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Show WLKh'LY flEWS-EXPRES- LAYTON, UTAH, JANUARY 23: 1938 S, , k bhe-;- e hungers of the l.uman soul. ! increasing tendency of farm boys GET THEBE" . . . The thought or circumstance and girls to leave thehome and JK2., .ich novii.shes us. . may not help places in search .of fame POSSIBLE? toanddistant another and yec that which we can . fortune. , do or give may be just what the I.' V.H other needs. J; VrVr !. e? We are anxious to msket farm l. will St. Jorge life so attractive that thdy., It is within nearly everyone's Will nations ever abandon wart find it possible 'to live thbir .lives, pbwer to bring someone within Will efficienc yin killing hasten its within reasonable distances of your jnmHai reach of their needed bread from end ? Is peace on earth possible ? their aging fatherstand mothes triage yod wftptod to Vt leaven. famWP These questions .were put to Not so many yea. ago Reopld would next, study I At this season of the ' Cosg ous publicists an dthinkers by' way year listenfrom the easein pities wene peur-in- considcV thb ears wake hear ing. voices. may miM d ans One may and road their fevet mopolitan Magazine, westward jnto the newly ped-c- V(J)W be Saying feed Bm lambs my wers appear in January issue. and feed Ssrtt farm lands, which weje .ttfan yoi JecSle sheep Who their those woa: . might jny repeatedly. opin give 0 a longer Among the. land of opportunity! Now, hifiy one Bhort.er a ions are: Mahatma. Mahatma Gand f tht migratlo.n has turned, be chbsen'io'place traffhi Oswald Spendgler, Arthur in the other direction. Youiyg f;o-pl- e SecausjB'fhe hazards of truck. KAY5VILLE ' HaveTheodore Roosevelt, from the farms are being at ic wovld 1)0 avoided. . Mrs. Charles Odd celebrated lock Ellis, Dean Inge, Mark .Sull- traded to the cities. And this ten You wquld $ext csnshlcJ- Vur ivan, Lin Yu TAng. rMs. Franklin dencj, Mr. McMillen'thinks, is not conxeyange jund U fitnesa for t o .birtjiday anniversary at her hqme,' W edneSday. There .were 15 D. Roosevelt, and Tmclia Earnhart jburney', .bd Veuld also Aowur 'guests. good for the. corn. belt . Putman. Preparedness was advocaA Kansk's arm father kpends Jfn taking A Cttla'extr 'oaey alpng , rMs. Archie Green has .been ill in the Dee hospital- this week. ted by four, a better undcrsand-n- g average of 13,000'bn the esducg- - In case .you Awre delayed by, . Mrs. 'A. .M.. Barnes retumet of tion Of each one of his boys ahd culllesf near the Jourpey' end. between ations, . homo from the hospital, Wednes . out others of ; war disthert spirit invtfsment profits by of the get that Then girlsV People " Havehck Ellis says. I have no appears- fro'n hisr owp slate or disr thmking of pprsbYiaJ schievfmqnl; . .. . doubt whatever that a permanent triot. .and th6 boys And girls be also 'ihirt& ef the'se things-- To get . 'Mr, and Mrs.'W. E. Gailey, Mr, world peace is possible and. will they know that and Mrs. E., R..Behlirg, Mr. and pome assets of overgrpwn And dis somwhefe Mrs. Scott Turner, Mr. and Mrs, when the will to it exists. t$nt qitifcs. JJr. MpMillen wants they have to rfiake up their imndsf There is no war among the animals all future farm legislation consider" where tMjfwiinfc to grrivo. They Chester Flint attended the farm nearest to manand tfo eviddence ed ih the light of '.this.' situation. know they must plan a routq. bureau convention which, was' belt at thq NewAouse hotel, Friday. in early man's his- The foremost pcoblenvpf agricul- Sometimes . of its existence they, learn nfuch By Mr. and Mrs. George Scoffield o: is a humarf.de accounts of It tory. phase ture, 'he insists, is to find a'pernyin-en- t rcadiog the diaric of r Tremontoh once have which to Will or velopment spent Wednesday ant may Long o'f a Rockefgllec or Liicoln qssure program that been beneficial in aiding social dis- farm children the right '.to. remain fellow or an Edison or .Stevenson Thursday with Mr.'and Mrs.'E. H, cipline and cooperation but today; on the oil frohi- which they have of a Pasteur who has jiiado the Scoffield..' in the opinion of the- - majority of 'sprang thalt Will Insure for 'them Mrs., Glen Worthington entertain . jowney.' ' her bridge club at her home ed . people, it has become useless and fitable and isrf't that "their lives, sturdy If equipment prosperous -' successmischievous. Even when wil grant to, them An equal oppo- enough for tfre . trip they pln- - to Thursday evening. Special guests ful, it fails to achieve the Bec'uritjr rtunity wRb.that given to city strengthen it before starting. ouL were, Mrs. . Ruby Williams and Mrs. Floyd Millett. . . for which it is chiefly used.1" dwellers. Thinking in this instance of equip-- , Mr. and Mrs. i i Rulon Arthur Brisbane says; '"World Williams and me n't 'or rpfiveyancg as ' education, Peace will come when some nation My hp'mo town. tii ,of trhee sop, Raymond of Ogden visited relSome people while that thcy.realize . atives here 'Monday. ' or group of nations becomes power Town of my childlyxJd glee M started out with a lettfr Outfit Mr. Clifton ful and civilized enough to put an Of. thee I ling, And Smith, trua that as others it iy just thaq' end to war, if necessary, as Car- Town where my father tried of Layton were You are looking at the; a! poorer. rate machine with cafe daughter, June, ducll visitors dinal Richelieu put an end to ' I Kaysville Sunday. To keep thd wolf outside All and prapef use will stuhe, times go in truck mosi powerful Miss Eula Coombs . of Ogden 4ng by executing a. few that fought And keep me satisfied farther than a b'etter Qno, hiisued. . .and the most hevrole.t:hi8tory Mrs. in killing . will True love I bring. spent W. D. . with, Wednesday mental .their' While some t ' . .i .Thomas. hasten its end. Elimination of .induty' econopiicpl truck for The above lines were suggested 'mAc'bine 'tinltered 'b'y adjusted, Mrs. has Chevrolet 1936 Barker ferior races may continue for 'a, by the f&ct !' Georgeentertained La Guirdla Chevrolet ior mechanics others have the in-- : .at Monclub while after 'civilized' nations cease of New York' 'recently told the pi'ofcBsJonal her home sewing ' . made three major improvements Bont away for parte and ddne. afternoon. t ' ray killing their equals with the' corf-se- American Society of ' Composers, : . these new 1936 Chevrolet trucks (1) rebuilding at home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bedford of and approval of the 'equals.. Authors and Publishprs .that' be ' The import! ' essentials to Salt Lake It has increased power. (2) It baa re- were KaysVill' Visitors1 Amelia Earhart Putnam .kays.: thought 'New York march song , achievement are to have tins good uce(l operating costs to a new record always equalised for quick, . I believe war can be outlawed, but would he of gre&t heljl in building Wednesday. . . there a. plus planejd get spirit, rMs. Martha Weaver is very 'ill . wwwerving,iairai6htlinetpp not until mere living offers, a ;low. And (3) it has modernized truck . ... up loyalty, ift thd little old knlQker-bot'ke- ned route, find the best- possible im at home . the. her of for the beguilding pageandaughter, Mrs. town. Result: i the rfoclety JesigTV and confetruption in. every ' going Concquipmept, ' jnpractical, of -. one Myron the of. menPhillips. try offered 2,(00 for, tbbc'st'song. military; por until , , , i. portgnt part and feature. Buy dition, Word was . received tal attitudes change. through suc-here this ' . ' these hew aievrolct: trucks,-- and Up Afpail'of milk Is 'composed of . basic economic adjustments as morping that Orson Pay net died many Bqui'rts' ef milk,' larger loywill go 'jmetr. and down will come costs .Wednesday in San Diego,. Cal. He control of population and of alties ate maita'up of smaller ones,'' ; . NEW FULL . on your delivery or haulage jobs. . i.A brother of. Joseph Fayne of the production and disribution pf . How about a rousing home county TRIMMED . . Modern governments are'imiklng eilkVIiOLEt MOTOR' CO., DETROIT. Kaysville arvd was farraerly of this life necessities, . . stfng foT b.avis. ' CABS ' DE LUXE it that to eeo 'to efforts 'Rcnuine 0 place. . Alfred F. Sloan, Jr., President of R . C.M.C. bread K.ntCEn vision If AXLE Wk 'do hot clear NtW with, Mrs. f. REAR Maud , people General Motors, says: Cooley of Grantsvllle J believe 0 . TIMH PAYMENT N , " bellies. Mnh'will not leng exist in a spent 'lat week-en- d mstruumit panel with barrel 4ypfe wheel hearings with her daugh that too much attention is. paid to Couldn't.. Recall ; Tkrtilimt financing apt in G.f'A .C. Iitrto-y- . . exclusive to Chevrolet ' Body that .doesn't get something ter, Mrs. Claude Perkins. Cxnpm n Viccrolct't law price. attempting 'to. stop war,s jard too j ' . . . similar to bread. . Milton Burton is in the Veterans Jitle attention is paid to eliminat'Wifes-NamUflweyer, there other hungers hospital in Salt Lake for treatment ing the causes that lead to war- Tho lonely seul hungers for'friend-sbiP- '. There is a large number of scar-le- t' Urtil those nations of the world fever cases. in town,. ' ' . which, because of pftst circumstanThe sorrowing soul, hunger's fof could reMrs. wish Rulon Fisher of Evanston, men now are they Sopie tial sup' ' ' '. Wyo., is visiting her motherland plied in the first two particular call names they have called their comfort. Many mosle lovers hunger,' for father; Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Green recognize the equities of those coun wives .but Russell E.' Girard 28 fnelodiPs. harmonious Los .A.mreles .' of , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bannes and broker tries that are undersupplied, there-I- yenr-oidTELEPHONE 216 AYT beautiful have Mr,- and Mrs; Waldo Lyman pf Lovers of th , U TA n t much hope of permanent couldnt recall the nkme- of- a. girl Salt Lake, were guests pf Mr. ahd peace, according to my thinking." he had married in Oakland five artistic hungers-Isaia- h Mrs. A M. Barnes last Sunday. decided he week "wherefore raised the Last cry years- 'ago. & for Mrs. Floyd Millett erii he wanted to divorce the slip of that do.youi spcqd.your money JOY . trirl who had given him the slip whicl s ne.t bread and Jour labor tertained at A dinner and card JOE E. BROWN in and whose name had slipped from for .that which satfsfjcth party at heir Home, Saupday even. his memory. Hp had the license . Silvcn ou .may not ing. Covers were laid for ten.. expose-yoursel. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stephens, soma-thin- g number Anil the county clerk oblig .have but .do you to colds. A that you can spare .without Mrs.- J. D. Roberts, and sqn,' ed with the pame of a San Francis . For me no pleasure in life Wednesday & Pauline in Fountain. Coalville. Monday robbing yourself, something, that with the joy of achievement, eo girl, Mrs.' II. J. Barnes entertained .in Last week .pnpers and magazines will satisfy someones hunger 1 . of the actual doing of things, wheDouble the mar.View to club about considerable The to Bay her some home .attract , unseen sn,y 'at way ther' with body, mind Or spirit, It had .. manna ftjr ourselves is to be in the Wednesday afternoon. home Is a joy so irrespective of cost or riage. HIGH GEAR . Mr. and mood.Mrs. W. Miss of E. Thomas 3 Minneapolis we routtney. Somefcijnf of I. sharing are reward that it is the one valid One of our hungry apd know ' npt . wha Mtrf Kaysville, Mr. and Mrs. George . Cowboy Holliday explanation of, and apology for, wrote in Liberty. our brief stay on this planet. Of greatest public needs is a complete' crave. Those who 'share their', cour-te- n Briggs of Layton, Mr. and Mrs. find their owft hvmge.r. for s.ome Mayben Fox, Mr. and MrS. Seth that joy the athlete has no mono- recodification of our marriage Sun. ' Sat.; Blair and loose Fri., Mr. ar unk Mrs. and laws. the Under fiown satisfied. of present thing hunTo Tayolr the They poly. scholar, to the scien' enjoyed a supper at the You can have on for. few cents a day tist, to the martyr, to every life chalc aystem the. average .young gered for a sens of worth And Ogden SCARLET home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cowan or two knew not married woman what man or ft was until they get'a which embodies the spirit of selfthree tjmes. before he. or she 'set- - found, thrir capacity to. satisfy 'the of Clearfield and then danced at .the REX THEATRE conquest, it affords the utter Intoxication at football games farm bureau dance . at the high once again each time that we slip hungercra.vmg oranothec, faction of knowing that what you ties down. .. spectabehind the wheel no matter wheth- was bkfned.pnnop-colleg- e We must havb legislation which .Poetry and fictioi and biography school, have to give is needed. tors by President Lewis of LafayMrs. store reMillett more wife corner and to will man Floyd make the vith entertained are er I we' going From youth onwards, my herbea passages 'revealing ' ette, who would, pebhaps be sur the Lantern club Wednesday after- or on A to another town. sponsible to the,stafe. I suggest a have been able to listen to a trip an undergraduate or noon. prjsed Special guests were, .Mrs. after the. proparson. My love system patterned an with slqmnus. ' Allan UGLY a. flask on his : Blood John-soMrs. and Kent So: the Greek perfection of body cedure in obtaining citizenship! . hip, Miss Stella end Criddle i of the first year the At the gave the almost reconciled me to struggling t Dont Taly Drastic Drugs . lesson on Mexican art and alho had HEEDED DOCTORS ADVICE Problems of the football world The tatibnal college athletics orwith a dead language. When I first contracting people would, be gien Tour KUtnoyo contain 9 million Mnr of to exhibit. end the annual prints were discussed at meetings ganization appointed a special com tuboa or (Uteri which mar hq emlifKrw-- i left home for boarding school my their marriage papers. At Mrs. Robert Hickey, . Roseville, Clifton Smith fell and broke of four Da met in mittee'to nrjleot or draitlo. Irrwatlug which organizations father told me I must choose be- of the third yeap, their second, try functional careful. If study tjie question, of Celir, writes: My doctor prescribed KUInry or KliJifer some of hig riba Monday,New York last December, among professionalism and make a you ahffcr from (letting Salts for me he said they tween football and music, ai each marriage papers. Upon completing dleorrlere mike report Kruschen Nervoueneea, J,om of Tep, me In the least. I've I'p Nljhti, hurt five-yewouldn't to casualties cohabitation of the playthe at tho nfixt convention. This is per- loat-1period Talna Rheumatlo Vein. Dliilnr,, topics being had to be practiced on the same weeks. Kruschen U In lbs. City Under cliftty, Bye, Neiiralala, ers; drunkenness at games, and haps only another pious gesture of worth Its weight In gold." afternoon. I chose football instant- they would then receive their final Hurnln, Smartlnc or.ltchlna. you dont need to take chances. A U druggist now . little consequence. Mrs. Hickey paid no attention ta professionalism in colleges. . Accidents ly and would do so again, though marriage papers." who',. have fli most modern advanced .treat aaid there waa no coachrosalpers who advocated ment for Before the association of troubles a l'ootor'r Judge Lindsay it has cost me the embarrasing way to reduce. 8he wieely folaafa called Cyttes 'Hie Works fact tfiat is New Statistics wood of college football lowed her doctors advice Why dont a few years wys. fast safe and surs. In 48 hours It must gathered in the major es, Professor East penalty of being caught napping at trial marriage bring new vitality and l guaranteed tp cities of the country show the Na- York University gave .statistics on is a' commercialized sport, and all TOUT bar member reinstated the of as f make you feel 10 yrarg younger In ona grand opera, and has landed me on (laata Get a J&r of Kruechen week of money back ou return of empty tional Capital to be .near the top in football deaths and injuries, which the Resolutions that may be pass4 weeks and coata bat a trlfla). the rocks when trying to lead the in Colorado. es Jo a Cystea dose package. costs, only and all the committees that may et A Bishop in Baltimore flayed the .druggists Simply take half teaapoonful In enp and the (uarautee protect you. number of accidents involving mo- he has carefully compiled over a singing, of which our labrador b Appointed are not of hot water every morning. All tor several His record make to vehicles. of advocates. have These likely years . grown to period people are so fond I it anything .else. But its a great drugglats. such proportion that the news-padisclosed that 30 players were killGaining a place on the team ers are waging constant warfare in ed during the 1936 season. . as gave me more pleasure than winan effort to reduoe the loss of life against 25 killed in. 1934. There . ning a scholarship. Sir Wilfred and roperty. Students of the prob-fe- were 55,440 injuries serious enough . in Cosmopolitan. whkh confronts every Ameri- to be recorded among some 68,000 TIME TO FIGURE ON LOWER: IS can community to a greater or les high school teams, and 9,900 injurDO . r degroe. are agreed that the ies among players on 829 college ING THOSE HIGH CEILINGS. 245-01931 Ford port coupe teams. It is estimated that injuries modern .automobile constitutes ' KITCHEN FOR A $235-0REMODEL FARM 1929Chevrolet sedan safe conveyance In the hands of a caused football players to lose a million days of school of a total compete, careful driver. 1930 .Chevrolet sedan MODERN CABINET Why do so many, farm boys and work last year. these the Racegaizing facta, ffirls yearn to migrate to the cities BUILD THOSE CLOTHES CLOSETS 1930 Dodge six sedan .. $245.00 Washicgton Star, which has been Is farm life dull for youngsters? DO HER NOT COULD vigorous in its attack . YOU NEED. partially Or does the city really offer better $175.00 , . JpSO N&sh sedan on the ProLiant, is "publishing a Opportunities to youth? Can any1931 Plymouth We will $195.00 you estimates pledga for the signature of the coupe thing be done to keep the young In he motorist, whkh or cost on agrees "to 1930 Durant sedan .. $145.00 people on the farms. drive at moderate speed Ih own These are the provocative questnj have. 1923 Chrysler sedan $145.00 yoU proper traffic lane or an oy cwn ttmM u tions which have been interjected aide of the road; not tq when are you I Jrs Into the seething political pot, al1931 Ford specifications all or other vehicles on curves or hills; nervous and irripickup, new motor overheated with agricultural ready table nr you r when to stop at stop signs; not to Jump 1934 Chryler Airflow wits end try problems, by Wheeler McMillen, traffic lights; to be particularly "this medicine. It 1934 Chevrolet editor of The Country Home, in a $55000 watchful for pedestrians stepping sport sedan may be just what remarkable address at the recent need books into forerun traffic homes, We from parked cart or you Kansas farming convention. New Ford. from behind parked cars; always energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of $23 Month Mr. McMillen thinks the ques"After you New savs, Jersey, to showing intention Trenton, tion of the young folks is really just s little work 1 bad to lie of turning left, right, or stopping doing mother-in-larecomdown. My the paramount agricultural quesand not to leave curb without lookmended the Compound. Vegetable tion beside which all others are Morrison-Merri- ll ing and giving a signal; to refrain 1 can see n wonderful change now. small and insignificant. from reckless driving; to be fair ho says, 9 Everybody knows, it to other drivers in all The Lumbermen respects. trrJ! that farm life is the most healthy Authorized FORD Deal" The eight points are nothing more tMand stimulating of all methods of TELEPHONE 46 BOUNTIFUL 9-than common-sensbut it might PHONE J BOUNTIFUL and mothers, Hving. Farm fathers help all of us to read them over therefore, watch with concern the IS PEACE ON EARTH (r r -- Bris-han- e, hr - - arid-taking- , ; . - -- ! in-lif- e - ..' New Dependability New Power Mew Economy . and-Mrs- . - ducls-Efficie- ncy bu-ve-- . all-rou- d - that'-Mayo- r . . soma-good- nt silb-stitu- te r- ',.. - 'rn-ioh- al HUNORYt- - -- . FULL-FLOATI- I for-thei- r ' N . -- . PJ-A- e . . over-abundant- ly s L . - - ' - ON H - THE not-?1- . Dont And-gol- f Bright Lights Thurs. not-hav- e - corfi-pni- Sunday .Saturday Mr.-'an- OF ACHIEVEMENT needlessly Joe-spoi- vs telephone ; your,' Program willruncrriinds. -- in bad weather and LETTER . . TOOK OFF 17 IDS. are.-filled to-fin-d Help Kidneys h. Football Problems FAT OF a-l- dr. - - ar cir-rf-- Hn-s- e le Washington, Many of prea-crlpti- (Siss-Test- . to-d- birth-contr- ay ol p. FJ CHILDREN LIKE LIFE? THE 0;W: m USED CARS 0 THE 0 - gladly furnish without any plans material lists might Get your planning and the ready for an early start weather breaks. of have plan garages, free. and other buildings for nCJSEUonR Fl hand-sign- 170 $350o Buys a al w & 153' Co. T7 - e, Bountiful Motor, Inc |