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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH Wheat More Deadly Than Dynamite a9 Ship Cargo Wheat Is one of the most danger ous cargoes carried by ocean freight ers, because It may shift and cause a heavy list, or, when wet, generate a gas that. In the heat of the hold, Is an explosive as deadly as dynamite. Wheat has caused many ship wrecks, among thpm being ilia; 0f the British steamer Antlnc, which la VJJC. Col sank in , . mid-Atlanti- Ohio, Great Lott to Indiant To the Indians the loss of Ohio was felt more deeply than the loss of any other state, for It was their favorite hunting ground wherein roamed plentiful game of many species. Thus, according to a writer In the Cleveland Plain when the region that furnished them food and clothing was being taken away from them, many of the natives violated practically all the treaties made with the white men who, too, wanted this land. To white men who cai-sInto tills region, these savage battle cries were familiar. No white man shall plant corn In the Ohio country" and We will put out the tire of every on the Indian shore." Madunic MuMcn. of courc. Slip son tongued old woman, Madame ha a case, without nn ilout.t. Hut Malden. S9 f told you, Furman is the Yob really, think she wants to luwjcr, and he will be hero lo H f,.vv annoy me, thent" Will Mrs. Malden, Min-rNot only annoy yon, hut get you couipy Stone Inquired. accused of your husbands murSooner or later, If f N,t der, and then get you convicted." -- fUit unless It Is necsssavy." why why does she want to Lets adjourn till torment the girl who loved her son said Lovell. In Ids blond e.iy, nud land whom her son loved?" I then see about It." Thats Just lb The old woman really believes you killed Corey. She A small and exclu-s- e an very I Is not making believe; she Is In delightful place to Ue earnest You must quash rhat He. of Scottstowu, no? r.ir $ .! Hmf if your lawyer can't accomplish umbu OliK At a mtorllt for you, (ben you mut trjr otlnw party wiy? about to .u? imm V'ar lawyer." 1 sv ren, Ohio. o Frida morn mg. i?il I "b'ho told you all thls da somewhat Unsidly .. t (lt.d tht ?iPet to see Maritime Malden on my ' c i llers. , ' ! k fat. Do You "Whoever or whatever did Coiwy Malden, his wife had no found In I "It seems to me," put In Gaskell, It, Gaskell declared, Yea say that," Cartoon snJd, as they looked at the matter from are we was Is that Corey your angles, varying de- - friend. lie was my frlefld, too. I tachlng too much Importance to tails. We, as executors, have no admired his wife she Is beautiful f duty to perform except the transfer and clever. But that tVcs not Corey Malden's fortune to Mrs. elude wickedness, ghe I f Malden, with the deflnte exceptions sba g entirely above and such bequests as are quite plain- yon(j gUSpCon," Stone said, slowly, ly stated in' the will Garth, to be but tbat is not what faces her; 8 yrefe froin aDy charge of hav sure, Is Coreys lawyer, but as a closp friend I feel that 1 know all jng done evjj because she couldn't about the matter and can help you have done It. How could she? What soe It through as well as Garth can, was her weapon? Whpt becams of subject, df course, to his sanction It? iVhy would she kill a man she . and approval." loved so dearly! Yes, we know Cartoon staed at the speaker. 0f her love for Mm you do not. Personally," he said, I admit 1 ye nqw her young, Innocent to meet with, and be advised ,sh character you do not. And. the , by lawyer who drew up the moreover, we know flint this and who Is also an executor;" tarUly hlnt of splclon, aye. more and Tony tban a hint. Is the Work of a As you choose," 1 feel It malevolent old woman, a Jealous shrugged his shoulders. was unwise for Garth to go oft on. person, who hates that long trlR Just at this June- - without cause and accuses without ture-r- reason. Isddentally, we kflow flint lie didnt know this was going yoU, Air. Carleton, have Joined t be a. Juncture, Lovell,. In gue wth the unscriipufmts Fnr-hl- 8 Of course, we want man, and your game Is to bring mild way. here ht.our meetings, but we aster to the stricken bride sf the cad do Much without him." murdered man,, and obtain from Well," began Tony, fils voice ycuir helpless client 111 gotten galas trifle harsh, "we can at least find for yourselves." out where we stand regarding that Part bf the knowledge' set .forth Richmond lawyer Farman, Isnt by Stone, In his gulpt but forceful It? Im told something on harangue, was obtained from facts hhs mind regarding the (tenth of l and hints brought to him by IVih, Corey Malden," and the- - rest he had cleverly and There was no response to this, i deduoed frouf .what he hhd truly . . . and $.tone took up the Conversation. stnnj-Thqt sort of thing Is In .my Une,Tthat aiany of hfs sjinfts think," he ald. 1 am engaged, Ilf. struck hoipe. , Whats This shout the elder JJrs--, Malden .taking cyanide into the rootq bf her daiighter;1w.law?" he ' asked. . Jve.henivf nothing thn. made me pay any adtmtlon to 1L Merely the MrA.!aa.D,,8U?fC8 vaguest of runurrs." then . he should tell as so "Rumors to what effeet? plainly. . If he has no suspicions "Look here, .Mr. Stone, i am not of the sort, then he stmuld Inform i , arn not b h h us to that effect When does Mr. lltwaa. bere o c me up here? .of Corey Ma,'dep's will, That I donJ know.. I am .not an(f unless we get.at that work sne big confidant, M!r.t Stone."' attend t It exclusively I consider k t "No, but yqu mlghj know thkt. unnecessary fo'c me to stay here. Do?s he not propose to come while Mr. Garth should be heye: Jfsl-ems I you are here?" to me thd gathering "It does seem ss, riopsnt It?' and came .today .because I chanced7 tol 4 Stone looked around the room, have other business .In New Ivrk,l 0(bj l0w often the wrong t ign't J and that made It convenlerft . peopTe get; In the right places, and .1 T. see. . . Stone, lboked at. him Tce veraa I qulzzltrailly. h&reafter, "Perhaps, i do. hot lirtend ft shall happim Mr. Carleton, you would be wiser asaIh. when will Me Garth be to. confer the. MaldCn estate of bome?"-- . greqtey consequence than you seeiii Hes not coming till about Christ to now. Then you. think Mr. Far-1 ma3 time," Tony replleri. man Is of the opinion that Malden S Mr. Carleton," Stone took was murdered, and he ha a strong p big qgeat aggln,' "whrtt were suspicion of the- murderer's ljen- - these rumors you were talking, tltyl" about?" . . "I didn't- say , Cqrleton-stareiCarjeton Jooked gravq. "If- we are anything of the sort, Mr. Stone."t YUu this' affair without Garth to "You thought It, however. Do you CHAPTER VII Continued I I H I Whether ihe,4Pain" You Use y I pis?-o- is SAFE? I be-o- Ask . Your fiodtot ' and Find Out Dont Entrust Youf Own or Your Family g to Unknown Well-Bein- . Preparation girt-pref- TlfE person to ask whether th A preparatipn you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches is SAFE to use regularly is your family doctor. Ask him particularly about Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN. He will tell you that before tht 'discovery of Bayer Aspirin metft advised .pain remedies wero against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, Qften, for the heart. Which is food-fothought if you . seek quick, safe relief. .. Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin among the fastest methods yd discovered for the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neu- ritis and neuralgia. And the experience of millions of users has proved it s&fe for the average person to usa regularly, n your own interest remimber this. You can get. Genuine ftayef Aspirin at any drug store simply by asking fhr it by its- full name, BYER ASPIRIN. Make it a . point to do this and sCe that yon get what you jvant. . r - - Bayer Aspirin . das-wlll- d I BABY COMES Elimination of Body Wdstt Is poubly Important In the crucial months before baity arrives it is vitally important that the body be rid of waste matter.Your intestines musffung tinfregularly,,coinpletely without griping. Why Physicians Recommend Milnesiq Wafers wafers are solid form-m- uch in milk of magnesia pure Eads pleasanter to take than liquid. wafer is approximately uqual to a full jdult dose of liquid xnilk of magnesia. Qhewed thoroughly, theo swallowed, thev correct These mint-flavore- candy-lik- e acidity in the mouth and throughout the digestive system, and insure regular, com pain or effort. plete elimmation-vilhou- t of 20 sad bottles Milnesia Wafers come in 48, at 35c and 60c respectivsly, and in convenient tins for your handbfig containing 12 at 20c. Each wafer is approximately one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All gobd drug stores sell and recommend thent Start Using thesa delicldus, effdttiva anti-aci- d, to Supremo Court the United States Supivme court was obliged to review a trivial case a $10 dumnge suit which came directly on appeal from a Justice court In Texas because no other stnte court had Jurisdiction over It, owing to the small sum In question, and because It Involved a violation of the federal Constitution. Lylton 15. Max- gently laxative wafers today Professional samples sent free to registered made 35c 3 60c bottlep ; ft he-hn- . fn I , - 1 - ( a Mayfield, a hlg mail, and tli em- lev.IL" bodlment of hnlBterous good natote. I Don't you suppose I kndjv ltt checked his; merriment at (he ad- - Dont you .suppose thnta what's vent of But she rrtver a delving me mail!' J know It njeJ hhn halfway. Rosy, I ter--fa- r better than 'anyone .elbe. a blond doll, pounced. upon her sis- - Ror.do I'bJame the old lady for be-- , ter, and sent the rest to flielr rooms Hevlng ft. If we grant she Is . UJdeJ guldanef of servants. demented. But snne, she cpuldn't ' ; the lounge tu fweoty uct like flint" ."Hack thk she In "Come told them. minutes,"' rpnl point Can .Now, pajamas, If ynu like, hut dont wpiste you honestly suhscrlhe to that? Fn time prinking." are sfine people ready to be-. . The flintier, was admirable and of lleve (hat your exclusive . Just flie sot calculated to Iptereal I tunlty,' at It Is called, brlngji about 1 a lot of hungry .motorists. suspicion of you." "fcome on, girls," said Rosy rls . IVrllla raised a plteou fgee to ing, "weU huve our entice in ismbe look lntd Fields eyes. . au come iy ourselves, and the un-i fnri't bvlp reeling," she said, In when! they are rvo.ly." ... tnafi have enough to hear In the I But before l.erllla left the table loss- of my husband, without the Hay sirld (o her In I Iwvv voice, terror of thla monstrous netfusH-fDon- t tfllHauieaf untl) 1 act you tfon,. "But. since It Is lq the air, It agiiln. i huve a wwd tor your, yuist he reckoned with. I thank1 . ear alone." you for telling me frankly, aa you She nodded and went n to the have done,, the danger 1 am In, and comfortable loanga, where coffee I 1 hope It may be averted," awaited thefla tu froiK of tn bias I Now herea what 1 want to tell . .. ,. lng log fire. Dout take this thing lying you. When the me0 come Ln, May, go- - down Buck up, und fight fire with ing straight tp 1erlUa, Jed her off hre. You have able lawyers-fca- rth to his own small den. . J and Gukkfll are wizards. And then 'You see, Its thjg way,",helyou bave Bie fam()Ug mP. gtonep fter he had made her coni Burely he wll, flnd out nythU-fOrtasarfd, deny tfiatr . How can I tell what Mr. Faf-ma- n I afiu closed iTie door, From tbaj gWmg to .us thinks? He. cgn think wiat never knuw your husbaad, but It what Hilda tells mysterious. me of your fa'chances that two of hit friends are be chooses." ther, 1 gather hes a fine barker, . "Of course. Now,-- what do you my frtends also. At least, they have and If you hold your hoHd high think?" always appeared to be. But I am and show no fear of anybody, Pm "I can acb. no reason for "mur-- 1 beginning to doubt one of them.l gur"e ajj w'j1' be"weiL" der.'no method that could haVe been "Do t know these two friends?" "Youre awfully kind, Mr. Field, asked Peril la, fearful of vhat the emptoygd, apd no megns that could I do and appreciate It And truly, Jiave been used." answer might t6. been Ive keeping up a bold front, "And yet you still beltewe mur-- 1 I thing you do, bait Pm not sure. In the last day or two Ive bul was donje.v der One, le Richard Car led op, who Is, I felt dlshqnrtened. Now, your good . Carleton looked uncertain &nf a think, to New York tonight, and the me 're, and If Jlttle embarrassed" other is Jtoger Garh, who Is here 1 8hHU J111 he,tp do, ".he t0 Ml0 It. said, "jts only because Corey Mai-- ' with you." me Mr. Field.. My Dont call den was such a healthy specimen "I can ande(tan(? (he Idetf. re- slster-Jn-lHwas your brldesmuld that I cant conceive of his dropBut we garding Mr. Cartoon. . that makes us feinted." should be suse. Is he the yn you ping dead from heart, failure or It "So does And from any other weakness." Hay." PeMllg are doubting?" "Yes there Is also another. Do Htw h,m one of hpr ? time smiles, All right, then," and Stone nod-- 1 h,w. lets go hack to th crowd. ded bis bead. "I rpther agree with you know Mr. Carmichael?" L Well, for the love of little I do. one was I I Be Bnt think. my "Yes, dont gf want you yon, " cried Bob, who seemed to calces, .Nearest friends. to think It was the work of an , patrolling the corridor, "I "And I know nothing about htm.jf innocent woman." . thought I youd never come out of want to "What else s there to' think?"! personally. Bqt oqly warn you to be careful how youl conference." and Carleton looked sulky, If there take np wltlk nb pretending tol "All qver, Robhy, come along, was no one else there to kill him, be It friends of your late husband. this Is our dance, and Perllla, his wife?" . why wasnt "What Is ydur 'business, Mr. They may be sincere, and rtiey may tucking her hand through his arm, I led him to the lounge where some not." , Carleton?" Stone said sternly. for "Mr. Field, the last week or dancing wns going Im a lawyer." t more I have been continually "Then yon must know you havent "(,arth Is hunting for you," he warned against this man, that man. whispered as they danced, "hut you a case against the lady. Now, why .do you wans one? Why do you I Can See No Reason for Murder." and the other man. I am oblige.) cant go till this dance Is over; you for these warnings, I am willing to J gilij t was mine, and It Is." hope to find one?" -we mfly 88 wpH g0 t0 I dont, Carleton blunted out le obey them, but what can I do? I (TO HE CONTINUED) loading with a trace of fear it Never mind rnmors, lets get down have not been subjected to any disto facts. I can tell you, gentlemen, respect or rudeness from them." Tony Gaskells lowering face. The Flath of Lightning "Haven't you run op against "Now, gentlemen," said John that unless steps are taken to A flash of lightning lasts from an In his placating way, "all vent It you will flnd the young and Carleton?" hu infinitely small part of a second this will get ns nowhere. To bus- - Innocent Mrs. Malden In serious "No, I have never seen him ex- - for a single Hash, to even a full cept at his own house, the day we I second or more for a flush made up pect my daughter of murder Is too trouble even danger." went there to a tea. Dont you think 0f several branches. The total absnrd. I am not afraid of such asked Stone, "Danger of what? I I am but I am almost too watchfully taken length, too, of a streak of of her murder the afraid for arrest "Of suspicions, that lightning I care of?" the man who could Imagine such husband." varies greatly. When the discharge "You are In a dangerous po-- I jg from the cloud to the earth, the a thing as that could bring harm of "Do you know what youre talk-othsorts to her. She is not un- - Ing about?" sltton, and while yon are In the length of the path Is seldom more "I certainly do, Mr. Stone. And hands of capable advisers and as than a mile nnd a half, but when protected, Pd have you know, and any dishonor cast upon her name so do you. The arrest Is pending, I slstants, they dont seem to get you the discharge Is from one cloud to will be duly dealt with." another, the path Is more curvpd anywhere." may say It Is Imminent" be got to?1 and bent, and the totHl length at "I am Interested to know Mr. "Where do I want Who will bring this charger "Where you will be free from times probably six, nine, or even Carletons or Mr. Farmana theories Stone was not frightened, but he Stone the slander BDd lies of that pol twelve miles as to murder, said, suavely. was anxious - SILT LUE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Oar lobby Is delightfully sir cooled daring tke summer mpiths Radio lor every Room A 20Q Room 200 Bathe J .... .. " TTia ITotrl Temple Sqa highly deelreble, friendly find l,,mlnT phere.You will lwey comfortable, andulate, supremely t horonghly agreeahle.YiMieanthere! fora onderatand hy thla hotel mGIILY BECOMMENDED You can alao appreciate trhyl at diatinetion to atop Ita a mark beautiful hoatelry at thia TRNEST C. ROSSITER. Mgr. Frontiers Alway Shifting There Is hardly a country In South America that knows Its own frontiers, says Answers Mngnzlne. In Asia matters are not much bet- ter, for the frontier of China and Russia are always shifting, while,, between India and Afghanistan there is a wide stretch of No Mans Land. The only continents where frontiers are definitely marked are Europe and North America. e Red ' Danish Milk Cattl rail Id make np Red Dhnlsh milk about 1)5 per cent of the dairy cow population on the Danish Islands, and the grenter part of that on the southeast const of Juttand. Nenrly BO per cpnt aro In control associations which keep cnreful production records, and Sre similar to the dairy herd Improvement associations of this country. Speak Law Garmai The Rattler's Years Biologists do not believe a lot of the notions about rattlesnakes. They say a rattlers years are not the snmo as the number of rings he hns accumulated on hts shaker. Normally one ring la added every time the skin Is shed, and this Is usually three times s year. But not all these snakes are alike In shedding. Rome shed twice a year and some ns many as four times. An Imploiion An Implosion a. bursting Inward from external pressure can occur with as much force as an explosion. This was proved when a clinical thermometer, wrapped In heavy cloth, wns lowered Into very deep water. The resultnnt Implosion (lid not blow the Instrument Into a thousand pieces," but Into a spoonful of fine white powder. Colliers Weekly. -- - We 1 pre-Love- Pates 51.50 to $3.00 U. S. Marine Enlistment To be eligible to Join the United Stntus Marines the applicant must he an American citizen between the ages of seventeen and thirty-fivyears. Parents' consent must he given for the enlistment of n hoy under twenty-one- . The United Stntej Marine eorps Is a branch of the United States navy, with headquarters ln the Navy building, Washington. le - on., Temple Square Western Non-Sinkab- op-po- I HOTEL of WxMi Invented Boat Joseph Frnncls, American Inventor and boat builder, patented In 1S37, a nonslnkahle lifeboat which wns widely used for several decades after 1850. . He was the founder of the American Shipwreck and Humane society, developed a corrugated metal lifeboat ifnd used his same Invention In the construction of Eteumcrs. He received the Congressional Medal, the Franklin Institute Medal and International recognition for his work. ;n I rite Original Milk of Uagnatia Wafers In Collier's ), 1 -- 20c tfn Princ CX, (1512-1548- Wales, nenrly 700 years ago that King Edward 11 held up In his arms his newly horn sun and snhl to the crowd assembled below the ensile tvalls,. "Here Is your Prince, who ennnot speak a word of English." He was the first Prince of Wales. Slnco that (lay the king of Englands eldest son hns always been the Prince of Wales. MW.ho ToW You Al1 Th the cn? with hur; that thi-- might, talk return hofne and find on?' jhe exact ' It over, and Jack Iun1an and Itoger truth about tliqt woman."' Garth rode villli them. "Thats more Ilka It! All I atilt "Yeti'll, love the Fti'lde," t'njwtanjof you Is ordliiary precaution, and said. "They never know what I from those inet the stune." . tlreyre going to do next; wqM "Do you know Madame Malden?1' them In tht afterpoon, ."1 liava met hor, but It was some whbn we know about wimt ttme time ago. She was sane then 1 we'll Arrive." thl nk 'she Is 'sane now, except on Telegrams froin tfiPlr enforced the one subject f her son.- It .U luist and hostess 'wefe received no unheard of for an old woman route, and were all jflnfl hospitality hike that to Idolize ah only child, and welcome. j apt) to read Into the slipplcst coijdlOn the minute 1hn.v. drove fn at l.tloryi an Intention to Injure or kill 1 the greet gates of Kg-erft- , Mrs. Malden,; you can't allovely hlin, io the gathering t;vlllglit. . together deny an appearance sf. s - Firt N. It was at Carnarvon, ble hrnds. dls-hlm- 11)35, well, Dushnm, lYoekly. iV-rlll- ferllln asked niMn.tfl ride e Small Cat in March, , Is-- !seaAhal BEFORE Why, thats wln-vJ : r aNtur It?" ske? vrilla, the lives, one who msrtlefl the thym-l-lf- ' Milled Yes," and Hilda "You the dliers, who see," she said Here gathered on t?. hotel teranda, my sister IUse marrn-iman nkmed Harry k. Field. ,t?.e usually signs It 11. A. f'lel?. ? course ,- hes called HaytleM Tln in Seottstows and their jdeo 1. Rose-croNow, Im Homlcrli she ? i'erilla, looked appealingly If you wouldnt all spend tonight, at to a Itosecry'ft Instead gam Columbus hotel. 1 kog lh,y could tm lots make you comfottahlw-.H- ie of room" "And how 11? sister ilk horde of Assyrians coming down like a wolf on the fold?" ssked Coitb. smiling nl the Tmpulslv Imitation. "Oh, shell adore it 1 What d you ?" sny, "1 think H wuM flm tnos; mr-fn- l hut If you liupoKlth'u, guarantee us a welcome, fni ready to If the others agree.' Hilda clupix-- her titim?. Ml gA ttnd asdx Buckle To semi some and in foil tnlnutts tht whole affair was In Buckles capa- !st Ever Wonder .Rem-ed- pule-fac- Sixth Wife of Henry VIII Catherine Parr queen of England, sixth wife of Henry VIII, was the daughter of Sir Thomas Parr, an ofllce holder at the court of Henry VIL She had been twice widowed before Henry made her his wife. In 1513. She exerted a beneficent Influence over the aging king, Interceding In behalf of his daughters, whom she helped educate. At one time she barely escaped the fate of her queenly predecessors, but lived to become queen dowager and to wield considerable power at the start of the reign of Henrys son, Edward VI. She later married Baron Seymour of Sudeley, but died of pucN peral fever shortly after the birth of a daughter. er t Let Him Be An' Eye Cripple! Dont . - , : i . . . . , . Uncfcr what kind of lighting are your children reading, studying and playing d Is thfeir precious vision being safe-guarde- . by proper lighting? . . Dohf let them be eye-cripple- Have s! your home lighting, checked by one of our. honie lighting advisers. This vice costs yc5u nothing. ser- . Phone or drop into our nearest store. We will be glad to help you with your lighting problems. UTAH POTEEl & ILEGIKIT 5. |