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Show 6 0 O ' . I WEEKLY LAYTON. UTAn, JANUARY 23, 1936 NEWS-EXPRES- . " I Farm Almanac LITTLEdUUUS SNEEZER To Be Distributed By Ford Motor Co. y : (Jee-TH- Publication of a Farm Almanac nd Facts Book which will be distributed to the rural population in U parts of the country was announced today by tho Ford Motor Company. The book is of a convenient .pocket size, containing 48 page. .!.It ij unusual in makeup and content presenting an extensive array of handy tables, statistic! cd . charts for the assistance of the .farmer and business man. Other . sections are designed to; aid rthe : . .farm wife. This first Ford Almanac i pub. lished for 1936 and w now being distributed. It carriAj a readily available calendar on the back cov- & and contain tables showing the timer of rise and set of sun and in all parts of the country evjH-day of the year. Other hely- and interesting astrological .fuj information la included. .Ahiontf the other prominent sce- .licps rf the book are: A .list ef .memorable histeric events for each .day of the year, facts about the univelso,, explanations cf physical phenomena, . list of important festivals and anniversaries for the : year, rules. ftr foretelling weather . conditions, population statistics,' facts and records on farming as an industry, discussion of the farm ef jnn 1 y " t. the. future, information on citizen-- . hiR and .naturalization, a brief . review of the history and develop- went of he United States, dos hnd.donts for use ia emergencies, poisons and their antidotes, instruc tions. for .flower and vegetable gardening, crop . seed lowing in- -, structions a list of places of integ-est tourist, parcel pout ruled and regulations, temperature and rati nf all. chart, dates of killing in frosts all . parts of the country, a table of distances , between ..and . the- principal cities of the , country. ; Sories PR the founding and development of the Ford Motor Com. ;. pany'Und abbUt" the Ford Rouge plant; word pictures of famous .Edison Institute Museum .. and Greenfield quaint villcge, establish-.- .. ed within-- ' a few miles of the Rouge plant, are ether features tt tbs Ford- Farm Almanac. WHYTHJS 50lN WD DAT FEtLOOT HAhDS i CCWTAtVS OO stuff? DROP, IT'S.. 6009 7 WEt-- L ONLY A lOICTIQNARYft: THU BOOK VAGIT DA j ITS IWirtY jFTDLBT CJWAM-tH- Kf DiCticwrY DICTIONARY? QF (MV THAT. TIME! Bt BAKES' . HE- Y- WHERE YA Book-AUflO- ST : i i: iS M -- CENTERVILLE , . A farwel testimonial will be given next Sunday, at 7 p. ra. la theJCjenterville First ward in honor of.Elder Frank Duncan who leaves in the near future for the South African mission. . WNT NKJHTij 7ci3ssrnEDADS' FOR RENT Five roomed mod- em home; furnished or unfurnished. Enquire . of M. C. Holbrook, Union Furniture Co.. BountifuL 49- Phone 15.' d coal FOR hole six . , range in good condition, only Sahle; Clipper office, BountL ... SALE-r-Use- $10.-Joh- n fulor . often fcontributed to tha wTower Tribune, the school publication. .Furthermore, she wqs a very good typist. . Would yo.uJU3t a& ioen pound for 'me S use a pick and shore! in the street?' asked the state directot. Pd rather, the visitor agreed. Then, I have job for you," announced Mrs. Chittenden. different organisations ef the eotin-t- Pvconti ward Wvdnesday evening, Charles Peterson gave satirical The. two" littl J might ere of selections on. his quitar, . . dlyde Mciatprt with the and rlll chkkvnpox. , .Wednesday, Jan. 22, th as$m ly waa presented by the State Safe ty Councl. Mr. Brow, secretary of the council, acted as chairman. He presented Mr. D. K. Rawlings head Xf tho U, P. safety department, who talked on the prevention of ae Parmlngfcn- hospital treatment," she, declared after the details of hqr employment had been fixed up. . ' Patricia may pot writ prigirfal articles for the American: Guide, the gpyeenments forthcoming five volume travel handbook, but she will 'have an important pare, in .preparing .the perfected copy, 'of the writers after the' state her.dquatt-er- s editqrs.havd mqde their correc- egg-capacit- n. J. " ". .To Itecciyc Charter Rutly ThU Friday . home and sea that my fathelr gqts j Camp Number cidents onrailroad property. Cap-,tai- n the .Farmingtoe Sns of the Frier of the State ebad patrol w ill receive their ehavtei; at gave statkiUds On accidents and a deaths for the 'past few year and metting and socinl al'the'amuse-meft- t cautioned the student body en the hall, Friday wening, Jan. . g on the 24th. daggers of main highway. In conclusion twa Thote m ill W musical program 'reels of fnoving pictures, depicting nd presentation of ehnrter undfr of the dangers of earele driving, the- direction of state officers ' the erganization. were shown. Joseph RiVie snd Dr. Wilson will Patricia wai overjoyed. Now. f nan bring t my .mother . Farmington Bay.. Sons - ball team of .company 94.0 .will pTay opening league gqmo agaipat running .order, 458 ie. Gim from. eo"m.ppny 536 in tpe CaH John R. RampJton. Phone Bonn 176-omffifuf Junior high school gyip tjful Both, teams have been ..FOR RENT Four roomed apart 536 ttasium. partly furnished; located M jractiting xegiib.rly fof sometkne, pient mile west of "the Junior high schoet game ihould find on the new highway. The isual weekly program "waji and tonight Enquiro . them matched. ; Bountiful 240-vj)lj leld at'thp Farmingten Fay damp Glen Ingles. 47- two" member! cf this FOR ast Wednesday, Jan. 2nd All who RENT Three roomed, Attended enjoyed thems4vca .very company awufed good job? thro hrfhiei Enquire Woodrow Barlow. 48-mucb The program consisted of a the. training tltey." hail received Thone Bountiful FOR, SALE Hot , Point white reading, Miss. Ruth -- Wood; voral while member of the Civilian Consoo, Earl Staiey.acehfhpanied by servation corps.. Bob Marshall se enameled Electric . range. Very Mrs, Thompson; readihg, .Misn Pe-lo- cured a tractor operator jeb during, good condition you will have to see range to appreciate its value. Bennett; vbiin aolp$arl tlvn Jattcr paft of DociHfuber with tht? lountifuj Light & Power Co. 48-Mrs. the B. V, A. camp in North Farftr Stacey," accompanied SALE-rCo- pd FO.R used- - cooper Thompson; reading.. Miss Ruth in g ton an rihAs beeg, promoted "to clad coal . ; A- -l condition range,. Wood; Vocal sob, Farl Stacey, c a fotemah. During his. period of cheap call at Bouniful ,;i.Light ft companied .by . Mrs. Thompson;' onvollfncnl with. this company h 46- 7 lower Co. rending, Mis.v Delono Bennett; Vo- waa in charge, of the heavy equiproomed FQR. RENTThree cal Boiq, Eqrl Stacey, accoCnpanied ment ef camp IM3. fouso either partly furnished or llemy I'aVry secured a Job with unfurnished- with two stoves end by Mrs. Thompson. I the same oVganizntiof en January lot and eold water. Flora E. Mos 48 da rapu 15. a a cook. Enrolle Tarry, was phone Bountiful 203. . Thursday evening fire first league game between the well trained foe this-jowhile a Farmington. Bay camp, and Bounti- meinlec .of this ednipany, havijig ful camp No. 940 in which the lat served a both cook and mess DESERET. ter was victorious.. sergeant, ' News Notes.JFfom y. phone Bountiful 29-SALE Three year-ol- d Jar Cy do w, heavy tester. Wm. Law- sop, 2nd house So. of Bamberger station, BountifuL FOR SALEMans hard finish dark gray suit, in good Condition; size .about 38 or 4Q, $4.00. Box 308 WoodsCroR. Harry Child 49 FOR SALE Four Charters oil burning iheubators;. in first clase " hitch-hikin- - be in attendance. Before The Public Service Commission Of Utah V Case No. 1832 ... ' 25-R- 2. . " ne Ij " ,. - - The mrmlx'rs ire requested to bring their partners and enjoy qir . evening of entertainment and par.; . . tions: . 7319' ticipate in thl refreshment which The 'Kelly family live3 .at will served after the meeting. Neckel Avenlie .in Dearborn, . ' Vf the' local camp are, Officers is Mr?. KeUy V suffering ; t , Above'-AC". .Hess'," David been has find captain; John W. of In serioul Thb camps basketball team rue the from a iilqess Application 1st Elliott, lieut.; Lewis IJ. Cfyiatt defeat at the game last1 Monday receiving "treatment, at the Hfctiry of the STATE ROAD COMMIS. Ford hospital. Edward KeHy, .the SION OF UTAH for "permission to 2nd lieut.; Owen Klliv 'rctary Jdn, 20th wtih. Beunjiful. Sefconc K. and the reconstruct Ncwel Larsen, treasurer. crossing o'f underpass tvotk Nvardastar teanx. father, who has bqet out tha tracks of the Bamberger Charter members i additioij ho ; three years, .has 4 stonlath malady of Electric .Railroad .Company' en "the officer are: JedediaV Abbott beside heeft The children in" the family made Arrangements have state Road No. 4?, at North Patricia IQ, Robart 14 "arfninton in tMvis County, Utah Cacey P,. Bowen. Archer Brown Dr. 'to have different "Churches Vcpre- George W. Buchanan, "Arfinsa I sented ih presenting h series o and Betty Lou,- 16. NOTICE OF HEARING Clark, Grant S. Clark, Jqseljh'M , programs and religious Services Notice is hereby given that, the Christensen, Nephi-BEl'b, Thad each at the camp! Thofe is 'oregoing' application 'of the .State dus T. Griffith, George A. llcss, o be Sunday 36 East 7th 80. Wasatch 2402" a special Utah speaker and ho. will for toad Comniissiqn of Milton Willard Howard Hess, Hess, to" reconstruct th& undorr furnish hb own program, Your loved ohes desire the beetc . . . the B. Hellewell, Parley P. Jensejt; Jupass crossing of the tcaoks ofCom-an, especiallv when it costs no nova y lian Miller, Erafcat Parrish, Rulon Jatnborger Electric Railrodd '. SENIOR. MEETING.- Thq sec6nd league gam la .to on State Road No. 49, at F. Richards, Arvill O. Smith, Ira take place next Thunsday evening SOrth Farmington in 'Davis County R. Steed, Horate L.. Steed, John at the Clover. camp between. camp ' .prineipal, .Morgan,, Eighteen-yearToL- d Patricia Kelly tftah, will be heard before the H. Steed, 71 eber J. Ss3ion, Emil 530 and the Clover team. senior meeting of Commission at 'its office, 303 State petite, blortd, afid casy to look at, called the first. F.' Spackman, Jan. 21. The Capitol, "Salt Lake City., Utah, on St;evensoh,.G?6rga" recently introduced herself at De- the year, Tuesday, David Monroe Sill, Forest ' J. Tal'. . JanLast Sunday,. Jan." 19, Chaplain ; THAT BOY re29th to ef the day Wednesday, troit headquarters of tha Works purpose of the .meeting was bot, Frank Udy, James R. Udy, Wayne Behnion. child 10:QQ on what n.ot Whore" tall Its . at 1936, you commencing spake fbr view the requirements gradua- uary, Thomas W. W&ntetk, John. R. Am. I Going." , Progress Administration by de- - tion a. were solos . ho result thinkfas a bull, oclock, m, what, . students. senior pf tho, ' s manding. a job as foreman ef 4 Walsh, Horace Van Fleet. . offered , areading and a piano solo' your word, not id much! what you By erder of the Commission. Tl VV pick and shovel Dated pt'Salt Lake City,- Utai, were also presented. do iojr him hut what he does for .. j. .She was withingang. " '.his 18th day of January, 1936. her right, too. but l.imself, not the' impression, . THEODORE E. TIIAIN. Under tho rqles, one member of "deter.it" " reaction' he that upon On Thursday," Jan. 16, th.e an V Acting Secretary. . a family has 4 right to take the mines his 'development. Friends of Mrs, Or Stoddard held in was football nual banquet place-oanothec who has been callSomeone wanted to ,closq the Brown of Salt Lake City prill be The law. of growth ik activity. . . . the "new cafeteria. ' ed to work and is ill. All as in the normal child. by nature is full The Brown eighties to MrS. .learn that mtent.offjce pleased Coach Worthington .presided as Here i an order,' calling father demises were is abtor of thought, movement, bubbling oyer, with saving Very "satisfactorily toasts recovering were master toast and given to work, she said. He cant come in about 50 after an operation for appendicitis to suppress, him is then in. life and be Since to D". K. Dr. Mx acjion.' Barnes, Morgan, He is going to the hospital Moth- by inventions been . have more last week. yct.qel but stupjd. It re . .Orval W. Thurgood, 43,. son of er is in- the hospital now and I Ciach Millet, "Mr. Lynn- Hales, Su years comfort human little out wise for of Mr. co.Alice, the training of the highest brought .daughter Samuel and Martha Tolmari Thur- quires have two brothers and a sister to, perintendent H. C. Burton, and in L. S. Riee. uhclerwent an than and allprcceeding'end.Mrs. progress good, formerly vof Bountiful died type. This, unrestrained energy look out for t read in the paper captains, Nejson Behling and Char- centuries. so-- 1 need most we' Now a operation Tuesday for appendicitis today at his home in West". Point, that is so objectionable to most that one member of a family could les Clark. lot will She is recovering1 very satisfactory thi that dal adjustment Rematks were also make by the after, several yearn illness with adults la the raW material out of substitute for another in WPA Which character and joeals 'are S. Mrs. Clark Mr. and benefits the possiGrant. greatest, please, that were elec heart trouble. work. Let me have my dads place" two new left over the the meantime In the ble morning number. Thursday. Dee White lie married Susie Singleton April formed and often the destiny of As foreman' of a pick and shovel. ted during the evening: purpose and sides and Alma Parks. Miss June inventive "genius will Still be at Union Pacific train, The Challeng- 14, 1921, in the Salt Lake temple. the child. It. gang working in the street." gasp Wood aim! of the church and Sunday Los to for er," Angeles, California, work. vocal .selection an a. gave. Surving are the following chil ed the official. enjoy a .vacation. Their plana are dren: Lola Lawrence. Blaine; his schoolas well as thohome as far the bariquet a dance was held. after The girl nodded, suppressing her indefinite as 'time away as "possible toa engage his interest . parents, of Syracuse; the follow as tears, her "handkerchief lo direct his conduct in uch a to and do tightly considerable they expect brothers and sisters: . Jeppson assemblies knotted in her hand. The mirrtage of Miss Juanita cal traveling throughout the south ing that he will want to live out way Thurgood, West Point; Lorin Thur If you dont want to make me Friday,. Jan; 17, the Junior class Terril of this place and Bernard West. . day. by day the principle of hongood Thurgood, Syracuse;- Mrsi a foreman," she suggested, just took place of Thomas Farmington, Miss Deloris Robinson entertain Willard Sin-- esty clean living and self control. presented' the first pep" assem home pf Mr." and Mrs.. II. S. ed her bridge club Monday evening Ilyrum Bennett, Mrs. the at give me a shoveL hot send your boy or girl to be by any class. gleton, Delbert Thurgood, Mrs to Why Bishafternoon. What experience hive y 0 ever blyMuch sponsored Mrs. of Terril, the. at Wednesday homo her sister, Sunday school next Sunday. pep was created from Ray Dahl, of West Point; Mrs. La the had with a shovel? asked the ofperformed, Wesley Bountiful. Golden Tingey in op Sunday school 1:30 ium. Stringham, Vern Thurgood, Syracuse. , talk by Knewell Rushforth, U. o ficial quizzically. The couple will- make . Mo. and Mr. Vincent Hoggs and ceremony. Preaching service every nd. and U. athletp and former Davis stu uFneral services will be belt . home at Patricia was not in a mood for 4th Farmington. their Mr. left Sundays, 11:30. . Spackmaft Tuesday Lloyd dent; twn piano duets by Raymonc this for Flini, Michigan,, to drive home Sunday at 2 p. m. in the West Pratf visited, Mrs. Amol The childrens clbsS, Saturday joking. Clark an dWesley Day; a song in Layton chapel," with BiJhop A. R. c Ijer mother, a pew automobile.home week at IVe often shoveled eeaf htd troduced last th 10 a. m. Will . visit morning They Cook in charge. Interment will pe year by the Btuden Mrs. Nettie ur furnace, she insisted. 7:30 class Linga. On her retuvn with a sister at Cambridge, Ne- in tho West Teen, age Wednesday and Point cemetery. body president is her to little m. school. Come to . .ton had better go home anf Preston, daughter1 braska enroute. . . Sunday p. . this yeab by the sophomore class ' J. W. Ware of jie Layton TnWn H : to undergo an Operation. wait for an opening in a woman's The senior class presents their Co. .940 Mrs. Ester Middleton of Notting Mrs Orvil Leek had as vbitori board, renewed a request that the project," the official advised. pep" assembly Friday, Jan. 24. e . Mrs. hqm, Eng., set aside $10,000 in her towH oT need work now," the girl'prq-- This Tuesday, her sister, be granted. $1,00, iyton A fire drill was held Tuesday will for the care of her two pet assembly proves to be very Fletcher and Miss June Sfieefc,of'Mtea 0 the prqsbnt .$l,00p, for forty-thre- e testdd, and I bplieve that I am unique and entertaining. p C&tfl evening prior to the . Lake Salt entitled to it under your fules.1 City. com .The . Ifire.dep'artmenX expense Thq theme is a baby show anc program. The occupant of 4 Since you insjs," admitted the Kay Smith, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. missioners explained nothing could Night each bed the five Davis babies come thru Neslon in each of the barracks to called been ha ver Smith, official, IU have to talk this e done at present because the bud s with flying colors. Miss Merlene given a definite duty at defido missionary work in Australia. with somebody." :: has already been prepared. get to also dance Clark nite b going a definite place, and at tap adduty honor of Frank in testimonial A The official conference brdught A delegation of this drill an the rest of the time will be was in held order to train -' and Mrs. Wal- with Preston Thatcher of Bountiful ! Mrs. Cecil R. Chijttenden, Michigan ii Duncan, so nof in practicing yelb. the members of this company what ter Duncan, will be held Sunday, acting as spokesman, appeared state director of Federal .Writers spent to do in case a fire really Ihould , ex26, at 7 p. m. He has been " . January . the projects, on the scene. One glance commissioners, county . out. . break F.F.A, mission. to African called the from Patricias blue eyes, and she Monday, relative to the completion . Miles hill has been set aside as and dedication of the Memorial capitulated. at 7:30 p. m. the basket ; County farm bureau held their a I bet she can do fiiore than annual Beigh hill for he children. Stop court house. All of the American Thursday at Davis county meeting shovel coal into a furnace," Mrs. signs have been installed for sofe- - egion posts of the county not g Nephi Palmer and wife are In high school, Saturday, Jan. 18. . Chittenden ventured. ty. California. was no action represented, uDring the afternoon a program ;; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lacson en- taken Yes, Patricia could. Sha was a Mrs. Dan Miller returned from by the commissioners. The held and reports given by the pras in honor tertained school evening Sunday her court visit in be done to work yet graduate of Fordson high on the California. : of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barber. louse includes plastering and dec Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burnham ! ; ; 11 Michigan was played by the guests orating the veterans room tqulp are back from their trip to the after which refreshments were ing a kitchen and removal of the coast. served. All enjoyed the evening. . . Mrs. Whitney Smith who had present heating plant from the vetMembers of the Thomas Tingey erans been in the home returned hospital quarters. 8ASIS7ACTI0X IS HOW many Members of the Thomas Tingey J. D. Woods eondition ls last week, are Jadge fttftaftftfti w ew w family o'f Salt Lake City, Ogden reported practically unchanged. He . Paschal L. Boyer atrial for the ! put dragging themassured only where the;; selves around, ail and this vicinity met at the home is able murder of Blanch Nelson of Sonth at times to sit In a tired out with periof Mr. and Mrs. Gordon nalvor-se- but is confined to his bed most of Bountiful was set Best of Supplies are used, j j ; Monday to odic weakness and Saturday evening and held the time. March 17th. Min? They should Permanent waving know that Lydia their quarterly geneologic&l meetDelbert Green, who was to bo Walter Hampton returned home E. Pinkhams Tab-leing, after all business was transact last week from California where executed this Friday was granted A SPECIALITY ed the meeting was turned into relieve ' peri-odhe had visited with his two sons a repriveuthe day before the execall .. Pot all appoints pains and dismiscellaneous shower in honor of and their families. cution was to have taken place. h. . comfort. Small size only 25 cents. Keith Tingey, son of Mr. and Mrs. v t ' Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danville, C. Illinois, says, I had no ambition Wiley Tingey, of Grsy, Idaho, who . . and was terribly nervous. Your Tab- has been called to the southern lets helped my periods and built me states mssion. He received many Maximum Insurance up. Try them ne month.' lovely and useful gifts. Keith is Licensed . known well the For Each Depositor among I young jj people here, a she is a graduate of Davis high schooL 22S-- J PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD CZCUL.. TE1XZCOHS 1D-1BOUNTIFUL, OTAR The Daughters and Sons o:f -- Pioneers banquet at Centerville tlttl9C$S$ifrC$S to-.th- neat-Detroit- , MORIUARf; " Congregational Conimuin tyChuiTh u . r i e . ! '.. - . are-Willia- - DA VIS. HIGH- pen-missio- h SCHOOL NEWS. - , IRISH EYES l Mr.-Samue- Coffee & RoD " OF-MIN- 10c yo-u- i " l : - football banquet! , Two-voca- - . FARMINGTON Orval W. Thurgeed Son of Sam Thurgood Dies at West Point , f ... - - 10c Chili - STALEY'S LD H C Q . . " is-th- CENTERVILLE e U-the- e - , - - 1 - t . , - A Bank Account With a record of more than Headquarters ,,I 'All-cam- " POME WHERE ARE , be-o- re bank ' .- . ..SURE OF Satisfaction;; be-n- ;mhi h mft YOUR tired, worm out, no nuniTion vantages of ample resources and perienced service. Davis County BOUMOL BAL The Federal Depcrit Inranuica Washington, D. ' WIHIHHIIIIIIIHW STATE DEPOSITS INSURED u Phone FARMINGTOU tt Wttf enr ic Beauty Shoppe Bank at "uxnoonn n. Virginias its customers the SMEDLEWS J BARBERSHOP Layton, Utah this affords years GEORGE W. GRAHAM 1 55(100 MORTICIAN T t lIHUtKwLUiNN. CzJ. ;S |