Day was formerly 'Earl 4 . week-en- d ". in Ogden visiting with Bronyn of Layton. estry officials. Morgan Wm,' Mrs. Fannie The from .Idaho estate health unit will immunize Lewis, her mothr Mrs. E. B. Fuller. 48:00 visited Mr. with Mrs. children Ezra and for diphtheria and small Mr. and Mra. Ferris Whtesidea Naldfer Mrs..and son Cal and Ur. Will Whiter Smith, last week, e;oo pox thia week. They will be at the Annie;.... Five cars of cattle wore shipped school the morning of Wednesday - sides spent the week-en- d in Burley Naldqr Ilacel to. Los Angeles during thd past 'W' and at the city hall in afternoon at Idaho visiting with relatives. 671 .30.00 the regular childrens clinic. Do Nalder-Byror. around after being ill with infec week. ,' KNCW THAT BEAUTIFUL HAI2 ACCENTS. THE ENSEMBLE Ben Cook of. Syracuse not allow your child to have either - tion in his jaw for the past six . .......a. J reported ...i 54,00 to the police that parts of the head of these diseases. They are so weeks. . , Phillip A, : T. A. .... ;425-5- 2 Thomas J. Thurgood; E. J. Ben-e- tt lights of his car .were stolen', Friuse 96.00 easily prevented. while his : car was day, . Arrangements are progressing and Wallace Chritsensen, mem parked tear Roberts II.L, 12.8 Robiris Alive V. 45. 18 108.00 rapidly .for the big home coming Vbers of the Syracuse town hoard, the Paramount theatre Philo celebration to ba held in Layton, Sedgwick . , has. accepted-Simmons attended the meeting Friday of the . '. ' in position . Logan. Elizabeth Davis County Safety Council at 5b.f 19 to 23. 440 Mrs. Pettit entertained a npmbfer Steed H. J:.,.. 526 Slipping in its reputation as idCaysville. 20.40 Utahs Gretna Green, the Davia DuP, streaked o lach-- d hdi Vrjj; WOi do Mr. and Ms. Albet T. Smith and of young people in .honor of tjie Stephens Fred.. 473 9.00 cotmty clerks office has issued . Mr. and Mrs. William Varney re--. eleventh, birthday anniversary of Talbot Cvorge, , yoo jtisJid. 6iily one license in the past 10 days 458 turned home early Monday from her daughter, Phyllis at a'.tohog-ga- , L, Regular shaifipooi wi:L ClAl 8 Gl Sham- ,4:00 Clerk .Glen Day said. This was isand ski party, aftet which Thornlqy Wm. " Chicago where they attended the Bunco was Q'1 V.V'M sued to Lawrence Reilley, 29, and idw played . an'd refresh"Jj 5S6 canners convention. Mr. and Mrs'. 144.0P colorful etna b'nch glowing, ments L)iU.rwf Olivia were served. of E. Salt both Those pur. 26, V,.... Wall iQQp (wCO((W Lewis, Thos. Roland Smith purchased a new car present; 67fl C.oe dition the hall, cleans ond hrtf were: Trudice . Morgan, Artcll WalJ Thos. Lake. thtfrt it and are doing some extensive trav (etreatment. pleasant 32 Irene Morehouse, homes . With more I I 1 k .Jean .quarantined Ileywood, i.2.00 . state) eling before returning home. in the past 10 days, an epidemic of I. , Mrs. E. W, Pettit spent a few Ellison, June Smith, Josephine Weaver scarlet fever, breaking out a month 49 Parley J j) days last week visiting with her Dickson, Wayne Whitesides, Flint fioo ago, coptinues .to rage in Syracuse .mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson and CafmenAdanrsi 'The Web'ster AJma 572 48.00 Moil tU covpow with a 1 ot ro bou was held party an4 West Point, according to SherSaturday, Jgifuarf .Webster J lime's . e A. L. Brewster of Centerville. ' . Jw. 4i 72!00 iff Holbrook, health officer for thia Mrs. Ellen Sandall is still Ul at 25th. ...52? J .. Mr. and Mra. G. B. district. There are at present more t had .Webstep John ., . her home. . King. as than 50 quarantine signs in the Monday, Mr. and Mrs. 14 20.40 J,4 Jay Willey accidently broke his Leoguests KVULV ONO. two Mr. and Green, Mrs. Wiltowns, More than half the Webster Stanford arm yesterday when he ieU on the HAm kautv auu s cases are among Japanese families Cowley, Mr. and Dick- ; ford . II. 625 .7 42.00 icy walk at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Gilbert of son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rampton, And in. accordance with law and residing there. Mr. California arrived last Saturday to and and Mrs. Dan Adams and Mr. an order of the Board of Directors Mra. Wilford WlggilL ihade on said 9th day of November, attend the funeral of Mrs. Gilberts Thomas J. Thurgood stated that 1935, so many shares of each parMra. mother, Mary Jana Layton, the pump of the Syracuse town cel of such stock as may be neces-sarwho died Saturday. well was completed and had been The Flora Dell Flower dub will will be sold at the ofiice of Norma Montgomery, daughter three next . Wednesday at 8 p. nt meet the running days the Company at Layton, Utah, on during of Mra. Irene Montgomery, has week. A mass meeting was held Second ward chapel Raythe at. the 15th Saturday been confined to her home the day of February O. to Wednesday mond 12 discuss o'clock at night Kirkland, president of the 1936, the noon, to pay the past several months and now the city water Sal Lake Rose club, will apeak oa and system the outlook delinquent assessment doctor has ordered her confined to together of obtaining government money. with the costs of her bed for some time yet. She Robert Bone advertising and of Ogden and Alice expense of sale, has heart trouble. Edwards of Hooper were married KAYS CREEK IRRIGATION CO. Mra. Veda Arave of Ogden la W HITESIDES, recently. F. L, Secretary. V spending the week with her parMias Mary Stoker from Salt ( Corporate Seal ) Mr. Mra. and ents, Joseph Bodily. Mr. and rMs. Clarence Smedley HIEDC3 DOCTGffS ADVfCI Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dahl and Mr. Mr. Robert Hickey, Roseville, and Mra. David Thurgood attended writes: "My doctor prescribed Calif, the farm bureau convention in Salt Kruschen SnJts for me he said they wouldnt hurt me in the least. I've Lake. lost 17 lbs. In weeks. Kruschen Is Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Hess visitworth Its weight In gold. Our Service, Home, and Equipment Are Unexcelled ed in Ogden Sunday with Mr. and Mra Hickey paid no attention to gosslpers who said there was no Mrs. Theone Dayton. safe way to reduce. She wisely folR, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Bennett and lowed her doctor's advice. Why don't TOUT George H. Bennett attended the Licensed Funeral Director and Mortician tlet a Jar of Kruschen (lasts in 4 weeks and honor of Mrs. birthday party costs but a trifle), Bountiful 244 Telephone Lettie Adams of Layton Thursday. fclmply take half teaspoonful in cup Day or Night of hot water every morning. All Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pettit at , druggists. ... . ' ' TIRED, WORN OUT, no nuuiTion HOW many ire. just dragging themselves arpund, all tired out with peri- -' odic weakness and taiu? They should know that Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets relieve peri- -. odic pains ana discomfort. Small size only 2 5 cents. Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville, Illinois, says,. I had- no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tablets helped my periods and built me up. Try them next month. ' - 459-42- CENTERVILLE AUTO REPAIR 79-R- tWIHIIIIIIIIIHtlDllillllllltltlHHtllll Legal Notices . ELEGA NCE - )TAY ; W fEMIN 117 oXt 29-29- 0. - -- 60-fo- ot 475-51- . ofpt . - 4$f-5l3-6- .468-59- 4 - ; five-mil- Probate and Guardianship Notices Consult County Clerk or ' . Respective Signers for Further Information. . ' Notice To Creditors. Estate of William B. Clarke, also known as William Bingham Clarke deceased, Creditors will present 'claims with vouchers to' the undersigned at 1001-- 5 Walker Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 10th day of March, A. D., 1936-LYND- ON W. CLAYTON, Administrator with the' Will Annexed of the estate of WilUana B .Clarke, also known as Williaca Bingham Clarke, deceased. Date of first publication, January 10, 1936. ; 47-5- . 1 299-40- . 347-365-3- . Notice to Creditors . - . . n . 19-2- . i a . ' v ,.!. A . e ... ( Mrs.-Rufu- ite-'itWs- ,. BOUNTIFUL y, . : M07F171D8. -- 07 DGLV FAT Holbrook to-d- ay 49-52- -1 Notice to Creditors Estate of John P Jones deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the residence of the undersigned, administratrix in South Weber, Davis County, Utah, on or beforo' the 24th day of March, A D., 1936. . . MARY BRAKE, Administratrix of the estate- - of John P. Jones, deceased. Date of first publication, January e 24, A. D., 1936. 49-52- -1 r Notice to Creditors : Estates of Joseph Udy and Annetta Udy, deceased. Creditors will present elalma with vouchers to the undersigned at Farmington, Utah, on or beforo the 11th day of May, A. D., 1936, FONTELLA UDY CHAFFIN. Administratrix with wills annexed of the estates of Joseph Udy and Annetta Udy, deceased. Date of first publication, January 24, A. D., 1936. Barnes Banlriag Company Kaysville, Utah Notice to Creditors Insurance Corporation Merrill 24, A. D., 1936. Foote & Dawson, attorneys, 604 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City Utah. Member Federal Reserve System And Federal Deposit UNION MORTUARY January o -- . MARY BRAKE, Administratrix' of the estate 6f . Mary J. Jones, deceased, ' Date of first publication, -- Wspfi.' 1)S-.2S- 4 e e Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the residence of the undersigned administratrix in South. Weber, Davis County, Utah, on or beforo the 24th day of March, A. D., 1936.' . n p; Estate of Mary J. Jones deceased Accredited Depository for Public Funds . 49-54- -1 Estates of Joseph Udy and ' Annetta Udy, deceased. Creditors will present claims with .vouchers to the undersigned at Farmington, Utah, on or beforo the 18th day of May, A. D., 1936. FONTELLA UDY CHAFFIN, Administratrix of the estates of Joseph Udy and Annetta Udy, defeased. Date of first publication, January 24, A. D., 1936. Foote & Dawson, attorneys, 504 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City Utah. 49-52- -1 . |