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Show WEEKLY The Human Side . , Father of Mrs. A. E. Of Human Beings Winward Dies in . Jones Washington, D. C. Jan, 18 Tho famous AAA decision came only a oonple of days before the White House reception to the Supreme Court. Effervescent Mrs. Roosevelt related that Chief Justice Hughes had a knowing twinkle for us' and that us" responded. That certainly was a case of playing the game, and the incident shews that the most exalted. of our nations human beings are sensible and patriotic in putting public duty and obligations ahead of tempermeutal resentment. That! the human side ef Americanism that has made this a country of progress. - - AS.L j. E. By Since then the Now Deal has been recked again by the Supreme Court decision in processing tax policies. The careless Congress is going to he more careful in future about passing unconstitutional laws. To prove how nonpartisan this item is it may be related that so far as the Townsend plan cuts any figure in Congress that it is being uwd almost entirely, by politicians who are human, in trying to play on human sentiment lor politics sake. Reliable straw vote polls that while the nation is preponderantly in favor ef did age pensions, averaging around forty dollars a month that there is very weak support for the Townsend plan, and voting in its favor is far below ten per cont. : Hospital Milton Ross Pratt, 74, father of Mrs. A. E. Wnward, former resident of Five Points, Bountiful, but now of Ogden and son of the great early day mathmctician, died Wed neaday, in a Salt Lake hospital fol lowing a lingering illness. ne filled several missions: The first one to India when lie was 19 yean old, later in New Zealand, Mexico and Washington, D. C. He married Miss Jemima in 1888, who died live years Utor and ho subsequently married Mary Tuttle, from whom he was divorced. Surviving are his former wife, two daughters. Mrs. Ethel Win ward, Ogdon and Mn. Glen May of Salt Lake; a son, Harold K. Pratt of Los Angelos; 15 grandchildren. Funoral servees will bo held Sunday at 1 p. m. in the Twenty-Secon- d Kil-go- ward chapel, Fourth ur North, NEWS-EXPRES- LAYTON, UTAH, JANUARY 23, 1936 S, Ellison, Miss ing were, Miss Lucile d Barbara Adaips, Miss Yr!n,a Dee Thornley, ams, Miss faarraret George Chipman. Don Linford, Grant Wyivyk Dickson and Ben Bullock Called en hia to his homo in Provo from Omaha, to visit with M f. and'Mrs. Wells Iiadfield and family in Clearfield, Sunday. lie also was the principal , , speaker at church, Sunday. Davis county Mutual mens basA ketball Wednesday evening 1st 3 Clearfield defeated WCut Ltyton to 2J Kaysville defeated West dePoint 36 to 3 and East Layton 14 30 to feated Syracuse Mr. and Mrs. William fr of Kaysville announce tho arrival of twin hoys, Jan. 12th. Mrs Smith was formerly Mias Barnes ef 3750 Ogden ave., Ogden, . West Layton ward id eo'mpleting for dedicatorial arrangements their chapel and amuse services in ment hall on Feb. 23rd. The ward was organized on. Feb. 22, 1835 and to commemorate its 41 birthday a in being planned. g Calvin D. CorbrUge ha beei) selected as the chairman. It. is' expect ed that President Ileber J.. Grant and Governor IlenrylL Blood'will SUi home-comin- sister. Mrs. Clearfield. William Crouse, in Otha K. Green will be hostess to the Acacia bridge club at her home, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Noall Tanner is entertaining her bridge club at her home toMrs.- with is ill scarlet fever. Mrs. Weldon Roberts entertainat a buffet supper at the home of her home, Mrs. George E. Jiriggs, last Friday evening. The eighteen months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bill -- Gibson was taken to the hospital, Wednesday njght, suffering with a serious illness. Mrs. Lynn Wakefield and Infant daughter of Provo are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Whitesides. Mrst Clarence Stoker has . been ill with scarlet fever, the past two woeks. Mrs. Mary Cook and children, ed . i t . . . BOUNTIFUL . rei-ativ- ey' PLUMBING, 'HEATING AND Estimates Free. Telephone Bountiful GET OUR PRICES ' a daughter. Ray Hardy and son, Lyman, of Sterling, Alberta, Canada, were guests of Mr. and rMs. Arnold D. Miller, Thursday. Mrs. Birdie Layton has opened a new beauty shop a few doors west of the bank building. Frank According to D. Adams, the annual stockholders meeting of the Layton national farm loan association will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 28, in the town hall at Layton, at 10. Reports ef the associations activities will be read and directors for the ensuing year elected. Sec.-Trea- s. . 70-J- 2 . Pfi-ma- ry her eighty-fir- birthday 3t annives-sar- y, Wednesday, Jan. 22. Instead of having her childrencall on her, she called on them, it being .the first day that she had been able to get out as she had been ill Supper was served at the home of her son Mr. and Mrs, and daughter-in-ladeceived fc also She Mr. and Mrs. Elias Parkin are Jared Brown. from her letter sister, Betsy J. rejoicing over the arrival of twin who is spending the Windaughters at the St. Marks ho- Howard, her with ter daughter, Mrs. Frank spital Monday, Jan. 20. .. . Dana, in Star Valley. The South Bountful Primary Dance after Mutual at Bountiful superintendency has been Bountiful every Tuesday, night.. Those holding positions were Supt. Cora Nelson; assistants Service is that something plus Minnie Cleverly and Blanche Moss which the other fellow hadnt barThose succeeding are, Supt. Mrs. gained for. Everll, assistants, Mrs. Andrews and Hannah Boulton. Miss Ruby Oleson, developed a case of scarlet fever .last week, after she, her mother and four other members of the family had gone to Salt Lake to spend two or three months with Mrs. Granville LAYTON, UTAH.' . Olesons parents, Mr. and Mrs. . - Notary Public John Stable, Jr.. . . . ' REPORT , . . . ...' . AN OIL HOG? .... yt All mechanical work by Adult experienced mechanics, CENTERVILLE. UTAH " i M TELEPHONE 1 1 . J fLMIM-INlT.y- JTAy AWHILE fi- - 2 Ml 1 1 RIGAN C t HERE 79-R- ' -- - - K. Green, otherwise knowra A. K. Green, de45-4- 9 Notice to Creditors WOMEN .1 KNOW THAT BEAUTIFUL HA1B ACCENTS THE ENSEMBLE vst -' V '.- 1 3 sneaked o faded kah will not do Dul1, you justice. with CLAIROL Sham- Tm will Oil lejvB you Kai toll, pOO 'colorful and glowing. Its nch oils and puie oap iwc.v ditior the hair, cleanse and lint u. all in on short, Regular shampoos pleasant treatnenl. Estate of Mapr J. Jones decease Creditors - will present - claim with vouchers to the undersigne at the residence of the undersigne administratrix in South Webei Davis County, Utah, on or befor the 24th day of March, A. D., 1931 MARY BRAKE, Administratrix of the estate c Mary J. Jones, deceased. Date of first publication, January 24, A. D., 1936. 49-5- 2- Notice to Creditors Estate of John P Jones deceased. Creditors will present claim with vouchers to the undersigned at the residence of the undersigned administratrix in South Weber Davis County, Utah, on or before the 24th day of March. A D.. 1936. MARY BRAKE, Mail this coepo and term wttH I. potfpatd. KVOIY e tiwwUdi ewd of raw Ik wtlT nrsf It wit ow rna Veil K CLAiRC. iraranl. Administratrix of the estate John P. Jones, deceased. Date of first publication, January 24, A. D.f 1936. of 49-52- -1 Notice to Creditors. DNO. HAIR SCAUTV GUILD It6 II Wal 4M few. NmVkQi - j,; ofBli&wSu, 1 . w, d. 47-5- December 27, A. D., 1935. son-in-la- , Estate of William B. Clarke, also known as William Bingham Clarke deceased. will, present claims . . Cf editors with vouchers to the undersigned ... at. 1001-- 5 Walker Bank Building; ' SaR Lake City, Utah, on. or before. . the 10th day of March, A. D., 1936.: LYNDON V. CLAYTON, . Administrator with the Will Annexed of the estate of William B .Clarke, also known as WilliXm Bingham Clarke, deceased. Date of first publication, Date of first publication, . Men-vdo- n. Legal Notices . ceased. ' r .Court costs in a suit brought i Oklahoma over ownership of 'a cow . valued at $45 have already reached $150, and tho case has. yet to go to. the supreme court. bert m . Free adult education classes are being held jfi Bountiful as follows : Stoker school, 4 p.'rn., Tuesday..' . Leather Vork, Thora Bergersoiw Dialect reading Beatrice. Call Second ward, 2 p. n,, . Bountiful Thursdays. Lleterature and book review, Fa' chsia Stringham, china painting,. . Wednesday, 10 a. in. id 8:30 p. m. and Friday 6:50 to 9, 'Fuchsia. ' Stringham at residence. ' All. classes are still open for .. . rollment. and written as . -- Barnes Oan!dng Company Estates of Joseph Udy and Annetta Udy, deceased. Creditors will present claim with vouchers to the undersigned at Farmington, Utah, on or before the 11th day of May, A. D., 1936. FONTELLA UDY CHAFFIN Administratrix with wills annexed of the estates of Joseph Udr and Annetta Udy, deceased. Date of first publication, January 24, A. D., 1936. Foote A Dawson, attorney. Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake (Sty Uuh 49-62- -1 KayuriDa, Utah Notice to Creditors Member Federal Recsrre Syrian And Federal Deposit Estates of Joseph Udy and Annetta Udy, deceased. a Creditors will present with vouchers", to thd undersigned 00 or before ft 18th day of V,Uh May, A. D 1938. FONTELLA UDY CHAFFIN Administratrix of the estates of Joseph Udy and Annetta Udy deceased. Date of first publication, - . UNION MORTUARY Merrill R. Holbrook . Flora Green and Otha K. Green, administrators of the estate of Al- n. - At Bountiful . . Burn-ingha- ; 193G, -. . Free.. Education . Classes for Adults '' , Estate of Albert K. Creen, otherwise known and written as A. K, Green, deceased. Creditors will present claim with vouchers to the undersigned at the offices of Bagley, Judd 4k ' Ray and T. II. Stahle, Clipper Bldg,, Bountiful, Utah, on or before the 28th day of April, A. D. . . are the father, three rotliers and a sister. Funeral services will be held this Saturday at 0a m. in the Union Mortuary at Bountiful Burial will be in the ' Bountiful cemetery. Notice To Creditors DAVIS COUNTY BANK . - .January 10, 1936. y'. . - bid. . 'Surviving Notice To Creditors H0W ABOUT THE GAS MILEAGE AND. POWER? These troubles can not be corrected with a hammer and chisel; We have the very latest MACHINE TOOLS ... And we know how to use them. Come in. and talk it over with us The cost-will be . . surprisingly LOW. ' e, Jack Mabey, 19, son of William and Nan Briskey Mabey of Peb le, Idaho, died last night of scar-- et ' ' fever. He was born in July, 1916 at Peb Probate and Guardianship Noticed Consult County Clerk Dr .. Respective Signers for . Further Information. CENTERVILLE AUTO REPAIR CO. . . Cor-bridg- , . ' . s, .. . . - of Former Dies .Gov. Mabey V From Scarlet Fever t cial of the South Bountiful was held at the home of Mrs. George Ellis, Friday evening. President Cora Nelson, presided., The assisting hotsesses were, And Mary Green, Ruth Irving,Ruth Tovey. Tommy Mills returned Some from the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake where he had jmgonq an appendicitis operation! Mrs. Amy V. Brown celebrated Irene; Esther and Charles, spent Friday in Bountiful WOODS CROSS Mrs, J. B. Cooley was guest soloist at the meeting of the Wasatch Literary club in Belt Uke on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Anderson 'and Miss Dale Anderson of Tooele spent last week-en- d with Mr. and Mrs. George E. Briggs. Vernal Barlow visited a short time Saturdsy with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jesse H. Barlow. He had .been up through Evanston . And north, then returned to his home again in Vernal. LeGrand Cook has gone te San Francisco, California. . Mrs. Harold Evans and children returned home this week from Meadow, Utah, where ' she had spent, three weeks .visiting 'her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Stott..' Ephraim Bjorklund. Royal Rampton and children left The preparation meeting and so Saturday morning for California, expecting to return to Clearfield with Mrs. Rampton who. has been IS YOUR CAR visiting there for- the past two. Second West, Salt Lake. Friends may call at the White chapel mortuary, Saturday evening and at the chapel Sunday prior to the ser- attend. A daughter was born at the Dee vices. Burial will be In the city hospital, Tuesday to Mr. ahd Mrs. cemetery in Salt Lake. William J. Thornley. Mrs. W. Prescott Dunn and Mrs Howard Adams of Salt Lake spent Wednesday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ellison. . The canning crop association .irfet Earl Egbert, who has been con- in Clearfield, Monday to elect offiJ if fined to bin bed for the past 2 Vi cers. The officers acting last year months with a broken leg suffered were j , in an automobile accident, fell Misses Helen and Afton Adams when attempting to get around the Marjorie Weaver entertained Commissioner County Fred house on crutches last Thursday and of tho Layton ward Gleamembers Rampton and wife are visiting evening and broke his leg over In ner girls Tuesday evening at the in southern California. the sn me brake as the first accident home of their leader, Mrs, G. M. There are still new cases of scar Mr. and Mrs. John Wior from Adams. The evening was Bpfcnt in let fever breaking odt: Ogden were Sunday viistors of games, after which luncheon was Heavy snows during tho past Mrs. Wiers parents, Mr. and Mrs. served. Jessie Robins, president week gave Davis county a total John . was a special guest, Slaughter in Clearfield. precipitation of 1.48 inches. Added Walter Scheonfeld, of Seattle, Miss Venice Doloff of Ogden weeks. to a total of 2.34 inches for the A number of the Sunday school Washington, has been visiting the spent Thursday as guest of Verna first 15 days of January, precipita. month with Mr. and Mrs, King.' stake, board members were visitors past tion for the month reached 3.82 Delbert Wilcox in La Var Ellis and Harold Fullmer' in Clearfield Sunday, E. G. King Syracuso. inches. Davis county also experMrs. Irene Ware and Mr. Joseph wire home from the CCC enmp to spoke on experiences .while on a ienced its coldest day of tho winter with their par- trip to tho Hawaiian islands. He Dowey of Alberta, Canada were sprnd tho week-en- d last Saturday, when tho thermo- married ' in ents. Wednesday Ogden. spoke of their Sunday schools and meter registered zero at 7 a. m. A farm bureau dance will be held Lucer Jean Whitesides, daugh- beautiful chapepls. ' Wo now have red lights displayHollo. Stott of Bingham spent Saturduy night at the Syracuse ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford White-sideed along he ground that remind us amusement hall. is HI at her home with scarlet Sunday as guest' of relatives here; of tho clored lights that hung on Miss Ruth Layton entertained fever. Mrs. Mary Jane Layton has been . wires above during the Christmas Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss ill this week. She is with her daugh Eiias and Willard Mrs. daughter holidays. These lights aro to warn June Chadwick of Idaho, who left rMsi Phoebe Evans. . ter, home at their for Saturday pedestrians that a trench is being leaves soon for a mission. ' Bunco Mr. and Mrs. George E. Briggs after Spending dug in which tho telephono com- was played and dinner served to Pocatello, Idaho, of her two weeks as guest parents, spent Saturday as guests of Mr; pany will place its cable to carry Miss Fern Simmons, Helen and Mrs. Roy Cowen in Clearfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilkefson. its wires under ground through tho Isabella Farkcr, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook of Mrs. D. C. Mosses ot Blackfoot, business portion of Bountiful. Tho Bone, Velma Major, Jessie Page, announce the arrival of cable will start at a point roarly Mrs. Lois Layton, Mrs. Ruth Lay-to- n Idaho, visited this week with her Syarcuse, over to Bishop Bums and continue and Mrs. R. Chadwick. under ground to a point near CharrMs. Lottie Adams was visiting ; ; STATE BANKING; DEPARTMENT les Harrisons residence over with her daughter, Mrs. Doyle ' ! . .State Capitol. . three quarters of a mile. Rampton, on Friday. LAKE CITY UTAH SALT For rent, five roomed modern Cliff Edwards returned the first A "REPORT OP CONDITION OF THE ome, furnished or unfurnished. of the week from Michigan, where . Enquire of M. C. Holbrook, Union he went to purchase a new car. . Furniture Co., Bountiful. Phone 15 Mrs. Clay Adams will be hostess Of Farmington, in the State of Utah, at the close of business on Joe E. Brown in Bright Lights to her bridge club at her home FriDecember Si, 1935 . ... .' this Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 25 day afternoon. " V. ASSETS . .. and 26. Wed. and Thurs. Cowboy Mrs. Irvin Heneger, has been ill 1242,576.83 Loans and discounts Holliday and High Gear. Fri., Sat, for the past week with the flu. 1399v - and Sunday, Scarlet Letter. Rex Christ Burton suffered a fractur- Overdrafts United States Government obligations, direct andjpr fully 'Theatre. ed skull and torn ligaments last 94,027.75 guaranteed Robert Sweeten, father of Mrs. Saturday in an automobile acci- Other bonds, stocks, and recuritics 168,175.50 7,046.00 Heber A. Holbrook, a pioneer of dent near Kaysville. , Ranking house, 37045.00 Furniture and Fixtures, $1.00. 2,251.00 1847, and a pioneer settler of Men-doMr. and Mrs. Eldon Barlow and Real estate owned other than banking house ... 118,035.02 Cache Valley, died at the home Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Manning visit- Cash in vault and balances with other banks . 435.23 Outsido checks and J.... other items cash --of his ' granddaughter, Mrs. Lucille ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. 9,711.35 Other assets at West Point, Sunday. Rasmussen, In Salt Lake, Sunday. He was 95 years old on the 14th Mrs. L. M. Remy, of Salt Lake TOTAL ASSET .... $642,898.14 --of last month. He wag the father visited her mother, Mrs. Dolly LIABILITIES of six sons and five daughters, 8 Brown, on Sunday. of whom survive him. ne and his David Sandall. small son of Mr. Demand deposits, except United States Government de$ 84,073.86 posits, public funds and deposits of other banks son were some of the first settlers and Mrs. Lon Sandall is ill with Time deposits, except postal savings, public funds and de-of Curley valley having located at tonsilitis. 241,510.51 1..., posits of other banks 1 Holbrook, which town was named James E. Ellison spent the week Public funds of States, counties, school districts, oir other . - subdivisions or municipalities after a 131.011.62 Funeral services end in Denver, Colorado. of other banks, including certified and cashiers . . Mrs. Noall Tanner will entertain rwere held in Salt Lake and in Depoits ' 72,507.46 ches outstanding her bridge club today, ' Total of items 1 to 5: . C. W. Stoddard, who has been Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Layton were (al Secured by pledge of Whs ahdlor in- . ill for some time past, is reported last Saturday dinner guests of Mr. None , vestments ' te still be in a critical condition.' and Mrs. James Murdock in Boun. lb) Not secured by pledge of loans apdor Mrs. Henry Clay's sister-in-latiful. . investments .... $529,103.45 Mrs. John Kynaston and son of The Weber central farm bureau TOTAL DEPOSITS ...... (c) I Ogden have returned to their home association held their meeting and !$529,103.45 after a ten day visit in California. social Friday. The following offi- Obligations on industrial advance transferred to tho F.R.B. Mrs. Kynastons husband, who ac- cers were elected: President, Alvin Capital aocount: Common stock, 2J0 shares, par $100 per shhre $ 25,000.00 companied them down, is remain- Wood, with David Layton and Capital debenuturos None Garden Holt, Weber central, presiing there until spring because of ; imrphs 50,000.00 . his health. Undivided Profits net dent, Alvin Stoker, with Loy Wood 31,349.03 Reserves for fontbijjencU Mrs. James Evans, who recently and Philip Forbes, assistants. Lad6,945.66 i suffered a heart attack, was ies farm bureau, President, Mrs. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT thought to be slightly improved at Morris Campbell, with Mrs. Ira last accounts, but Is still a very Waite and Mrs. Ezra Smith. A fine UASin7ES $642,398.14 sick woman. program was rendered and lunch- Ilnitflr, obligations, direct andor fully M. C. Holbrook and wife, who eon served. L. JL None Miss Carol Kerr of Syracuse visATE OF UTAH, spent about ten days on the coast, of Davis, Grant S. Clark, being first Cunty ited in Ogden last week as guest .Arrived home last week-eniT,PdlSw U w' dePses and eays, that he is Vice President Elliott Knighton underwent an of her sister, Mrs. Charles Barnes. rainafni0Jlamcdj8n Rnd Uat the above and foregoing report con- -t S. correct D. Mrs. WilAdams and statement of the condition of the said bank Mrs. for hernia first of the operation the close cf business en the 31 the week, at a Salt Lake hospital liam Day spent Wednesday in, day of December, 1935. GRANT S. CLARK, . He had previously undergone a Farmington visiting their parents, Subscribed and before 0 me 10th day of January, 1938. this jwori Mrs. Mr. and like operation. Charles Boylin. ANK CROFT, Notary Public. 1 I eSeal 1 Call Irvin Melvin and At Wednesday nights meeting Hill shipnnington, Utah. ef the city council Mayor Stocks ped two cars of cattle each from yemnussion will expire February 11 1936, Correct Attest: ' suggested that streets and house Layton to Los Angeles, Thursday , Phil Bennett and one car J. E. ROBINgON, f shipped lighting, a building ordinance proM A. L., CLARK I: Director. from another station. for and viding zoning of the eity R. W. Adams, chairman of the " the collection of light and water A?- tills as projects to be pursued in board of education, and conciliator Commission. of the State of Utah, do 1936. No action was taken but the for this district, returned Monday hereby cert5y thatthls n 0111 i true and correct copy of the atate-0- 1 abovtV.mf ment the from And extended quite suggestions were read into the morning filed in my office on Jan. 15, 1936. Company, R- F. business trip to the coast minutes.. STARLEY, Bank Commisaioner. 1 Mrs. LowanElden returned A. Mr. Mary Henrie Funk, 85, ef Mantl, who died Saturday, was Saturday from the Dee hospital born in Bountiful, in 1850. She She had been under an operation was the daughter of Daniel Henrie for appendicitis. Clarence Smedley, who is attend nd granddaughter of William Henrie who came to Utah with ing school at the A. C. in Logan, is Oar 8rv)ce, Home, and with his the first company of. pioneers. In spending the week-en- d Eqalpmeat Are UaexeeDed the spring of 1851, her parents parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. " were called to colonize Lehl The Smedley, in Clearfield. Mrs. David Weaver honored her writer remembers a Henrie who Licensed Funeral Director and Mortician lived where Harold Hart lives and eon, Grant with a surprise party he opeated a sawmill by his house Wednesday evening. It was his Telephone Bountiful 244 Day or Night n Stone creek. birthday anniversary. Those attend LAYTON DEL" STEYENSON, REPAIRING - day. Miss Bessie Talbot Nephew, ? Insurance Corporation Accredited Depository for Public Funds . January 24, A. D 1936. Foote & Dawson, attorneys, 604 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City Utah. 49-52- -1 ' |