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Show ; x 1 THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH 4 s S UN L H-ttf- C ip &, It',' i Naw lork Post WNU Barvlca. Violets in 1929 Were 2nd Fiddle to Schoolboys 'T'HING8 ought to know game called basket-ball- ; you about th Tho New York unlversIty-Baltl-mor- o university contest of 1929, which took place at Arcadia hall, Baltimore, was played preliminary to a high school tussle, Carleton college went through a winning streak of 64 consecutive home games, losing to Cornell, of Iowa, In 1935, by a. score of 33 to 28. City college has used the same ecorer and timekeeper for the last i 13 years. In basketball piny among the vate schools of Massachusetts pri- In 1910, each foul committed counted M a- point toward the opponent's score, besides giving the foul shooter an opportunity of shooting for a one pointer from tho free throw line. Five fouls disqualified a player. At the Olympic games of 1920, , .wnlch were held at Antwerp, two teams of the Scandinavian countries participated In a gnme that bad 12 players on each Bide, composed equally of men and women. Notre Dame participated In 48 scheduled contests during the season 1908 09. So strong snd hardy wers the six Michigan University passers of 1929 they went through the entire with no other aid, earning the title of Iron men. Walter Whltey Budrunas, Mar. quette university center, scored' nine points In 51 seconds against Grlnnell college, of Iowa . . . 1931. The Friends school of Phlladel-phland Temple university, en- gaged In a 3 to 1 contest, each team using seven players on a side sea-to- n a, . . . 1899. In the ! contest of , not a pennlty was meted out until 30 minutes ef play hud , . elupsed. e 1930-31- Basketball on Skates Was Garden Novelty . basketball tournament on skates was held at Madison Square Car. den during the months of July ' and August, 1906. The referees were' not permitted to- call any fouls. The Victoria Oomlnoes, Canadian Independent champions, and the Seattle Knights of Columbus engaged In four extra overtime pe- rlods without breaking the tie score. The players became exhausted and quit for the evening . . . . 1935. Because of a scoring dispute In the final elementary school chambetween pionship game public schools 62 and Cl, Manhattan, the teams engaged In an additional contest which lasted exactly 22 seconds. The first quintet to score was awarded the city crown. The Eastern Intercollegiate Basketball league was the first organization to employ seven persons ns officials to supervise the activities of 10 players. There were two two urn-- . scorers, two referee. and a. plrea . time-keeper- in OrSer, Keeps Seasons Gives Fair Maidens Their Charge. Events in the Lives previously, had bowlegged M WONDER. HE' MADE -- man performing In the ilttsburgh should certainly have known better, At the start, this awkwnrd, bowlegged man seemed to embody all the tenets of what not to do. That was at the start. Since then many competent observers linve declared that linns Wagner was the greatest bull player who ever lived Then there was another powerful fellow who played. golf'. He lurched, at the ball, he wat off balance, he did a few other things wrong (or so the stylists said), each time he went around a course. Hie ham wae Ted Ray. He won' the British open championship In 1912 and the' American open eight years later, a feat that few of the golfers ever accomplished. e He Worried J " e The-tim- , ' LooS all y '. Juit'. a Littld Lova 1 It? ' ' Nurse A hoy, sir I. . And If a bachelor didnt like taking the proponent to be his lawful 'wyfe he could be mulcted (fined) one pound or less. IBs only out was to be already engaged. Calendar Accepted Rapidly. The Gregorian calendar was accepted In Italy, Spain, and Portugal on the same day It was ordered In Rome. In France It was accepted before the year was ended and In 1583 iy the Catholic states of Germaryr. The German Protestant states retained the Julian calendar until 1700 when Sweden and Dennfark also changed to the Gregorian or new style calendar. Rusla held to the Julian calendar until the soviet uhion was formed. In Great Britain the Julian caVa-da- r was abolished by fhe aiU of 1750. That same year saw the change Is. the British colonies In America. The ' birthday of George Washington which was February 11 under the Julian calendar, became February 2 when the change occurred. Chloago Tribune. All-Occasi- Frock That Is Flattenin'o on PATTERN 2388 ' Profrvsof-rWh- at . Vhnt does he want? Rrofesgor Border Cijles SUir, . . 5a They Do' . I wonder why It .Is that a; nautical mile Is nearly it . seventh longer than a mile on land? Hubby IVgll, darling, thats very slntple. Yxi know tilings swell hj Wlfey . .SHU&e mon nhut bought - that House? YJEAKNESS6S e me made out o his money WltOK. OTHER Trt' RlMem 6RIEF- To SoRRERFdt' MIR YOMIM CHILDREN. j - . . . . Worth It I understand you IiaVe been having .your faiyily tree looked up,"- spld Jones. Yes, replied Brown, and-Icost ITOck of , Heres, hn. great .Charfti and versatility which you can male with very little effort, and at a surprising saving. Theres me ?3,W.KV flattery theres loveliness, Ip every "Quite expensive, wasnt It V lirte, whether you've a naturally Yds, but It cost 'only $2,000 to youthful silhouette, or one more genhave U locked' up. ..The other $3,000 erously proportioned. Dont you love was .what I pal'd to. have It hushed the sipooth simplicity of a Baltimore Sun, . . . lip. yoke, and the dainty bit of rich laefe at the throat? Its grand and warm In sheer wool dressy in novelty Number, Pleatu I snj confiecte'd with Borne of the crepe, lustrous or dull satin. Pattern 28SS Is available In sizes best families." , 16, 18, 20, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44. . By telfplione? . Size 30 takes 3 yards 39 Inch fabric, -- L-. . r and yard 4 Inch lace. Illustrated Lacerafod Heart t sewing Instructions inYouns Dick says his, heart Is stepby-stelacerated. .Who's the lass? An cluded. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In . . . swefs M.lgazlne. coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, Never Say Dit address and style number. BE SURE . Jt fg w id .that wo shall pass away TO STATE SIZE. as a tale that Is told. orders to the Sewing Cir;.Tut .tales that ajrelold dant pass . cleAddress Pattern Dept, 243 W. Seventeenth away; they. nae' forever being: told York New City. St, again. Exchange. -- - There also was Harry Greb. Few fighters ever have performed In as unorthodox 'fashion ns dhl tills won the middleweight championship of the world, wus seldom class' and. riom out ot the often t.han not was culled upoh to defeut 'opponents who outweighed him from 19 to f0 pounds, . He never was a puncher,' able a fight Vvlth one devastating blow, at wae another ring marvel and ring freak named Bob Fitzsimmons. Largely Qreb won because his only claim to fame was that he lacked all fornv Hq ewarme'd all over opponents, who, trained 4n accepted modes, were bewildered be-- , cause he did not fight their way. I saw him one night probably It was the time when he beat Gene Tun-- , ney slapping, wrestling, hauling, doin'g everythlng'wronp-- The six hours stumped them until extra day tv iftey decided to add an make that and every fourtn year 29. This Is 306th, day February extra the day because leap year causes the calendar to leap over a 29. day of the week after February rotates Just calendar the Ordinarily one day because 365 Is one over 52 1 seven day weeks. Thus, March wilh fall but fell on Friday last year, of. Suthrday this ,n Sunday Instead .tear. Pope Suppresses Ten Days. didnt The Julian astronomers however, down pat, the thing have for the solaf 5'par Is actually 365 clays', 5 hours, 48 ndnutes and 45.51 serods. By the time Tope Gregory (III decided to act In 1582 A. D. the dates of the year had shifted . 10 days out of season. To correct this Pqpe Gregory ordered that October 5, 1582, he made October 15, 1582. To tnkeeare of the discrepancy thereafter Fnpe Gregorys flstroivMners decided that leap year should be omitted orr every century year not divisible by 400. Lean again until year won't he surpressed ' ' ' 2100 A: D. . . Anyjvay, leap year hns a more romantic aspect. By tradition, If not by practice, It Is the time a woman coin propose marriage to' a man. The orjghl of this counter attack In the love sfilt la less satisfactorily 'explained than the Julian and Grego. rian" calendars.., ' r,nt apparently Margaret of Nor; way, who betame queen of Scotland, started the thing In 12S3 A. p. by saying there ought to be a law. She .decreed that during the leap 'years of her reign every mayden Indye of botke Mglie nnd lowe estalt .shall hae liberte- to bespeake ye mad sire likes. . . Greb Did Everything Wrong, But Won fights Ids Is leap ia th9 cause February 29 f om-th- at's HOW ' t lad-wh- o te-en- d THE FEATHERHEADS , Time after time be started with his left, shifted in Manhattrulled punches Brooklyn college tan college, 114, at the end of the mid air and landed with his right first period, yet romped oft with Instead. To lend with yohY right la the contest by a majority of seven to disregard one of (lie strictest canons of the rrnjt .When you do points . . . 1929. that you lay yourself dpen Kj a knockout, and I.ain not advising the box office forgot to any one to try It. YetGreb did 1t rpHINGS A mention: , that nlglit, as upon many other oc-The matrimonial dockers are cnslons. and he got away with It whispering that Alfred Gwynne Later t talked with him In his. dressVanderbilt did not establish a res-- , ing room and made the usual idence in California merely because statement about bis doing he wished to be close to Dlecovery, everything wrong. hit entry In the $100,000 Santa An. he said! Yeah But I won, Ita handicap. Inetead, their IT . .. didnt la that the youthful heir not a waa It queetlon; It'waf loon will gallop to the altar with it It had been (a.quea-tiostatement the daughter ef a western railroad I could not have answered it. magnate and . . But since this Is could I answer It now I Neither really not a tipping bureau the with those readers who write own agree Its can Huntington clan print in to discover where to fipd It that announcements. Even If the New York state ath- form muefr be Very nice, but Somehow I cannot forget all those letic commissioners should become who did It wrong andw.ent liftls so daring as to meddle with the with the title Just the sam& borne William Randolph plans of the e ilearBt A. C., It Is unlikely that ORE things the box score they rould oblige their Cuban feltold: . never for lows by punishing anybody continue to protest fans that recent Havana fiasco. That is Brooklyn becruse the blighted Castanuga-Lou'- s vehemently because of rumcre that venture was promoted by the National league president li inMike Jacobs, who holds no boxing sisting upon thrusting Cleveland's license of any kind In New York. discarded business manager Into When Mike and the IV. R. H. A. C. their affaire. They argue, and for promote In this state business Is once it might be advisable for the done through the Twentieth CenBrooklyn owners to take note of the tury Sporting Club, Inn., of which customers' objections, that the William C. Carey Is president and American league should take care Tom IfcArdle matchmaker. of its own problems. . p 4 , Blood Money MONE- Y- HlS Infield year and February ot It. But the cause dates back to 4G B of Julius astronomers C. when the solar the that out Caesar figured the earth tv takes It time year (he around the sun) complete Its orlJt hours. six was 36.') days aqd of Little Men FINNEY QF. THE FORCE seen an awkward, pretty-as-a-pic-tur- A Is With Us Again, Leap Ycal and Heres What Causes It - JOWADAYS you hear overmuch about a mysterious thing called form. Having become more than somewhat bulky In those spots where it can do the most harm to a golf stroke, I have ceased bothering about the thing myself, but it seems to have perturbed numerous readers. Scarcely a day passes without letters from some of them inquiring where they can learn to become diving girls (or boye, as the case may be) In six easy lessons. Frankly, I have been unable to answer, because after Interviewing numerous lending exponents of form 1 still do not know what the darned thing Is. All that I can make out of the answers Is that It Is doing things gracefully, according to the accepted pattern, looking pretty as a picture. ' Naturally such an answer would be disheartening to the average man or woman. All of ue do not have the bodies of Greek gods or the uperb poise of a Lynn Fontanne. So, If we paid real attention to these replies of the masters, wo might be too keenly aware of our lack of physical equipment, and thus give up before we reach tho first tee. That would he a mistake. You can do It wrong but you can succeed. History was proving thnt In other ways long before the modern sports era began. When they were fighting the Civil war It was the mode to Imitate Napoleon. Many generals did well at it, but the man who got the verdict at the finish was U. 8. Grant. He disliked reading about the Emperor, and his campaigns were vastly different from those which Europe bad hailed as being In the very best style. But that did not keep him from .trouncing the Imitators of fashions. It has boon the same In sports. A1 Simmons and that queer hatting style or his have been written of too much to mention now. Yet, it still seems strange to me that the experts should hnve been so deceived. Those who, years By Q Wester 0Urn NtwMW VftWft, Continuous Performance -- 1 Atta Boyl on a dance floor the other sight: ' . UNTIL THEN . . , . Overheard M io rr iJi, : Uer-fSo-- tfhyi "me! t,iey vlttshurgh Fost-Odzett- e. bro-mldl- c you coulonY WISH FOR . L Ay. BETTER TSS f n, I CWRIGLEYS r' w-f- c M 1 FLAVOR THAN I 311 Th t W Urn Nwppr Pilot ) thought you and the Smiths were the best of friends. We were, until we tried to spend a month with our families In the same summer cottage. I In the Suburbs Sailor How far Is your house from the car line? Girl About five minutes walk, If you run. PERFECT GUM |