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Show i e "1IE WEEKLY NEWS EXHIES - , Avoid Wrong. Way; " Scenes otja Persons lu duvCun'cnt News " . of Killing Hogs C ;)rc4 ess Methods-- CHICKEN dinners M Trust ..a w m Birds Could. Kept in Production. A c - R, E. ; i Wifi ! killing time rtfns a big risk of Dfr'J.cnt , ii 'V' vm t j $ 1 1 r fliUM -- n'lmnf ill;.,-.., .i!T - ? ftit.ls first, ... STWlV l 1 tbnglitb'.ij. hearts jlwit - asset W g..?.d h. . Twelve 1 Xars s4ood a heinw. .'thirtieth tlw fist as Vj'tiiii ,1111 ta adI ajepnt bemif.v siiin1. lglt pf .the pip' ,sUn in g . first .place will; IkeaitB. nyallj .tlnf 11 (mi ,nace (fi tbe body rt Ii4qmrlait. t., Iftjau . v- - Mothers read this: Ni-.- Clr. BSr4or 1 President IMospvelt delivering his message t,n ,.f the. Unlsn, with Vice IVcshlent (Islrnet benie w'sci . . over th Jolijt a..lou if anfl Speaker iu:. x. ijctiator Carter Glass of Iirglnlir In tfie vl(,?osi'(fud ,(y; tor diMmii'l befort? bnsket t flowers serf t. spellbound nmazempnt hugs on 11S birthday. 3 to vvltl'i. of.Jirlnglng.ilie Dfc Edwin Grant Conklin, iVtucstou Mohgt, bj wn the Aluerlcitn AssocIaUp lor tbe 'In luii'wiaJ kn .iUiit Ui tie llajtts. Jacg . Advaacement of Science,. . tit iiverdft tlieitilncf, hqs big Nf welgbf In aa attempt In pb ' tain a billowy or jioylsh 41gure, .( Re-RaWotU Every uerwt'igbt jiergoti knows Unit lie. .or lie eats foti ,nniib.. Now He. Will Run NBC .' ,II'W Tint ilmoupt. of food entity, may nol. bfi q much pf Jltnt eaten regnlniily MaJ. Lentfj Riley Lohr, fonnrfly by tlila itml nnrnr.it IndlvtdiMls bwl, ' general nlanager ef tire Clmtury of - kv-'- d A liquid laxative, is the. answeV, , feml nevertheless Mt Is tw iliujy-wa gnQtlH'rS'. Tlie answer, to all yoihr Progress exposition, Chicago, fNV blit or 4ivr itartlettlar vvorrws over, constipation. A. liquid A., fidtly. can be measured. The All hyerwelufits knyw that If they, ; v.. . V t , exactly snitedto any .age or need. will reduej tlm Iw.tnke, tjie welgjit th'e (lose crcJi time, until, I will' gfiitlually come offj Alnny ,of tluj Tcnicla are moving 0 their own Ibem.lionestly try tti retjuee welglft. accord and need no hblp. less. fund, hut on pie fii;sf by This treatment wifi succeed with ' . . . x x a - ' x . v child and with any adult. fvt'lllig of Weakness ,UiVy beonuv any , ' 1. Ilospi-.ta- ts v.; nfrnld nd fed they tvei'e sintjily Doctors use, liquid lgxati-vcsuse the liquid form. If it is best flieftnt Ur, be Jut wid do nothing for their use, it k best for homo fuse. Uiiire jibqiit. It.' Aod today; there aro fully a million ' famitics'thatwifl have no other kind Cut. , 'Looking in the lfoqse. . . fo'i uro Jtbera lortUlag " x4, . used The liquid generally lqxative. cut to weight rvituctton. TbeJ ifte ,.lt is. ij, lJt.. Caldwells . Abut all medical remlljig'alioul a doctors prescription, now so widely Vi? U now qbe tt do ftir djlt. know.n tliqt you cjn get it all ready wmilltlons iJIabeteH, Niimirpox, scar-lif- t for use at any drugstore. fevi, 'liinfiiitt. yellojv fever K and so. expect tbat'fioinclbiitg cno Not foi Aged. v be done to seduce weight without Is a pastime tq he learned .. Piumlng Imv'nx to 'red uve tlw, ainoun't & ' : ' or not at alL life bi enVly fou-'It' .. faje'i). 'ffijM, f, '.Now meiflcal science cun help srine who 'lire ofvcwulgbt. By II114 rale at Hlilcb A remarkable plcJure of an leaebefg formation, xnadq neaT the Squfh ' slmpty. tiH'asm'lng tloV 'body processes work .It li elected president of the National pole by Photographer INuitIng, a member qfCnpt. Robert F. Scott's whet tier these ioqesauit nee learned Broadcasting company, succeeding Antarctic expedition f BM2. The picture, recently found among 'the too slowly ts burli.or'Mst wording, luTs'TTefn Merlin II. Aylesworth, who asked effects of the lute Captain Iontlng, never published beforq. fut tissue mol If sol vycess to- be 'relieved of Lis dutleB.. In seldom an has even ctticrenl quality It found . Juck Frost'p artistry. i extract fg glvPn which Iih thyroid La to colcLi. xi'enses the rate t tVlileh tlip body Work and so fat .la'krud-unflprocesses Jeff Davis, IIoLo Kin Oor ' ' . removed. , Ilvwever, I)(. TV A.. Styles pointVisits the .White Honsc Relieve the dryness, indj ed out inu! 4xuths In llygela some1 Irritation by applying V" Alentholatum night Jeff Davis,' king of the Interna- months ago; Seemingly thorp ls.no and morning. end to number .of the powuidon-otablets, tional Itinerant Workers, f hoboes, In 'royal 'finery was ilers, and prracrlidlmv nostrums a recent visitor at the White .House. Used In tlilfi.lntemnl treittnent, of 7 vest COM FORTlOe products ciutThe Chief Executive was unable over.welgliL to take time to see the hobo de tntn thyroid extract, tljfy. mny be If yqu prefer nose drops, or effective by rniddly burning tip hie tliroaf spray, rail for the tin d uud tlssdo Instead' of stArlpg HEW MEMTHOUTUM LIQUID of na t .theyi), Irut only at Jn handy bottle with dropper pulse raje, imlpltatlivn, tremors, sleeplessness, sad llreifness. 'Such livsHltudiv A Virtue a powerful drug should, never angels. visit you they do not by overweights themselves tell you they, are angels. , Byrns-presidin- g meth-.oil- elud -- s ;, Huge fee Castle Near South Pplc Fair; n ad 1 ix 'h. ...' dose-can-b- v Just-rduc- car.-Mss- ( , - eat-ln- g I,-- .Veterinarian Explains How to Prevent Hog Flu Birds Having Long Egg . Cycles Lay Small Eggs the' number of hen lays . without a pause. If s hen lays 23 dhys before she pauses to rest she .Is said to have a long egg cycle,. notes a writer In the Missouri Farmer. If she lays .only two or three days In succession and p'rfuses 'she Is said to hafe a short egg cycle.' .' Th.ere .are Leris that hnve laid 'every day for more dnd tharf a month without-stopping- , that Is the kind that rise to the 3K)gg .clnss; foe a- hen Bint.' lays. SOft eggs pCr year' hps little-tirafor vacations. Usually hens with-lonegg cycles lay sntall eggs-- and when this Is 'the ense her desired prolificacy Is offset by tbe hail point of weight' It Is a rare and valunhle combination when-thking brings eggs of good fcizfe ."with It, provided the 1hp has the stamina to live. for A second yvnr and can pass her good qualities on to her offspring. Most p'oultrynien'ure confent with a .moderate-layin- g hen a hen tilth a medium sized egg cycle, that lays a good size egg and hah the ability to live, long. Again, this . U the An egg cycle Is fi e e 'hippy medium;" . Birds Have Roup r Syrup-Pepsin- - .v ...... rV Haul. . . The .sleeping- - St. . Large and- Small Eggs - According to the Missouri agricultural experiment station there Is apparently a natural tendency for Hie domestic hen to lay Jorge eggs during the regular breeding season, "Idle smaller eggs are laid during he ummer months. t)r. D. C. Warren of the Kansas State Cultural college has shown that high temperatures cause the birds to produce smaller eggs. At the Mis aourl station It was shown that the first egg laid in a clutch Is usually the largest egg in that particular clutch. t Poultry Notes liens In high production Jrink more water than poor layers. They t )w exhale more moisture and thus Increase the humidity of the alt In the poultry house. A Foultry manure can be used ti good advantage In fertilizing field crls. although It Is not good prac-He- e to use It for the poultry range. Englands hen population" Is estimated by experts to number Including those small flocks kept In back yards and gardens. 0, Production may be somewhat higher from confined hens, yel hena on range probably consume less of the costly feeds. f. l fy, .. rM NASAL gp-th- IRRITATION e - r . . Swine Influenza, usually develops very Suddenly. As a rule the entire herd sickens witldri dfty or two. The temperatures of pigs sick with swine flu are usually raised.. Pigs lose their' desire for food and mny rat only small amounts or refuse food . entirely. Affected pigs dislike to move, but prefer to lie around. Thumpy or Jerky breathand a vioing Is characteristic, lent spell of coughing Is not- uncommon. . practicing veterinarian should be called at once when this disease Is suspected. Ills counsel, first In recognizing the disease, and second In directing the care and management of affected animals, will help to prevent the losses from both swine flu and complicating diseases. A Danish Red ,f ' if, XgtfrtjV-- : quarters should be spacious enough and warm enough so that pigs will not huddle together, or pile upon one another.-Theshould by kept dry and free from drafts. A diet that is laxative and easily digested should Uo provided. Alfalfa meal, linseed meal-ecottonseed meal, when Incorporated with ,the ration, helps much to gccomplish this Cnd. Fresh, clean watCr strou-lbe available at all Try , , n-- Gives Her Prize to a Sick Girl y j - all-hi- s tlie-cos- fe-ve- y, with the United States The Department of Agriculture. cattle came originally from Denmark. but the 22. heifers and two btllls to be used In the Waseca .experlmhts were Imported from the Virgin Islands, West Indies. They are known as Bed Danish," and rose from a foundation of native Scandinavian red cattle, Improved with selections from the leading breeds of continental Europe. The heifers In the shipment 4o be sent to Waseca are each two fears old, and the bulls are yearMature Danish Red cattle lings. are of medium height, weigh from 1,100 to 1,200 pounds, and range In color from light red to a deep cherry red. The dams of the heifers In the shipment averaged 525 pounds of butterfat a year, and the dams of the sires averaged 622 pounds. The dam of one of the two bulls averaged 708 pounds, and tbe dam of other bull 637. Wli-on- . as Its ufco with lack ofwvpervlslon-tins led to se'rlous- ennseijuivnoes. - , 6otne Sport ' Strain Heart. udddkvagod men Vvku have let thcuiselvcSi become ovcrwelgb,t mlddle-ngwith ,a real spread' dglUljr declfle tlitit It is excu'lse they need uud suddrnljr, plunge lntW laird anusculur exercise which at jlielr flme of llffi and lo tfielr fcpftv coulltlou ouuy do serious harm. For Instance badminton looks luxe, but nevertheless Jeff pledged like a, simple karne.and Is dc'serv-eithe support of 600,000 knights p popular a,t. athletic (and social the road to Roosevelt Me said clubs, but as !a mufjer'of fact It that Roosevelt bad done more for ranks with tennls and lg only huc-on- d to bifsketbull .0, its struln .on the hobo than any other President the heart and blood vessels. man ncedg What tlie middle-agefirst Is to cut down on bis food intake, do considerable walking, and then go Into a gymnasium for systematic exercise about tpree times . l week. . . M fifty d Mrs. George Ilordce Lorlmer,on the right, giving her $1,000 awnpd,. received for betag the "most outstanding wrnnan" of rhllatjelplda for Illdred Applebee, to pay for Miss Appleheeg the year, to foftrteen-year-olcare In a tuberculosis saltarlum., Mrs. Lorlmer, who !g president of the Republican Women of Pennsylvania and aotlve Jft womcnjr clubs and charitable organizations, rbcelyed the annual ,ward,Vhlcb wai presented . . . by the Glmbel store, at a luncheon.. d H d This Is What They Call the Sunny Southland Examinatioo of Teeth a physician believes that t patient Is suffering with, some Infection, he looks for, the likely Still Coughing? No matter how many medicine you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulslon. Bcrlous trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with anything less than Creomul-Elo- n, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the Inflamed memn branes as the phlegm Is loosened and expelled. Even If other remedies hare failed, dont be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulslon and to refund you r money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. germ-lade- Get Creomulslon right now. (AdO , Forgive Graciously If you must forgive, forgive gre clously. X-R- When v, . V places where Infection ls,most commonly found. He thus starts with the teeth, then the tonsils, then gall fi bladder, then Intestine and then sinuses adjoining the nose. If the teeth have crowns or ihow that they have the pulp (nerve and blood vessels) removed, he lends the patient to have afl nomination. The iIll show If there Is any Infection about the roots of the teeth by cnstlng a dark ihndow. When this Is discovered the teeth aro usually extracted, allhough sometimes continued treatment will save them. Dr. Wilbur II. Gilmores suggestion is that the specialist should have in mind the patient first and his examination and his report should be such that when It reaches the dentist by way of the physician that the Infection of the teeth and gums, the presence of cavities, the way the upper and lower ;eeth tneet one another, should all )e Included. y X-r- Cow Cycles Texas farmers and livestock men sold more cattle to the government during the drouth than appeared on the tax rolls. Only distressed cattle were supposed to be sold. Now the Lone Star cattlemen have the largest feed crop In history and not enough livestock to consume It. four or five years being required to stock cattle range by natural Inup crease. And It may take longer than that to get the cattle, weather and other cycles working together. Th Country Home. l' gen-ora- Cattle A new breed of dairy cattle, developed within the last 50 years, Is to be used In breeding experl-mentsb- y the WnsecS branch of the Jflnnesota experiment station. In MENTHOUATU -' e Jhree-fluarters'- one-hnl- fer-Shor- t ml-.en- - la all probability birds showing swelling of the eyeg, have roup, at the North says a poultry-maCarolina State college. Where only a few birds show signs of the disease, the best control Is to .dispose of the affected birds, clean up ami disinfect the poultry house and give the entire flock' one dose of eiKoih salts at the rate of a pound of salts o epch two and f gallons of water. Check the feeding schedule and see that Hie flock s getting fi good ration.. Do not overefowd the. birds and keep them free of external and Internal parasites. With these th$ trouble wilDsooU disappear. . .. Though Influeitza Ip hogs, does not cause (Jeatpk' directly, the. dlsease opens, the wiry fox dangerous complicating diseases, especially pneumonia.' To heJp.avpld troubles, hog producers fchpuld pay careful attention. In . fall and winter to- the shelter anil feefling of pigs, says Dr. II. C. II. Kernkninp of the. veterinary division, University fprm, limes: . , 11 be-fii- . 'I'diljy the . b ea one-hal- : frirdiMft and despite vn,' and lnur lii-esslo- days -- lhMt. gi'e In New ls-Vt- ;ud idlin' subjects tu lijiiiiili ouf .c.li'fN, ness, w- 4.H(ik - -i Jd ej't is al'put. Ttf.surl, Avealtli, 4un-odi- l, tlv Tinitli Ift'iiltb I? tt.' i- i mld-wlnte- 'oped.- more people named York than any other Hume. 4n fact, there are 10,000 fohejiS In the Bronx and Manhattan flhrfie. Tbe Kellys nre forgotten and overlooked. Indians like to live In New Y,,rK city. Seems to agree with Hu'Jti ' tlje nutpber Is Increasing. There :rre now 391 of them living . , . therO'. There hr two fuilldings that each liiiv livtlloeis the street level. There. Is one litore for every 70 per- Vo.ns, Thete, Is one physician for Jlore people live ol.Vpijr.sgns. twerj In. the f.roqx than Jn Los, Angeles. New Forks quUe a farming town. Theei nre IiVi ftmillles qlassed In the '.official cmiin'jn ns being , llleAnd .2, MO cows re milked- fivery la.v.in New Y.orliVlt. Iome.r . 4Voy JiieEstkiilri. .. , . . js t vertiiiiy, appeal. Tlrfl all- - ,in zdk. NwNw'N'Nvvt -- 1 W" xx his meat The right way to kill hogs Is Because of the demand foe wiii, j j,wt a gasy a3 khe VTong way, en dinners, no one knows Vn lonj aud vith proper curing It virtually-hen might live If given a cliais,. assufts successful preservation of. Also, the scientists and the jmnj t;A meat more InterestVd l how jryman are Many of the methods employed will continue to pniducr lie dilds time were responsible long a hen eggs economically, rathe than juw for tle heavy losses usually experienced. Some of the worst faults long she will live If she has . thance to roupd. out her (all i;f are; , span. Hoys werd usually killed on the, r, Voidest days of under Most hens meet tfielv fate cold extreme the four or the five about that are years they old. A bird usually fays more eggs t tliied preserve the meat Bitter diffiduring the first or pullet,- year than 4 eo!l weathv made the task In cult was and It through It juslied w.ouldbe a fine Id Inter years. a Mrds ff could' u" bred pe hurry. thing A umiperatuie of 23. to 40 .then managed so they would con carcasses tinue to produce eggs for many Rrccs is prefeuubW The ha witiiA to allowed 'do This would hang up over- swat years. so as t& the expensive process of forme ir; flight In the smokehouse c s to. f the let all the animal heat dissipate from Is . started.. curiirg fldek each jear. The custom 6f shooting 'hogs tfr The Cornell university tjpefl-tsenta- l them In the 'hand wag flock has ot hen, tiowevef,-tha- t Ihockhig Then .the hogs were prevalent is .going strong In her eight! a vat of water that lo dragged yeari Stje .has 'completed seven was cither" tod hot or too colli. laying years with an average of 200 The bndles were, bruised; the cor eggs each year, pr a total of 1,401. asses did not. bleed properly; f eggs during the seven, years. . . the hair did not scrape off ns It Thirty-thre- e other birds o the should. Stick the hogs, allow, them same strain are lb the pen with her. to hleerj thorreughly, dnd scald them None Is less than fffur years' of age. In water hdated to 150 dfgreeg, no ' ' ' The 34 hens have averaged 02(5 esgs more, no less. . each during theii; laying life, or 178 not feed 'the hogs within 5- I)o eggs apiece for each of tfia four hours ftf killing time. Doing so laying years. As a group they have wastes Teed and makes 'the been laying for an averdge ot 177 'harder to dress. Do not out years. Perhaps" more fin be devel- - tip tbe carcasses until tbe next day. ' There Chibon ang l3verwe!gkV ,t Jirt-- Its Indians and Farms . , DAY af 4 .V an ad . los- - A- lAdle ,, Ax' s x 7 he farmer who uses haphazard, Vthivj and trusts to luck at hug- -' Serve m jCcw York City Still Has DR..fAMt? V. EASTON Nance. Vrofessor of Anilnal HusCol- bamify, North Carolina StJte 'NU Service. , , lee. ' Laying Prof. G 0. Hall, PouHi Cornell Universitr.-W- NU ...... HORE ing.t Luck, May Cause LosSj Expert Advises. CREATE PRQR LEltf'i By , - . . y y WNU folk la the more northern states. Soma comfort may be derived from this picture by had been severe than experienced there In 25 years. more n scene la Atlanta, Ga during a cold snap winter-boun- d It shows Brvle. COIISTIPATIOn MADE KOI IllCSV TIL HE DISCOVERED ALL VEGETADLE CORRECTIVE For yean ba acf-with fered coostipu-tio- n. it am his work. Then Blamed friend told bin about the paturi J all vegetable corrective. Natures Remedy. S. Tablets contain a balanced combination of the and laxative provided by nature in plant di&ev-entiy vegetables. See for yourself. Note now tie but Gen work. No thont!h they griping. alive. Wooden-! action, leaving you refreshed, for headaches, bilious spells. Non-hab- it form- ing. Only 25c aii druggists. WNU W |