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Show v Minutes of Meeting ..." : Sought As' New' Dads'. 'SliaaiuilkVvan Is'tlu. (laUnvav to 'North' Clfina Relics . Of School Board JRESIDKNT CAt-UDr. Wilson IJlWEA SAINTS'. Wants S : to -- "Project . -- To Know How To UV1-: GOOD e Held Monday .Gr.Qw.Onions of IjViiiA-fifhsj-leA. Tallis ipo&e Relip hunfing in the homes , of the be job will Dacis county the oth apd Sunday Saturday g men frm 16 rWvi staka esnference. large group of young quarterly . Stake rmiih'rt James 11. kobiiHon te 25 ycays of age, Hubert C..ur-Kow strung i; sqonion? An t , Minytes of fegular meeting of ton, revealed Monday. . condurtfv) tl seatdan which went has carried on in the been hihf at the Bountiful tabernacle. the bopfd of education was held t Mere than $300 has horticulture nt at the National the0"n under Tbv wkia of 4hv chapel not Utah State the office in Farmington, Utah, 'Agricultural college the :30 wconmso-dat- e for-tYouth 'adipinistratiqn, .for Monday, Jahuafy 29, 193?, at being large enough t five years, to answer , Superintendent . Burton tha ertwi, the amusement this project-p. m. , . questiuti, cccofding to Dr. A. Menibere of. tlie' board present: baid.. Beginning jtex week, the ball was opened ami a loud syeakov L. Hoad of the department. WUuan, It. W. 'Adams, presiding, John R, youths twho must coma from', the installed fot the services. This to find the factors experiment, will visit What is tho'bvst preparqtten for Ranpton. Ezra D. Parrish arti Da- relief rolls- of governing thp keeping qualities off other a good preacher were Presklent on vid E. Cook 'Mr. Van Fleet was all placement in museunis- or. t&kra considerahas roas, .into ord Ollis owning absent. The clefk and the super: Central Ipcations. The relics must Saturday tion tnich items and time ; be not. latef than iS89 vintage, he intendent wqfe also pfesentv. evening. And h answered erce amounts of icrigation while the !of the last previous WI&. fully, flood llvingl , onioys ere brewing, methods and authorized-bwas read and If this be not the unanimous. 'Mr. Burton ,' he thne ef it. meeting xyerc, ' harvest, and methods of said. Nr are at sounding brass . the board-- of education to make . jy approved. ho storage, iflasved explained. h4 .Is troops This where 5'orth ttatlun Jeprm to China," BhnnJialVw.in, railway and tinkling cymbal. Thrr must The superintendent rehorte'd that application for funds with which oC horth China. Jitpnu MS ShanMkwan after bitter fighting In the winter n Cor lavaslort , preparatory beVdn-fee a man The major portion oi an onion be had , spoken to Mr.. Garnar to build garages at the Bavis high every sermon. . t ik tt gateway through the seaward i4 at Xhe great Wkl and a commanding link n the It' U essential of buses. . A leaf and only a small school tha toliva being abopt.the changa,in ' hs buh route, school to house porsoya! ' . . ttw 4Iimt lth Kurort-- . . . . railway clinia hicU .'aniHH.-, AVe afe giving. tion the stem, ate8t was carried in South Hoopen t r 'God is vhylUiigmg tha orld on to- determine the effect of irri, Mr- - Hartley met .with, board he continued and gave examples gation upon tho peeping qualities . to on insulatipg the .and naked, bi.d men hftve bpen inspired to of this plant. On one plot the wh(nc the and of . .ceiling , bqre pipes. . ; a te great things by the reading ef plants wpre Irrigated every day; school buildings and. was asked to . certain-BiblvasHMgos. There is no e'n another, every other day; an. ; 3ut his bjd iji writing and present artiu . philoHophcr, dr other twice a week. Another once a great peet, it to the flext meeting for considi e but what got their inspiration week fend on auother the plot was If Bo Answer at On cm Uuesloal . surgeon, station. . . The - resettlement, administration . . . from, the Inj-- Jesus Christ, rriKAtedtwh.'e one week and none npirt Being Mailed Yei. a .Bills represented Ijy. vouchers V . . . t he said. . the next. The irrigation was t ,, v numbered 64839 to 54872 inclusive loan policies play a vital part in , t , umu Farm Davis iponty At the time the South Davis It is not. what we. have, Lyt times before at as recoVded 'in.thn register . were bridging the gap for the stranded', Selection-oassessors lot Canal Company was organized far members held their annual meeting what We bse that qounts, it does harvest. On.varying deputy one plot the irrigation presented- by .the clerk, considered farmer or prospective client, and 1936 was announced Wednesday the purpose Of settling the Bonne- at the Davik high school, Saturday, not flatter where we are but it wni terminated 25 days before and approved by the members and make it 'possible for him to start Co&nty Assessor. Joseph E Wil- ville. Irrigation district borjded Thtf officers of the mens, division does matter wltat we are. . harvest; (ho next plot, 20 days, on a motion, passed t and ordered from scratch pnd build, up an by liams. ef (he not. elected becaus wer bd , us of Let Presiand so .on at five-da-y purchnisra by group intervals, the p5,1equity sufficient to allowhim at a are Loro V. Hatch, Woods' bonds and, coupons of the district spsth tqd repprcseptatlon. These dent Vallis said in 'closing. We last plot They, the day Dr. Gleason m&t with' the board lateY date to se'c.ure a loan from irrigated being , Dan E.'Lec, V'eat Bountiful from the bondholder, the .com- officers will.be chosen at a', meeting are going te find God among ;tbe before the onions were pulled. and presented his last, quarterly fcome other credit agency for pur- Cross; Irvin Fisher, East Bountiful; Char mittee jn Wednesday, people. Anything we can dq to voitfigtinff of io Farmington next repert. fie hpent some time Explain chasing the farm, says C. O. Stott lep ' EdAnother experiment-wacarried . Centerville;. . . 23rd. Streeper,' most the fourteen ef elevate the, case of the January prominent ing what he is doing in the schools state director for the administra- ward E. Galley, Khysville; Alvin to on determine effect time the tho people, Will bring us near.in connection wifh .the nurse's in tion. Thus the distressed individ- Nalder, East Layton; Loy Wood', farmers and business- merf in thd M. S. Wmduor, former secret nry 'common of has the topping upon keeping er to God. May we 'live our ReligeotiTjDunity. fulfy nppirciated tjicl of thaNaMonal Farm Bureau looking after the health of the chil ual will evolve from tenancy jto Clearfield; 'Charles C.. Parker, .Clin of tiVimaiely . finding eratlon, discussed the benefits that ion, love oils neighbor as ourselves. qualities of onions. Some of the dren and the work he is doing with Qwnership, or from a heavily mort- ton and John E. Tlwirgood, sQroe mean for providing water to, plants were pulled and topped imthe childrens teeth' trying .fo edu-th- e gaged or foreclosure, situation to We6f Sunset; arnjers jcould derive, from, cooper- May wrf feel the- woes of our hum- mediately while others were allowand Clifford Stark, those lands in the 'disrict. .which ative Point, blest members and.lbng io. eale and selling of their buying cate them white young lie to. ed . . tjie freedpmof ownership. the 'on South. Weber, ground after ulling are- not supplied with creek water products. their, pain.' foj the teeth properly. The set up of the resettlement for one clay, two days, three days, This group, approved Monday by at a date A in A M. .the Francisand At abolished the enough Ivirkhary The. by recept The uperintendc.it reported "tyro, administration In Utah . live days, and seven days respectthat corunty commissioners, does not spring to care for your crops tinljl nilihg of the Supreme court, may Reverend' J.' It. Hargreaves; accidents at the Kaysvjlle' school. every interested person .who. is' .a In another test the onions will ively. Others all. deputies. t the main pumps, at the district bo replaced to some extent, he said, inthq new youth' move- were pulled One boy, a son- of Mr. Burningham, prospective resettlement clinet Will coniprise. and topped, and one let be named in the near future, Mr. coTitmonced ta operate. The obby farmers permitting some laud ment, spoke hrjeflyMr. Kirkham was fell- through the floor in 'the old be able to scur full" advice and instored Williams raid. ' while immediately a in tA stacles the way of this 'for remain Idle for a nummber of emphasized .the Ihought ."that . building goinr through to the gym structions from other lots wero allowed to lie on. the. county farm to tinle fs inusrmountable. 6eemcd A'mecica be someone looking . for. years. Thiq would have the effect asium and Dale Green, son of and home 'supervisors of the rethe ground for from one to seven . llowe'ver,- both 'tho. district, offi- of controlling production as well who will organize for the uplift of Archie Green, fpll on the gym- spective counties or'disticts thru G. cers and tho committee .have beep as . tho lands fertility, hiftna'nity,.and aslted. Can you do days similar to the untopped onion nasium floor while playing a game out the state. If there ever was a. challenge samples. Records were kept ef the considering the, matter and now be Mr. Winder said. . and ruptured his spleen by 'other Those who time of planting and its affect upon . for as$is lieve that a solution can bo reachAt .a reorganization meeting to the Mormon people and their how well onions boys falling' on et kicking hint tance through this branch' of the keep in atoraga. of all land ,Mr Lillie V.' Hatch of West Bou- ideate,' it is today." ed, but the eoopci-a'tjowhen he .fell. He was taken to the gdvernriieht are listed under standhas been carried .j Thaj experiment Is ntiful was elected president of the owners who require early water leadership was, the hubjcct of A on for four hospital and operated on but. died ard rehabilitation cases and emer, , t5 years. to Information as Dr. E. U, Jlo.berts, presithq womens rlivisiqii for this year. Mrs talk by required. very shortly after. gency rehabilitation cases. The! Various methods ..of eaeh amount dent' the. water of Bertha West of Bountiful Y, M. required by handling Fisher, . Wtfst Point; and .The superintendent reported that first group includes all destitute John G. Petty, 75, rtsident- of land owner; the cafml through Mrs. William E. Galley, KaysVlJle, M.'I. A; President Robinson gave ot)ions at harvest were also tested .the project to remove. the old build and arm families . in which it is le- he delivered; the were chosen vice president 'an d sefi an account of the activities; of y Dr. Wilson and his aides. Soase-oing at the Kaysville school is pass- - need of public aid, for whom re North Farmington for many, years, the onions were thrown Into earliest date upon which delivery ond vice president, whUe Mrs. Ida stake meipbers during 1935.' ' ad and ready for execution. habilitation loans have been ap- passed aw.ay n a Salt Lake hospital s desired; the number ef tprns of Hatch, South Bountiful, was Sunday morning President Califs mgs and baskets carelessly, while The superintendent recom'rtiend-- d proved hat are based on Tuesday, from causes incident to water desired per .week, and the Tho .president elect was preceded by Farrell P. Smith. others were carefully placed in the . his ago. that a project to build a garage farm' and home- managementregular plans fills a vacancy .caused )y thy resig- Stake Scout executive, who gave a containers and taken to the wareHe was, bom Fork, maximum amount per acre foot at Davis high school in which to accepted by the resettlement adhind each be will owner nation of. Mr. Effio Turner' over a short history, ef scouting. President house for storage. An attemp was willing . store the sehool buses be applied ministration. uch loans are ,to' be Utah, August 27k 1860. - . bofore tfur is. Charles V, Andersen, who has pre- made to mitnte all of the usual for, required year ago. . 11$ is survived by three dough- -' for in connection with the applica- repaid in from one to five years methods of handling of onions at can be Mr. completed1. , Green, , offiofcnr and other gave sided ov(r the Cincinnati branch of the ime tion for the gymnasiums. After a and it is expected that he recipients tqrs, Miss Leone Petty, Farming-ton- ; plans Due Church-fofunds lack e of' td the twenty-threannual the personal Mrs. Alice Moses, Blackfdot, years, onions of harvest. Some plots of activity' reports. discussion, Mr. Parrish moved that will be restored to were, harvested while to land with ewnvr each contact The some also of Bantold Mrs. experiences con following progrjam waxrrftd Edwafd Bradley, Idahcr; the superintendent be authorized, within that time, were ered: Songs and tap dances,. MisS nected with his work. Arthur green and grownlng, . secure this information is imposto prepare an application- and preThe emergency case's include all croft, Idqho'and a son,' Gordon othel-s- , when, the tops were partly Is sible; therefore, a letter talked on Brigham Young qnd being Donna Moss, South Bountiful; talk, of Farmington. sent it to the PWA- - officials for destitute and . farm Petty and the '' ripe, South Davis Ganal mailed yield from another D. the W, by Crijidle, Clearfield, chairman iis teachings, .Funeral services will be held this their approval. The motion was Bee families in need of immediate pubwhen the were ripened down in tops land the of lDavis the ownpV ald President God is good, county sugar beet Friday- in the North Farmington Campa-- yto eaqh lic aid, the ended by Mr. Cook and carried. granting of which can- ward Methods of Bounwere observe outside of Btorage district loads us wjth growers association; vocal solo, Pallia, fie dailyplat A,. chapel, under the direction of Mr. Burton reported that the not, without causing human suffered and last recorded fall land with EM those Clark tiful townsite. relatedHe Robinson. (Except in . then Kaysville; report jenefits. , .music teachers of the district .'are ing. be deferred until farm and Bishop George A. Welling. each. These khown not-to- r be in need of on vocational work, Farrell Smith, stances of his goodness and told crates of owners asking that some band instruments home management plans have been the water) enclosing a question Davis high .instructor; guitar se- iow we might serve; how seem-ng-ly crates were placed in an Ogden be purchased for the elementary fully developed. Emergency dases naire to be filled out and returned lection, Charles Peterson Bountiful little things bring at timefe warehouse. Some of these crates to or- will also include farm families in . schools so it will be possible to the company immediately. By report on trip to the farm bureau great results, relating a story - of were placed in different parts ef land the ganize a band in each Bchool. The distress because of drouth, flood, naional convention at Chicago, Mrs a dog that went proselyting. He the storage room for close obser? answering questionnaire, hail, tornadoes, etc who are also . list price or the necessary instruowners do not bind thcmdelves to Iona Jensen, Roy, president of the told of the good that conres when vation to test some of the fore ments that was decided necessary in need of temporary aid to tide take the water when made avail state womens division of the farm a Humble woman in a charity ware going experiments. Six crates wera them over the emergency and who for all the schools is about used for each test Other era tea able. In order that the Information bureau: piano solo, Miss E. Bow- is not ashamed of her church. The matter vas. taken un do not require plans for reorganizmimum a basis for the wilt man, closed He provide his remarks a and (hen. Kaysville by were Btored in ricks one npon the reading by ' ing their farm and home manageder advisement. ' 792 bags at onions, hence and Miss Irpne Argjde, of Wect Boun- bearing a strong supply to be delivered, testimony tha other. Last fall The superintendent reCbmmend ment operations, Mr. Stott exthe 50 time to and which means tiful. determine bag were stored. pounds This Gospel is the power o Go , ed that the board visit the schools plains. also were The of pumping san be used, bags variously storDepartmental meetings follow- unto salvation. It is life temal It is suggested that all inquiries and it was decided to start next s methods of stongs. to oyer-enot to ed ed are after tho study requested Four missionaries reported their program, with ProfesIfwiday morning at Davis high be addressed to the respective Borne to of wire and sor the their timate in bags the placed eat of afternoon session. Mrs Ruby Wright Barnett,. 53, requirements Dewey Clyde the Utah State labors county offices of the resettlement echool , one which n end ricks others la date the latest high, state . bag upon S. Hal West Agricultural to college speaking, Eldredge. They were, administration rather than to the a resident of Bountiful Meeting adjourned XkX two ricks made to them Another be the high. can bags Mrs the and men, In delivery died Lake a Salt Harvey Moore, Bountiful, frpm ,the hospital state office at Logan. All applica-ion- s years, on- their skin the their and still Bounplaced Clearfield, to South Delber women. bag3( the protect of Professor crops.' states; Egan, Thursday morning complications for assistance, whether they It is not the 'purpose of. this Clyde discussed the development tiful, from the ' North, Cefitral ricks varying from one to five ' week ago. may be from individual families following an operation a Born in Salt Lake, Nov. 29, 1882 movement to interfere in sny wsy and conservation of irrigation states; Eli B. Rodgers, Bountiful high. or groups of farmers, must' be -season n while Mrs. Moore recretary of First ward, from, tho the Every two weeks some of with Mrs. regular pumping a was Barnett daughter .of made through county offices, which and sorted onions are he to state but of weighed the womens Bonneville, provide mission, ' and 'Arthur Ridd, division, spoke are usually in connection with the George and Rachel Shreeve Wright She was an active member of the early Bonneville water to. those on the beautification of the home Bountiful Second ward) from .Nor- -, the amounts of rot or growth county agricultural agent office with weights are carefully rtetri-ed- . . .. who need it.' The regular pumping and surroundings. way, and approved by the local super- Church, having served as president Tests are made to From 5; 30 to 6:30 p. m. luncheon President Edward B. Clark and of the Young Womens Mutual Im- of Bonneville will be handled as A resolution authorizing Davis visors and advisory committees provement association and the Pri- usual. Inasmuch as . considerable was served both cause of decay, whttln ef groups at the cafe Henry W. Stahle, counselors to the before they can be given consider-atio- n Treasand Glen clerk work" stem Day this n rot, bruise, or neck rot, county erla, uqisr the direction of Mrs. President Robinson, and President mary association.. She had also time will be required to at the state office. made of the findings. record urer Briant S. Jacobs to borrow eter and as out it is desired, been a prominent worker in the matter, Rqntmister of Kaysville. At Callls took np the remainder of lots were checked for akrzlr;rx $80,000 from' the Davis County . . Relief ktcfcty. provide esriy water for. the lSJj 1:30 p. m. a motion picture depleti- the time, on November 1, and Detrricr bank had been passed Wednesday owners land are' God this consecrated has methods Uwurvived of nutrition requested ng proper' She by her husbend, season, and another check will ha was "world in the send to church to for completed the after by County Commissioner! At O. which her questionshown, Thomas W, Barnett; prepare father; Btoker and A. B. Barton. The third Arnold W. and Shirley naire as soon as possible after, play, sponsored by the Kaysville the second coming of ChriBt, said March 1, this year. Tho onions wera raised, at commissioner, Fred L. Hampton, thereof. Questionnaire, may local, was presented. Carle Brown, President Callis., The haryest is BanO; three daughterst .Mrs. theCf-fiefe i t was not present, Bar-netto t, be mailed or delivered Jurt Jolman, Edna and Ruby secretary of the Utah State Safety ripe. It beckons you to thrust in ns ton, and as near as used Charging mental crnelty, Mr. methods different la Minutes of the meeting explain ComCanal Devia di11 of Bountiful South of the council, and W. L. Cone, safety The follow: your sickle. May I plead with you . that urgent and pressing need of G. D. Rutledge of Kaysvilla was inf' brother g and sisters also sur- pany in the Bountiful State bonlc rector of the Utah Power and that you do missionary work at tipn, harvesting and aterx exa current divorce on the meet to granted ? from funds . Utah G. firrta Dr. ually practiced D. Live ft concluded Bountiful, home. Ligbt company, raising the provive: Alma T. Wright, Sandy; Mrs building, you your religioriT r ' Monday by Judge Eugene Pearl Jackson, Mrs. Maude II gram with talks on the prevention labor all the days of your life and Utah have been tested ia penses makes the borrowing nec- Rutledge EPratt secured of the the be All of Second judicial disdata t essary. The sum will Mrs. Naomi Olsen and Mrs Perry T. Goings, now of Scdalia, of automobile accidente. bring but one soul unto me,u how periment.been compiled yet, but tia trf . he will be Dancing in the gymnasium .by tax anticipation notes. Com- trict court. reward, Edna. .Glen, all of Salt Lake; Mrs. mo, Is suing his wife for a divorce your great Mrs. Rutledge was tion will be made avaiiil! missioner Stoker introduced the concluded. granted cus- Vi&lefr Knighton and Mrs. Jane Jecause he wants to settle down. onion growers of the at2t? v . in his resolution which was seconded by tody ot the couples only child, Cld?Los Angeles, Cal; Mrs. since Ho claims marriage Ann Brent Rutledge, 10. The decree as the experiment Is coElr.: r res! Commissioner Barton. made him months, nine 1924 she has Harold Hiller, aged change Blackfoot, Idaho; the information compihi, h stipulated $100 be paid monthly to 65 times. dcnces a has of Fareham, Eng., , Wright, Pocatello, Idaho and A victorious life campaign Is Mrs. Rutledge as alimony and for Alexander A. Wright, Colorado er 54 years old and his father is 80 son said. made up of successful small skir- care of the child. r Miss Mabel Christianson of Ms Every Inhabitant of the village Springs Coilo. wel Charles Lorgley of Fr mishes. A small piece of work of Greiffenberg, Germany, was late Funeral services will be held son City, la., overturned her car Howard Seamon of Newark com for work recently because the having got religion," c; . Ane is a victory of the better sel Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Bountiful trying to dodge a dog. The dog I over sloth, disorder and slipshod plaine dof 6tomach ache. An Robert II. Barton gets the ap- church clock had ceased to chime. railroad officials he First ward chapeL - Friends- - may eat down to scratch a flea after 000 wreck in V revealed an victories, January, block. a .dincs3. Enjoy your daily upside down stomach, call at the home Saturday evening running half pointment of postmaster for Lay-to- Thieves had stolen the pendulum. said he pulled the A poultry keeper at to succeed Joseph Johnson, William Salter of Cowes, Eng, Hell who brings another up into but before operating another and Sunday prior to services. was 5 to full hen him 74. the distance of ran taken, which whose a has trained glac makes mood lay' line while getting a trr . showed Burial will be in the Bountifu aged liis laughing Eng., politics are not in keeping a nearby ditch. in y normal stomach race. chair in a arm cushion on an a a in with born. two were the that position. miles, egg people cemetery. present administration. ; s brf-e- -- h . - Ther-minute- s thJ-count- e -- y .... ' Int-s- lA ili-L- earn-palg- , n e 1U32-33- . t Resettlement Aid For Needy On Utah. Farms -- Do Von Desire Early Farm Bureau Holds Bonneville Water? Annual Meeting Announces Deputy .At High School; Sat. 'Assessors Chosen Joseph. Williams -- e -- ter-mlna- ed f , -- d f - ,. broad-minde- d, -- - s rfia-rBes- , fed-neqes- -- g - - h - - , . John Petty Of '. North. Farmington are-eligibl- e .... Passes Away - it. , , - low-inco- - f I 'selected-secr- etary. - to-pa- - self-suppo- rt the-top- s Jol-iffe -- . low-inco- - ds . Mrs. Ruby Barnett Passes Away After , $10,-337.0- . 0. An Operation land-own-eV- s . - for-'man- y north-wester- - County Borrows wa--e- r, 180,000 To Tide Over Until Taxes Come In tlo Swiss-Germa- thr; td -- ti Court Grants Divorce To Kaysville Woman two'is, f-cei- rzr rirH'j krlo t ill) - j-- Robert H. Barton Made Postmaster Of Layton, Utah Bry-anfS- -- r. step-brot- . cz:: X-r- ay n, Kirby-Bel-lar- s, X-r- ay cross-countr- . . |