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Show . . . . : WEEKLY . BOUNTIFUL 0 -. -- . t UTAH, JANUARY'So! 1936 . tm)x WEWS-ViRfi- LITTLE JULIUS SNEEZER I WOULD LiKC TO S'E JOLIOjj A0OUT CCMlVfr TO SVVPWj 5CHOOL Joseph Reed and a sumW 'others are engaged in driving a . tonne! at Mueller park to Increase the water supply. . o 0 " 'BY. BAKER- JULIUS THERE, SUL'S JUST CRAZY CLASSIFIED AD3 - FOR SALE Good hay for bbrssa Orson Ellis 1 blks west of Fiv 1 Points, South Bountiful. FOR SALE Brindle cow, four years old, just freshened, third calf, four and one half gallons milk. See Leonard Mann, Pages Lane. Woods Cross. 50- FOR RENT Two rooms, furn ishod, enquire Mrs. Ethel ITioraas, third house east of the Bountiful TO 50-5- It js rfported that the flow of water ha, already been increased. y We learned from D . Cierisch that his son. Jack, has passed all testa to make him eligible to enter ' 'a government flying school He is in the navy and stationed at San Diego but expects any time now . to be called to go to Peasacola. . Florida to enter the Mhool. His brother tVilHaa, fly, Just at prea-- . .ent, is on a trip thioug the south . ' en route for. Florida. ' . . Mrs. K. S. Fsit'h pcoprietores . of the Bountiful Epoch Shop and daughter, Ogla,. wturned- - last week from k 25 day trip to New ' York state where they visited rob They motored. from Roch- ; KAYSVILLE e8ter York City and back . the beautiful valley 'thro Funeral services for Mnj. Martha through which the. Hudson river flow Weaver were held in the ICaysville, ; :..,Wy trouble .they had was, .that tabernacle,. Wednesday afternoon. , they have so many relative i the Mrs.' Weaver had been ill two : .Mt that it would hav required weeks and died- last Saturday at nths to have visited all thred pf the home of her daughter Mrs. w Tery tm. Myron Phillips. ;thcm. 'iheh- trip . . . . V joyahle ore,. Verdon Mr. Thomissen . and Mrs. Misa Catherine Thurgood artlV home kst week from a two of Salt Lake spent Sunday with . .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomassen. Vacation In Los . wees Angeles The old'e8t son of Mr. and Mrs. . and Long Beach, California. . Paul Whitesides has the. 'scarlet ' Entrants- to the uoea contest ' . . . fever. for the annual South Davis stake Galbraith Miss underwent Fern M L A. Gold and Green ball were . . an operation at thq Dee appendix named . Tuesday evening, One girl from each of the eight wards was, hospital, Monday morning. , Mrs.- Vernon Mansell and Mrs. eutered as follows: Anna McClurg ' Bountiful First ward, Gertrude William Barton entertained . officers and teachers at Timpson, Bountiful Second-,- Row ' home Monday after--, the ManeeU 'Marie Evans, Centeryille First; hook ,, . "X i : . Eleanor Steed, Farmington; Beth yj.r Truman Mr. and Curtis Mrs.' i : and South . Howard, Bountiful;. Elda ' Bark dull North Farmington; Es- - Mrs. James Linford of Logan and . ther Parrish, .Centerville ' Second; Mr. and Mrs,. James Underwood of Irene Arg'yle, Boruntifuh The ball Salt Lake were Sunday guests of . ... will be held Saturday evening, Feb Mf. and tlrs. George Underwood; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Anderson and 1 in the Bountiful Junior high school gymnasium. daughter, Mary; of Salt Lake were Mrs. Annie C. Carr and daugh- guests, of Mrs. H. J. Sheffeld. ter, Sylvia, are spending a we$k Mr. and Mrs. George Briggs and or ten days in Los Angeles, visi- Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Thomas attend ting with Mrs. Carrs brother and ed a dinner and card party, at th6 ' sister, and to be there when the home 6f Mr. and Mrs. Mayben Fox boat landed ..from .Australia, on at, ther home in Ogden, Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Willard .Fuller of : which. Mrs. Carrs- son, Lamoni, ' Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin was a passenger,, returning from Hamblinwere Sunday guests of Australia where he. had filled aa two and a half year mission. The Mr. and Mrs.- Bern Chadwick. . Miss Mary Bennett- entertained boat arrived. Saturday and the. fob 16 guests., at a party in honor of lowing day continued its voyage up ' her to birthday, anniversary Wednes-dato coast destination San its the Francisco to which city he. was Mrs. Dr. Rutledge was. called to also booked, however, he will only 111., Thursday, to the Mammoth, Frisco when in short time a. spend morther who is not to Los Angelas bedside of he he where he will join' his mother' and expected to- live. X ' Mrs. Louis Jarman is visiting sister and visit relatives, in. Miss Durant of: Vernon; Tooele ' Salt Lake this week.. . Clarence Laytons daughter is county, graduate nurse at the X confined at home with scarlet fever last D. S. hospital, was' a Sunday ' . John Williams of Grace, Idaho is ' friends: with visitor here Roy The Eutaw camp,1 D, U. P.-- . of visiting his daughter, Mrs. . ' , South Bountiful will hold .their Green. Mrs. George. W Ware of Dow.big dance on Wednesday,' Feb.' 12 . in the South Boruntifuh amusement ney, Ida., spent S days this week and have a g6od timet. with hep aunt, Mrs. Namie ShefEli Rogers, Jr., of Bountiful and field Mrs. Ware was formerly Miss ' Lucile Wood of West Bountiful Pauline Owefi of Kaysville. Mr. aiid Mrs. Ferris Thomassen were married recently. son of Salt Lake were guests and of Kimball Daughters, The camp, the Utah Pioheers will hold a so- -. of Mr. and Mrs.- A. M. Barnes, Sun-da. .. . oial at jthe Bountiful Second ward Mrs. Dr. Keith Barnes entertain' , 2 7 at 1936, Feb. ...xhapel, Friday, ed her bridge dub at her home Fri-da' p. m.. The purpose; of the social , is to raise funds to complete their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chadwick . . pioneer cabin. Admission 25c. dMiss Luella Chadwick of Salt an has . who . G. Newell Thurgqod Lake were gtiests of Mrs. Thomas dur been visiting yrith . to Chadwick, retlwnfed Sunday. , ing the holidays, hay Miss Nora Wilqox spent last . South Dakota. It. is reported, 'to be week-en- d in LOgan wifh .her brothbelow zero. . very cold up there--' . ' Harold: er, . We are announcing. A dard party The American 'Legion auxiliary . ; , with refreshments t be served at met at tbe .home of Mrs. Vernon at 7 Fch. the .Community church, Mansell Monday evening. Ameri: 8 p. m. canism .is Dr. of Jhe subject. : , Murray Kesler, brother and Mrs. Amos . Odd . were , Mr, pbarjna-ftfrmer B, L. Kesler and a of Ross Warburton in .Mrs. guests Bountiful .. cist at the Drugtsre, Salt Lake . Monday., suffered a fall, fracturing his .hip. James 'beeft has Of Green, quite ill Calvin Rampton, q residjnb. for several days. . . , Bountiful and a t graduate of Che Misp Nora Smith was pperated Davis county high school, Has been , on of for..appendicitis at the L. D. S. Jhe chosen on the debate. tSpm ... . . hospital, Monday, , travel will thhf University of Utah The fahiily of Mr. and Mrs. to Denver university on; February Jones has the scarlet fever. Frink fathe 16 td participate 14, 15 and . fifth; annual Rocky . Mountain . . . Mortuary,. . , . of uch a course was pointed out in a ment speech by Janies U. Howard, an Iowa farmer and former president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, who particular ly referred to the Columbia River development, which he character iaed as the biggest reclamation pro ject the world has ever known, its avowed purpow being to bring , 2000,000 acres of desert land into cultivation, or four times the po. 47-tential expansion of Boulder Dam. tiful 176-FOR RENT Four roomed apart He quotes the engineers as stating that the cost to the Federal ment part)y furnished; located ona west of the Junior .high school treasury to make these 1,200.000 mij n the new highway. Enquire acres tillable will le 300 t.sillioa Bountiful 2 Glen Ingles. 4T- -. dollars, and add: Mhus, while the roomed! FOR ..RENT Three rroyernment is insisting that ! re- home. Enquire Woodrow Barlow. duce my production, it is taxing Phone Bountiful 48- he nativn 5350 per acre to bring BENT ThreeFOR roomed those competing acres into cultivahousq either partly furnished or tion. I urn teld that this is only one unfurnished, .with- two stoves and of ' Home 75 reclamation projects hot and Cold water. Flora E. Mose 45being financed by the government." phone Bountiful. 203, The situation which Mr. Howard, doecribes is .something tot every funner and every taxpayer to thrnk about.. And every person in the United States who buys any' thing is tasjijtycri directly or in. . . directly. ' ' I Th (irrir your body pn clean out A government. policy which for-- I Acid and pol.onnu wtci from your la Ihru If million tiny, dellcato Kld- bloml tes gt).C(l rand out Of cultivation ny luhn OT nitara, but baware of cheap, Whlo paying ehormou prices to provide- inidjtionaj farm land thru ; Acid rccmmalion ithoumatio aimnlv does tint tnuka ' itr,in,Hmartln . or ttchln don't '.Ity. Hurnliif, ; gcnae chkncM. list th. Doctor', gu.r.n-troc.ll.tl pmcrlptlon Cy.t.s 'Work, fa.t, a.f. and aura. In 4M It muat brine new vitality, and la Mrs. Jofxiritia I liman, 73, f hour. euurantced to tlx you up In ona weak or bn feturn of amply Trtntori, N. J,, yus granted a di- iiiunt-- back pnekae. Cyatax co.la only 9o a day at drufglata vorce from hor third husband, who and tha saarantoa protects you. I ... V'. ,V vas wQith. ?o0;000 ami who gave her xinly ED cent. a wetsk spending .t'o run the house money and on 50-52- -1 . - . r ' . " J, s25 V . A-MON- TH tQ-- TIME PAYMENTS ... the-Primar- . , f ' . , ' 25-R- 2, - ' . . . . . - .;':AND:A 4 . . . ' . .. , . . 6S FINANCE PLAN Must Clean Out Acids . , . - - ,e . Any New Ford V 8 Car Can Now Be Purchased for $25 a Month .f v .' t..; .I "::'with Usual Low Down-Pa- y meni' I : - . - . ', 50-- ; - . i . FOR SALE Dapple grey horse weighing over 11 hundred pounds,nine years old, none better. Enquire George C. Wood, south et Jacksons service station, - Woods Cross. 59 BABY CHICKSS. C. White Leghorn, chicks, 11c, Hatch from hVh producing strain of Pullonun tested Breeding Flocks. Hatches weekly. A few. choice dates in March and April ft. Write about Free Poultry. Health Service Morton Poultry Farm and Hatchery, Kaysville, Utah, Box 545, FOR RENT Five roomed modern home; furnished or unfurnished. Enquire of M. C.' Ilolbrook, Union Furniture Co.. Bountiful. Phone 15. 4f- FOU SALE Four- Charters oil burning Incubators; in first clasa rnnning order, 453 egg capacity. Call John R. Rampton. Phona Boon . y. V. , , , ! . ' . . . . . . Vl' This - . . t , . f I - . . p ; ; . ' ' 4. . ..Vm I ...; h time-payme- ' . hall.-Com- WHEN you at- tempt is s burden when you '"are nervous and irri- -- table 6. nt to-pa- your wita end try y. M this medicine. It may be just whit you need for extra L. Cadmus of .Charles Mrt. energy. Trenton, New Jersey, says, After work 1 bad to he doing just a Udle recomdown. My , mother-in-law mended the Vegetable Compound. 1 can see e wonderful change now. .' " y. 10c iiousEnonn ' nt - , . COULD NOT PO. HER t car. and insurance, you pay $24 for plan enables you to buy a .New Ford V-- 8 q tlie. year of credit; if the balance- il. car through.' your Tord dealer on newf' $200 you pay $12. Your credit cost low itaonthly terms. for one year is the original unpaid; ' balance multiplied by After the usual low down-paymeis 'made, $25 a month ;s all .you have UCC plans provide you with in ' surance for any type of new car, includ protection at regular confer . ence rates. You have not afid financing. ing insurance only fire and , f theft insurance, but $50 deductible col-- . . Your cost for this extension of credit is only' y2 of 1 a month on your orig- lision; and protection against cither ac ( inal unpaid balance and insurance. "cidental physical damage to your can This plan reduces financing charges for The Universal Credit Company has twelve months to For example, if. made these plans available through all Ford dealers in the United States. you o.we a balance of $400 for your $25?a-mont- d StM-Tv- ). . p . rin. tk. , . , lo. . . x . . . ir. t'jysfjv, m 41 6. v : nO (Mi 10 2- , STALEYS - 'f-- i II L U II C f. el- - a his-paren- ' FOR 5 , ,,, ... Speech conference. Mfi Jtamptort, who has long been active in debate circles at the Utah university, was chosen on the debate squad by .. Dean Herbert B.. Maw, after parti-cipating in an elimination tourney. The Kimball camp, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. John K Nelson, quilting. DAVIS- HIGH SCHOOL NEWS . . George Soffej.Mjss of the faculty. i ' - . v The . Scarlet Letter this Satur-- . day and Sunday. Wed. and Thun. Feb. 5 and 6th Exposed. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb, 7, 8, 9, Escaped from Devil Island a big .Columbia' picture. Rex Theatre. Evan Clay, who i attending school at Logan, was best man at the Rodgers-Woo- d wedding held in the West Bountiful ward a day or two ago. THE RED MILL" has been chosen for the annual school opperetta to be presented in the near future. Mr. Stacey was assisted in choosing the cast by Mr. Strong, supervisor of music for Ganite district; Miss Reeves; Mr. Kent Johnson; Mr. . YOUR uecracnoais lusnd ! thi tn used. Virginias North Farmington Mutual are ' Out of, the , many contestants, , at the Brigham Young . . Miss Grace Tingey is drilling type students .persistently in getting them ready. Mr. Robinson is also getting his shorthand and accounting students in condition for the contest. . D BOOK Kid are now being sold Subscriptions Ashworth, for the 1936 year book. Because of Walker, Burgomaster-Ro- b ert Sorenson,' Sheriff-La- y Wood, a larger and better book the price Jacobs, Captain has increased. A larger number of Dorik-Clar- k Robinson, Governor books are expected to be sold than of Zealand-IIarr- y Peak, Joshua ever before. e Pennyfeather-HoracNoble, Kid-der-Ral- ph Con-ner-J- ay . Willem-Bingha- Criddle, Bertha-Jan- e CENTERVILLE Mi ! afternoon. .The was spent quilting for the T hostess. A dainty luncheon was scr ved .to 10 members and one visitor, Mrs. Amasa Howard of Sout SSL Bountiful. A lovely time was enjoy 24G2 36 East 7th So. ed by alL The next meeting o Wasatch February 7th will be held at the Your loved ones desire the best, home of Mrs. Della Everett.. especially when it costs no more. Mrs. Lulu Becsley, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parrish, is ill at her home with scarlet fever. The Sea Scouts of the CenterCOME WHERE ville 1st ward, held a very success-comedin MThe Dress Reversal, YOU the Memorial hall, Monday night. The play was directed by Clyde SURE Mclntryre. Mrs. Edna ae Burt of Salt Lake SATISFACTION spent a few days with her mother, rs. Emily Everett, this past week. Bishop and Mrs. Wesley Tingeys SMEDLEYS mall son, Dale, is confined at his home suffering from the scaret BARBER SHOP . fever. home on Friday time- . - Tina-Tec- la Coan-tess-Genie- ve 1 1 jis Beauty Shoppe ! Phone 228-- J A Bank Acct: y, ARE OF With a record of more than forty-thre- e years Layton, Utah COMMERCIAL CONTEST Students are getting ready and practicing for the Intermountain Commercial contest to be held on MORTICIAN BOUNTIFUL, UTAH TZLEPHOini IM-- thio bank' affords its customers the advantages of amplo resources and experienced service Davis Cc Bark . pianist. .1 ! Holmes, Ashby. Dutch flower Richard Williams, second son of girls, Elda Burnett, Helen Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams, is Margaret Grant, Dorothy Steed, ill ith scarlet fever. . Norma Brown, Marsielle Dawson. A most successful farewell dance ASSEMBLIES was held Friday evening in the Wednesday, Jan. 29, a Lyceum Centerville Soldiers Memorial hall assembly was presented to the stu- in honor of our two missionaries, dents of Davis high. Corporal In- Ray Smith and Frank Duncan, who ge la ton, official division photogra- will leave ver ysoon, for their fields ' pher during the World war, pre- of labor. ' sented three reels of film taken on I The Primary convention of , the the actual scenes of battle. The South end North Davis stakea was Governmental pollciea are often pictures were accompanied by ex- held Saturday in tbs high school at difficult to understand, and one planations. He also told several in- Kaysville. Several members of the that is especially bewildering just cidents and qnicodotes of life over Centerville 1st ward Primary as- now is that which pays farmers for there. sociation attended the convention. land their out of cultiva keeping 4 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Everett tion on the one hand, while on the Miss June Wood, vice president and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoi other it spends hundreds of mil of the student body will present a brook motored to Ogden Sunday. lions on reclamation projects to pep assembly Friday, Jan. 31. Mrs. Isabel Divett was the hos- provide more land. Miss Donna Steed of Ogden, will tess to the L. D. E. club at her The inconsistency and absurdity present tap dances and acrobatic dances. Miss Rose Reeves, speech advisor, will give a reading and there will also be a speaker and a Licensed Wood, Above-Al- l if FABumcrc:: ux? DLOonr- M DEPOSITS INSURED BOUNTIFUL STATE The Federal Deposit Insuranco C Washington, D. C. GEORGE W. GRAHAM holding a dance on Saturday, Feb. 8th. Come and have a good time. attended. Best of Supplies HAnsen March. university.' , 2-f- i Service Why More Farm Land Perm&neut waving A SPECIALITY For all appoints call Mrs. .R. W. Ashworth, Mrs. Murray Howard and Mrs. Ferry Reed were dinner guests of Mrs. John Springer, Wednesday. The funeral services beM Sunday in the Bountiful First ward for Mrs. Thomas Barnett were largely only when 6 T OR C O M P AN Y Gret-chen-Bem- ice A cast -- Flo Miss Bernice Criddle of. Syracuse, and Mr. Clark Robinson of Kaysville were chosen to carry.. the leads. They will be supported by a ' . . very capable cast. . Con: 'of Cast Characters; . . M D PESERET MORTUARY $5000 Maximum Insurance For Each Depositor PIT ti)tK PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SrCUT-- . - r h 4 |